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Day 28 of BB11 Feeds


August 6

Jordan says nice things about Jeff


Feeds switch to JeJo with Jeff saying to Jordan "aww that's nice" (they are laying head to toe facing each other in Jeff's bed in the RR)...Jordan says "I don't"(?)...Jeff says "that's the first nice thing you've said to me since we've been here"...Jordan says "yeah right"...

Jeff giggles...Jordan says "I say a lot of good things about you"...Jeff mumbles "nah"...

Jordan says "you do, you're like my best friend in this house, you're my only friend in this house that I can really trust, I told you, you're like the guy version of me"...Jeff says "I know it Jordan"...Jordan says "you just, I just get along with you, you just like click, I think we're a lot alike that's why...I think we are"...

...Jeff says "me too"...Jordan says Jeff is kind of laid back and so is she in a way, she asks if Jeff thinks she is?...Jeff mmm's

Jordan says "and you're positive, you're not negative and you're nice and I don't know, you're not cocky, you're not, you don't think about just yourself" 😊

Jeff says "mmm, thanks Jordan, that's...what's up? these are all nice things, I love it"

Jordan says at first when she saw Jeff she would have thought he was arrogant, cocky, just liked to look at himself, things like that...Jeff says she said that already, when she first saw him she thought that...Jordan says well don't you automatically think that? but then too, you see someone and think oh, they're nice looking but then whenever you get to know them, like if Jeff was how he looks now (she admits he's nice looking ;)) but he had a bad personality...Jeff says "you look ugly"...Jordan says "you would be ugly to me"...Jeff says "that's how we're the same" 😊

Jordan says she worked with some guys who she wouldn't normally date (because of their looks) but once you get to know them they're so funny, they turn so cute to her, it's funny how that works...Jeff says he's the same with girls, they could be smoking hot but if they have no personality they're ugly to him, he doesn't like them...Jordan says she always tells her mom that, looks help but it's not everything...Jeff says you tell that to people but they don't believe you...Jordan says her sister dated a guy who wasn't cute at all, she wondered how he would get these pretty girls but he has the best personality, he's so funny and he always has a comeback for everything (hmm, sounds familiar...) and that's why he gets the girls he does...

Jordan says a lot of girls that are really pretty are high maintenance and think they're all that...Jeff says he knows exactly what she means, he's the same way...Jordan says she has hung out with cute guys where their personalities sucked, she hates guys that are manwhores, always out to get some booger...Jeff says "to crush some ass?"...Jordan says she doesn't like that, yeah, that's such a turnoff to her...Jordan starts explaining that there was a guy she went out with months ago and he was someone that she could see herself with (I think she was going to talk about the guy that she said she would only want to be with years down the road so she didn't want to date him now)...feeds go to control room...

Feeds return shortly after with Jordan saying "you see what I'm saying?"...Jeff says he sees what she is saying and he thinks she will be fine, don't worry so much...Jordan says she doesn't...Jeff says he forgot who he was talking to...Jordan asks "why didn't you umm"...Jeff says "ai ai ai"...Jordan says "what?"...Jeff says "why didn't I what?"...Jordan asks if he wants to talk about something else?...Jeff says no, what did she say?...Jordan says she doesn't know if she's asked this question before but why didn't he want to get married when he dated someone for 9/8 years? (I would like to know that one too! LOL)

Jeff says he was young and he wanted to do other things, he wasn't doing what he ultimately wanted to do and he needed to get him stable before he could worry about getting someone else stable...Jordan says mmm, hmm, true...Jeff says he wasn't sure who he was, let alone start a family and raise a kid without knowing who he was and who he was marrying...

Jordan asks if any of Jeff's friends got married too early just because of pressure to hurry and get married because their time is running, she feels her sister is like that...Jeff says 3 close friends of his are married, that's it, they're all happy so they waited for the right time and one other buddy is engaged, he's happy...Jordan says if you wait later it's better, if she got married at her age she'd be divorced by the time she was 28 just because you want different things as you get older...just when the conversation is getting good Michele walks in and the topic changes GRRR

Jeff asks "Are you gonna be my wife?"


Convo continues with Michele in the room now...they talk about what is going on outside with Russell and Chima...Jeff says Russell is trying to mend things...Jordan says she made pancakes this morning...Jeff grinds his teeth saying she didn't make him any pancakes?...Jordan says she was up at 6, her pancakes were doughy...Jeff says he wants to make some, he gets a taste for them every so often, he wants to make banana ones...Jordan says she'll throw up...Jeff asks why?...Jordan says cuz...Jeff says she just ate a banana...Jordan says she can eat them but anything banana-y like banana pudding, she'll throw up...Jeff loves bananas (big surprise! LOL)...

Jeff says he'll make them and she doesn't have to eat them...Jordan says ok, fine...Jeff says if he wants to be nice he could make hers first than make his...Jordan says yeah...Jeff says he's always thinking of Jordan and she's always thinking about herself, at the exact same time Jeff says this Jordan is asking Michele if she's feeling ok which completely destroys his point LOL!!

Michele mumbles she is fine...Jordan says she didn't hear her...Jeff says they've established that Michele is a mumbler like his old roommate named Jordan (last name)...Jeff mimics how he mumbled all the time and drove Jeff nuts 😝 Jordan says Michele does do that, sometimes she has no idea what she says but agrees just to go along with it...Jeff says he thought he was going deaf around her, some people are just low talkers just like his old roommate...Jordan says Michele mumbles...Jeff says he's just a loud person in general...Jordan says she is too...

Jordan giggles to herself and says "Jeff"...Jeff says "what?"...Jordan says "you're're just funny"...Jeff says he missed what he was funny about, he loves her compliments, it's nice, he's got to remember this day 😊...they wonder what day it is...they think it's the 4th or 5th because Jeff's brother's bday was the 2nd...Jordan says Jeff didn't say anything...Jeff says he did but he didn't address the camera, he hates when people do that...Jordan says "when Casey would?"...Jeff says Laura too, all the time, BB won't play that.

Michele says that Jeff and Jordan have been getting DR love, she hasn't...Jeff says she doesn't even know why (because they've been asking them about their make out sesh)...Jordan says "wizards!" and they share a knowing look and smile...

Jordan suddenly says "will you rub my feet?"...Jeff says "rub your moist, warm feet?"...Jordan says "yeah"...Michele says she will do it...Jordan says "aww, see, she's nice"...Jeff says "there's all Vaseline in there and stuff"...Jordan goes to take her sock off saying "no"...Jeff says "don't you dare take that off"...Jordan says "no, it's rubbed in, feel"...Jeff gets grossed out saying "Jordan!"...Jordan says "it's rubbed in! Jeff, touch!"...Jeff says "I don't like feet that much alright"...Jordan says "I know, my feet aren't gross, they're coming from me so stop" Jeff pokes at Jordan's feet he says "what does that mean?"...Jordan says "that you shouldn't get grossed out cuz they're my feet"...Jeff mumbles "are you my, are you (gonna be) my wife?" (YES SHE IS JEFF! 👰🏼‍♀️)

Jordan says "no, I'm your BFF"🙄 ...Jeff says he and his buddies all lay around rubbing each other's feet...Jordan says she's a girl...Jeff says "Mimmo, rub my feet"...Jordan says "I'm a girl Jeff"...Jeff says isn't he doing it?...Jordan says "I'm your girl BFF"...Jeff gives up, throwing her sock on the floor...Jordan arghs, she puts her sock back on...Jeff says he'd rather have no sock on...Jordan says she doesn't want Jeff to rub them anymore...Jeff grabs her foot and says "oh stop", he takes off her sock and flings it on the floor again saying "this sock is filthy and it's making me want to throw up"...

Jordan says "what?"...Jeff says she was just saying nice things and she flipped her switch...Jeff says he's rubbing her feet so relax...feeds switch out…

Jeff thinks Jordan is smart


The feeds come back to JeJo and Kevin in the RR...the lights are now on...they are talking game saying that they won't nominate each other if they win HOH...Jordan leaves because she forgot something wet in the bathroom...Kevin and Jeff talk about the messages they got, they've already forgotten them LOL, they talk about what the HOH comp might be, Jeff says it's going to be interesting to see if Ronnie is the wizard (haha), who will win HOH, etc, it will be a nail biter week for sure...Jordan returns...they continue talking Ronnie and game...

Jeff says he's a bastard, he won't forget what he did to them...they all feel like something weird is in the air...Jeff gets up and leaves...Jordan and Kevin now talk game...they confirm they are still doing the plan with the majority/minority...Jordan says she didn't know for sure...Kevin says Jeff knows, ask him about it...Kevin says he can't wait to be done being a HN, he has one more night...Jeff comes back, so does Lydia...Kevin asks if Jeff told Jordan about the majority/minority plan?...Jeff seems confused...Lydia changes the subject saying that Chima called her a whore and admitted to calling her and Jordan sluts...Jordan shrugs saying oh, well, that was the past...

Jordan says nobody told her about the plan...Jeff realizes he never told her...Jordan says "thanks" 🤨...Jeff says it was because they only talked about it one time...they go over it...Lydia knows the plan...Jeff tells Jordan he's sorry he didn't tell her, he didn't think about it until after, they were discussing it before...Kevin comes back and they all go over what they will do in the HOH comp...B.B.A.B...Lydia says to think Big Brother Alliance Booyah...Jordan says they can tell by the clicks...Jeff says they have to tell Michele still...Jeff apologizes again to Jordan saying he didn't mean not to tell her he just forgot :) ...

Jordan says she wants a letter from home but she feels if one of them wins they are good...Kevin thinks the messages might have to do with the POV comp...Jordan inches closer to Jeff who is laying behind her...Jordan says Ronnie was trying to get her and Jeff to talk with the other side to keep him there...Jeff asks Lydia if Russell and Chima are cool?...Lydia shakes her hand so-so, she says that Chima said she's not ready to accept his apology...Kevin says they're all up there Kumbayah and shit ...

Jordan wonders what they're all scheming about?...Lydia says she has the four of them so she's good (safe)...Kevin says unless the wizard can block a vote...they go over what the mystery power might be? they go over fantastical scenarios ...Jeff moves forward to hear better and Jordan leans back into Jeff reaching out to put her arm behind him...they readjust...Jordan shuffles back more into Jeff and Jeff grabs her by the waist and gives her a cute, squeezing hug...

They talk about the fight that happened earlier, how it really is like high school, so petty and juvenile...Jordan says all the messages were negative...they continue talking game and trying to stay positive despite worrying about the mystery power and Ronnie somehow not leaving tomorrow, they agree to stick to the plan...Kevin says he can't stand Ronnie plus he would never vote out Lydia...Jeff says Ronnie fu**ed him so, it's funny how the world balances out...Jordan says Ronnie wanted another chance but she thought no, she's wanted to cry so many times and leave...

They go over the plan/pattern again, the HOH comp scenarios again...they laugh about Jeff forgetting Kevin's name during the homecoming comp...Jeff rubs Jordan's hand...Jordan is hungry...Kevin leaves...Jordan says aww, Kevin looks sad...Jeff says "cheer up buttercup"...Jordan tells Lydia to cheer up too...Lydia says she knows but you don't feel good until you hear you're staying...Jordan says Michele had her breakdown outside, she had hers weeks ago...Kevin comes back and says goodnight, he goes in the HN room...they talk more game...Jeff rubs Jordan's leg...Jordan thinks they still haven't told the wizard yet...Jeff doesn't think so either ...Lydia says they haven't, trust her ...they talk about how it will feel tomorrow waiting on the wizard to reveal themselves...Jordan says that if Ronnie was the wizard she would die!...Jeff asks what if he got picked (to go), would she cry?...Jordan says yeah...Jeff says she better shed some tears...Jordan says every week it's been one of her friends...Jeff says he knows, think positive.

Kevin peeks into the room just to confirm the plan/pattern...they say true, true, false, true...yes, yes, no, yes...LOL...Kevin goes back to bed...they get silly with the acronyms and then Jeff tries to scissor kick Jordan's head, he misses and swats her instead...they laugh and Jeff gives her a big hug and neck kisses...

Jeff says what if he gave her a "Marcia Brady" nose for the live show and then she got put up? he giggles and then says he's kidding, he can tell she's already getting nervous...more game talk and scenarios...Lydia leaves just after the 1:36am mark...Jeff lays down near Jordan's leg, he bites and kisses her leg...Jordan is nervous and jumpy, very concious of the cameras ...she leans forward saying she is nervous about tomorrow...Jeff says "don't be nervous"...

Jeff says he misses laying down, falling asleep and then leaving, he says it's too bright in the RR...Jordan says to sleep on the raft...Jeff says when Ronnie leaves he's taking his bed but Russell will...Jordan says it's his old bed, to claim it...Jeff says if he does it will be like the original room...Jordan tells Lydia that (she's in the SS room with the door open)...Jordan says it seems like forever ago...Jeff says they left the last week of June...Jordan says it's already August, it's crazy...Jeff bites her leg again and Jordan pushes him off (nervous lol)...Jeff bites her arm and reaches for her belly...Jordan jumps...Jeff says "Jesus! relax"...Jordan says she thought he was going to give her a titty twist or something LOL

More game talk regarding the messages they heard...Jordan says she is glad she talked to Russell...Jeff says why did she do that?...Jordan says it was about what she told Jessie and Natalie just so her back was covered, she was covering her tracks...Jeff says "ohhh, clever girl"...Jeff wondered why she was apologizing (to Russell)...Jeff tells Jordan that she is even smarter than even he thinks and he thinks she is smart...they talk more game for a bit...feeds cut out and return...Jordan says she should probably go to bed...Jeff says "scratch me" ☺️

Jordan shoves over in the bed and Jeff gets in, they lay down together for awhile whispering game...Jordan goes to sleep in the SS room with Lydia but before doing that she tells Jeff that he better help her out if Julie asks her a question about their first kiss...Jeff says he will tell her "we're in love"...Jordan says "you better not" cuz they have only known each other a month...Jeff says he'll say "well, we just got engaged"...Jordan says you wish! Ha!

Jeff in his undies


Michele hides Ronnie's glasses and hat so Ronnie disrupts the whole house in the middle of the night to protest in the SS room. Natalie wakes Jeff up to tell him what's going on and Jeff gets up in his skin tight undies and the camera follows his every move. Of course Jordan walks out of the SS room at that very moment and gets the full view. ;) She says "ewww"...Jeff says "what do you mean ewww?" 🤣

@ the 4:05 am mark Jeff is wandering around in his undies, getting his stuff together to go sleep in the SS room so Ronnie can sleep in his bed...Natalie tells him he left a pillow on the ground (there is none)...Jeff shows off his sexy moves to the camera while pretending to lift a pillow.

Jeff goes into the SS room to sleep...Chima yells out "oooh, Jeff sexy!"...Jordan starts laughing at his "short shorts"...she says "those things are so ugly!" Jeff says "what are you talking about?"...Natalie says Jordan is crazy...Jordan says "Hanes". Chima is cracking up and then Ronnie says "this coming from the woman who wears granny panties" BURN! 😂 Chima says "she said Hanes"...Jordan says "oh man"...Chima says she thinks it's good looking and the feeds cut out...

JeJo fear grandpa and the live show


Jeff and Jordan are talking about their make out session...

Jeff and Jordan are laying in the SS room...Jeff is on the far bed, Jordan is in the double bed...the feeds switch to them with Jordan saying "OMG they're probably going to bleep out Ronnie", she cracks up laughing...Jeff says "they're going to play that Barry White in the background" They kinda did and fake kissing noises LOL!

Jordan cracks up some more...she says "omg, I'm going to have a lot of explaining to do"...Jeff says "to who? grandpa?"...Jordan screeches "my family! yes!"...Jeff dramatically says "Oh My silly"...Jordan says "Jeff! oh my goodness"...Jeff says "big deal, it's not like we did it or anything on camera" 😉

Jordan says "but still, my fam, my grandpa, oh man...cuz we were in a bed and it was dark, oh my God, he's gonna be pissed"...Jeff says they won't know what time it was, say it was during the day. 😉

Jordan says "this is bad"...Jeff says "wait til they see"...Jordan says they're definitely going to say something to her and Jeff today, he has to sit beside her...Jeff says he has a feeling they might ask them, he's not kidding, he thought they might not yesterday, that's why he was joking around..Jordan says "oh my God"...Jordan tells Jeff to come over there...Jeff says "it's over...f**k, they're going to nail us on the live show"...Jordan giggles...

Jeff says he's going to make it worse on the live show...Jordan says no he won't...Jeff says he's going to grab her boob...Jordan says "Jeff come over here"...Jeff says "to get some more footage?"...Jordan says they're not going to make out...Jeff says he will but he has to go pee, he leaves…

Lets get it on/Say it was magical


(LOL Jeff actually sings "Let's get it on" by Marvin Gaye...too bad Hellataz didn't see this clip (?) or it would have been perfect as the intro to the Jeff's Got Game tribute)

Jeff has moved to the big bed in the SS room to lay down with Jordan, he rolls over and cuddles her asking her..."wanna make out under the covers?" She says Jeff!! Jeff says "it's over now, we can do whatever we want" referring to the fact that they have crossed that bridge so what's stopping them now...Jordan says "no"...Jeff laughs and says what does she mean no?...Jordan says no again...Jeff says "it's on"...Jordan giggles saying Jeff...Jeff then sings "let's get it on" 🥰

They then discuss how their make out sesh is going to be edited/portrayed on the show, Jordan says she was asked about in the DR and she thought great, they were going to make it look like "you know" 😉...Jeff says "we're going to look like idiots"...Jordan giggles...Jordan asks if Jeff remembers Ollie and April from last season, did he like them?...Jeff says no, but they had sex in the house...Jordan isn't so sure...Jeff says that's what the word on the street is...Jordan says they never showed that on TV though...Jeff says they showed a little bit so they (J&J) might as well get that over with LOL...

Jordan wonders if they are going to be seen as the annoying couple that are always together instead of them being individuals...Jeff says you wanna roll solo, go for it...Jordan says no, she just doesn't want to be shown like that, like they are up each others' butts...Jeff says where is he supposed to go, he would get the f**k away from the house if he could.

Jordan says she described "it" in the DR as when an old man dies and the old woman is depressed because the old man has died and she mopes...Jeff doesn't understand why she's talking about old men dying...Jordan explains it's an analogy for Jeff being evicted...Jeff gets agitated that Jordan is always bringing his eviction up...he says "get outta here, you get your own soundbites"...Jordan says "Jeff! no!...don't even"...Jeff says "what?"...Jordan screeches no! when Jeff rolls on top of her.

Jordan says "not anymore"...Jeff says it's over Jordan, they can make out all the time now, by the pool, in the kitchen, in the shower...Jordan says no, she has family watching...Jeff says there is no turning back now, they're red hot. They giggle...Jeff says "this thing is just starting to sizzle" 😅

Jordan says Jeff feels skinny and she squeezes him.

Russell comes in and walks out discussing where they're going to sleep tonight...Jordan says she doesn't want to start an argument about that...Jeff says they'll worry about it later, right now they have to worry about this kiss. :) Jordan says she needs to prepare herself, what should she say to the DR about them kissing? they're best friends...

Jeff says to say it was magical. :D Jordan says no...Jeff says they better not ask anything...Jordan says it was corny...

Lydia walks in, Jeff and Lydia banter a little...Lydia asks Jeff what are his emotions telling him?...Jeff says to grab Jordan's boobs ...Lydia says "wow, hey"...Jeff and Jordan banter about Jordan's mic poking Jeff not Jeff making his move...Jordan says she is stressing about the talk with the kiss...Lydia says "oh! snap!"...Jordan says they keep grilling them about it...Lydia says for once it ain't her...Jeff asks "who'd you kiss? Jessie?"...Lydia denies...Jeff says "yeah you did"...Jeff sings "this kiss, this kiss! incredible" 😋

Jeff asks "how was it? magical?" LOL ...Lydia says she did not kiss Jessie (liar!)...Jeff asks "how are you going to describe it Jordan if Julie asks you?"...Jordan says she's going to say it was terrible 😕 , she's kidding...Lydia says Jordan should say it was magical...Jeff laughs and says he told her so, he told her to say it was magical, like she was at Disneyland for the first time...except Ronnie was in the room blowing farts and it was like they were in sixth grade but other than that it was so romantic ...Jeff says it was kind of like they were playing spin the bottle...Jordan says if Jeff says that she's going to be so mad at him and then Jeff will say to not throw stones (at him)...Jeff says then they will start choking each other :) ...Jeff says he doesn't think they will ask, it's so silly but they're in a silly place...

Lydia says if they ask her about the "Bermuda Triangle" then they will ask them...Jeff says that is way more obvious than them...Jeff says they'll just be like them when asked and says "duh, uh, duh"...Lydia leaving the room says "we'll see"...Jeff says "f**k that, he's quick on his feet"...Jeff giggles and says to Jordan "you're going to be thinking about that all day aren't you?"...silence from Jordan...Jeff imitates Jordan saying "Jeffff!"...Jordan starts talking about "the finals" and then feeds cut out...

HOH lockdown


Jeff & Jordan are in the cozy chair during the HOH lockdown. Jordan says she has to fart and so she does. :) Jeff asks if she fired one under there?...he says "Jordan!...c'mon it's gonna fu**ing reek under there"...Jordan says "Dutch oven! Dutch oven"...the others laugh...Russell says Jordan thinks it's funny when you fart...Jeff says he just doesn't want it to get hot under there...Jordan laughs saying she pooted, she says the hot ones are the smelly ones...Jeff looks at her adoringly...

They talk about different farts and Jeff continues to look at Jordan...Jeff says the one Jordan is describing is the Thanksgiving kind...Jordan agrees saying it's like you ate too much gravy...they share some giggles...

Jordan starts singing "girl you know it's true..." and pokes Jeff in his dimple...feeds cut out...Jordan says she gets excited with that song, she dances...with her mother...Russell says he thought she didn't dance...Jeff says she dances just like Michael (Jackson) LOL...Jordan says she just puts her hands up and dances to no beat, she can't shake it...Russell wonders wasn't she a cheerleader?...Jordan says in 7th grade and 8th grade...Jordan says she knows beats and stuff, some girls she cringes how they dance, she doesn't try too hard she just puts her hands in the air and looks stupid…

Jeff’s undies/Jordan’s pink top


Jeff, Russell, Michele & Kevin are in the RR prior to the live show...Jordan walks by just after the 4:14pm mark and Jeff says "hi Johhrdan"...Jordan says hi...Russell says Jordan is all dolled up and ready to go...Jordan sighs and says "God, I wish"...feeds go to fish briefly

They return...Jeff is still laying on his bed, they're being generally quiet while others are milling about getting ready...Natalie says something about Jessie's underwear...Jessie is getting dressed...Natalie says "Jeff"...Jeff looks over at Jessie and says "same fu**ing underwear, what's the problem"...Natalie says she knows, did she ever complain?...Jeff says yeah...Jeff pulls down his pants a little and says "dude, they're the best".

Natalie says to Jordan that she has a new person now (to bug about the underwear)...Jeff says "you got a problem with his underwear?"...Jordan says she was just laughing because all the guys she knows wear boxers...(Jeff checks out Jordan for the first time)...Natalie says not her, all the guys she knows wear them, her boyfriend wears Hanes, he doesn't have white though, he has grey...Jeff says to Jordan "it's cuz all your boyfriends are...they think they're gangsters, they probably wear them with their pants low and their boxers out"...Jordan says "not like that"...Jeff says "yeah sure, with their Air Force one's, don't even lie"...Jordan says "that's not bad looking" (umm it kinda is lol)...

Feeds return...JeJo must have been bickering because Jeff says that BB is going to give him the power, they're going to call him to the DR and Jordan out! Ronnie, Ronnie, cuddle with me ...Jordan walks over to where Jeff is saying "yeah right"...

Jeff checks out Jordan for the second time especially since she's wearing the pink top that he had previously said she looked sexy in

(Image from the live show)

Natalie says "that's a cute top though Jordan"...Jordan says "thank you, it's like 5 years old"...(Jeff checks her out again lol)...Jordan says she got it on sale, real cheap...Jeff says that's the way you gotta shop...Jordan sits on the edge of the bed, pats Jeff on the chest and gets up again while saying "that's the way poor people gotta shop"...Jeff says he bargain shops...Jeff brings up the undies again saying that just because she's not used to things doesn't make them wrong...Jordan asks if he's still talking about the boxers?...Jeff says yeah...Jordan says she was just kidding, it's not that big of a deal...Jeff says Jordan hurt his feelings in front of everyone and made him look foolish...Natalie says he's not foolish...just to bug Jeff Jordan says "why because they're short?" LOL...Jeff says they're not short!!...feeds go to fish & then trivia…

Kitchen rub


The HG's are all in the kitchen talking after the live show...Jordan is sitting at the kitchen counter by herself, she is being quiet, she is bummed that Chima has just won HOH...Jeff who has been in the bathroom, sees her sitting there and goes to her...Jordan says she needs to work out tonight...they talk inaudibly...Jeff rubs her leg to comfort her...

Jordan says she needs to shave her legs...Jeff keeps rubbing...Jordan squeezes Jeff's arm for comfort...

They whisper to each other while the others continue gabbing and then Jeff leaves to go to the RR…

Forehead kiss - Part 1


Jordan is paranoid and stressed that Chima won HOH. Jeff knows he has the power and isn't stressed about that but is stressed he can't tell Jordan to alleviate her fears about this week.

Jordan comes into the RR where Jeff already is laying down in his bed. Jordan asks Jeff if he's sleeping? Jeff says he's relaxing. For some reason Jordan goes to the far bed and lays down there...she calls out "Jeffro"...they lay silent for a bit...Jeff asks what they're talking about out there, that they're the wizards?...Jordan doesn't answer...Jordan says she can't believe they missed that question...Jeff asks Jordan if she's even ever heard that saying before (glass houses/stones)...Jordan says kind of, she just heard stones and tuna and thought it was automatically true...Jeff says him too, he's such an idiot...Jeff knows the saying but just agreed when they said people in the BB house shouldn't throw stones, he thought "damn skippy Julie, true dat!"...LOL Feeds cut out briefly...

When they return Jordan says that she thinks they are going up and that she hopes at least one is so that they have a chance to win POV & at least one of them can be safe...Jeff says f**k that, they're not going up, she's paranoid...Jordan says she's almost positive, she already prepared herself, she won't be surprised...Jeff says "don't even talk like that...why wouldn't Russell go up?"...Jordan says "cuz they're cool now"...Jeff says "no, they're not!".

Jordan whispers to Jeff, hey did Jeff see how sad Russell was when Ronnie left? Jeff says yeah, fu**ing scumbag, they were in the RR talking & telling him everything about the house, about what to do in the POV's and Russell was saying thank you Ronnie...Jeff says he's such a two-face, he hopes he gets put up.

Jordan says Jessie made a comment in the kitchen, she wishes she was HOH & got him out of there.

They talk a little about how the HOH comp went, wishing they got more questions right, Jeff wishes he paid more attention during the messages...Jordan says she feels like she sucks, she can't win anything...Jeff says "you do" 😋...Jordan sadly says "I know"...Jeff says "I'm just joking, you don't suck"...Jordan says "yes, I do"...Jeff says "no, you don't! everybody's gonna win something, we're still here and you're still gonna win something, will you stop".

Jeff continues "and we're not getting put up"...Jordan says "I think so"...Jeff says that if she sucks so bad and thinks she has a good feeling they're getting put up then they're not because she sucks, how does she like that analogy?

Jordan starts to whisper to Jeff and Jeff asks her to at least come lay closer to him...Jordan walks towards Jeff but is still leery of people seeing them so she doesn't sit...Jeff says "just sit down"...Jordan sits in the bed with Jeff...she whispers that Jeff knows Chima won't put Kevin up...she thinks Lydia will go up and that Michele has the mystery power (wrong!), if Michele gets put up, she'll take herself off and one of them will go up...Jeff doesn't say a word LOL...

Jordan says that's why she'd rather one of them gets put up to win the POV and ensure their safety...Jeff asks if she's going to win the POV?...Jordan thinks Jessie is whispering that he wants to split up Jeff & Jordan now...Jeff says "yeah that'd be awesome, make a move motherfu**er"....Jordan says "aww, we missed your question"...Jeff says "we're safe, I think we're safe"...Jeff says he thinks Chima will put up Russell & Lydia and if one of them gets POV, Michele is going up.

Jordan is stressed, she gets up and Jeff asks her where she's going?...Jordan says she's going over there to take a nap...Jordan says she feels so fat, she feels uhhh...Jeff says "come here fatty" :) ...Jeff reaches out his hand saying "come here, you're not fat"...Jordan gets in bed with Jeff...Jeff says she has to relax, she's too stressed out...Jordan lays down on Jeff's chest...Jeff rubs her hair saying she's going to win...Jordan says she was confident she was going to win...Jeff says "you're gonna win soon, what'd I tell you? you're gonna win"...Jordan says she has a headache...Jeff says to just relax and continues rubbing her hair.

Jeff says the POV is important, he thinks it's Lydia & Russell...Jordan still thinks it's them...Jeff disagrees...Jordan thinks her & Lydia and guarantees Michele has the mystery power...Jeff says they don't even know what it is so what does it do?...they talk a bit about the wizard, who could have it, Jordan thinks America doesn't like them because they didn't get it (wrong!)...Jeff says "maybe they think we're stupid" NAH

Jordan thinks maybe America thinks they stick to themselves, maybe next week Julie will ask them about their kiss. Jeff starts singing "This Kiss" and sweetly kisses Jordan's forehead. ♥

Jeff keeps stroking Jordan's hair, he tells Jordan that next week she's going to win HOH...Jordan says "or you"...Jeff taps Jordan's head saying "right, finally! we're going to be fine"...

Forehead kiss - Part 2


Kiss convo continued....

Jordan says that this week could be a tie, if so Chima decides who goes...Jeff says "ahh, f**k"...Jeff says to just wait to see who gets put up, he thinks it will be Lydia and Russell, he thinks they're fine because Chima had that talk with Jordan, with them, he thinks they're fine...Jordan says she hates when they get cocky, they were so excited when Chima won.

I love these quotes from Jeff...

Jeff says "I fu**ing hate that Lydia is still friends with that fu**ing loser (Jessie), even though we still fu**ing go to bat for her, she's still fu**ing friends with that, she's in love with that fu**ing guy"...Jordan starts saying something but Jeff continues saying that even if they had the votes between Jessie and Natalie, Lydia would vote out Natalie "I have to make people clear that if when we win Jessie has to leave, people don't understand at all, that he's gonna win the fu**ing thing if he doesn't leave, don't they see? but it drives me fu**ing crazy! crazy though! that I'm going to get Natalie out to show her I'm doesn't matter! you're playing a fu**ing game...I'm better" Jeff tsks and puts his hand on his head saying "OI".

Jordan sits up & says she strongly dislikes Jessie...Jeff says without Jessie, Natalie would be lost...Jordan looks towards the kitchen and says they have to go up there again (HOH)...Jeff says they haven't even been up there...Jordan lays back down and Jeff hugs her and gives her two little kisses...he says "one day Jordan"...Jordan says "it's annoying"...Jeff says what are you doing to do, better later than now right? huh?...Jordan says Russell is going to be up their ass...Jeff knows, he told her he would be with whoever wins...Jeff says it's embarrassing.

They cuddle again and Jordan says Jeff smells good...Jeff says she does too, he was going to say that, her hair...Jordan says she used her stuff...they talk a little more game...Jeff says that they have to think positive and hope Lydia or Russell go home...Jeff says he will be pissed if he's put up...Jordan thinks so...Jeff doesn't saying there's no way, if they get put up it's coming right from Jessie and Natalie...Jeff looks at Jordan sweetly and says she is getting all stressed...all worried about something that hasn't happened so relax...they get quiet & pensive.

Jordan gets up and lays down in Chima's bed again...Jeff looks at her and says "what!?"...Jeff says "relax're so stressed out uh?"...Jordan closes her eyes and Jeff says "Oh!?...Jordan!"...Jordan says "what?"...Jeff says "you just don't want to talk right now?"...Jordan says "no, not really"...Jeff asks "you wanna go home?"...Jordan says no....Jeff says "can't you just think positive?"...Jordan says "I am"...they go silent probably drifting off to sleep and feeds switch to the kitchen.

Jeff explains how Jordan was the only one there


ed note: Natalie is such a little devious shit here!

Jeff, Jordan & Natalie are outside talking about the game, the Wizard and someone coming back...they talk about there being 9 people but it feels so much smaller...Jordan says it's getting more boring LOL...they reminisce...Jeff says "ahh, the first week"...Jordan says she liked it...Jeff says he didn't...Jordan says they had more drama than any (season)...Jeff says there was unnecessary drama, people just wanted to play a game and make up bullshit, whatever, he got the short end of the stick and he's bitter about it...Jordan giggles...Natalie says he always looks at her when he says things...Jeff says it's baloney, he didn't even look at her...Natalie says oh, ok...Jeff says "look at you already thinking you're in the wrong"...Natalie smiles saying she wants to know what she did because he always says the whole house fu**ed him.

Jeff asks "Jordan, did the whole house f**k him?"...Natalie wants to know what she personally did?...Jeff says he was blackballed, like he had some kind of disease and no one would talk to him, Natalie was part of that...Natalie asks if she ever did anything to f**k him in the ass?...Jeff says she could have come outside and say "what's up buddy?" once in awhile...Natalie says he's right...Jeff says they had team meetings without him which hurts, secrets hurt feelings :) ...they argue over the definition of team and team meetings...Natalie starts bashing Lydia a little.

Jeff says "whatever, I'm just giving props to Jordan cuz she was the only, I remember even"...Natalie interrupts saying she never did anything to him...Jeff continues "no, but you at the same token, you could have talked to me"

Natalie says "I didn't do shit to you"...Jeff understands...Jordan says he had to get rid of Ronnie because of what he did to Jeff...Natalie agrees that out of the two (Lydia/Ronnie) he fu**ed him more but when Jeff says people fu**ed him, Lydia personally fu**ed him, she didn't, she just didn't talk to him because if she talked to him then she'd be in trouble, then she would be the next person...Jeff says that is ridiculous, he talked to everyone that was being evicted...Natalie says she feels differently now, that is why she fought with Michele the other day about continuing to talk to Ronnie, she'll talk to whoever she wants to talk to...Jeff says that's what he said the whole game...Natalie says she finally realized that with the Ronnie situation.

Jeff says that he went into the kitchen that time to try to explain himself and everyone was like "no Jeff you didn't" and it was all fu**ing bullshit, she doesn't even need to watch the tapes, it was all bullshit, if he was there on the opposite side he would have been telling the others that this guy didn't even do anything...Jeff says that they all twisted their words...Natalie says if you stick your neck out then you're the next person...Jeff says he sees shit, during comps there were little wisecracks, not joking around because he can take a joke but so many things went through his mind, he thought dude! wtf? and he couldn't say anything cuz he would get evicted.

Jeff says his goal was to not get evicted first, his goal was to make it to the jury house and now he's onto fu**ing winning this thing, that's ultimately everybody's goal...Natalie says "right"...Jeff continues "I'm not trying to start a fight or anything but the only person that was there, I even remember, I remember sitting in the green room and I was laying there when everyone made up bullshit that I didn't say and Jordan came in and I'm like, Jordan, do yourself a favor and just go out there and just make friends with them, I'm like, just go, don't worry about it and she's like for what? she's like, I'm going to stay here and I remember that exact moment and I'm like, I'm gonna do whatever I can for her" 🥰

Natalie says she knows and feels the same about Jessie...Jeff says they haven't been on top yet, they've been in the projects since they got there, they've been in the ivory tower up there...Natalie says they weren't on the block last week, that's a high...Jeff says he had to get nerve damage to his legs to not go up there LOL

Natalie says that that person (Russell) could have still screwed Jeff and he would have been in the low...Jordan says she knows they'll probably be put up...Natalie says they're crazy, they need to have faith...Jeff says he has more faith than anyone in this house, he's very positive, he asks Jordan is he?...Jordan says Jeff's the positive one, she's negative, he boosts her up because she gets pissy...Jeff says he's finally going to pat himself on the back for making it this far because he didn't think we would make it at all to the jury house...Jordan didn't either...Jeff thought there was no way but he never said no way, he made it this far with everyone hating him but you have to roll with the game, the past is the past, Ronnie is gone and now it's a reset...

Secret smiles - what could she be thinking about?


Jordan and Jeff are outside in the BY after going up to see Chima's HOH room. Jordan is working out on the elliptical. Jeff is finishing up having a smoke.

The feeds come on with Jordan saying that Russell is one of those guys that comes off tough on the outside but deep down he's a softie, he may cover it with his image but he's really not...Jeff doesn't think so...

Jordan wonders if Ronnie & Russell didn't have something, Russell was really sad when he left...Jeff says sure, he caught them talking in the GR...Jordan thinks they had something more than what they knew...Jeff says for sure, it was a great move...Jordan says it was, she doesn't care what anyone says she thinks Ronnie would have put her and Jeff up, even if he put up Michele and she won veto, they would have been out of there...Jeff says it was the right move for them...Jeff is looking for the yellow ball so he can play golf...

Jordan brings up the other night...she says "I can't believe the other morning I stayed up all night" (the night her & Jeff made out)...Jeff doesn't say anything...Jordan starts secret smiling to herself for about a minute...

Jordan tells Jeff she's surprised that Julie asked her about the fight and not the people in the actual fight...Jeff says it would either him or her...Jordan says "hey I think next week they're going to ask us about the kiss"...Jeff says "no"...Jordan says "that's going to be next week" :) Jeff says "I don't think so"...Jordan says "I think so"...Jeff who is playing golf without a ball, lol, says "if nothing happens...I'm sure something else will happen that they'll wanna talk about"...more secret smiles from Jordan

Jordan keeps working out, she says that she can tell Jeff is bored...Jeff smiles and says "well where am I going to go?"...Jeff says he wants to do his laundry but there are towels in there...Jeff says that it's going to be interesting to see who Chima puts up...Jordan thinks it won't be Michele, they're friends...Jeff thinks Lydia and Russell...Jordan says she hopes she gets to play in the POV...Jeff says me too, he thinks if Lydia or Russell win the POV then she'll put up Michele...Michele comes outside…

Jeff’s gonna get a hotel room with Jordan :)


Jeff, Jordan & Michele are outside...Jeff & Michele are playing pool, Jordan is sitting on the lounger, they are chatting about what they're going to do once they get home. Jeff talks about going out to his friend's restaurant, having some drinks and then going out to some bars nearby after the restaurant closes, he'll also go to the city with his buddy Paul, he knows the owner of a bar there, etc. Jordan giggles...Jeff says what? why are you laughing?...Michele asks what Jordan is going to do?...Jordan says the first night she'll spend time with the fam, the next night go out with her girlfriends and have some fun. Jordan gets up and walks around...Jeff watches her...Jordan goes to get a towel near the laundry area...Jeff watches her approach him...Jordan playfully turns around and bumps Jeff...she says haha...

Jordan walks off and Jeff smiles saying "I'm going to go get a hotel room with Jordan" 😍 (and he would 😉) Jeff raises his eyebrows laughing...Jordan says "Jayeff!...nothing is gonna happen"...Michele says nothing is going to happen without cameras girl?...Jordan says "nooo!"...Jordan says "if I waited.....nevermind"...Jordan starts her crunches and Jeff and Michele continue playing pool.

IMO Jordan was going to say that if she had waited until now to not have sex with someone she could wait to have sex with Jeff and wouldn't do anything with him in the hotel room even if they stayed in a hotel room together..........😚😅🥰

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