August 29
Moments before the Alien POV
Just before midnight Jeff & Jordan left the SS room thinking BB had called them to get ready for the POV comp but it was actually Kevin playing a trick on them...they're all in the kitchen except for Michele who is in the bathroom...Natalie is cracking up laughing that Jeff actually believed it...Jeff is jumping up and down saying he's ready, let's do this!...Kevin says he's sorry but they did it because he's all paranoid and they thought it would be funny...Kevin is cracking up too, he says it was Natalie's idea.
Jeff says he's stretched and ready to go...they head back to the RR, SS room area...Kevin keeps laughing saying that Jeff said to him "come here you little shit" :tongue: Jeff says he was rarin' to go, he was already standing and had his shoes on.
Kevin & Natalie are changing clothes and Jeff says he thinks that they are going to be given clothes, he thinks it won't be cold outside, it was 100 degrees earlier...Jordan says you never know, it might be cold out...Jeff says ya, he will get a sweater, it's best to be prepared...Jeff says that his Ma says that, "you can always take it off"
They talk about how maybe they can help each other during the comp, Natalie says of course, she's on their team until the end 🙄
Jeff loses the POV - he knows he gawn
I have been dreading doing this series of flashbacks 😭 I haven't watched the entire thing since it happened back on that dreadful day...
Just after the 3:05am mark the feeds return from Trivia...the comp is over, Jeff is in the SS room pacing, he goes to the kitchen, gets a wine glass and a bottle opener and heads back to the SS room...he opens the wine bottle he had stashed in his drawer, sighs and pours himself a huge glass of wine...he puts on his hoody and sits down on the stairs, puts his head in his hand and then drinks...
He puts his wine down and thinks...
He drinks again and thinks again. He whispers to himself "f**k" and then something inaudible...he gets pensive again...Jeff takes another sip of wine and says "fu**in'" something inaudible again, he keeps looking down and is in shock, it's hitting him that he is most likely going home, he is probably going over the comp in his mind wondering what went wrong...he keeps drinking and looking down...
Jeff holds onto his St. Anthony necklace, then leans back and says "omg, are you fu**ing kidding me right now?" ...he keeps drinking and looking down...he gets up and says "fu**ing bitch, f**k don't do this to me"...he gets something out of his drawer and puts it in his pocket and then sits back down, swirls his wine, drinks and keeps looking down...he takes another sip and does this for a minute...
He then stamps his feet and says "oh my goodness", he finishes his glass of wine...he is still pensive and breathing heavily...he sighs and puts his face in his hands again...
He pours himself more wine and drinks...he gets called to the DR…
Jeff is upset/Jordan is sorry
Jeff goes into the SS room after leaving the DR...Jordan, who has been sitting in the RR with Natalie, follows him in there telling Natalie she has to go talk to Jeff.
Jordan says "hey"
Jeff says "what's up?"
Jordan says "I'm sorry"
Jeff says "it sucks"
Jordan whispers something inaudible...
Jordan sits on their bed and says "I'm really sorry"...Jeff says "me too" and keeps drinking his wine, he sighs...Jordan says she didn't think Michele had got it...Jeff says he did...Jordan says Natalie almost had it...Jeff says yeah, she was a minute behind 🤨 what are you talking about? Natalie beat him by 6 seconds...Jeff fills his glass again.
Jeff bitterly says "final four (referring to Jordan) you want some wine?"
Jordan says "I know you're mad"
Jordan leaves and sits in the RR with Natalie who of course goes right back to the game talk 🤨 ...Jordan says she feels so bad because Jeff has to go to the jury house and Russell will be all over him...Natalie thinks it will be ok, it's just a game...Jordan asks Natalie why Kevin didn't keep his word? ...Natalie starts to explain why...Jordan says they wanted to bring Natalie with them...Jordan says this sucks...Jordan says she wants to campaign for them to keep Jeff because she will be gone anyways...Natalie asks Jordan why she is saying that?...Jordan makes her argument for Jeff staying...Natalie says she's with Jordan, she thinks it's silly of her to say that.
Jordan says she feels bad because she pushed to get Russell out and keep Kevin & Natalie and then Jeff was rooting for Kevin to win the HOH and Jordan didn't really care (about winning) and now Kevin did this to Jeff and now "psycho" stays.
Jordan once again says she wants Jeff to stay...Natalie & Jeff could make it to the final 2, she has a better chance with him...Natalie says she doesn't want Jordan to give up this opportunity...Jordan says she won't win anything, she feels bad because Jeff got out Jessie & Russell, he took out all the big competitors, if it wasn't for Jeff she wouldn't have made it this far...they talk a bit more game and then Jordan says she doesn't know, she has to talk to Jeff about it.
Jordan says she feels awful. 🤕
They talk a bit more about the comp and the game and then Jordan leaves to talk to Jeff...
Jordan is the sweetest person Jeff’s ever met
Jordan joins Jeff in the SS room again...she says hmm...Jeff says what?...Jordan says are you ok?...Jordan sits down by Jeff on the rafts and says "ok listen, umm, I think I'm going to tell everybody to vote me out, keep you"...Jeff tells Jordan to shut up...Jordan says she can't win any of these and he's a better competitor...Jeff says "Jordan, that's not the game...go with Michele and go as far as you can"...Jeff says no one is going to vote her out so go with Michele and get as far as you can, if she can sneak into the finals, she's going to win, so at least do that, do something.
Jeff goes over what Jordan needs to do, make a deal with Natalie, Kevin is going out next week, go over the HOH's and POV's, study those, her and Natalie do the numbers he taught her then you and Natalie get Michele out and you will be final 2...Jordan says if Jeff is there...Jeff interrupts her saying that it's over, he had his chance, he lost...Jeff says no one will get Jordan out, they won't care about getting her out, they will get Kevin & Michele out, sneak into the finals, study her shit and win a big one, that's all she needs, she just needs to win one...(his thoughts were right on point!)
I cried watching this when it happened, watch on Cam 4 to see a close up of Jordan's face, she looks so precious looking at Jeff give her advice...
Jeff says no one will get Jordan out...Jeff goes over what should happen, sneak into the final 3, study her shit every day with Natalie, go over the numbers they went over and do it every day with her and...get your mom a house :) cuz if you get to the finals you might just win (eerie how this exact thing happened)
Jordan feels bad if Jeff has to go to the jury house...Jeff says wtf is he gonna do? he got all these fu**ing assholes out of the house for all these fu**ing assholes to stay and win, he's so pissed, he had to put him that mofo, whatever, he's not going to bitch, he lost, it hurts, move on.
They talk about what went wrong with the Alien comp and where they got stuck...Jeff says it wasn't his game, it sucks he went out like that...Jeff says Jordan better win, he will kill her if she doesn't win, stay strong and win, they will go over the numbers, they don't deserve to win, he goes over yet again what she needs to do to make it to final 2, he says it's pretty simple to know what's going on in there.
Jeff feels like he's dreaming...Jordan says she feels like it's her fault...Jeff says he never depended on her, it's not her fault at all...Jordan says she could have gotten Kevin out, she explains why Kevin didn't keep his word...Jeff says that Kevin isn't sad he's gone but what's sad is Kevin is gone the next week...Jeff tells her what Jordan needs to do, it's not hard but she needs to use her mind for 2 seconds, use her head and she could win the money, win a half a million dollars if she thinks for 2 seconds...Jeff says no one is gunning for her, he already told her what she has to do, just do it.
Jordan gets up to get her blanket...she returns...she starts saying that she thought Jeff had won the comp because he seemed to come back into the house quicker...Jeff says he knew he lost, he was climbing the walls in here, he knew Michele would win because she stares at the wall every day, she has a mind for that.
Jordan looks absolutely gorgeous here looking at Jeff, her sadness for Jeff is evident along with how much she cares for him...
Jordan says Natalie was telling her about how the POV holder is what matters next week...Jeff says good luck, he doesn't even know what she's saying right now...Jeff says that he has to sit in the fu**ing house for the next 2, 3 weeks...Jeff says he doesn't even want to be there, he just wants to leave, obviously he's not gonna...
Jeff says to be honest he was already counting that money, he thought he was ahead, that was his problem, he was getting cozy upstairs, he was counting the money and he lost, that's exactly what happened...he thought he had all the angles worked out...
Jordan says that if Jeff stays over her, he will win...
Jeff says "Jordan, these people want to win too, it's not like...I appreciate the gesture, you're the sweetest person I've ever met but these people want to win too...if I win they have less of a chance, they're not gonna keep me here, I appreciate the gesture but to be honest with you, you have a chance...because you're not the fu**ing target"
Jeff says he would like to see one of them put Jessie up, put Russell up, sure, not even for a million they wouldn't do it...Jordan says Russell was coming after him anyways...Jeff says he only has one person to blame and that's himself, he didn't win and that's all, it's nobody else's fault but mine, his choices were right, his decisions were right, he lost today...Jordan says she tried but she got stuck on two...Jeff says it wasn't her game to win, it was his, he got got, it was a good game move by Kevin, he would have done the same...ultimately Kevin will be gone next week, he gawn.
Jeff says Michele got exactly what she wanted, not HOH this week and won the POV which is what he wanted, he got caught sleeping, it wasn't what he expected at all, he got caught looking at the final 2, exactly what he didn't want to do...f**k!
Jeff knew it - bad vibes
Jeff says they could re-do that comp 10 times and Michele would beat him every wasn't his game, it wasn't meant to be, hopefully this game will bring him something on the outside...Jordan says it definitely will...Jeff says he hopes...Jordan says she thinks America loves Jeff. Jeff says he has to keep faith alive...
Jeff says "aw man, that money was spent, I don't even have a penny left, f**k! greedy mofo...told you all that bad fu**ing karma today, I knew it! I fu**ing knew it before he competition, I swear to God I did...all those fu**ing bad vibes with the greedy shit, those fu**ing stories you were telling's not your fault at's just when I get like a bad, fu**ing vibe creepy feeling, I know I lost...I wasn't picturing myself like I do in that winner chair...I kept putting it into my head that I was the winner but I wasn't feeling right...when I was locked in here I was like a fu**ing animal climbing around, I was like f**k! I lost, God, I knew it, I knew it...I got beat, it's tough to fu**ing swallow"
Jordan says this sucks...Jeff says after all the work he did, to be honest he wouldn't have made it this far if it wasn't for America giving him that power so it doesn't matter...Jeff says the sun will come up tomorrow and he has to swallow this fu**ing pill, it's not going down, he's telling Jordan that.
Jeff swears again and says this was the week...Jordan asks Jeff if he wants her to rub his back?...Jeff says no, he wants to go outside and have a cigarette...Jordan asks if he wants her to let him be?...Jeff says no, it doesn't matter, she can do whatever she wants.
Jeff says they are getting some sweet shit next week, the final 4 is a big deal...whatever, he's going to Hawaii, f**k y'all...he looks at Jordan...he says he's just joking...Jeff says why couldn't it have been a stupid carnival game, he's good at those.
Jeff hands Jordan his Aurora hat and says "here Jordo, I don't know how much more you're gonna get"...Jordan puts the hat back on the steps and says she can get it in the jury house...Jeff says keep it! you've gotta wear something to represent.
Jeff tells Jordan to get her tears out now but she can win this, for her not to think she can't for a second because she can, he knows she can, she just has to focus for 2 weeks. :) Jeff talks about his black shirt and how everything he did felt weird today, there were no good vibes...
Jeff says he honestly thought they (J&J) were going to do it, he really did...Jeff says to Jordan that anything is possible, do what he said and she will get to the final 2...Jeff gets up and says he wishes it was tomorrow and he was outta sit there all week and get patronized, he hates that shit.
Jeff leaves to go to the bathroom...Jordan gets teary eyed...😪
Jeff dreads the jury will feel like hell
Jeff returns from going to the bathroom, he puts on chapstick, sits back down, sighs and says "I can't believe I have to go to the fu**ing jury house with everyone I sent home"...Jordan says she was 98% positive that they would have made it to final 2...Jeff says maybe that was their problem, this was the week they needed a big win, they didn't do it, my bad...
Jeff swears to God that he feels like he's dreaming...Jordan says she's not going to be able to sleep tonight...Jeff says he's not planning on it, he wants to go outside...
Jeff says he'll tell Jordan what, they better pack the crowd (audience) with hot chicks and signs and rip roar it up for him, he wants to go out with a bang...Jordan says he'll definitely get himself some hot chicks, he won't have a problem with that...Jeff says he's just fu**ing around...Jordan says he won't have a problem...Jeff repeats he's just fu**ing around...(interesting to hear what Jordan says here...did she mean herself? wink, wink)...she says "but...if I do win, you're getting hooked up with more than just Bear's season's tickets...that's a promise". 😉
Jeff says he will help Jordan this whole week because he really has nothing else to do...Jordan says he deserves to be here over her...Jeff says that's not the game...Jordan says she knows if Jeff stays he will win...Jeff says it's not true, everyone has their cards to play, play hers and everything he taught her and told her about her mind, to use it...they get quiet...
Jeff says the beach house is going to suck, it will be awesome but, the trio is going to suck, Russell won't do shit because he'll be so happy to see him, he'll say "what's up buddy?" and they will laugh at who got Jeff out, it will be their celebration because the only person they want to see walk through that door is's almost worse than leaving the house, at least he can tell people what he really thinks about them.
Jeff tells Jordan to study every day, her goal is to get to the final 3...make Natalie her friend, stick with her, be friends with Michele and then f**k her if she has to, get close to both of them and get to final 2.
Michele comes in and says she thought they were sleeping, do they mind if she sleeps there, they say no...Jeff says "congratulations Michele, you won fair and square, I was just a little fired up"...Michele wants to hug it out so they do...Jordan says she did good...Michele says she is sorry...Jeff says she would have beaten him 10X in a row in that type of comp...Michele says she wasn't cheering because she knew what it meant...Jeff says it sucks...Michele says try to have fun this week...Jeff says he will have more fun in the house than in the jury house with the people he sent home, it's like murdering a bunch of people and then going to hell and seeing them all.
Jeff pours himself the last bit of wine from the bottle and says Michele can go to sleep, he's going to be up all night bitching at himself, he leaves...Jordan asks Michele if she wants her to shut off the light?...Michele doesn't know what to say, she was going to go to bed because she thought everyone else was...Jordan says she's not, she was talking to Jeff, she's going to go out there...she leaves...Michele makes a weird "F**K You" hand motion and shuts off the lights...
Jeff is playing solitaire/Jordan is sad on the green chair
Jeff is playing solitaire at the kitchen table...Jordan goes over to the kitchen area and says it's 4:30...Jeff says he's not going to bed, he wishes he could pass out...she fiddles around and then asks Jeff if he thinks they will open it up soon? (the BY)...Jeff wishes but he doubts it, from here on out, he doesn't know shit...Jordan then stands by the table and says that Jeff keeps moving, he keeps moving places around here...Jordan goes back to the kitchen area and says she wants to scream right now...Jeff says it won't do any good right now, zip, zero.
Jordan looks at the picture wall again and realizing Jeff is not exactly talkative, she goes back to the RR and talks to Natalie.
Cam 1/2 Jeff
Cam 3/4 Jordan/Natalie
Jordan tells her that Jeff is not really talking and she feels like she is following him, she says it's the worst...Jordan fears what Russell is going to do or say to the same time Natalie is telling her that she thinks Russell will have cooled off by then, Jeff is saying "get fu**ing real" 😑
Natalie & Jordan talk about the Alien comp and how they messed up and then they start talking game...Jordan tells Natalie what Jeff told her about sticking with Natalie...Natalie tells Jordan that they were talking upstairs and Jeff has no chance of staying...Jordan lays out exactly what Jeff told her about sticking with her and then discarding Michele when she needs to, meanwhile Jeff is in the kitchen playing angry solitaire...
Jordan & Natalie finalize their deal and talk about upcoming comps...Jordan tells Natalie that Jeff said it wasn't his competition and that he wants her to study hard, he means it...she tells her now she knows how it feels when Jessie left...Natalie tells Jordan to enjoy her last week with Jeff, have fun with him, don't argue...Jordan says she will, she doesn't think Jeff wants to talk game anyways.
Cam 1/2 goes off Jeff @ the 4:48am mark and onto Michele who is in the GR.
LOL at this part...Jordan says she's going to buy Jeff season's tickets to the Bears, she doesn't know why but she feels so bad for Jeff...Natalie says she felt bad for Jessie but Jordan needs to worry more about herself...Jordan says yeah, you never know if when you leave here, if you're ever going to talk to him again🙄
They talk some more game and then Jordan goes to sit on the green chair in the LR. She is sad.
Jeff comes out of the bathroom, gets himself a drink, sees Jordan sitting there but just keeps playing his loud and angry solitaire...
Just after 5am...Cam 1/2 is on Jeff/Cam 3/4 goes off of Jordan onto Michele in the SS room pacing/Jordan enters soon after
Jordan walks by Jeff to go to the bathroom...she heads back towards the room and says goodnight to Jeff saying she's going to sleep in the SS room ok?...Jeff says goodnight and ok...Jordan gets in bed, Michele is in there...she tells her that she feels bad because Jeff got out all the big players in this game and she knows he wanted to make it to the final 4, she tells her Michele won fair and square...Michele tells Jordan that if Russell had stayed Jeff wouldn't have been leaving this week...Jordan says nothing...
Jeff bows his head down on Cam 1 and keeps mercilessly shuffling cards...
@ the 5:13am mark Jeff looks up at the picture wall and stares at it...🥺 covers his face with his hands and just stares, shakes his head, smiles and says "you gawn" 🥺
BB opens up the BY and Jeff claps and says "thank you for the nice/last (?) hurrah", he gets up to go get Jordan...♥
It’s destiny, it’s written in the stars
BB finally opens up the BY and Jeff immediately goes to the SS room to ask Jordan if she wants to come outside?...she does...she gets her blanket and mic while Jeff bangs a pack of cigarettes loudly while walking to the kitchen...he waits for Jordan there, he asks her if she couldn't sleep and then sees that she has been crying, he says "awww" and Jordan smiles as she walks past him...they head outside...
Inexplicably feeds 1&2 go to some psychedelic "we'll be right back" screen, video of J&J is cut off but audio is still heard. On Cam 1, they briefly show Jeff returning inside to look for something in the trash can (?) and as soon as he goes back outside, that feed gets cut off again.
Jeff says to Jordan "there's better days for me ahead"
Jordan is heard sniffling 😪
Jeff trying to make Jordan feel better says "make sure you count those" lol (referring to counting everything in the house)...Jeff laughs...
Jordan half-heartedly laughs...
After some silence Jeff says "don't make me sad"
Jordan says "I'm mad!"
Jeff says "at what? we got got? look how far we got, we didn't even think we'd make it to the jury house...Jordan, I'm telling could win, it was your time, not mine, mine's coming"
Jordan says "for what?"
Jeff says "I'll get mine, don't you worry about me"
Jordan says "I told you, if I win, I'm getting you more than just Bears' tickets"
Jeff says "you pay for Hawaii" (Jeff in a roundabout way did admit here that he would take Jordan to Hawaii, lol)
Jordan says "I owe you, I definitely owe you"
Jeff says "don't worry, you don't owe me nothing"
Jordan says "mmm, hmm"
Just after the 5:20am mark finally Cam 2 comes on showing J&J...Jordan is still crying, Jeff is smoking...
Jeff says he wouldn't change a thing, he would do everything he did...Jordan wipes her eyes...Jordan says that just had to be the veto, it was made for Michele...Jeff thinks that just happens to be the order, BB doesn't play favorites...Jeff says it came down to something he's not good at...Jeff says "but I have other qualities"...Jordan smiles 😊
Jeff says he can't be the best at everything...Jordan says if Natalie would have just beat her...Jeff says they weren't trying...Jeff tells Jordan she needs to play the game, play it for 2 weeks and she'll get a nice check either way.
Jordan starts crying again...Jeff lays out the plan on how Jordan can make it to final two, to stick with both Michele & Natalie, get Kevin out, play both sides...she has a good chance to win, for sure, but she can't lay down, she has to study her shit, don't let someone else control her destiny...Jordan bites her nails and is really struggling to hold it together here, she is holding back major tears...🥺
Jeff says that if it comes down to America's vote, she is for sure going to win and he'll do some persuading in the jury house...tears keep flowing from Jordan...
Jordan tells Jeff that at first she thought it might be the comp where they need to eat gross stuff but then she knew it wasn't, the only thing she hoped it wasn't was the faces comp and sure enough she walked out there, freakin' A!...she says she had been studying the wall...Jeff says him too...Jordan says it was harder because it was aliens...Jordan says she knew Jeff didn't do good because she could see it on his face...Jeff says he knew he didn't either, he was climbing the walls in there...he knew he was fu**ed, he knew Michele would win it, it wasn't his thing...Jeff says it comes down to that, POV's and HOH next week and things like that.
Jordan says she's going to be so bored...Jeff says 2 weeks? you can handle it, we came this far...Jordan says Jeff is the only one she talks to...Jeff says if he can handle 2 weeks with those fu**ing assholes then she can handle 2 weeks here, think about the big picture, think about your ma and helping her...then he says...
★★"It's destiny, it's written in the stars, I believe were here to meet me, I wasn't here to win and my time will come"★★
Jeff pep talks Jordan
After Jeff tells Jordan his destiny comment, he tells her she needs to stay positive...
(the feed operators were seriously sleeping the BB music comes on with J&J video still visible but then they cut to the control room with J&J audio still audible 🙄 ) then...
Cam 2 is now on Jordan...she looks so pretty here, her eyes are so glossy & sparkly..
Jordan says she wonders how much money is in that bag...Jeff says he'll take it whatever it is...Jeff says he got a lot whatever it is...Jeff says it all came so fast, it's tough to swallow...Jordan says she feels bad because she had the chance to get rid of Kevin and she didn't...Jeff says he wouldn't change anything, he had the chance to win and he didn't...Jordan says that Michele told her in the room that if they would have kept Russell that Jeff still would have been here...Jeff says nah, what if, what if...Jordan says no he wouldn't have, it would have been the same outcome.
Jeff says he always does this but tells himself he shouldn't, he gets ahead of himself and he did, he was counting the money thinking that nothing was going to stop him now...Jordan feels bad that Jeff has to sit in the jury house...Jeff says he hopes it's miserable because that means good times are coming, it just sucks because that's exactly what they want and they're already going to have a Jeff party going...Jordan tells Jeff that Natalie said Russell will probably be over it by the time Jeff gets there...Jeff says Russell, if anything, will be happy to see Jeff there which means he didn't lose to the eventual winner.
Jeff says he controlled his own destiny, he didn't win, it's his fault nobody else's that he's going home...Jeff says Jordan has a good chance of winning this thing...Jordan says if Kevin is gone she might...Jordan says she won't stay close to him, she's pissed at him...Jeff says what are you going to do, he says if he could play it again, he would pretend his arms didn't work until week 9...Jordan says the people left haven't really won anything...Jeff says he blames himself first, he controlled it and he lost.
Jordan thinks Russell planted it in Kevin's head that her, Jeff & Michele had a final 3...Jeff says he would bet his stipend that he will see Kevin next week. (wrong! lol)
Jordan starts crying again 😭...Jeff says at least they had the money thing today...he got got but he got tan, he had a good summer and he thinks it will work out for him, there are better days to come...Jordan says you know what? if they have it this year, America gets to vote on favorite player, he has a really good chance of winning that (right! lol) ...Jeff says he didn't even think about that...Jordan says Jeff is the one that made the best moves in there...Jeff says "who knows, that'd be nice"...Jordan says good things will happen for Jeff...Jeff says he thinks so...Jordan says good things happen to good people...Jeff says he thinks so...Jordan is sure good things will come up for Jeff, she'll put money on that.
Jordan says she wishes there was some way she could keep him...Jeff says "it's over, believe me, I'm the most positive thinker out of the 13 and I can't think of a positive situation to come out of this other than walking out with my head held up high"...Jeff says if they gave someone else the Coup D'Etat, he doesn't know if they would have had the balls to use it and getting Russell out of her, he would like to see Kevin do that, cuz he was a nice guy and he controlled his temper around here it was an easy move for him, maybe he should have turned it up a notch...nahh...he did the dirty work, it makes him sick someone else is going to reap the benefits other than if it's Jordan.
Jeff says like he said before if there was no Coup D'Etat, he'd be gawn...Jordan giggles over the gawn...Jeff says now I gawn...Jordan smiles...
She says that the next Thursday whenever the next person pulls up who's been evicted, just in case it's her he better be waiting so she doesn't have to go through the house with all those yo-yo's...Jeff says it's Kevin and to not think like that, think positive, know that Kevin's gone, she will be in the final 3, both of them will want to knock each other out, she's in the middle and she will get to the final 2.
Jeff starts explaining what the upcoming comps will probably be like...tears start forming in Jordan's eyes again...Jeff says "just keep being you and you'll get to the final 2"...Jordan asks Jeff if she wins the final HOH should she take Michele or Natalie?...Jeff says Michele...Jordan asks won't the jury vote on gameplay and strategy?...Jeff says yeah they should...Jordan figures Natalie would be better because she hasn't won anything...Jeff says bring whoever she wants, worst case scenario is she wins 50G's. Jeff says she has his vote and America's so she just needs 2 more...
Jordan says this sucks. Jeff says they knew what was coming...
Jordan asks Jeff if he's going to stay in Chicago or move to California after this?...Jeff says he doesn't know, he honestly doesn't think anything is going to come of this, he thinks it's back to the grind, we'll see, he's pursuing the career and hopefully if something bites, he'll take it but if it doesn't he'll still pursue that avenue and still have his career, that's why he works where he works and he'll still pursue his dreams, he believes that you can have anything you want in his life, just believe it and go after it, he hopes this will open a couple of doors for him but if it doesn't he'll keep going, if he won this maybe that would be it for him, not winning means he was meant to do something else, After Jeff tells Jordan his destiny comment, he tells her she needs to stay positive...
Is Jeff going to do the goodbye kiss?
J&J continue commiserating...Jordan is clearly getting tired, she sighs and yawns, she lays herself down on the couch asking Jeff if he wants some of her blanket?...he says no, he's ok...Jordan says are you sure?...Jeff says he is...Jordan says it's a comfy one...:) Jeff says he's glad he saved that bottle of wine...
Jordan says she always has to go against her friends (on the block)...Jeff says what do you mean?...Jordan says in the chair...Jeff says ahh, I know, it sucks...Jordan says she won't ask for a vote in her speech, she's just going to say she's going against her BFF...Jeff sighs...Jordan says she would just say good things about him and it's live so if anybody sees it, it will be good for him.
Jeff says at least he knows what he's wearing...the black shirt he wore the first day, it was a jinx, he pulled it out today...Jeff says nothing felt right today...Jordan asks if that is why he was being so paranoid?...Jeff says yeah, it just didn't fit, it was in the cards for him not to win, there's a better day for him, today wasn't it, he felt it, he kept trying to place himself there, telling himself he was going to win but something didn't feel right...Jordan says right...all you can do is set yourself up for success and if it doesn't happen, reshuffle and redeal...
Jordan gets a big smile on her face and says "so on Thursday, after she announces the live thing, whoever leaves are you going to do the goodbye kiss?"
Jeff says "I don't know, maybe we can kiss it out before then...unless you want to" 😉
Jordan’s face drops...she says "why'd you change your mind now?"
Jeff says "I don't know...because......."
Jeff swears and then picks up a piece of paper and says I don't even wanna see this thing ever in my life, he's putting it away, he walks over to the laundry area and fiddles with laundry while Jordan looks on sadly...she cries again and sniffles...:(
Jordan sits up while Jeff complains about the ants by the washer & dryer, he goes inside and then comes back out and sits back down...Jordan asks what time it is, like 5 or 6?...Jeff mmm, hmm's...Jordan says she feels fat...Jeff says why?...Jordan says she doesn't know...
Jordan asks Jeff if he drank the whole bottle of wine?...he says yep, he could drink 5 of them...Jordan asks Jeff if he wants to go on the hammock?...Jeff says no..........silence............Jeff says today is Saturday....Jordan says they have nothing to do, she lays down.
Jeff says it sucks.....Jeff tsks and says "I thought we had it Jordo" 🙁...Jordan says "I thought we did too"...Jeff says "looking too far ahead"...Jordan says "I thought you had it"...Jeff says "if I had it you had it"...Jordan says it's going to be weird, somebody you uhhh, hang out with since we got here and then you're not going to even be here, she will be like gawh, where's Jeff? I wanna talk to Jeff.
Jeff says he's so stupid he didn't even think to guess the face that was him & Jordan, he thought that would be too easy, he didn't think it was them...Jordan says she didn't either...
Jeff says it hurts, I lost and Jeff laughs...Jordan smiles and says it's over...Jeff says it's over...Jordan says "St, Mary, St. Joseph" and says it normally makes Jeff laugh...Jeff doesn't laugh but says yeah, it does...Jeff says that garden died with me, it's over for that garden too...they laugh...Jordan sits up and says look at it, it cleared up...Jeff says he always wanted to watch the sun come up there and here it is. 😟
Jordan says hopefully she will sleep all day tomorrow

Jeff says me too, hopefully he'll sleep til Thursday...Jeff wants alcohol every single night...Jordan starts crying yet again...
BB turns the power off in the BY and the feeds cut out...when they return Jordan is heading back into the SS room to bed and Jeff is going to take a shower…
6:34-7:06am Jeff & Jordan can’t sleep so they make out Pt1
Jeff returns to bed after taking a shower...Jordan has been awake waiting for him...he asks for chapstick please...Jordan says she needs tissues to blow her nose...Jeff says there are paper towels up there...Jeff says wow, is that your stomach, it's so soft...Jeff says how about my hair?...Jordan feels it and says "System Professional"...Jeff says "it's luminous" :) ...Jordan says Jeff can take that...Jeff says shut up...Jordan says take it, she doesn't mind...Jeff giggles...Jordan says to take the Luminous ok, she's got the booster...Jeff laughs...Jeff says "no, you keep your shit"...Jordan says it's for the jury house...Jeff says f**k that jury house.
Jeff gets comfy under the blanket and sighs...Jordan sniffles and they get silent...they must be holding hands under the blanket because Jordan says "do mine feel scruffy compared to yours? my hands"...Jeff says no...silence...Jordan asks Jeff if he wants her to scratch his back?...Jeff says no, it's ok...Jordan asks if he's sure?...Jeff mmm, hmm's.
Quiet again for a long while....Michele noisily gets up and leaves the room, at the same time, Jordan grabs Jeff's arm and starts rubbing it...Jordan asks if he fell asleep?...Jeff says no,he says why won't she (Michele) just sleep out there, she knows he's know...why can't he go through what he has to go through...Jordan keeps rubbing his arm in silence...
Just before the 6:44am mark Jordan turns towards Jeff and keeps rubbing and sniffling...she then gets tired and turns back...Jeff gets up to get water that is on top of the dresser while at the same time Michele comes back in the room 😡
Jeff gets under the blanket, turns towards Jordan, pulls her closer, snuggles and kisses her forehead...they cuddle...Jordan says she smells purple stuff, grape, purple grape...Jeff says wine?...Jordan says no, what does he have on his lips?...Jeff has the purple stuff on his lips 👄Michele fake yawns.
Jordan turns to face the other way...Jeff just stares at the ceiling...Jordan keeps sniffling, they are both quiet again for quite awhile...Jeff sighs...Jordan turns and asks Jeff if he's sleeping?...Jeff says no, not at all...Jordan says she can't get comfy...Jeff says get comfy...Jordan say it's the pillow, it's gigantic...Jeff asks if she wants him to grab a pillow from over there?...Jordan says no...Jeff gets up to get another one saying that pillow is the worst...
Just after the 6:53am mark Jeff returns with a better pillow and a big jug of water...Jordan says he didn't have to do that...he takes a big gulp of water, takes off his mic, throws the big pillow to the other side of the room and lays down again...he asks Jordan if it's better?...she says yes, thanks...Jeff says he can't fu**ing sleep...Jordan asks if they could go outside?...Jeff says they could, it's like 7 (am).
Jordan turns towards Jeff and reaches for him under the blanket...Jeff farts loudly, laughs and asks her if she felt that one coming?...Jordan sweetly says she did...Jeff laughs again and then drinks more water...Jeff then turns toward Jordan and cuddles, they kiss...
Jordan reaches over the blanket and puts her arm over it to catch some air...the camera is heard loudly rotating and they giggle...Jeff puts the blanket over them and says he's done with giving them fu**ing material...
Cam 3 is now the far away angle/Cam 4 goes to Michele
Jordan says that she's sorry she's breathing so hard but her nose is stuffed up...Jeff holds her closer and says it's not like he's trying to sleep...Jordan says he's not?...Jeff says he can't, what does she want him to do?...Jordan says can you see me?...Jeff says not at all...Jordan giggles and says she can't see him either...Jeff says cuz it's pitch black...Jordan knows...they smooch undercover and come up for air a few minutes later...Jordan moves the blanket away from their heads...they keep kissing...more rustling and then while Jeff snuggles even closer with her...Jordan says it's really hot...Jeff gives her two kisses and Jordan giggles and says that looks like something...Jeff says he doesn't care what it looks like anymore...Jordan says "I do"...Jeff says then go sleep outside...Jeff kisses her again and Jordan says that's her nose...Jeff says he knows and he laughs...Jeff says that was hot...they kiss again…
Jeff & Jordan can’t sleep so they make out Pt2
After they finish kissing Jordan says she knew it was her alien because of her teeth...Jeff said he knew it was her for sure...Jordan sits up and says she got a little stuck on it at first thinking that's not Jeff and then she was thought maybe it was...she lays back down and Jeff drinks more water...Jordan asks if he's dehydrated and he says no, he's just drinking water...
Jeff practically lays on top of Jordan 😉 and kisses her...they rustle around and kissing noises are heard and then Jordan giggles...more kissing noises...Jordan's head peeks out from under the cover...Jordan says she used to think this bed was the comfiest bed ever but she doesn't think that anymore...Jeff says it is...they get quiet with Jordan keeping her head out...Jeff moves around and touches Jordan and says "noooo" (as Jordan does)...he says alright, he'll try to go to sleep anyways and he turns the other way...Jordan says you going to sleep?...Jeff says not really...Jordan says hmm? Jeff says probably not but what the hell...Jordan turns to spoon Jeff and says she's going to turn this way ok?...Jeff mmm, hmm's...she holds him.
A few minutes pass and Jeff scratches his face...Michele is restless and making noises...Jordan is still slightly sniffling...they seem to have fallen asleep...
Just after the 7:16am mark Michele gets up and leaves the room...@ the 7:26am mark Jeff gets up and squeezes Jordan to let her know he's going to the bathroom, he sighs, puts on his sweatpants and leaves...
@ the 7:30am mark Jeff returns to the room, lays down, drinks more water and snuggles up to Jordan to spoon her, he kisses her shoulder...they lay like this for a few minutes but it's obvious they can't sleep...Jordan, especially, is fidgeting...
Jeff asks Jordan if she's uncomfortable?...she says yeah, maybe it's because she's not tired...Jeff says he's not tired either, at all...Jordan's trying to be but she can't...Jeff is rubbing Jordan's butt, she giggles and he says "noooo" (as Jordan does), he wants her to say it...she does but it's not quite right :) ...he hugs her super close and kisses her neck/shoulder...he pulls the blanket over their heads and they kiss...and kiss...and kiss....(with lots of rustling)
They come up for air and Jordan says she's getting her nose back now (she can breathe)...Jeff does something to Jordan to make her say ow! she giggles and then says that you know that as soon as they fall asleep BB will tell them to go change their batteries, they're going to be zombies...Jeff cuddles closer to Jordan and puts his leg over her...they stay like this for awhile...
They fidget a bit...Jeff keeps spooning Jordan and tells her he can't sleep...she says me neither...Jeff says that Michele is cooking breakfast...Jordan says she must of fallen asleep for a little bit...Jeff says he didn't...Jordan says she thought Michele was in the room...Jeff says no, she gawn...Jordan says again she must of fallen asleep...Jeff says maybe a little bit...Jordan says she wants to sleep all day tomorrow.
Jeff says he can't wait, he doesn't have to see nobody and who cares...Jordan hums no and says see nobody? me!...Jeff tsks and says "you gawn too...I gawn, not you"...Jordan says she doesn't count...Jeff says he was just using her this whole game...Jordan uhhhh's...Jeff laughs...Jordan says to "what? to entertain you?"...Jeff says to save him...Jordan says "to save you? really?"...Jeff says "what? what do you mean really? of course not, shut up Jordan, I'm just joking"
As Jordan is saying that she was about to get mad...Jeff covers them with the blanket, pulls her really close and showers her with kisses (cute!) Jordan giggles and says Jeff did get up, he had too because he smells minty now...she asks "have you been up?"...Jeff says "no, I didn't lose, you were sleeping the whole time"...more kisses...Jordan says uh huh, she can't breathe and she hasn't brushed her teeth...more kisses and Jordan giggles...
Jeff says he went to the bathroom, doesn't she remember?...Jordan says "the bathroom? yeah, maybe"...Jeff says he changed her batteries...Jordan says no, he didn't...Jeff says he did...she says no, he didn't...he says he did...Jordan says you changed the batteries in my mic?...Jeff says yeah, she gave it to him...she says no, she didn't...he says yes, she did, she said change mine too...Jordan says "that already came on?"...Jeff says yeah...Jordan says that only comes on at 9...Jeff says it's 10:30...Jordan grabs Jeff and says Jeff, seriously...Jeff says that he told her Michele's cooking breakfast, doesn't she smell it?...Jordan says she smells it but no...Jeff laughs and says what?...Jordan says Jeff is tricking her, he says he's not...Jeff says the POV is in a half hour...Jordan says now she knows he's lying...Jeff says "I got a fu**ing funny feeling about it, I thinks I'm going up...and...I lost" Jordan says "it hurts"...Jeff sighs/moans. 😟
At this point Jeff has his back to Jordan, Jordan is holding him...she says "I know what you're going to be doing Thursday" LOL Jeff says he was gonna say that, his "guy" will be fu**ing happy with him....Jordan says Jeff feels like he lost more weight...Jeff says he's gaining it back...she says he feels tiny.
It sounds like Jordan is kissing Jeff's back :) she says his skin is so's the lotion...Jordan asks for Jeff's chapstick, he puts some on too...Jeff says he doesn't know what to do with himself...Jordan says til Thursday?...Jeff says til 9 o'clock...Jordan says she doesn't know what to do with herself...Jeff moans...he says it's the worst, no more prizes, it's over, he just wants to go home...Jordan says noooo...Jeff says what do you mean no, he's gone Thursday so what's the difference if he wants to go home, he would rather be home, rather be by himself than with those fu**ing douchebags, spend 2 weeks with people I choose not to see the rest of my life...
Jordan is sure they will be all over everything...Jeff says it's not even that, he doesn't like them as people, any of them and he doesn't want to spend 2 weeks on the beach with people he hates...Jordan says she knows..."while they soak up prizes...well deserved over here"...Jordan says she will give Jeff her prizes...Jeff says shut up, he's not talking about her...Jordan says if she wins, she'll give the prizes she wins to Jeff...Jeff says no, he's not taking anything, shut up, they'll talk later...
Jordan says she feels like she didn't get all her cry out...Jeff says not to worry, he'll be here all week...Jordan says she is really going to be up Jeff's butt this week...Jeff says hmmm, good...Jordan says she's going to spend as much time as she can (with him), so if he gets aggravated just say leave!...Jeff says he's not going to do that...
Jordan asks Jeff to turn towards her, he grabs some more water and faces her...Jordan initiates the kissing this time ...they kiss...Jeff asks her, is that part of soaking me up?...Jordan mmm, hmm's...they kiss again ...Jeff says he wants to stay under there...Jordan says she can't breathe though...they really kiss again.
They do something that makes them both giggle...Jordan says something about sealing the deal and then she's just kidding...more kissing for a long stretch...they kiss one loud smack and then Jordan says goodnight...Jeff says no and he grabs her and kisses her even more...he goes to reach for her who knows where to get a reaction out of her and she says noooo!...he laughs...Jordan says ok, goodnight...Jeff snarls (signalling he doesn't want it to end) and then asks Jeff asks if she will scratch his back?...Jordan says she will.
Jeff says "man, I can't wait for that jury house" (don't blame him lol)...Jordan asks why?...Jeff says he's just joking...
Jordan starts scratching...she rubs his seems like she can't get close enough to Jeff here, it's very different than most of the times she has scratched his back...
Jordan gives the signal she is stopping...Jeff doesn't want it to, she keeps going and asks if he's getting sleepy, he says he was zoning out but as soon as he talks it's back to reality...Jordan says he should try to zone out again, think about things that make you happy :) She keeps scratching, she is super close to Jeff, she stops for a second and holds Jeff...then she keeps's very intimate...
Jordan finally tires of scratching and turns the other way...they both fall asleep…
Jeff is grumpy/Jordan is sad
The house is pretty quiet after an eventful night...Jeff has gotten up and goes outside, he sits on the BY couches....feeds go to control room for about 9 minutes then they return to Jeff sitting, thinking...
Jeff gets in the pool, lays on the blue raft and gets some sun...Michele is on the hammock...Jordan is in bed in the SS room...Michele then gets in the pool, she sits on the pink floatie...they are not speaking...
Just before 12:30pm we see Jordan is awake, still sad and thinking...
@ the 12:35pm mark Jordan gets up and shuffles to the bathroom, brushes her teeth and then goes to the kitchen, she heads towards the sliding door...Jeff is coming in...she says boo!...Jeff doesn't say anything...Jordan says "what's up?"...Jeff says "nothin'" and walks to get some coffee, he exhales deeply...
Jordan asks him if he slept good after he feel asleep?...Jeff says yeah, he was out...Jordan goes to get some cereal and says she didn't sleep good...Jeff says no? was I snoring or something?...Jordan says no, she just didn't sleep good.
Jeff sarcastically says "what time is the Veto competition?"...Jordan fills her bowl with cereal and goes to get milk...she asks Jeff if she (Michele) talked to him out there?...Jeff says no...Jordan says she's mad?...Jeff starts heading outside and says "I didn't fu**ing look at her, I don't want to talk to nobody...congratulations to everybody" 😬 Jordan looks at him while he walks out…
JeJo - bummed in the pool
Jordan & Jeff are in the pool...they're not saying much of anything...Jordan has a sad look on her face and Jeff is quiet...Jordan is on the blue raft and Jeff is holding onto the beach ball floating around...Jordan asks Jeff if he got tipsy off his wine last night?...he says a little bit...Jordan says she hopes they give them some tonight...Jeff hopes so.
Jordan gets off the raft and says she doesn't even feel like laying out today but there's nothing else to do...Jeff says yeah, wtf else you going to do? nothing to do for 5 days...Jordan sits on the edge of the pool while Jeff floats around...
Jordan holds onto the pink floatie...Michele comes outside....
@ the 1:15 mark Jordan pushes the floatie away and says something about the System Professional stuff to Jeff (hard to hear)...Jordan grabs the floatie again...Jeff says there's nothing he wants to do right now, he doesn't know what to do with himself, he sighs...Jeff says something inaudible about looking like a yo-yo (in the jury house?)...Jordan says no...Jeff says wtf else is he going to do but this, fu**ing lay there by himself?...Jordan says he gets to watch movies...Jeff says he gets to watch a bunch of douchebags, while they sit here and cash in.
Jeff says if he could play again, he'd pretend his arms and legs didn't work, not win any competitions and just skate by, that would be his goal, fall off first in competitions, win 10G's...
Jeff sits down by Jordan and says wtf are we going to do all these days?...he bats the beach ball away...they talk about the jury house again...Jordan says she swears the jury house was in Mexico last year...Jeff says he wishes he had his own house...Jeff continues bitching LOL...Jordan says just enjoy it while you're here...Jeff says what is he going to enjoy?...(this bums out Jordan who had finally physically shown Jeff how she felt about him just hours earlier)
Jordan gets in the pink floatie, she says something about him staying...Jeff says he gets no votes, he's not even trying, why would they want strong players in the house, if he cracks his kneecaps they'll keep him, it just makes him sick that he took all the big players out of the house...Jeff says it's pointless, it's over, usually he's positive but it's over, he had his chance...Jordan looks at Jeff... 😟
Jeff says it makes him sick that the first chance he (Kevin) gets to prove himself, he goes back on his word...Jordan keeps looking at Jeff and (I think) she asks him if they should have kept Russell instead?...Jeff says no, it was a good move, they had to get out Russell, nobody else would have.
It's very hard to hear...Jeff says something about Lydia...Jordan says no...they keep talking about something (I think they're talking about pro's and con's of keeping Kevin, Lydia vs. Russell and the HOH can comp)...every so often Jeff says yeah...
Jordan talks about Jeff staying and getting Kevin out, to do it...Jeff says he's not staying, Kevin is not getting rid of her.
Jeff mutters under his breath "fu**in"...he says something about staying...Jordan says all he needs is Michele's vote and then he can stay and finish it off...Jeff says Michele won't want to keep him because he's strong and she needs to win HOH next week, his only hope is to swing Kevin to keep him to play for him because he can't play HOH next...Jordan says then do it...Jeff says he's not going to do it, he's not going to trust Jeff, of course he'll fu**ing stab him.
Jeff gets out of the pool and dries off...Jordan says she never noticed until Natalie pointed it out that Michele goes to the bathroom a lot...Jeff says yeah...f**k her...Jordan tells Jeff things change on Thursday so start his campaigning...Jeff says he's not going to do it...Jordan says why? you're going to hit yourself for not...Jeff yells "hitting myself what? you want me to ought to go to Michele"...Jordan says it's not over until Julie says so...Jordan says if it was her and she didn't campaign, she would be hittin' herself....Jeff mumbles something and walks away to the couches to have a cigarette...Jordan is left alone in the pool...
1:46-2:06pm Backscratch in the pool
Jeff finishes up smoking...Jordan continues to be in the pool in the pink floatie...Jeff goes back in the water and starts floating on the beach ball again...Jordan rubs his hair as he goes by...Jordan smiles and reaches for his back and starts scratching...
Jeff says "back scratch in the pool" :)
Jordan giggles...she says "do you like that?"...Jeff says "yeah I do"...she positions herself better to work her magic...
Jordan scratches and says that when she leaves here she wants to go with her mom, brother & sister to the beach for a weekend before it gets too cold...Jeff says yeah...Jordan starts talking about boogie boards to try and distract Jeff but he ignores what she's asking him...he goes back to game talk saying he wishes there was one more person there...Jordan says for the votes?...Jeff says no, to save him, Kevin needs another strong player because he gawn next week.
They get quiet...
Jeff asks Jordan if she's hungry?...she says not really but what is he making?...Jeff says a hamburger, turkey burger on the grill, does she want to eat one of those?...Jordan giggles and says what do you think?...Jeff laughs...Jordan takes off her pink floatie and she giggles saying she's giving him a back scratch in the pool, does it feel good because of the sun?
Jeff says for her to sit down and do it, she does and says sit on me, he does...Jeff says he should have been on the block more often 😉 he says he looks like a little baby...Jordan laughs and she says she knows how he feels...he says how's that?...Jordan says once when you leave, it's not a good feeling especially being on the block with your friend, he needs to campaign for votes or he's going to regret it...Jeff says then you go home...Jordan says Jeff probably has a better chance of winning than her, she guarantees that if he stays he can win.
Jordan asks Jeff how many times is she (Michele) going to go in and out?...Jeff says fu**ing 800...Jordan says she laughed when Jeff was complaining about Michele moaning that he was getting tired of that shit...Jeff says "sleep in the other fu**ing room for one night, leave me the f**k alone"
Jordan says things can change, Jeff can talk to her...Jeff is adamant that there is no reason Michele would keep him, she has Kevin not playing for HOH next week so it's her against Jordan & Natalie, wtf would Jordan do?...Jordan says then Jeff needs to go talk to Kevin....Jordan says she wouldn't be saying this to anyone but it's Jeff, either way, she likes, she likes, she would want to see her or Jeff win, she knows he's upset but by Tuesday he should be in a better mood.
Jeff says he needs to get his tattoo re-done...Jordan says she told him what it reminds her of...Jeff says Nick Lachey...Jordan giggles and says doesn't it?...Jeff says "I don't know, you think it would help pick up Jessica Simpson?" 😛...Jordan says yeah...Jeff laughs...Jordan says she's serious! you really could...Jeff tsks and goes quiet...
Jordan asks if Jeff is holding himself up?...he says "on the ball"...Jordan says to lean back and she hugs him...she tells him to scoot back here but Jeff says it's alright, he feels like a 2 year old because he's pouting like a little bitch and she's scratching his back.
Jordan says everyone knows by now he likes to be rubbed...Jeff says he knows, he does but in nice situations not because someone feels sorry for him...Jordan says she doesn't, she's in the same boat...Jeff says no...Jordan says it's either her or him, they're in the same situation, she's telling him like he said last night that there are way bigger and better things coming his way, guaranteed...Jeff hopes so, you can only hope.
Jordan says Jeff's not fake, he's honest, he's funny and he's nice and he's a good person, good things happen to good people, that's why she's not worried about Jeff, she knows he will do good, something good will come up for him...Jeff gets out of the pool again this time to put on sunscreen...he gets back in and then Jordan says she wonders how much money they have in those bags? (from the luxury comp)...Jeff says they have that to look forward to.
Michele has joined them poolside & then makes things awkward by getting in the pool...silence and then Michele starts mumbling and her and Jordan start chit chatting...Jeff is quiet...Jordan asks Jeff if he wants to make those hamburgers?...Jeff says he could...Jordan says "or hot dogs?"...Jeff says he could do both if she wants...
Silence is deafening and then Jeff gets out, dries off and leaves...
JeJo - Down in the dumps
Jeff is laying in the SS room by himself...Jordan joins him...Jordan sits down on the bed and says wake up, Jeff says he's up...Jordan rubs his hand...she forgets something so she leaves the room and then returns a minute later.
Jordan asks Jeff if he wants her to leave him alone?..Jeff says no...Jordan says are you sure?...Jeff says yeah...she gets comfy and pats Jeff's arm...Jeff says "you soaking me up?"...Jordan mmm, hmm's and starts running her hands through his hair...Jeff says she smells like barbecue, he asks if she brushed her teeth?...Jordan says can you smell it?...Jeff says mmm, hmm...Jordan says she hates that toothpaste though...Jeff says "Tom's bullshit"...Jordan laughs.
Jordan says she thinks Michele is up in the HOH being BFF again (with Kevin), she doesn't care anymore...Jeff says he should have talked to him in the kitchen...Jordan is pissed at Michele because she told her outside after Jeff left that Michle felt like they (JeJo) turned on her because they were upstairs throwing her under the bus with Kevin...Jordan says she told Michele that she did it to them telling Kevin to nominate them (JeJo), she told Michele that she would lose to either Kevin or Natalie in the final 2.
Jeff says Michele approached him earlier and asked him if they could talk about the votes...Jeff says he said about what? the talking is over...Michele said her and Jeff are friends...Jeff told her to give him a fu**ing day or two to get over it...Michele whined and said fine...Jeff was thinking get the f**k outta here, he should be the one crying.
Jeff tsks and says the one positive about him going home is that he doesn't have to hear "can we talk?"...Jeff says no! get the f**k outta here, that's what you can do LOL Jordan smiles....Jeff says what is Michele talking to Kevin for? she's going against Kevin next week...Jordan says Michele is getting closer to him and that they played a similar game.
Jeff throws the blanket off him, rubs his face and says he wants to fu**ing get outta there, he can't take this shit, played a similar game? they both played like morons, whatever, he doesn't want to bash anybody...Jordan says to talk to Michele about votes, he might have another chance to stay and win...Jeff says, I told you why would she want to keep him here?...Jordan says go talk to her...Jeff says for what?...Jordan says she knows he won't win against her, he needs a couple of days to cool down and then talk to her...
Jordan says it's going to be the longest week ever...Jeff says the longest 3 weeks ever, it is 3 weeks right?...Jordan says yeah, once one of them leaves it will be 2 more weeks...Jeff says God....
Jeff says "her & Kevin are a team now?"...Jordan mmm, hmm's...Jordan says she thinks they are...Jeff says what about Natalie?...Jordan says she's with me...Jeff asks if she is not with Kevin?...Jordan says not really they are just looking out for each other...Jordan says she was hoping it would be her, Jeff & Natalie final 3...Jeff says him too.
Jordan tells Jeff that Michele told her that they should have gotten Kevin out not Russell...Jeff laughs and says "f**k that bitch, she can go f**k herself, fu**ing two faced bitch...I'm out"...Jordan says if he leaves this week, she's going right after him...Jeff says no...Jordan says them two are teaming up, that is why she is telling him to try.
Jeff says all he has is that thing for Kevin but if the two of them are teamed up and there's fu**ing creepy...Jordan says to talk to him...Jordan says she really wants to be here but Jeff deserves it more than her, he got out the strongest people...Jeff says all he will do is tell Kevin that, if he wants he wants it and if he doesn't what are you going to do...
Jordan says oh, this sucks...if only they had made it through this week...
THEY LAY IN SILENCE...and then Jordan starts rubbing Jeff's arm, Jeff stares at the ceiling in silence...Jordan stops rubbing...Jeff exhales deeply...
Jeff then turns towards Jordan and closes his eyes trying to nap.
Jeff’s armpit
The feeds come back to Jeff & Jordan just before the 5:04pm mark....they apparently didn't fall asleep but are snuggled together...Jordan is in Jeff's armpit ♥ ...Jeff signs 'crazy' with his hand and Jordan giggles, he looks down at her and smiles...Jordan says it is kind of weird that she lays in there all day...
...Jeff says she loves it in his armpit :) Jordan hugs Jeff and then lets go and lays back on her side...Jordan says you sleep and then you wake up and you're still bored...Jeff says and I'm still here...Jordan peeks looks at Jeff while he yawns loudly.
Jordan starts dozing off, turns to the other side and goes to sleep...Jeff is wide awake and stares at the ceiling...feeds cut out...
JeJo should get up
Jeff and Jordan have been sleeping in the SS room, they stir and wake up...Jeff reaches down under the cover to touch his face to hers...Jordan tucks into Jeff's armpit...they are quiet...Jordan turns to cuddle into Jeff a bit more...
Jeff then says that he thinks they should get up...Jordan asks "what time is it?"...Jeff says he has no idea but whatever time it is it's late...Jordan hmm's and they both get up and leave the SS room...
Jordan is majorly bummed
Jeff is eating at the kitchen counter...Jordan mopes back into the kitchen, opens the fridge/freezer, stares at it and says to Jeff "I'm so majorly bummed, I just don't feel like doing anything"...Jeff says "me too".
Jordan brings out a cookie dough package...Jeff opens his eyes wide and smiles :)
Jordan says now she can see why Russell flipped out like he did and he was so mad...Jordan looks at Jeff and laughs (about her eating cookie dough) Jordan says she's just bummed, just bummed.
Jordan leans against the counter to cut her cookie dough and says she was so set on her & Jeff being in the final and stuff and now she knows they're not going to and he's going to be gone, she just wants to go now, she doesn't want to be there.
They get quiet......
Natalie wanders in to get candy...Jeff looks at Jordan who is digging into her cookie dough and smiles...Jordan says she doesn't know what to eat so she's eating cookie dough...Jeff laughs...Jordan asks if he wants some?...Jeff says maybe after he's done...Jordan says it's good because it's frozen.
Natalie joins them and they talk about how much they slept...Jordan says Michele makes noises with any little movement another person makes, she says she wishes Michele would just go in the RR and sleep.
Jordan puts away the cookie dough she doesn't want and asks Jeff if his soup is good?...he says it's ok...Jordan says she's going outside to eat and after a bit of chit chat, she leaves…
JeJo pity party in the BY
The HG's are locked outside...awkward tension fills the air...
Jeff is sitting in the chair closest to the elliptical drinking a beer...Jordan is sitting on the chair furthest away from Jeff drinking wine...Natalie & Kevin are on the couches playing cards and Michele is dipping her feet in the hot tub...not a word is spoken other than Natalie & Kevin who talk during the card game.
Just after the 9:01pm mark Jeff looks over at Jordan and smiles...she pouty smiles back.
A minute later Jordan pours herself another big glass of wine and Jeff bursts out laughing Jordan just shyly smiles so cute!
Jeff smiles back giving her a look that says "I could eat you up right now" 🔥🔥
Jeff says "drink it up"...Jordan says "cheers" and Jeff raises his beer can...the house opens up again and Kevin & Natalie go inside...
Michele goes to sit down at the far end of the BY, she fake yawns...
Jeff says "it hurts"
Jordan says "we lost, it's over"
Jeff says "yeah, yes and yes"
Jordan forgets what she was going to say...she remembers...she says at least now she knows how it feels when you know somebody is leaving or about to leave like when Casey left, except it would be better because there were more people and Casey handled it pretty well...Jeff says yeah he did...Jordan says it sucks that Jeff did all that work...Jeff says he knows it...Jordan says they need to quit having pity parties every night though...Jeff says what does she want him to do, skip around?
Jordan says you know what she feels like? it sounds corny but it feels like when you just break up with someone and you're upset and you feel sad, she laughs...she says that is what she feels like right now, like she just broke up with a boyfriend, it's sad, when you wake up you still feel sad and you're depressed and your stomach hurts? (no response from Jeff, lol) Jordan says that is the only way she can describe it because normally she is not depressed and that's the only time she can remember being sad about something....
Jordan says on a positive note, they didn't think they would make it this far...she thinks she's so bummed because she was picturing them in the final 2...Jeff says you have to win, you can't just say it and not do anything...Jordan knows but was thinking it the whole time...
This conversation below about sniffing...LOLOL, these two!
Jordan says she needs to shower...she dreamt that Jeff was sniffing her, she asks Jeff is while they were sleeping he was sniffing her? trying to tickle her?...Jeff says "that's fu**ed up, I feel like you were doing that to me"...Jordan laughs and says shut up!...Jeff swears to God, wait a second, Jordan was sniffing him, was that a dream?...Jordan swears to God that she woke up and was like why was Jeff sniffing me?...
Jeff swears to God that he thought that was her, maybe it was her doing it to him, he remembers her sniffing him...Jordan says no, she was laying there and she needed to shower and she was thinking that Jeff must think that she stinks or something and maybe she was dreaming he was sniffing all around her, did he do that?...Jeff says no...Jordan giggles...Jordan asks if Jeff will leave her the Axe deodorant or the other one?...Jeff says yeah, she can have it.
Jeff says he's going to start building a raft so when he goes to the jury house, he can put it in the ocean and get out of there ...Jeff says that he's not in the mood to be positive in there, there won't be any cameras and he can just say that Russell is a fu**ing huge dork and he doesn't want to see him ever again so stay on your half of the house and he'll stay on his and leave him the f**k alone cuz you're a fu**ing loser...Jordan says she wouldn't do all that drama...Jeff says drama what? there will be drama right when he walks in with those 3 fu**ing assholes that he sent home, they will all have the worst jokes and all laugh at them no matter what they are..."hey nice jeans! what? get the f**k away from me" LOL
Jordan wishes she could take a break, hang out with family & friends and then come back...Jeff agrees...Jordan asks if her hair looks like some bodu?...Jeff says no...Jeff wonders when they will find out about that money and if there's a trick behind it...Jordan says Jeff can have hers...Jeff says shut up, you're such a loser why do you talk like that?...Jordan slips and says he can have hers since she's staying there longer...Jeff gets his angry face on...
Jordan says Jeff is the only person that deserves that money, played the game good and made good moves...Jeff is quiet...then finally says "dude, it's Saturday"...Jordan says why can't she just make up a wine and sell it and call it Jordo's? 😂 ...she asks why red wine goes better with steaks, chicken?...Jeff says cuz it's bolder than white, he doesn't know...Jordan gives him a look...Jeff says (that the waiter would say) you should drink a white wine with your fish, well you should mind your own fu**ing business, I will drink whatever the f**k I want to drink...Jordan admonishes Jeff saying "Jeffff"
Jordan whispers to Jeff asking why Michele is sitting way over there?...Jeff doesn't know, there's no reason, he doesn't know anything anymore...Jordan says she wants to tell him something later...feeds cut out...they return with Jordan saying she needs to sign up for school when she gets back home, she needs to finish...Jeff says he can't imagine working again...Jordan asks if Mimmo is a BB fan?...Jeff says not really, he works late and had his baby so he'll catch the shows he can, most of his friends will probably watch the shows...Jordan asks what about the "angry one"?...Jeff says Tony...they talk about him being a fighter and then feeds cut out...
They return again...Jordan says her face is breaking out, it's the stress...Jeff says he knows, he was so stressed earlier that he felt like throwing up...Jeff says he's so pissed but what is he supposed to do? slit his wrists? then he's locked in here like a fu**ing zoo animal, it's like you're fighting this giant for 7 weeks and then you turn around and someone stabs you with a little knife in the back and you're done...Jordan says yep.
Michele walks inside and Jordan says that she is so against us now...Jeff says what the f**k do I care...Jordan says she's just saying...Jordan starts telling Jeff what Kevin told her about what Michele was saying up in the HOH room, how she was throwing them under the bus, how she felt betrayed, etc. and what Michele told her in the pool...Jordan has to stop talking because Michele wanders back outside...she heads towards where they are sitting and hands Jeff a beer, she opens one for herself and sits down...Jordan drinks her last bit of wine, then pours herself another full glass.
Michele says Jordan is going to be tipsy if she drinks that whole bottle...Jeff says she is going to be drunk as hell...Jordan offers the rest up, Michele takes her up on it and goes to get a glass...Jeff hopes Jordan isn't going to throw up...Jordan says the cameras are not on them anymore...Jeff says because their story is over, the episode is gawn (umm, the cameras are still on you guys Jordan, lol) ...Jordan says she had fun last night ...uh, he was making her laugh...Jeff says about what? Jordan says nevermind....Michele takes the rest of the wine (a quarter of a glass, lol) and sits down.
Jordan says her teeth are purple :) Jordan says she needs to take a shower, she stinks...Jeff giggles...Jordan says it was Gucci that BB gave them wine and beer, he says they only give it to them when they don't even want it...Jordan says she is able to drink the wine because she ate cookie dough for dinner...Jordan gets called to the DR...
Did you confess your love for Jeff?
Jeff and Natalie are sitting in silence outside on the couches...Kevin & Michele are sitting with their feet in the hot tub...Jordan has been in the DR for a long time.
She finally comes out and heads outside with her wine glass and blanket in tow...Michele says welcome back...Kevin says that was a long diary...Jordan laughs and says she was spilling her heart out for like an hour, about everything and then, she had to quit talking because when they would ask her questions she was just off (topic) and not even acting herself...Jordan sits down while Jeff says "you were drunk as f**k huh?" LOL
Jordan starts to talk about it...Jeff points out that she spilled wine all over her blanket...Natalie gets called to the DR, she wants to stay and hear the juicy details there instead, she says dang!
Natalie says to Jordan "did you confess your love for Jeff?" Jordan says "I did" 🥰
Jeff smiles and says "did you spill all over your blanket"
Jordan smiles and says "I am, I told them to call me back later"
Jeff says "right after you're hammered?"
Jordan says they weren't getting Jordan energy.
Jeff laughs and says "holy f**k, tell them to get me some more shit" (alcohol)
Jeff looks at Jordan and smiles...Jordan taps him and says let's go to the GR...Jeff says you wanna talk about your DR?...Jordan says yeah, c'mon...they leave to go inside.
Jordan spills her heart out Pt 1
Jordan is in the GR with her glass of wine...she is tipsy...Jeff comes in and says "you're plowed"...Jordan says no, from looking in there, when you walk in there, there's pictures of the aliens and she was looking at them and she knew that person and that person...Jordan breaks down and says she's so mad... 😠 Jeff says she's drunk 🤪
Jordan puts down her wine and says no, because every person she knew (cam pans to Jeff who is laying down, he smiles at Jordan 💔) and when she got out, she doesn't do good under pressure at all, she was looking at them and she knew it was Ronnie & Lydia, that's blah, blah blah and why couldn't she have done that last night and she's so bad under pressure and she should have, she doesn't know, she was basically explaining to them how Jeff gets out all the big players, no one else would have and he deserves to be here over her, she hasn't done anything just won 2 comps and he had other things, she shouldn't, there's no reason why...Jordan says Jeff needs to talk to Kevin...Jeff laughs.
Jeff says "Jordan, I could see if I get votes but I don't think they would want to keep me"
Jordan says "if you don't campaign for votes I'm going to be mad at you"...Jeff laughs
Jordan says that he will always have that regret, he should have done this or that.
Jeff says he doesn't know...Jordan says looking at them now (alien pics) without pressure...she starts crying 😭 Jeff says it's because you know what they are, he said the same thing too, that's the whole thing.
Jordan says she was standing there and she should have known who they were, she was asking herself who is that?...Jeff says he did the same shit, that's why it's a competition...Jordan says she knows but she feels bad...Jeff says him too.
Jordan says she was just spilling her heart out about everything...Jeff smiles at her...and how she thought Jeff should be the one in the final 2, she didn't even get to any of the questions, she was rambling...Jeff busts out laughing.
Jordan says she was rambling on and on about everything, about how Jeff was her BFF and how she knows she shouldn't be like this because normally when you come in here you don't know anybody and she never thought she would have met someone...that you're, you're...friends with she would have never thought in a million years that she would have met somebody, like a guy that I would end up being the closest with and then of course, jinx somebody you have to go up against and then now it's between me or you but she told the DR that Jeff deserves to be here over her because everybody here hasn't done shit...Jeff laughs...Jordan says she told them he made the leeway for everyone and that Michele is crazy, cocky & arrogant thinking she's smart and how things change in there and how she felt bad for Jeff because everyone in there (jury house) is expecting Jeff to go, she would rather it be her than Jeff because she could take it for 2 weeks.
Jeff says he doesn't even know how he would get the votes...Jordan says he would win and he's dumb to not campaign...Jeff says he could talk to Kevin but he wants him out...Jordan says everyone is going to say she's so dumb because it's a guy that you barely know, he probably doesn't give a shit about you...Jeff laughs...Jordan says she thinks Jeff can make it far, he is her BFF, he can go further than her, otherwise she wouldn't do this...Jeff says he can talk to Kevin but he's not throwing Jordan under the bus...Jordan says he can...Jeff says oh, stop, he would not even do that anyway :)
Jordan goes back to talking about she was only crying and venting about everything in the DR...BB admonishes Jordan for talking about her DR...Jordan starts whispering...Jeff says talk softly so they won't hear, he laughs and makes her smile. ☺️
Jordan says she was not excited in there, she described it as like breaking up with a boyfriend and you're depressed...Jeff says gimme the rest of that wine...Jordan says why?...Jeff says cuz you're hammered.
Jordan says she looks like a crazy person on TV, like a crazy drunk...Jeff says today you might LOL...Jordan says no! I'm really telling the truth...Jeff giggles and says uhhh, f**k they're probably dying in there 😛...
Jordan says she's telling the truth, telling how she honestly feels about everything and as much as she wants to win the money and as much as she needs the money, he deserves the money over her, he deserves over anybody and that is why she wants him to stay, she knows if he stays he can possibly win, she can see him winning and that's why.
Jeff says he appreciates it, he does for real...Jordan says she won't campaign for votes because he is her BFF and she will tell people to vote for him and not her...Jeff says "that's big of you, that's nice, that's why I like you Jordan, you're a good person"
Jordan spills her heart out Pt2
Jordan says she told them she got too cocky thinking her and Jeff would win...Jeff mmm, hmm's...Jordan says she said Michele is a crazy bitch and we all know it...Jordan giggles...she says they just had to be nice to her...Jeff says there is no need to fight...Jordan says she is not fighting, she's just telling Jeff...Jeff knows...Jordan wants to know what Michele talked to him about...Jeff said about things, she wants Jeff to stay...Jordan says fu**ing right, well then she wants you to stay and Natalie will vote for you so you got the votes right there...Jeff says Natalie won't vote for him to stay...Jordan says she can convince Natalie to vote for him.
Jeff says if she wants him to campaign he can but he will ask her tomorrow when she's sober...Jordan says no, she told Jeff this before, she wants to be here but she thinks Jeff can win over her, all she wants is for Jeff to promise her he'll buy her earrings after he wins...Jeff says "didn't I already promise you that?"...Jordan says "yeah and maybe the Hawaii trip"...Jeff says he has it...Jordan says maybe he can promise her a Hawaii trip...Jeff laughs, he says so she steps down and he takes her to Hawaii?...Jordan says "yeah, me stepping down, I go to Hawaii"...Jeff cracks up...he says wow, that's on the spot and he wins?...Jordan bets her money (stipend) he will stay and win.
Jordan asks if Michele really said that? that she wanted Jeff to stay? she told Kevin there was no way Jeff could stay, so there ya go, he has Michele and Natalie...Jeff says for Jordan to not say anything...Jordan knows and says she'd rather go to the jury house over Jeff because she can handle it more...Jeff doesn't wanna talk about it...Jordan brings up Hawaii again...Jeff giggles and says shut up, you and this Hawaii trip...Jordan says "yeah, cuz I wanna go!"...Jeff cracks up again...
Jordan says she has to work all the time, she never gets vacays...
Jeff says she's fu**ing cracking him up...Jordan says she told the DR she wouldn't campaign if she didn't think he would win, she's basically handing it over to Jeff...Jeff appreashes but says it's not up to her...Jordan says to take advantage, he will go a lot further than her, she is sure her family will beat her over the head about this but she'd rather have somebody else that she thinks is gonna win it, then sit here and let him leave who did all the good punches...Jeff smiles at her...who did all the good punches and her benefit from it...
Jeff laughs at her and says "'re cracking me up"... Jeff says they have to go out after this and get drunk ...Jordan says smashed!...Jeff says "and call a cab"...Jeff says he can't believe she did that, he tells her to promise him she'll never, ever drink & drive...Jordan promises and tells Jeff not to talk about that on here...Jeff says well then don't do it!...Jordan says she knows, they'll talk about this in private...Jeff says she already said it 50 times.
Jordan says she will be happier to leave on Thursday than Jeff leaving, to talk to Julie, he just has to promise her the Hawaii trip and the diamond earrings...Jeff says wow!...Jordan says listen! she gets nothing, he gets 500K, compared to 5K that is nothing, so that is their deal ok?...Jeff laughs again.
Jordan starts to ramble again and drops her hair clip in her wine just when Jeff says he was going to drink that wine 😅 Jordan says Jeff deserves to be here over her, she says he knows that but he doesn't want to hurt her feelings by admitting it...Jeff says go back in the DR...Jordan says "why?" and he cracks up again...Jeff asks Jordan who was in there? someone cool?...Jordan says Sean, the guy they like, she thinks they talked for an hour...Jeff says to not say that, they'll yell at her...Cue the feeds cutting out ( lol BB was probably SICK of her talking about DR :) )
When the feeds return Jordan is talking about giving up her spot and saying that she has only known Jeff for a couple of weeks (huh?) and who knows he might not talk to her ever after...Jeff says she'll talk to him...Jordan says she would rather know that Jeff won over anyone else.
Jeff says "that''ve got a big heart Jordan Lloyd" ♥
Jordan says she knows she's too nice about things, people would be yelling at her at home and she's sure her mom would be yelling at her for helping someone else but like she said things happen for a reason, he wins this money, he's deserves it, he's a good person and good things happen to good people...Jeff says "what about you? you're a good person"...Jordan says just like he said, her time will come, who knows, she could go back to school, do good, she doesn't need anything, she definitely doesn't depend on a man for no money, she's going to go to school, finish, make her own money and do good...Jeff says there ya go, sounds like she has it all worked out, now all she has to do is do it.
Jordan says she knows she wouldn't have made it this far without Jeff, she'd rather see herself go to the jury house, she knows they're expecting Jeff in there but it's another chance for him to get revenge and do good for himself...Jordan says it sucks two friends are going up vs. each other but he has to campaign regardless, she says there's still hope, he needs to keep talking to Michele, do whatever it takes, at least this way it will be suspenseful with the votes on Thursday...Jordan keeps rambling but Jeff is getting uncomfortable with the talk, he shushes her hearing someone outside the door...
Jeff asks Jordan if she wants to go outside?...she says yes, in a second, did he hear her pep talk? did he take it?...Jeff says he did take it...Jordan says if he does stay and he wins and she doesn't get her earrings or her Hawaii trip she will be pissed...Jeff says he promised her the earrings...Jordan says what about Hawaii?...Jeff says there's a good chance 🙄 Jeff stares at Jordan...he says "if I win 500 thousand dollars there's a really good chance"...Jordan says uh, yeah...they leave the GR…
You smell nice
Jordan goes outside after taking a shower...Jeff & Natalie are playing solitaire...Kevin is just sitting, Michele is swimming.
Jordan sits down near Jeff...Jeff asks her if she's alright?...Jordan mmm, hmm's...Natalie says you're not drunk right huh Jordan?...Jordan says no...Jordan says they are both playing solitaire...Natalie says they're competing, seeing who will win first...Jeff says Michele went swimming...Michele gets out of the pool and goes in the hot tub.
Jeff says "you smell nice, I can smell you from here"
Jordan doesn't hear and says hmm?
Jeff says "I said you smell nice"
Jordan says she misheard and was about to say no I don't...
Jeff says "you smell nice"
He pauses and then says "you reek Jordan" LOL
Where’d that cork go? 😄
Jeff & Jordan are out in the BY talking about the alien comp...Jeff is telling Natalie he never thought BB would have put him & Jordan (together as a face in the alien POV comp), it would be too easy...Jordan says she knew it was her because of her teeth...Jeff didn't know it was him, he was like wtf? until he saw that little piece right here (his facial hair below his lower lip) Jeff says f**k, I bombed...what am I supposed to say...
Jordan says she thinks if she had up close pictures she would have got it....Jordan says "I hurts"...Jeff says it does...Jordan moves over to sit closer to Jeff, she says that she wanted Sean the producer to finish up her DR session, it went so long that he wasn't even there anymore...Jeff says the DR said get away from me, get outta here
Feeds cut out and when they return Jordan is laying down, saying her leg has a bubble in it (? lol) ...Jeff asks if she wants something to drink? then he says "you have a bubble in it?"...Jeff asks "what's wrong?"...Jordan says she has a bubble in her leg...Jeff says "what are you talking about?"...Jordan says it feels like when there's a bubble and it needs to pop...Jordan points to where it is...Jeff says he doesn't know what that means...Jeff keeps smoking and Jordan keeps rubbing her bubble.
Jordan turns to lay down facing the back of the couch and Jeff asks her if she's alright?...Jordan mmm, hmm's and Jeff says "where'd that cork go?"...Jeff picks up the cork, goes to throw it on her but instead puts the cork right in her butt.
Jordan says "Jefff" Jeff laughs. 😂
Jordan is oblivious to the cork LOL...she says she so could have gotten that today (the comp), it was so hers...Jordan sits up and asks Jeff if he wants to cook something?...Jeff says he'll cook something for her...Jeff asks her what she wants?...Jordan says she doesn't know, for them to go inside...they head inside.
Jordan stares at the fridge and walks away...Jeff starts munching on Triscuits & cheese again...Jordan comes back with a frozen pizza...Jeff says a pizza? that's it?
Jordan starts getting it ready...Jeff takes over asking if she just wants cheese on there, nothing fun?...Jordan says like what?...Jeff says he doesn't know, what does she want?...Jordan says "don't yell at me!" (he wasn't) ...Jeff goes outside to take out the garbage and ask if anyone wants anything fun on the pizza?...Jordan puts away dishes.
Baked Lays, olives & pizza
Jeff & Jordan are in the kitchen...Jeff is washing dishes and fiddling around...Jordan is sitting at the counter eating Baked Lays...she looks depressed.
Jeff puts a plate of olives on the counter ready for slicing for the pizza, while Jeff puts something away, Jordan takes the plate and starts cutting...Jeff tries to take the plate away from her and tells her to give it to him...Jordan says she's got it...Jeff says to leave it...Jordan says she's got it...Jeff says give it to me...Jordan says let me cut it!...Jeff says why?...Jordan says because she wants to...Jeff looks at her and bites his tongue and shuts up... (IMO he was worried she would hurt herself because she was still tipsy).
Meanwhile Michele is bouncing around in her bikini 🙄 saying she turned down a final 3 deal, she walks away...Jeff preps the pizza and asks Jordan if she wants bacon on there?...Jordan doesn't respond...Jeff says it's just fat and he puts it back...Jeff says he doesn't know what to do, if it was his pizza he would rock it out.
Michele comes back and injects herself in the convo again and rudely says "it's not your pizza?"...Jeff is about to say no, it's Jordan's...Michele says "who's pizza is it?"...Jeff says everybody's...Michele, in her baby voice, says he should do something for himself. (UGH!! 🤬) ...Jeff says he's not even that hungry LOL love it!...Jeff walks away to get something...Jordan finishes up with the olives and keeps eating chips...
Jeff comes back, looks at Jordan and says what are you thinking about?...Jordan says nothing...Jeff says "you look all upset" 🥺 Jordan keeps eating...Jeff takes the olives and says he's going to throw that bacon on there and he starts cutting it...
Just before midnight Jeff looks at Jordan and says "Johrrdan", he looks at her and laughs...Michele mills about and Jordan keeps eating...