August 18
Jeff zings Jordan
Talk continues amongst the HG's...Kevin is talking about vendors, people selling tamales, the area he lives in is very Mexican...Jordan says she hates when you're driving and someone is standing there with a sign where the light is and your car stops right there, she always looks the other way...Jeff cracks up! and says "that's the worst!"...Jordan says when she has her sunglasses on she can see them staring at her and she's like uhhhh...they laugh...Jordan in a strange Asian accent says "you're not getting no money today"...Russell and Natalie say she just turned Asian LOL!...while Jordan is explaining what she usually does in that situation, Russell and Jeff giggle about Jordan saying it in an Asian accent and Jeff imitates her saying "sorry I have no money"...they continue laughing over that while Natalie talks about bartering and tipping...
Jordan says in the Bahamas, that's how they are, she starts imitating the vendors there and comes off sounding Asian again...Russell asks Jordan how come all the poor people she meets are Asian?...Jordan says they're not Asian...Kevin says she's doing Jamaican right now...Jordan says she's talking about the Bahamas but she doesn't know, she's never seen a homeless Asian, if you think about it...Jeff says "that's a good call"...Jordan says she's never seen a homeless Greek ...Jeff laughs saying "slicked back hair?"...Jordan says "or Japanese, it's always old, white, grungy men with beards"...Jeff says they better get off the subject...Michele finally chimes in with "yeah it's getting bad"
Russell then starts laughing at how Jeff thought Chima's brother (from her HOH pics) looked like Ice Cube...Jeff says he swears to God he did...they debate that back and forth for awhile...Jordan says that he reminded her of one of the guys from Bone, Thugs and Harmony...Jeff says he loves those guys...Jordan tells Jeff from which video of theirs he reminded her of, no?...Jeff says not even fu**ing close!...Jeff drops the f-bomb not even 5 minutes later LOL...Jeff says it's not even close, that guy is not even black he thinks he's Puerto Rican or something ...Jordan says no, he's black...Jeff says the guy who raps fast and has a puffy afro?...Jordan says yes, she thinks he looks like him...Jeff says he's out, he's not talking about this anymore...Jordan says "nevermind"...
Jordan changes subjects...she says that her sister used to get so mad because people used to tell her she looked like the Bush sister...Jeff asks what's that?...Jordan says President Bush...Jeff says oh, oh, like his daughter...Russell says those girls are hot...Jordan says she thought the blond was cute, her sister had a rounder face when she was chunkier...Jeff says Jordan's sister is going to kill her because she's always calling her chunky...Jordan says she recently got skinny, she hasn't been around her like that, no stones...
Jordan says her sister would get mad at her because she'd ask her opinion on clothes and Jordan would give her honest opinion, her sister called her a bitch and walked off, Jordan would say "you asked me what I think" or Jordan would say she liked that top or this one would look better and then she was called a bitch...Jordan says she would want somebody to tell her...Natalie and Michele agree...Jordan says her mom tells her...
Jeff says "how about when I tell you every day when you ask me what looks better and I tell you that and you wear the exact opposite of what I said every single time, like that?"...Jordan makes an "oops busted" face and says "yeah"...Jeff says "I wonder where she gets it from?" ZZING!!
Jordan looks down embarrassed and they get quiet and then FISH...
Sexy Jordan/Nice booty/Heyyy
Jeff & Lydia play war in the kitchen...Jordan comes out of the DR and goes upstairs...Lydia gets called to the DR...Jeff and Lydia promise to finish playing when she gets the meantime, Jordan is up on the balcony and Jeff calls for her
"Johhrdan!"...Jordan says "what?"...Jeff says "what are you doing?"...Jordan says "nothing"...Jeff whips his head around to look up at her, he's all smiles...

Jeff says "you going to bed?"...Jordan says probably, she's going to lay around...Jeff who can't think straight 😉 LOL says "what??"...

Jordan says that Michele is not sleeping up there tonight, does he want to sleep up there?...Jeff immediately says yeah, is she going to be sleeping?...Jordan says he can sleep up there if he wants to...Jeff says he wants to, is she going to be sleeping though?...
Jordan asks how long he's going to be playing cards?...Jeff says just a little bit, he wants to go over the numbers ...Jordan says "tonight?"...Jeff says "you know?"...Jordan says "me and you? ok"...Jeff asks if she asked for new batteries?...Jordan says she'll ask later...Jeff says it's dead...
Jordan tells Jeff that she feels so fat, she shouldn't have eaten the cookie dough, she should have stayed away from it Jeff!...Jeff says Jordan was double fisting...Jordan says she was, it was good....Jordan asks Jeff if her hair looks bad?...Jeff says "no, it looks all sexy right now all slung over the edge"...

Jordan giggles saying "yeah right"...Jeff rawwrrr's...🐯🐯
Jeff keeps staring at her and Jordan smiles asking what?...Jeff says "nuthin', you look all sexy right now"...Jordan can't take a compliment (as usual) saying "no I don't"...Jeff says "why would I say that?"...Jordan says she doesn't know...both of them blush...
Michele interrupts the moment (what else is new? UGH) and then Kevin walks in too...Jordan turns around to show off her booty shorts and says "hey look, guess what my pants say?...heyyy"...🍑

Kevin says she has a nice booty...Jeff says "wow!"...Jeff asks her to press her booty up against the glass...Jordan says "no"...Jeff says "why!?"...Kevin and Jeff ask her to do it again...Jordan asks why?...Jeff says "what the f**k else are they doing?"...she obliges...

...they all giggle...Kevin says they just say hey?...Jordan bends towards them again to show them...

Jeff says again "push it against the glass" LOL!...Kevin thought it said "heyyyyy"...Jordan says she was just dragging it out...Jeff keeps looking at Jordan and Jordan says "what!!?"...nothing from Jeff 😍
JeJo study session - Jeremy Piven & Walter Payton
Jeff has been playing Bullshit with K/L/N downstairs but finally gets away to go to bed, he thought Jordan would be sleeping but Jordan has been tossing and turning in bed, waiting patiently for Jeff to come up...Jeff enters just after 2am...
Jordan says "what's up?"...Jeff says "Johrrdan...I thought for sure you'd be sleeping"...Jeff pops some Advil saying he has a headache every night...feeds go to control room...when the feeds return the lights are on, Jeff is getting settled on the HOH bed and says that he has to figure it out too...they decide to have a study session...
Jeff starts laying out the cards for each day...Jordan suggests using Michele's birth control to use the days that are labelled...Jeff says he knows what she means...he gets up to search for it in the bathroom...Jordan tells him where it is...Jeff wonders if he should be touching it, feels weird about it and says they don't need it, they're getting out of control...he comes back and they start up again...Jordan says "we came here June 5th?"...Jeff, with a smile, says "July 5th, June 5th's my birthday" 😉
Jordan thinks they didn't come in July 5th...Jeff says they came in the house July 5th...Jordan says she was in LA for her sister's birthday (the 29th)...Jeff says they came in the day after they watched The Fourth of July which was a Saturday, it was Sunday July 5th...Jordan says ok, yeah, ok...
Jeff lays out the cards for each day of the week like a calendar and they start figuring out which day each HG got evicted...feeds cut out just before for 6 mins...Jeff is talking about how day 26 is one for her to remember, it's the day cliques ended...Jordan says how can she remember that? oh! her mom was 26 when she had her...Jeff says " ok so her life ended at 26 just like the cliques ended, just something association ykwim?"
Jordan's got it...Jeff then says that 33 is the day Ronnie got evicted and 34 is the day Jeremy Piven came, how will she remember that?...Jordan thinks...Jeff says "34, I can remember that, like Walter Payton - Jeremy Piven"...Jordan says "who's Walter Payton?"...Jeff says "Walter Payton was one of the best running backs of all time, he was #34 "
Jordan smiles and says "whatever"...Jeff says Jordan's brother is Peyton, he's 34, Jeremy Piven, now you remember (well when you put it that way Jeff lol)...Jeff gets all offended saying "Who's Walter Payton?" (tsk)...Jeff realizes Walter Payton won't click for her so he asks her what's 34 to her? what reminds her of 34?...Jordan says nothing but then remembers her friend Char is 34...Jeff says that's perfect, her friend Char fu**ed Jeremy Piven , she's 34, there ya go...Jordan's face when Jeff said this is priceless...
Jordan's got it and they move on to going over eviction dates, Braden was evicted day 12, add 7 and so on...this confuses Jordan a little...Jeff gets a little testy and Jordan says sorry...Jeff says he's not yelling...they continue going over 12, 19, 26, 33...Jordan says she needs to figure out how to remember 33 so she can remember Char and 34 LOL how about 34 comes after 33? ;)
Jeff decides to use the actual number on the cards to help identify the dates the HG's were evicted...Jeff grabs a King and says "here, here, Jeremy Piven's the King" Jordan tells Jeff to not let anybody else know this...Jeff knows...Jordan says "this is a good way Jeff" :) Jeff finishes up laying out the cards and they get down to business with Jeff standing up to go over everything again...
JeJo study session - dates, dates, dates & smooth feet
The study session continues...
Jeff stands up and they go over everything, including HOH's, POV winners, dates of eviction and special dates like cliques ending and how can we forget the crucial day Jeremy Piven came in the house 😅 Jeff says all she has to remember are key days...Jordan recalls all the eviction dates correctly...Jeff remembers the Chima date of eviction which was special...Jordan says they should remember when Dan came in the house to host the Ugly Truth comp...they are not sure about that...Jordan thinks it was the 13th day in the house...they wonder what days Have Not competitions are and get confused saying everything was all weird in the beginning...
Jeff says "who cares, just focus with what we know"...Jordan says ok, ok...Jeff says "what are you getting...I didn't say anything"...Jordan says Jeff says it with attitude...Jeff says he didn't, he's just trying to focus on what he knows...Jordan says ok...Jeff wants to remember Chima left on day 42, she's 42 years old LOL
Jordan doesn't think the dates get too high, she remembers Dan's season where one of the comps went up to what seemed to be day 45 or so...Jeff says no, it's longer than that, up until the day you are there, could be up to day 70...Jordan wants to tell Jeff all the days in order then Jeff can tell her how she did...she rattles them off with only one minor mistake...they remember Chima's expulsion and Jordan's HOH were both on day 42...they say Russell's numbers were off...Jeff says maybe they can casually ask Michele what day Dan was there but he's not sure how much she'll tell them...Jordan says she doesn't want her to know because she'll tell Russell...Jeff agrees.
Jeff goes over the HOH & POV's for each week, then it's Jordan's turn, she gets confused...Jeff says she's tired...Jordan says it's a lot to take in...they go over more dates and then debate if they should remember things from the first week...Jeff doesn't think it's necessary...Jordan wants to do it again...Jeff says she has to rattle them off but she doesn't need to know them so fast yet, she can go over them each week...Jordan starts slowly again...Jeff says she has to realize she's going to have to do this when she's running around doing different stuff, so go, she should try to get it first...
Jordan looks at Jeff and says he's stressing her out...Jeff says "why I am stressing you out?"...Jordan says "cuz you're raising your voice"...Jeff smiles and pinches her foot, as he realizes her foot is smooth Jordan says she doesn't like it when he raises her voice...Jeff says "ooh, Smooth Jazz" 😊
Jeff reaches down and puts his head to her foot smelling it (?)...Jordan repeats she doesn't like it when he raises his voice at her...Jeff says he wasn't, he's trying to help her...Jordan says "ok, geez"...Jordan sticks out her foot telling Jeff to feel them...Jeff says "no, it looks weird right now all of a sudden" LOL Jordan says to feel them, they feel soft...Jeff feels and says "they do" :)
Jordan starts going over HOH's & POV winners one more time...Jordan gets stuck on the Russell/Michele combo and Jeff snaps his fingers saying it's back to back (POV's for Michele)...Jordan says ok! listen, she doesn't have them memorized yet...Jeff rubs Jordan's leg again, laying his head down by her foot and says "go ahead"...Jordan finishes and they go over if they may have missed something then Jeff quizzes Jordan on dates...
JeJo study session ends - Distant vs Snappy foot rubs
Jeff and Jordan continue going over key dates in the house...Jeff says it's important to remember when certain competitions happened...Jordan exhales and says they have to do this every night then...Jeff says she has the basic numbers now...Jordan wants Jeff to ask her questions...Jeff says he just did...Jeff grabs Jordan's foot and starts rubbing :) and then rubs up and down her while talking about when Casey was evicted...he rubs a little too hard and Jordan ow's...Jeff makes a pretend to be mad face at her and then giggles...Jeff grabs her toe for good measure LOL
Jordan says "me and you are more irritable with each other"...Jeff says "yeah I know"...Jordan asks why?...Jeff says "it's cuz you're getting on my nerves and vice versa, you're snappy with me"...Jordan says "thanks, I'm glad I'm getting on your nerves"...Jeff says "cuz you're so snappy with me"...Jordan says "you're not getting on my nerves"...Jeff says "yes I am!"...Jordan says "you're not getting on my nerves, I just feel like distant with you" 🙁
Jeff incredulously whispers says "what?"...Jordan says "I feel like you're distant"...Jeff starts rubbing her leg again saying "no, that's not true, you're just snappy with me so I choose to just take myself (out of the situation)..."
Jordan asks how she's being snappy? she doesn't mean to be snappy, it's probably because she thinks he's being distant...Jeff, with a big smile, says "you wanna hug?" Jordan says "when we finish this"...Jeff says "alright, maybe it will bring us closer" LOL!
Jeff says this was good, it laid everything out for him, he now knows what day they are on...Jordan wishes they could write things down, she does better doing that...Jeff says he has it pretty much memorized, he tried counting the bottles in the GR, the gold cans, etc...Jordan says she's behind...Jeff says he is too but he's got to start doing shit...Jordan says they need to be more observant with things...
Jeff wants to count the flowers outside, there are 10 windmills, he counts dumb shit, he goes over the sake bottles, the Buddhas, the different fruits in the LR...Jordan says she doesn't know what questions they ask...
Then Jordan says "will you keep rubbing?" :) Jeff, who has been, continues...Jeff says he hopes he's not memorizing all this dumb shit for nothing 😒 Jordan asks Jeff to quiz her again...Jeff says she knows this stuff but she says she likes to be quizzed...Jeff continues...
Jordan is nailing all the dates, HOH's and POV's but decides they need to make up a song to remember things better LOL! Jeff goes over the HOH/POV winners for each week, Jordan brings up the song again and Jeff says if she just keeps practicing she'll know, she's putting too much in her head, just remember who won, that's all, it's not going to be questions, it will be a timed event, don't stress about it until later...
Jordan says their main goal next week is to get Russell out, but he's not acting weird though...Jeff doesn't think so either, he's talking about final four...Jordan says Russell's acting cool, not even asking questions...they talk about how Russell was acting when they were outside earlier...Jeff says Russell wasn't even paying attention to the pool game because he was listening to the convo Jordan and Natalie were having about Jessie...Jeff says that Russell voting for Jessie to stay was brought up and Russell changed the subject right away, Jeff wanted to see him squirm.
Jordan starts recounting the dates again, day 12, 19 and so on...Jeff says she did good, she's got the basics...they go over how to remember the dates for the POV competitions, just add 2 days to the HOH dates...Jeff confuses things even more by saying another way to remember it is to minus 5 days from the dates of eviction/HOH dates Jordan thinks it's better for her to add than subtract (I agree lol)...Jeff says to just remember "core" days not "specific" days's getting late and confusing and they are getting foggy on things...they keep going over the dates AGAIN!...they try to focus in on when Dan came into the house...Jeff says he was super pissed that day...Jordan has got it down, she's right about the date for that, it was the 13th...feeds go to control room…
Distant/I always want to be with you
Jeff & Jordan finally settle into bed after their long study session...
Feeds switch to the HOH room...Jordan says she's going to miss this bed...Jordan asks what time was it when he walked by?...Jeff takes off his shirt and says that when he came up it was 2 o'clock when he came up the first time...Jordan says it's probably almost 3, they're probably going to get them up at 9, they have to pick players and get up early...Jeff gets comfy and puts his hand in its usual position...on Jordan's leg...Jeff says "are you giving me a little blanket?"...Jordan hmm's...
Jeff says "wow, this is giant"...Jordan mmm, hmm's...Jordan thanks Jeff for helping her and Jeff says he helps her all the time, they have to help each other...Jeff asks Jordan "why do you feel like we're distant?...Jordan says "mmm, mmm, I just feel like they're distant"...Jeff asks "why?"...
Jordan puts her mic on to explain...Jeff asks if she just wants to go to sleep, they don't have to talk about this...Jordan says she guesses it's not a big deal, she says "I just feel like we don't really talk as much and we're kind of distant, I feel like you always got a lot of stuff on your mind and you just..."....Jeff says it's just that she always has a lot of people around her, meaning Michele, she's always around...
Jeff in frustration says "whatever" and starts wrapping up his mic, he sarcastically says at least they talked about it...Jeff turns the other way...
Jordan says "well I mean we can if you want to?"...Jeff says no, he doesn't care either...Jordan reaches for Jeff's back and scratches a little...Jordan asks him if he was being sarcastic?...Jeff says no, he's tired too but they can wait until later when Michele is he is being sarcastic...
Jordan tries again to explain how she feels but she gets tongue-tied and just says he's more snappier these days...Jeff says "cuz I don't get to talk to you as much anymore"...Jordan says she tries to talk to him...
Jeff says "yeah but every time I try to talk to you someone's right there, you know and I get more snappy cuz I'm getting frustrated with Michele"...Jordan reaches for Jeff's foot with hers :) ...Jeff continues "and it's like I always have to put on a fu**ing show for her and then when I try not to talk to her, it's always like 'what's wrong?', what's wrong? I don't need to ask to pass the salt and you giggle all the time about it" (amen!)...
Jeff says that little things about her irritate him, that's all "and then when I talk to you for one minute, she just pops in"...
Jordan tells Jeff "don't be so distant"...Jeff says "with who?"...Jordan says "me"...Jeff says "I'm not, I always want to be with you 🥰 ...that's why I was so calm earlier in the game, cuz I could just talk to you and I didn't even have to worry about anyone else, I just talked to you and we worried about it" ❤️
Jeff says that now he has to act differently for everyone else, when he's talking to Jordan someone pops in, he never gets a fu**ing break, Michele is always want to talk game...Jordan puts her mic on and says right, he seems to be more irritable...Jeff says he is, he has a lot of shit on his mind...Jordan says that if she knew it was to their advantage she'd backdoor Russell just so Jeff wouldn't have anything to worry about...Jeff says he doesn't know it would be to his advantage...Jordan says it's not, they need to keep him here another week and then do something next week...Jordan says she had another talk with Michele, she asked her if she's going to turn on them? and Michele said no, she would pick Jeff over Russell any day...Jordan says "you listening?"...Jeff says yeah...Jeff turns to Jordan and they start talking game again…
“You’re so smooth jazz” - Jeff
After they finish talking game, Jeff assumes the spoon position with Jordan and kisses her shoulder a few times.
Jeff says everything gives him a headache...Jordan says Michele could be putting on an act but she's been telling her everything that's going on, they are all she has, why would she go against them?...Jeff says he doesn't understand why Russell would go against them either...Jordan says because he's a cocky mothereffer, so cocky, he thinks he can outsmart everybody, he thinks they're all dumb except Jeff, that's why he wants to get Jeff out...
Jordan says she's going to take her mic off...Jeff says his has been off...Jordan takes it off and puts it away...she says her stomach hurts and that she feels so clean, just like at home...Jeff rubs her leg/thigh and says "you're so smooth jazz...everywhere" 🥰...Jordan knows, she can soak now, take baths and put lotion on...
Jordan throws in a little more game talk saying if he goes, she's right behind...Jeff says he doesn't know but thinks Jordan has a good shot...Jordan says "you do too"...Jeff doesn't know...Jordan says that Jeff isn't a target as much as Michele and Russell...Jeff hopes so...Jordan says Michele is walking on eggshells...Jordan says she doesn't think people can hear them from downstairs...Jeff says they were screaming out numbers pretty loud but he doesn't give a f**k if they heard...
Jeff turns on his belly, snuggles into Jordan closer and they quiet down...Jordan asks Jeff to move a little because her stomach hurts and he was touching it...he says he's sorry, he was just trying not to be distant. ;) Jordan tee hees...Jeff moves and bumps Jordan...Jordan says she's always getting beaten...Jeff says to watch it, his elbow is right there...
Jeff asks what she was saying?...Jordan says "what was I saying?"...Jeff says "hmm, I never know" 😊Jordan reaches for Jeff to rub him...
“you’re so soft, I wanna make a blanket out of you”
J&J are quiet but Jeff is obviously touching Jordan under the covers for awhile when he says to her..."you're so soft, I love it, I wanna make a blanket out of you" 😍 Jordan giggles...Jeff then does something else and asks her "does that tickle?" Jordan says kind of...Jeff exhales deeply...

They are quiet again...@ the 3:24 am mark Jordan sits up to reach for a blanket for Jeff so he'll be warm in the morning, it should be at the end of the bed...Jeff reaches down and finds it on the ground, he brings it up and places it next to him saying thank you...Jordan says mmm, hmm...Jordan turns towards Jeff and snuggles into Jeff's arm...Jeff shifts closer to Jordan...Jeff says that the bed is so big, you can sleep at every angle...Jordan mmm, hmm's...they lay quiet but awake for awhile...Jeff says his prayers
@ the 3:27am mark...they finally seem truly sleepy when Jordan turns the other way...but not before Jordan puts her leg on top of Jeff's :) ...feeds switch...
Jordan cups Jeff’s butt
Jeff and Jordan are in bed sleeping, facing away from each other...Jordan then turns to Jeff, reaches down and cups his butt with her hand...Jeff stirs, looks back at Jordan, rubs his eyes, then reaches down to touch Jordan and mmm's...Jordan doesn't move...Jeff shifts around for a little and then a minute or so later he gets up to use the facilities...
(later in the day Jeff would recount what happened to Jordan, including the fact that he had to go pee after she did that 😉LOL)
Michele is jealous
Now my opinion has always been that Russell wanted Jordan and Michele (obviously) wanted Jeff. Russell seemed to get over it eventually, but Michele is another story.
Russell and Michele are up before everyone else and talking in the BY. They talk some about the CDT. Russell says this week, either you need to win or I need to win. We need to talk about what we are going to do. (Just for anyone who still thinks Russell wasn't coming after Jeff...) Russell wants to talk to Jeff again because he's not being normal. Michele agrees. She says she picked up on the CDT because she's been hanging out with Jeff every day for months (in her imagination!).
Russell thinks Jeff's just being really weird. Russell wonders if he and Michele should hang out together so much. Michele brings up that Jeff is "hanging all over Jordan". Russell agrees. Michele says that he hasn't been like that until now. (What!?! So she's hanging out with him every day for MONTHS and she didn't notice that J&J have been together and very affectionate since week 1? Whatever with this crazy woman! 🤯)
They talk about awkwardness the night before (when Jordan sat on Jeff's lap and they talked about smelly armpits - LOL). Michele brings up the night that all three slept in the HOH bed. She decided to not sleep in HOH last night and Jeff said "good, no more 3-somes". (This comment by Jeff somehow bothered her...Why Michele, because you wanted him to be happy about you being in the bed....? Get over yourself)
She says Jeff had told her she wasn't the third wheel, but she now thinks she might be... (DUH!) Michele then blatantly lies and says J&J asked her what she was doing in there this morning when getting her stuff from the HOH bathroom. They complain that no one else is awake and go inside.
Jordan doesn’t fly
How things would change for Jordan...
Jordan is sitting at the counter eating a salad and sandwich, Jeff is cooking. Jordan asks Jeff if he's going in the pool today. Jeff says yeah and asks how about you? Jordan says mmm, hmm. Jeff asks "your thing didn't come yet?" Jordans ask what? Jeff says with a giggle "your Oliver didn't come yet?" Jordan says no...Jeff says "what's up with that?" Jordan doesn't know, Michele says sometimes when you're stressed it doesn't come...Jeff says at all? Jordan says sometimes it'll skip but it's gotta come soon cuz I've been cramping...Jeff says yeah. Jordan says "you know what?" Jeff says what's up...Jordan says she likes Natalie without Jessie, she's sweet and stuff.
Feeds cut out and when they return J&J are talking about the beach, Jordan says she goes to Myrtle because it's the closest...Jeff says when he comes out to LA all the time he comes to Hermosa...Jordan asks if it's far from here...Jeff says it's right next to LAX. Jeff says his buddy lives by there so he just goes by his house. Jordan remembers when she was in the LAX airport and she was waiting for her shuttle....
Russell comes in and interrupts their conversation...he says Natalie's bf has been watching all the live feeds and Russell sarcastically says that's good. Jeff says she has nothing to worry about now. (that Jessie is gone) Russell & Jordan chit chat and then talk turns to the airport again...
Jordan says when she first got to the LAX airport and she was waiting for her shuttle all the cars were speeding by and she thought this place is super duper busy...she didn't know what she was doing...Jeff says what you were doing? Jordan says yeah, she never flies so she had to get somebody to help her do her ticket with the computer thing, twice, there and back and when she leaves her too...Russell asks what? Jordan asks what is it called Jeff? Jeff says your e-ticket? ...
Jordan says she had to keep asking them that then when they would weigh her bags, she got all confused trying to keep her tickets together. Natalie comes inside and Jordan asks her if she knows how to do the e-ticket thing...Natalie says she flies all the time because her sister lives in LA...they talk about having someone accompany them out to LA when they came for BB.
Jordan tells the story of how she let a sassy woman behind her in line pass her by because she didn't know she had to do her ticket on the computer, everyone started going by her, she had no idea what she was doing and she was embarrassed. Jeff asks if she learned a little bit...Jordan says not really she just had someone help her and then they show her but she doesn't listen because they do it for her and she knows she's not going to fly...Russell laughs, Jeff says that's good. 🧐 Jordan raises her voice and says she's not going to ever really fly again (😉😅) ...Jeff sarcastically says you'll probably never fly in your life ever again so why learn...
Russell says yeah, you will when you become a famous superstar...Jordan says her grandma has never been on a plane. Russell does his girly voice and says "Jeff I just came back from LA" Jeff says how are you supposed to visit people? Jordan says she drives. Jeff says yeah? You drive to LA? Russell says the first funny thing I heard him say all season..."What are you like? John Madden?" 😄 (because he won’t fly)
Jordan says she drives with her grandparents, they drive like 12 hours...Jeff says "you gonna go to Vegas?" Jordan resigns herself to saying well yeah...Jeff says well there's another flying trip...Jordan says then I'll call you and be like hey, walk me through this please...Jeff says and I'll be like...he pretends to look at his phone in his hand, nods no and puts his phone back in his pocket...Russell says he's going to be drunk by that time, he'll have his number changed by Verizon...
They start talking about comps and the game…
Who’s distant now?
Jeff has been sitting on the couches while Jordan has been laying on the blue raft in the pool...Jeff heads towards the pool area, he applies some sunscreen and asks Jordan "what's up?"...Jordan says nothing...
Jordan asks Jeff if he wants to take the raft because she's getting on the hammock...Jeff says no, he'll take the other one, is she getting out now?...Jordan says she is getting out...Jeff says "right when I get in?" (as per usual 😫)...Jordan says she was going to anyways but he just happened to walk over there ...Jeff says "yeah, yeah, I get it"...
Jeff then calls her out on what she had told him earlier about him being distant by sarcastically saying "I'm distant"...Jordan hmm's?...Jeff keeps applying sunscreen...Jordan, as she's getting out, says "is your chicken good?"...Jeff says yes...Jordan walks over the hammock and lays on it...Jeff steps into the pool saying "it's bullshit Jordan"...
Jordan was holding Jeff’s ass
Jeff is in the pool and Jordan is on the hammock...BB tells Jordan to put on her mic, she walks over to the pool area to get it and walks back...Jordan tells Jeff that last night she kept creeping onto his side, she was all splattered out...Jeff says he knows, him too...Jordan lays down...Jeff tells Jordan that she kept creeping over to his side during the night, he doesn't mind though, she always has to touch him 😊...Jordan starts giggling...Jeff figures it's because she's used to sleeping with her Ma because during the night she was always putting her foot on his...Jordan says "do I?"...Jeff says yeah...Jordan says sorry...Jeff says he doesn't mind.
Jordan says they always touch each other's feet...Jeff says she's always grabbing him somehow...Jordan giggles, she remembers holding Jeff's arm...Jeff says this morning Jordan was holding his ass, did she know that one?...Jordan laughs and says no...Jeff says he was curled up into a ball because it was so cold, he was laying on his side facing away from her and she had her hand on his ass, he was like wtf, I gotta pee LOL Jordan laughs, Jeff giggles...
Jeff says her hand wasn't just laying there, she had it cupped and everything...they giggle again.
Jordan says sorry...Jeff says he thought, huh? what the hell do you and your Ma do at night?...Jordan says they touch feet...Jeff asks if they grab each other's ass?...Jordan laughs saying she doesn't know why she grabbed it...Jordan says Jeff has a little butt. ☺️ Jeff says he knows, it's the littlest butt and he's pissed about it...not really...Jordan asks "pissed about what?"...Jeff says "my little butt" ☺️
Fear of flying/911/Comparing tans bump
Jordan comes over to sit by Jeff & Michele who are in the pool. She wishes they could have an outdoor firepit so they could roast marshmallows and make s'mores. Jeff says Jordan looks so country drinking her Orange Crush from a bottle. She doesn't like that too much, lol...he says she looks cute, like in a commercial.
They start discussing 911/Trade Center and how they felt at the time. They talk about their fear of flying. Jeff gets out of the pool to dry off...Jordan says "you look tan...are you tanner than me?"...Jordan gets up to compare her tan to his while Jeff says "how can I be tanner than you?"
Jordan pulls her shorts down a little and says "look, you tanner?"...Jeff says "let's see" while pulling her hips towards his...Jordan says "nooo" while pushing away Jeff, she says "Jeff!"...Jeff says "what!? I was just comparing"...Jordan says "no, you weren't"...Jeff says "Jordan, don't judge me"
Jordan says she is bored...Jeff says he knows, what does she want to do? he asks if she wants to play cards?...Jordan says no, she gets bored with cards...Jeff sighs and says what to do?...Jeff asks if she wants to play horse in the pool?...Jordan asks what's horse?...Jeff says "pig"...Jordan says she doesn't know what she wants to do...Jeff says he has to pee and he leaves...
Jeff shows Jordan a card trick
Jordan is bored, she joins Jeff on the couches...Jeff is about to play solitaire...Jordan says "again?"...Jeff says he will show Jordan a card trick...Jeff says "don't worry it will be cool"...Jeff puts the cards in groups of 4, Ace, King, Queen, Jack...Jordan confirms this...Jeff grabs the cards and shuffles...he asks her to pick a number between 1 and 10...Jordan picks 5...Jeff tells Jordan to cut the deck 5 times and put it on top...she does it with Jeff's help...Jeff asks her if she remembers how they were before?...Jordan remembers...Jeff starts dealing out the cards in piles of 4 again, he says they all went to a party together and got a little liquored up LOL...Jeff tells Jordan to flip them over, she does...
Jordan sees the cards are in the exact same order and she asks "how'd you do that?"...Jeff grabs the cards again to reshuffle and says that they all got liquored up, got together the next morning and then what happens?...Jordan says "they got horny" LOL!
Jordan picks 1 this time, cuts the cards and Jeff does the trick again...Jordan cannot figure out how he is doing it and keeps asking him "how'd you do that?" It's so cute! 😊
Jordan then grabs the cards and says "now I'm going to tell you something"...Jeff cracks up!...Jordan wants Jeff to try now that she messed up his order...Jeff says he just did it twice...Jeff says she messed it up...Jordan wants to know how he did it?...Jeff says it's easy, just get a couple of bottles and stuff...they giggle...she really wants to know...Jeff says "I can't do that"...Jordan asks why? and Jeff turns and looks at her so sweetly..swoon...
Popping pimples/looking beautiful
Jordan has just finished plucking her eyebrows and sits on the floor by the couches in the BY to pop her pimples. She didn't realize she had so many and asks Jeff why he didn't tell her that. He says because she looks beautiful every day. 🥰
Jordan says "Jayefff" 😃 and he laughs at how she always says his name whenever he says something like that. Jeff (as she continues to pick at her skin) says "you look more attractive than ever right now" LOL 😛 They laugh…
Jordan says then she will turn around the other way...Jeff says he is playing, she can do whatever she wants...Jeff keeps shuffling and sneaking peeks at Jordan, he can't help but smile at her...
Jeff laughs and kind of looks around as if to say nah, I'm not a goofy love struck puppy...Jordan says she's gotta get them...Jeff asks Jordan to cut him a winner...Jeff says "feel it?"...Jordan says "feel it!"...Jeff likes the attitude!
They talk about wanting nose hair trimmers , they figure they should have asked for one when BB was giving out beauty products...Jeff says the toothpaste BB got him is the exact one he brought to BB...Jordan says her forehead looks wrinkly, it's the LA sun getting to her...Jeff says "Jordan, you look fine"...Jordan says it's aging her, she puts sunscreen on her face and her hair is greasy...Jeff says "you're falling apart Jordo"...Jordan says she knows...Jeff says "no you're not, you look good...Jeff!"...
Jordan says she says his name when she's mad or she's embarrassed by something he says...Jeff giggles to himself...Jordan asks "what?"...Jeff is laughing about after "that competition" and they talk about the chaosserole competition YET AGAIN! It's pretty comical to see them bantering over their banter haha
Jordan gets tired of talking about it and says she's going to lay on the hammock and finish...Jeff wants her to stay, they're have having nice conversation and getting to know each other LOL
BB has called an outside lockdown...Jordan heads over to the fridge to fill her cup...Jeff asks what are the odds Jordan will fill his? please?...Jordan takes Jeff's cup...Jeff says thanks...Jeff repeats thanks Jordan, he says he will make her dinner, it's a trade...Jordan fills it and fills hers with Gatorade...Jeff asks for a splash of it in his water but thinks it's too late...Jordan tops up his water with her Gatorade and hands it to Jeff...Jeff realizes she put some in and says thanks, it's perfect 😊 Jordan leaves for the hammock...
Michele watches JeJo flirt
Jeff comes inside, Jordan is tidying the kitchen...Jeff says "Johhrdan" :) Jeff asks Jordan if she wants anything to eat?...Jordan says she's good...Jordan whispers to Jeff that when Jeff was showing her the card game Russell was applying his sunscreen and staring at them...Jeff says ever since that day he caught him with one eye open staring at him he has thought he was super weird...Jordan agrees...Jeff goes to the bathroom...Jordan starts washing some dishes while Michele walks right by and fake yawns , she heads straight up the stairs to the HOH room without even asking Jordan if she can (UGH! How rude! )...Jordan watches her through the mirror.
At this point Cam 3/4 switch to the HOH room
Michele turns on the spy screen to watch what is going on in the that exact moment Jeff enters the kitchen and stands by Jordan who is finishing up the dishes...Jordan says she is washing dishes, yeah...Jeff says they should wash their own dishes, it makes him so sick...they smile at each other through the mirror...Jeff pinches Jordan's cheek and she screeches...Jordan backs away and says "my hair looks greasy"...Jeff goes for the patented hug & neckage move saying "you look sexy"...Michele watches them with a stunned look on her face. Bwahahaha
They laugh. Jeff says he's bored too...Jordan says for them to do something...Jeff says "wanna make things out of clay?"...Jordan whines "nooo, that's boring...that's for you" :)
They start talking about Michele being like a cold you can't shake (my words not theirs) right as Michele starts making her weird faces (probably realizing that Jeff IS INDEED closer to Jordan than s**t Sherlock!!)...
Jordan says she's annoyed, she can't go anywhere...Jeff says he knows...Jordan suggests going in the green room, they can go there and talk...Jeff says they could...Jeff walks to the DR to ask for batteries for her CD player...Jordan says to not bother because Thursday is only 2 days away...Jeff goes in the DR...
Jordan and Natalie are outside tending to laundry, Jeff is on the elliptical...Jordan walks over to the couch area to tidy up...Natalie gets called to the DR...Jordan then passes by Jeff, puts something in the trash, turns around, pinches his butt and says "beep" LOL They smile at each other...
Jordan keeps tidying up saying that cleaning helps her to think...Jeff says "you thinking?"...Jordan says yeah...Jeff asks what she's thinking about?...Jordan says it helps her de-stress...Jeff asks if Michele talked to her?...Jordan says no...Jeff says he'll talk to her later but she came up to him crying...Jordan says "crying? about what?"...Jeff says she said she was stressed out...Jordan says "why?"...Jeff says he doesn't know, she asked if she was still good with him and Jordan, are they coming after her now?...Jordan says she has been distant with her...Jeff says he told her something doesn't match up and he needs to talk to both of them (M&R) to find out...Jordan asks what she said?...Jeff says she said "ok"...
Jeff then says that "what's his name" talked to him too but he'll talk to her later about it...Jordan asks who did he talk to?...Jeff doesn't answer or doesn't hear...Jordan keeps tidying and puts away Jeff's cards...feeds switch out…
Shrunk my shirt/Help me work one out
Feeds switch to the bathroom but before they do audio is heard of Jordan entering the bathroom and Jeff greeting her "hi Johhrdan" :) Jordan brings in a couple of shirts of Jeff's that she washed & dried...Jeff says they look like a little kid shirt...Jordan says not to yell at her, she just put them in the dryer...Jeff says she shrunk them, look how much bigger the darker one is (compared to the grey)...Jordan tells Jeff to try the grey one on...he does and Jordan asks if he doesn't dry them?...Jeff says "on what?"...Jordan says she did it on normal...Jeff tries it on and it fits but Jeff says "it's shrunken though" ;) ...
Jeff lays down and Jordan mumbles something about thinking he was working out, she loses her train of thought looking at Jeff ;) Jeff asks her who she is looking at?...Jordan says "you"...Jeff replies "come give me a kiss" 😍
Jordan starts to walk away and Jeff says "Jordan don't run away from your feelings" 😋...Jordan replies back "you're a dork"...Jeff giggles and says "Jordan!...get over here"...Jordan says "what?" Jeff then gives her 2 air kisses, she smiles and mouths that they need to talk...she goes to the SS room with her bag of laundry...
Jordan returns to the bathroom and sits with Jeff...Jeff again says "hi Johhrdan" :) Jeff rubs her back...they talk about working out, Jordan wants Jeff to help her...Jordan is kinda mad at Michele, mad at Russell, she doesn't know why, she is feeling moody...Jeff says "at least you're talking to me" ;) ...Jeff says he knows she's getting moody, he felt it today too, by the pool he just let her go but "they" don't let her go, that's probably why she's more frustrated with them...
Jordan says he knows how she gets...Jeff understands she wants Jordan time, she hasn't had one minute, if not them it's him and he's doing it for selfish reasons because he gets frustrated with everybody, he wants to talk to her because Jordan is the only one that doesn't frustrate him...
They whisper a little game talk and then Jeff offers Jordan to help her workout and they can talk while he helps her...Jordan she feels fat and that's why she's working out...Jeff tells her "you look sexy"

...Jordan rolls her eyes and says "Jeff! you're too nice, you just say nice things"...Jeff says he's not, she looks good ;) Jordan changes the subject back to game talk...Kevin walks in to use the bathroom and they go back to "fluffy" whispers while Kevin is in the stall, then they talk about the upcoming comps scenario, Natalie saunters in and they discuss further...they then leave...
Jeff and Jordan agree they need to talk over everything to be prepared...Jordan wants to backdoor Russell so badly...they agree they need to talk to Michele tonight to clarify things...Jeff then says while putting his hand on Jordan "ok now back to the real wanna go upstairs for a little bit?"...Jordan says for what? and looks at the sly look on Jeff's face...they both smile...Jeff reaches over to her and laughs...

Jordan says "Jayeff...come on"...Jeff says he's serious...Jordan says "you're supposed to help me work out"...Jeff says "you're supposed to help me out too, you're supposed to help me work one out" 😜 ...Jeff laughs...Jordan says "no, I'm not!"...Jordan gets up...Jeff says "look at you, you're getting all flustered"...
Jordan likes Jeff scruffy
After Jeff tells Jordan he wants to work one out, Jordan says no and gets flustered...she gets up and says to Jeff "c'mon let's go"...Jeff says he needs to shave...Jordan says no, do it later, then Jeff says "we're gonna"...Jordan "no, do it later"...Jeff "we're gonna"...Jordan "no, we're not gonna" LOL
Jeff starts to shave and Jordan says "no, don't shave now"...Jeff says look at my beard...Jordan says he doesn't have a beard, he's just scruffy...Jeff says he doesn't like scruffy, she likes scruffy..."tell your next boyfriend to get scruffy" (pssst, she did)
Jordan gets pissed and goes to leave but instead watches him shave...

Jordan says that he hates being scruffy...Jeff talks about his "Johnny Depp" and decides he might sport it for live show, he then goes to take a shower which gets Jordan really mad (because he's taking too long, she could have worked out by now) and she leaves.
Jeff tells a moody Jordan to relax
Feeds switch to Jordan and Jeff who are in the BY talking game...Jordan starts walking laps...Jeff sits down on the couches...Jordan tells Jeff if he doesn't want to say anything don't but she's going to say something...Jordan says she's just being moody because she's about to start her period but one of them is lying (M or R)...Jeff says he knows...Jordan says if one of them are, she's switching her alliance, she's serious...
Jeff says "relax ok"...Jordan says it's coming down to deciding if they want to be there next week or not...Jeff knows but to just take it easy, she's starting to bark out orders now...Jordan says she's not...Jeff says for her to relax, he understands she's crabby but she needs to relax and keep her head, alright?...Jordan walks by again in silence...
Jeff says "for real, you can be pissed off if you want, it's a game, don't get all emotional"...Jordan knows, she's just saying...feeds go to control room & return..,Jordan is getting a towel to exercise on and Jeff is still sitting looking at Jordan with a very concerned look on his face...Jordan starts doing sit-ups...Russell comes outside and they chat about grilling briefly, Russell starts grilling...Jeff keeps looking over at Jordan while having a cigarette...
Russell asks Jeff another question about grilling...Jeff goes inside to get some tongs and helps him out...Russell goes back inside...Jeff takes the opportunity to approach Jordan, he tells her that he thinks they should wait until after dinner and go in the HOH room to talk to them (M & R) together, what does she think?...Jordan says "I guess, if that's what you think"...Jeff says "what do you think?"...Jordan says "yeah that's fine, they're probably both gonna deny it but I wanna know just in case one of them gets HOH"...
Jeff starts walking away saying "me too" and Jordan says "hello!?"...Jeff says yeah?...Jordan says she doesn't want it to be like they never asked and what if Russell wins HOH and they go up, she did have one question though, what if Kevin wins POV and saves one of the girls, then she would have to put up one of them?...Jeff says yes but that person doesn't ultimately have to go home...Jordan says if it happens she'll put him up but how do we know about the votes?...Jeff says that's why he'll ask the questions...Jordan says that's what she wants to know...
Jordan says she feels fat, squeezing out from her pants...Jeff says "you're doing good" :) Jordan gives him a look...Jeff says he doesn't understand, he can't give a compliment, she gets pissed...Jordan says no, she's in a bad mood...Jeff says "I know you are" and he walks away once he sees Russell's back…
Chocolate covered strawberries
Jordan gets chocolate fondue and strawberries in her HOH basket so she decides to make it for everyone for dessert. Jordan puts the fondue container in the microwave to melt, gets Chima's strawberries from the fridge too and starts dipping the strawberries in the chocolate and handing them out. Everyone partakes except for Lydia, even Jeff has some even though he doesn't love chocolate, he says it's "real good"...Kevin asks nicely if Jeff & Jordan can humor him and feed each other strawberries 🍓
Jordan says they can also dip them and put them in the fridge...Natalie and Jeff both like it hot...Lydia likes them cold, she says to put the raspberries in there too...Jeff points out that Kevin has chocolate all over him and Kevin makes a face like he's enjoying the strawberries on a whole other level ...Lydia wants to play bullshit...Natalie says she will after she finishes eating strawberries...Jordan asks who wants more, she's making them for everyone...Kevin asks again if he can just see one session of Jeff & Jordan feeding each other strawberries.
Natalie says to Kevin "would that make you excited or what?"...Kevin says he thinks it's romantic...Lydia says it would fulfill a fantasy for Kevin...Jeff says "Jordan's crankypants" LOL Jordan says "I'm about to start my period"...Natalie says she has Naproxen...Lydia says Jordan, her & Chima were all on the same cycle.
Jordan asks for one more plate please...Jeff asks if they should put those in the freezer?...Jordan says yeah...Jeff says they're already getting hard...Jordan hands an extra chocolatey one to Natalie, Natalie says "sweet, thank you" and Jeff laughs...
Jordan says her boyfriend is probably watching her saying he wants to beat her (? LOL) ...Natalie says he probably is, he is watching the live feeds...they keep eating and Jordan says at least Chima's strawberries won't go to waste...they talk about Chima and how there is no way she's watching them...Kevin asks if they've gone to a fondue restaurant...Jeff has, Kevin and Natalie haven't...Lydia has and says they're expensive...
Jeff says they're not too bad because you get filet mignon and lobster and stuff, Jeff explains what they're like...Jordan asks Jeff if he always drinks wine when he goes out?..Jeff says yeah with dinner...they talk about sushi restaurants...Jordan doesn't like sushi...Natalie loves it...Jeff says plum wine with sushi is awesome.
Jeff tells Lydia he can't talk to her with those goggles on...Lydia says to put them on and try to drink his wine...he does

Kevin says "you would have been awesome as Captain Unitard!" Jeff says he feels like a pilot...Kevin says he would be like a super hero, super hero...Lydia gets all offended and says "thanks"...Lydia says apparently Jeff is more legit and she's more cartoony.
Jordan finishes up dipping the raspberries...Kevin and Jeff each have one, Jeff says "those taste like those chocolates, you never know what's in them"...Jordan says she thought Jeff was going to say "you never know what you're gonna get" like Forrest Gump, she loves him.
Jeff says the other strawberries are all ready to jam...Jordan says "ready to jam?...just kidding"...Kevin says "stone?"...Jeff says "always"...Jeff & Lydia start arguing fairly civilly about what Lydia was going to do with that golf club she was swinging and about pushing Jeff's buttons...they talk about little Jeff (playdoh) and how Chima threw him out :( ...feeds cut out…
Jordan’s crabby/Jeff’s concern
The other HG's are playing bullshit at the kitchen table...Jordan is preparing the heating pad that Natalie gave her (she is cramping)...Natalie tells her to put it in the microwave for 2 minutes...Jordan says to watch her catch this thing on fire...Natalie gives her some of her Naproxen to take as well...Jeff sits by at the counter watching Jordan and looking concerned.
Jordan stares at the microwave...she says to Jeff "this would be a good game for you to play right now"...Jeff mumbles "you gonna go upstairs right now?"...Jordan mmm, hmm's...Jeff says he'll go up there with her for a second.
Jordan says she's going to try seeing if the pad is done...she takes it out and Jeff's eyes open wide, he says "holy f**k" and he reads the label saying that it says to put it in there for 2 minutes, how does it feel?...Jordan says it's warm enough...Jeff says to put it in for another 45 seconds but Jordan says it's hot, real hot...Jeff says "it's good?"...Jordan says yeah and she starts to walk towards the stairs...Jeff points to the box and says "that's you"...Jordan says "huh?"...Jeff says "nothing, there's a picture of a girl holding her stomach"...walks up the stairs to the HOH room, Jeff follows behind.
Jordan sits down on the bed, Jeff sits on the round chair, he tells her "you need to relax Jordan"...Jordan says "huh?"...Jeff says "you gotta relax"...Jordan says "with what?"...Jeff says "with everything, you're getting too stressed out"...Jordan turns to lay back and Jeff says "don't get frustrated with me please, I'm just telling you the facts alright"...Jordan says "you never even said anything did you?"...Jeff says "no, I didn't".
Jeff says "don't give me a dirty look!"...Jordan says "I'm just saying, just uhh, hmm"...Jeff says "because it's not like a conversation that's gonna be just like hey, did you say this? uhh, no, alright cool, you wanna shoot pool? it's gonna be like a fu**ing 4 hour thing and then if the other half of the house knows that we're fighting they're going to love it ok? and isn't the plan just to get one of them out this week?"
Jordan says even if they ask, watch one of them win HOH and then you go up, he doesn't know where he stands with them...Jordan suggests getting Russell drunk, he always opens up when he's drunk...Jeff says that's true so maybe he can ask him after the wine...Jordan says he gets on her nerves, she doesn't want to be around him...
Jeff says not to worry, he will do it when the time is right, she's not thinking right now with a clear head, she's very crabby, he understands, he's not saying anything to her but just think for a second, one day she's in power and she wants to flipping sides and throwing this person out and stuff, they've been good and level-headed the whole game, don't get too power crazy...Jordan says it's not power crazy, it's the fact that he is still here and next week if him or Michele win and they are a team, her & him are going up.
Jeff ponders and says that if they get him out and Lydia stays and wins, they're going up...Jordan, her voice steadily rising, says "I'm not saying get him out this week, I'm saying get one of them out but I'm just preparing you for next week"...Jeff says "see how you're talking to me right now"...Jordan says "I'm just saying!"...Jeff says "I know what's gonna happen, I know the consequences.........and it's me that's leaving, not you (he was right about that!) you tone it down a notch ok? cuz you're not going nowhere, I am".
Jordan says that's why she keeps telling Jeff to talk to them...Jeff says he'll do it when the time is right...Jordan says "ok, I'm not asking you anymore"...Jeff says "well you don't have to get pissed at me, ykwim? it's my fate...just cuz you're crabby, think of what you're saying, ykwim?"...Jordan says "well I have nothing to say to them, she's lying and he's probably lying to, I know she's lying".
Jordan says she needs to know what to do if Kevin takes one of them off the block, the scenarios, especially if it is on Thursday and it's last minute...Jeff knows what she means...Jordan wants to know exactly what to do...
Jeff says Jordan has the tiebreaker but he swears he will talk to them tonight after they have their wine...Jordan says it's good to play bullshit with them to see if they are good liars...Jeff says that has nothing to do with anything, of course they are lying, that's the game...Jordan says of course but if Russell is coming after them she wants him out...Jeff says but then if Michele wins POV one of us is going home (😟) ...Jordan knows and says "but you're the only person in here that I can trust, I can't trust anybody else"...Jeff says "me too"...
Jeff stumbles over his words and just warns her to take it easy with being nice to the other side, saying she's flipping things because they don't give a f**k about her, they never have and their backs are against the wall and now she thinks they're being sweet and you can trust them.
Jordan says she was just trying to be nice to Natalie and she's annoyed with Russell, she's trying to avoid him...Jeff says "that's fine, use your period as an excuse, I'm on my period, I don't feel like talking right now, it's understandable, I already said, she's on her period, she's very crabby, don't worry about it"...Jordan asks if Russell already asked?...Jeff says "yeah"....Jeff says that Russell had already mentioned what was wrong with Jordan and Jeff told her Jordan was on her period and she was super mean to him so not to worry about it.
Jeff starts up again saying that Jordan needs to use her head and as much as she thinks it's one question and done, it's gonna be all night, Michele is going to go screaming through the house and the others will get all excited, to put herself in their scenario and how happy she would be if all that shit went down, Michele won't keep her cool, she's a wreck and as much as people say Michele is crazy, they're right, she is crazy...
Jeff gets up to the put the spyscreen on the kitchen...Jeff asks why Michele is such an emotional wreck?...Jordan thinks because she's guilty...Jeff says exactly...Jeff asks if Michele talked to Jordan today?...Jordan says no...Jeff says she talked to him...Jordan says "she likes you better than me"...Jeff tsks and says "cuz she's playing every side Jordan" (uhhh, no Jeff, Jordan is bang on! Great instincts Jordan :) )...
Jeff says Michele tried to talk to him last night and he just said goodnight and Michele asked him if he just went to bed and said Colt 45? he was like "what?"...Jordan is "what? what's Colt 45?"...Jeff says it's a beer but he would never say that, he doesn't know what she's talking about, he just said goodnight and she's hearing things, he didn't know what to tell her.
Jeff says he thinks Russell isn't as deep in as she makes it seem...Jeff told Michele a lot of things don't match up so he wants to talk to them together and she was like Ok...Jeff says Michele has a way of twisting things that Russell says and frankly he doesn't even care but if he does want Jeff out after saying final 4 and him staying over Jessie then yeah he wants to get to the bottom of it but it's not going to go quietly and if he were them he would be happy that the other side was fighting amongst themselves....they discuss a bit more game and who to get rid of.
Jordan says her stomach is real upset...Jeff asks if she's going to throw up?...Jordan says poop...Jeff asks if he should go outside...Jordan thinks it's best he go play bullshit with the others...Jeff says "why don't you just relax for a little bit"...Jordan says she is and she turns off the light...Jeff says "you gotta relax Jordo for real, I don't mean to make you upset"...Jeff leaves...