August 22
Cute cheek kisses
12:09 AM
Jeff and Adam are playing pool...Jordan comes outside and heads straight for Jeff for a little kiss Jeff kisses her on the cheek and then Jordan returns the favor...cute!
Jeff asks what that was for?...Adam says it's just because she loves him, she doesn't need a reason…
HOH room - game talk
1:49 - 2:25 AM
Just before the 1:50am mark the feeds switch to the HOH room...Jordan is in bed, Jeff has come up to bed...Jeff asks Jordan what's up?...Jordan says "what's up with you?"...Jeff says nothing, he talked to Dani...Jordan asks what she said?...Jeff says that Dani said "we're still good right?"...Jordan asks what Jeff said?...Jeff says he told her he didn't know, a lot of people are talking and Dani asked what he meant, he doesn't even know why he said that...Jeff excuses himself to brush his teeth...Jeff brushes, Jordan asks if she's mad?...Jeff mumbles...Jordan says that Dani is having anxiety about it, she woke up Shelly earlier today and Shelly told Jordan that it's Jeff's best move (to put up Dani)...Jeff finishes brushing...
Jeff asks "Shelly said that to her?"...Jordan says "no, Shelly said it to me"...Jordan says that Dani woke up Shelly saying she couldn't sleep so Shelly asked her if she wanted to talk? and Dani said yeah, Shelly thought Dani was having anxiety, like when you worry...Jeff says he knows...Jeff uses the facilities and comes back out...Jeff tellw Jordan the convo he had with Dani and they continue talking game for quite awhile...Jeff gets up to go to the bathroom and returns...Jordan is getting sleepy...
HOH room - head rub after game talk
2:26 - 2:33 AM
Jeff and Jordan have had a long game talk up in the HOH room...Jordan is now laying down, she's getting tired...Jeff comes back from the bathroom...Jordan asks if he's tired?...Jeff says he took that long nap...Jordan says for Jeff to go outside with everybody...Jeff says he doesn't want to go outside...Jeff asks if Jordan is pooped?...Jordan says she's not pooped but knows BB is going to wake them up early...Jeff lays back down on the bed...they are quiet...Jeff says "what else you got?"...Jordan says "nothin"...Jeff yawns...
Jeff asks again "are you pooped love?" ♥
Jordan says she's not pooped but she could sleep...Jordan asks "why, do you want to talk?"...Jeff says he thinks they've talked about everything, no?...Jordan says she's talking about just talking, not about this...Jeff asks "what you wanna talk about? the news?" Jordan is about to ask Jeff something...palm trees...Jordan mentions something about Dory from Finding Nemo...
Jordan shifts and Jeff moves his head over and looks back at Jordan, she says that she was about to rub Jeff's face, she starts rubbing his head...
Jordan says "Jeff, it's already day 51"...Jeff mmm, hmm's...Jordan says "isn't that crazy?"...Jeff doesn't respond...Jordan asks "you wanna go over that stuff?"...Jeff says "sure"...Jordan says to hang on, she has to pee...Jeff sighs...Jordan comes back and they start jedi drilling…
Ello love
3:30 - 3:36 AM
Jeff comes upstairs to the HOH room after having a short chat with Porsche...Jordan is upstairs in bed waiting for Jeff...Jeff says "Ello love ♥ "...Jordan says hey...Jeff pours himself some water, gets ready for bed and gets in bed with the headphones on…
Jeff walks in on Jordan peeing
4:25 PM
Jordan and Adam are in the HOH room...Adam starts listening to music and Jordan goes to the bathroom...Jeff walks in, grabs some shorts and goes to change in the bathroom stall and walks in on Jordan who is peeing LOL
Jordan says heeeeyyyy!...Jeff says "omg! what are you doing in there?"...Jordan says "peeing!"...Jeff laughs and says make a noise...Jordan says something inaudible...Jeff says "stupid" and makes fun of how she said heeeeyyyy...he giggles and says "you're funny love ♥ "...Jordan says what?...Jeff says "that was funny"...Jeff comes out changed and asks if Jordan just woke up and some cute moment is missed because the camera isn't on them…
Unsuccessful butt grab
6:30 PM
Jeff and Adam are working out...Jordan and Rachel are doing laps around the BY...feeds go to palm trees...when they return Adam is telling Jeff not to call her a dun dun (dunce)...Jeff says "what?"...Jeff says he knows...Adam says Jordan isn't wearing the humilitard anymore...Jordan walks by Jeff and he tries to grab her butt unsuccessfully...Jeff goes back to lifting weights...
Johnny Depp mmmm
6:38 PM
Jeff is still working out, showing Adam how to do reps with the weight...Jordan is sitting in the hammock watching and eating a snack
Jeff walks over to Jordan and says "right?"...Jordan asks if he wants a grape?...Jeff says "yeah, they're frozen?"...they're not, he eats one and asks what she's doing?...Jordan says nothing, she's waiting, she's hungry...Jeff giggles...Jordan says she doesn't feel like showering right now...
Jeff says "I wanna put Johnny Depp on"...Jordan mmm's 😍 Jeff goes back to lifting weights…
Jeff’s arms look good
6:41 - 6:44 PM
Jeff is still working out...Jordan is sitting in the hammock watching Jeff is sitting resting between sets...Adam asks why Jordan isn't laying in the hammock, better than sitting in a rocking chair?...Jordan says yeah...Adam asks what Jeff is waiting for?...Jeff says "one more set, f**k you"...Adam says he's motivating him, don't say f**k you...Jeff does one more set and looks good doing it he puts the weight away and says f**k you...he walks over to where Jordan is and sits down...
Jordan says "your arms look all like muscular and big when you do that"...Jeff says yeah?...Jordan says "mmm, they look good"...Jeff says "and then they shrink"...Jordan says "no, they look good, your arms are like all big"
Jordan says she's not going to be able to sleep tonight...Jeff asks why?...Jordan says because she slept so long...Jeff says he was like that yesterday, he couldn't fall asleep...Jordan says she knows, she remembers him saying that last night...palm trees...
HOH bathroom game talk
7:42 - 7:47 PM
Feeds switch to the HOH bathroom...Jeff has finished showering and is getting ready...Jordan is getting ready to shower...Jordan says that Dani is going to be on Shelly, working on her since she knows how close Shelly and her are Jeff says he told Adam if he hears one thing, then come to him...Jordan says she can't see them flipping though...Jeff says he can't either...Jordan says if they did, she'd be shocked, super duper shocked Jeff says anything is possible...
Jeff asks when she thinks the Rachel explosion will happen? anytime?...Jordan says she doesn't want her to do it and then Dani say see, this is what you're keeping in the house, she can explode next week...Jordan says she's just upset because she just got backdoored before she could...Jeff says ultimately she got outsmarted, that's what hurts her the most...Jeff says on the flip side he'd have to be an idiot to keep her around and then she does it to him, now if he doesn't win then people will say why did you do that but that's not in his decision...
Jordan asks if he talked to Kalia yet?...Jeff says no, he offered to talk but she hasn't...Jeff says she's coming after him but he doesn't care as long all as the deal between her and Kalia is good so that Jordan is not put up beside him...Jordan says they can't let Kalia get HOH...Jeff says he swears if they don't win HOH he'll be pissed off, not pissed off but he'll be like dude, are you kidding me? A little more game talk and then Jordan starts her shower...
HOH Rachel & game talk
7:54 - 7:57 PM
Jeff is laying down on the couch in the HOH room...Jordan has finished up showering...Jeff asks Jordan if she saw what Rachel was making?...Jordan says no...Jeff says she was making something hot with peaches LOL
Jordan says she's totally different without Brendon...Jeff says she's like a child in grammar school, that's how she acts...Jordan says she does make some weird stuff...Jeff says for sure...Jordan says maybe her mom always babied her or something...Jeff says if someone tells her not to do something she'll do it even more, like a little kid...Jordan says Rachel said they need to be worried about Adam and Jordan told her that Jeff has been with him all day, he's not doing anything, she's being paranoid...
Jeff says that he wants her to blow up to keep the target on her...Jordan says if Kalia wins Jeff and Rachel are going up unless she plans on backdooring Jeff...Jeff says that way there's no blood...Jordan says before Dani leaves she will tell Kalia who to get out...Jordan bets they are doing a montage of Kalia following Dani around since the Zingbot said that...Jordan finishes getting ready in the bathroom...
HOH touch and floating around the world banter
7:58 - 8:08 PM
Jeff and Jordan continue talking in the HOH room...Jordan comes out of the bathroom and points out how her jeans are loose...Jeff asks why they're all losing weight in there...Jordan says because they're not just doing nothing, they're working out...Jeff says that's good...Jordan says her jeans are sliding off although when your pants are baggy they make you look bigger...
Jordan walks over to where Jeff is laying and asks if he's tired?...Jeff says he is once he laid down, he feels good, he worked out and showered, he can't sleep or it'll be another 5am'er...Jordan extends her hand and Jeff holds it and asks if Jeff wants to go downstairs?...they talk about dinner being ready, Jordan is hungry...
They let go and Jordan sits down...Jeff says he likes this couch, he likes it up there, it's like a little getaway you know?...Jordan rubs Jeff's leg through his jeans...Jeff says "win HOH next week"...Jordan says "I'm gonna try my hardest"...
Jordan says they didn't play stuff today like they did yesterday, she thought they might play stuff but they didn't...Jordan says Rachel is going to come up and study with her, go over everything...Jeff is silent...
Jordan tries another tactic saying that Jeff's Johnny Depp is more full, fuller than last time...Jeff disagrees saying it's not, he just shaved it...Jordan says no, there's more hair...Jeff says hmm, ok...Jordan says "you're so mean"...Jeff doesn't know what to tell her...
Jordan tries talking about Rachel and how she gives up when Jordan tries show her different abs exercises but she's flexible and bendy...Jeff starts humming...palm trees...Jeff says something about Brendon shitting in there (when Dani comes in jury house)...Jordan starts saying what she said about Brendon in the DR...palm trees...
Jeff says in the DR he yawned, said "shocker!" and waved bye (for Dani)...Jeff giggles...Jordan says "oh I know cuz she said shocker"...Jeff says that's all she says, the 3 things...Jordan says no she said "let the good times roll"...
Jeff gets a little agititated and says "you don't know what I just did right now? you don't know what (yawn) is from?"...palm trees...Jordan says she's not around her that much...Jeff says they were all sitting around before the live show, she does it every single time they're sitting around...Jordan says "no, I just notice her always going 'shocker, I don't pay attention'"...Jeff gets more agitated and says "how do, do you just float around the world?"...Jeff asks "how is it being like that? is it awesome?"...Jordan laughs and says "stop Jeff!"...Jeff says "what? he's serious...I want to not worry about anything, be like pfffttt and float around"...Jordan bites her tongue and says "what??"...Jeff says "oh my God" LOL
Jeff sighs and says they come up there and just rip on everybody...Jordan says "don't you think everybody does that when they're HOH?"...Jeff laughs and says he thinks so but he doesn't watch anything, what if they're the only ones?...Jordan doesn't think they say anything terrible...Jeff says it's better they say it to each other than anyone else...he grabs the picture of him and his nieces and looks at it...Jordan farts and says sorry...
Jeff says "I miss that sweater"...Jordan asks why he didn't bring it? he could have worn it...Jeff says it would have been good in there...Jeff says "so cute...they so little" quiet...Jordan asks if he thinks in her speech she'll kill Jeff?...Jeff says a little...
Jordan wants to go downstairs...Jeff says ok...Jeff wants help up and says he feels like going to a Friday night football game...Jordan says she needs to use the bathroom before they go...Jordan asks a high school one?...Jeff says anything, he just wants to watch football, out there in California, high school football is real good...Shelly comes up and knocks saying dinner's ready...Jeff says thanks...Jeff asks if Jordan is poopin? (LOL)...Jordan says no, she asks if that was Raychel?...Jeff says no, Shelly, dinner's ready...Jeff says it's weird that he could sleep now but at 2:30 in the morning he's not sleepy...feeds switch...
No wine for Jordan/thanks love
8:30 PM
Jeff walks into the kitchen, Jordan is finishing up her dinner and putting away her dishes...they have just gotten wine and Rachel is pouring it for camera Jeff is heard asking Jordan if she's having a little glass of wine...Jordan says "I don't like to drink in here"...Jeff says "half a glass?"...Jordan says no, she's good, she'll wait until after the show...Jeff says "and have a margarita?"...Shelly says she's waiting for her to get Patron...Jordan says yeah...
Jeff comes over to the table, Rachel says Big Jeff can choose which glass he wants since she poured...Jeff says the one of the right is bigger...Rachel hands it to Jeff and Jeff says "aww you little cutie Rach"
Jeff goes over to the fridge to get some frozen grapes to put in his wine...Rachel asks him to taste the wine, does it taste weird?...Jeff says no...Adam asks if he's putting rufies in his wine?...Jeff says yeah, he's going to get all fu**ed up...Jeff says to Jordan "thanks love ♥ " (for extra wine) ...Jeff goes outside...
BY chat - Jordan seems like she’s had it
8:32 PM
Jeff and Jordan go outside...Jeff says whoa, it's warm out, it's chilly in the house...Jordan says it's really cold in the house...Jeff says "what's up? you act like you've had it with everybody"...Jordan says "well, I'm done eating"...Jeff grabs a cigarette to smoke...Jordan says "how do I seem like that?"...Jeff says he doesn't know, she just does...Jordan says well, he knows when she eats she doesn't talk sometimes...
Jeff asks if he looks pretty Miami Vice with this on, he has a lot of bright colors on...Jordan giggles and says not at all, that didn't cross her mind...Jeff says Rachel is going to get drunk, maybe the show will start a little earlier...they talk about the he said she said between Dani and Rachel...Jordan says Dani is an exaggerator even with stuff that happens after the show...Jeff says whatever, he hopes the best for everyone...Jordan says she's really nice but she doubts she'll want to get margaritas with them after the show...Rachel comes outside and they talk about her and Dani...
Jordan & Jeff bendaroos
11:24 PM
The HG's get some crafts from BB...Shelly says they're called Bendaroos, you can make anything with them...Jeff says he's going to make a village, make something cool, he's taking his Bendaroos, he's going to Bendaroo upstairs...
Jeff says to Jordan "you wanna play Bendaroos?"
Jordan asks what it is...Jeff says you can make stuff out of it...some chatter amongst the HG's and then Jeff says "I'm going to make Jordan and Jeff Bendaroos" ♥
Mr brown spots mystery solved
11:26 PM
The HG's have been given Bendaroos to make stuff out of...Kalia asks Jeff if he ever found out who Mr. Brown Spots was?...Jeff says yeah, it was like Teddy Ruxpin, not Teddy Ruxpin but it's a name brand so he guesses they couldn't use it...(Personally I think BB kept it so that it wouldn't be stolen since there's precedent for that in the house )
Jeff kicks back to Jordan
11:27 PM
The HG's have received Bendaroos...Jeff and Jordan are outside with the others talking about them...Jordan walks behind Jeff and Jeff kicks back to her…
and asks her "where you going Bendaroo?" Jordan says something inaudible and Jeff says "oh"...
JeJo hammock - angry Jeff
11:41 PM - 12:14 AM
Feeds switch to Jeff and Jordan who are on the hammock...Jordan is filling Jeff in on the game talk she had with Shelly...Shelly is not too happy about it and yells over there to distract them but it doesn't deter Jordan. Jordan tells Jeff that Shelly said that Dani said that Jeff and Natalie that work in the DR would quit if Dani leaves. Jeff laughs at that thought but later angry Jeff comes out!
JeJo hammock - helping JeJo start their move
11:56 PM
Jeff and Jordan continue talking on the hammock. Jordan is filling in Jeff on the talk she had with Shelly and how Shelly said that if it got down to her, Jeff and Jordan in the F3, she would take Jordan to the F2 over Jeff...
Jordan says she told Shelly that if Jeff won and she got out third she wouldn't care less because she knows that's helping them start where they're going to move and all that stuff stuff like that doesn't bother her because it would mean Jeff won...