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Day 45 of BB13 Feeds


Updated: Sep 10, 2023

August 21

JeJo late night talk - game/hindsight sadness

12:23 - 1:03 AM

Jordan is in bed with the lights off in the HOH room...Jeff joins Jordan and asks "love ♥ can I turn this on?"...Jordan says yeah, she was just listening to some Bob Marley, she asks if Jeff was winning?...Jeff says he won...Jordan says "good job"...

Jeff brushes his teeth...Jordan says she feels so good right now, all relaxed, she went in the hot tub, put lotion on and listened to "that" and now she's ahhh...Jeff puts his sweats on, puts lotion on his hands...Jordan asks if Jeff can shut the bathroom door before he leaves...Jeff says he's not leaving...Jordan asks why he's up there so early?...Jeff asks what she means? nothing, he's done playing cards...Jordan asks if everyone is going to bed?...Jeff says he doesn't know what they're doing...Jeff gets in bed and says "wanna throw in a movie?" They watch the spyscreen instead

They start talking game...they go over scenarios and says that as long as they are both not put up they are good and that Jeff will cut a deal with Porsche Jordan asks what his gut is telling him?...Jeff says to get rid of Dani...Jordan says her too, she's telling everybody that she doesn't know what Jeff is going to do, she has no clue...Jordan goes over pros and cons of keeping Dani vs evicting Dani...(it pains me to hear this now and post this in hindsight knowing what happened to Jeff during the DE


Jeff shares the convo he had with Adam about keeping Dani vs not...Jeff goes to the bathroom...Jordan keeps going with the advantages of keeping Dani and more round and round game talk with the scenarios...(I can't take listening to this LOL)

Jordan says that she told Shelly that Jeff told her she needs to step it up, the same thing happened in their season, Jeff did the dirty work, got blood on his hands and then everyone else floated through and got further...Jordan says that Shelly told her that she wants to get to the F3 with them and then they can take it , she asked why Shelly would do that and Shelly says she made it to the end with the people she wanted to, they're classy Jeff isn't buying it, it makes no effect on his decision, he wants her there anyway because she's easier to beat than Adam...

They talk about Dani again...Jeff says there were a few things Dani said the other night that didn't agree with him and he goes over those...he says it's too little, too late...Jeff says he feels bad because now she's playing the pity card, he's using her motto, it's just a game nothing personal and this is a big game move for him, he will roll with the crew he's with to play against Kalia and Porsche instead of Porsche and Dani, Dani's word means nothing so he can't let her play in the HOH, he's going to cut the head off the dragon and that's it, he feels like Kalia and Porsche don't really know what's going on, Dani fed them all the information...

Jeff says that this is the exact same thing that happened last time, he threw the comp that got Brendon out so he did the same with Jessie and the power, then he won HOH and POV and backdoored Russell and then he sat back and watched Kevin take it home, he lost the POV and that was it for him (history repeats itself... 😰 ) and that's why he's not going to give on the people he's been with since the beginning, motivating them, telling them to believe in him over and over and then just walk out on them? he has to stay true to himself, he believes that they will win a competition, this is the week where all his work comes into play and he hopes his soldiers will step up...Jordan says if it's meant to be, it's meant to be...

They talk about Kalia and Porsche...Jeff says Porsche isn't getting on his nerves as much...Jordan feels bad for some of the stuff she's said about her...Jeff says he's killed everyone in the house and he's worred about Rachel being down in the F3 with them...Jordan says she's good as far as she knows...more game talk about Dani and how livid she's going to be...they discuss the Zingbot POV comp...they talk about Shelly again...Jeff admits he killed Shelly in the DR too...Jordan asks what he said?...Jeff says he doesn't like people that ride the fence, either you're with him or not...palm trees for a long while...

They go over what Jeff is going to say to cut a deal with Porsche...Jeff thinks the target is on Rachel though, as long as Kalia doesn't put them both up they're good, they're covered on a lot of angles...Jordan says he's worried about Adam though, does Jeff?...Jeff says not really, he's a choker but he's good with dates...palm trees...they bring up DE...Jeff thinks anyone could f**k them Jordan says she thinks Dani knows she's going, has Jeff talked to her?...Jeff says no, of course the DR wants him to talk to her They talk about the HOH comp Jeff won...Jeff thinks that getting Dani out is the best move, he knows he did it last time but it's a little different this time

JeJo late night talk - pffttsss you gawn/go with your gut

1:03 - 1:10 AM

Jeff and Jordan continue talking game up in the HOH room, Jeff is debating the pros and cons of keeping Dani...

Jeff says he has to stick with what he believes in, he outthinks himself and he flips, the same thing he did in that HOH comp with the Vegas thing, when he thinks too much, he knows what's right, he knows what people are thinking in general and then he thinks too much about it and the whole time it was the original thought that he had and what was the original thought the whole game? what did they say?.they said oh, if they could just get Dani out they'd be so much better right? and because she had one late night tear conversation with them he's going to save her? no, no, absolutely not, the whole game they wanted her out, she wanted him out week 2, he doesn't forget, that's all...go back to week 2, if Brendon and Rachel didn't say anything, he would be gone, not only gone but he'd be at home, be at work...GROSS! pfft, just for that pfffftttsssss (hand signal) you gawn!!

They giggle and then Jeff says he loses mentality because he has a soft heart...they talk about Dom maybe coming back and Dani never working with them if he did, every move Dani has made has not been good...they agree getting rid of Brendon was for the best...Jeff says he's going to feel bad when he does it but he's not getting influenced "in there", that's it...Jeff says that people shouldn't be mad if a floater wins because Dani was the one that broke away from the Vets, he was down for keeping the final 5, she was the one who wanted to make dramatic moves...Jeff says keeping her doesn't make sense, he set up who they have, they put in their time with Rachel, they deserves some kind of payback...more game talk talking about Shelly...Jordan says that she thinks she does have deals with everybody but her goal is to make it to the F3...Jeff tells Jordan to not believe that Shelly is just going to hand them the win, that's ridiculous Jordan does think Shelly is with them because nothing she has said has come back to them Jeff says he thought there was something fishy but the fishiness is gone once Dani leaves and all the worry goes away too if she's gone...

Jeff says re: Dani "once you cross me, I don't care what I say to you so I don't feel bad"...Jordan says Jeff's gut is normally right and if his gut is telling him to do that then he needs to do that...Jeff says it will be awkward for 4 days around there and then it will be better...they throw out the scenario if Kalia wins HOH and puts up Jeff and Rachel, if Rachel wins POV, he's fu**ed but he doesn't think that will happen because one of them (his team) better step up and win Jordan goes to the bathroom...

Jeff’s family/Jeff’s farts

1:22 - 1:25 AM

Jeff and Jordan continue their late night talk...Jeff is using mouthwash...Jordan is snacking on Lucky Charms...Jeff puts some lotion on and looks at the pic of him and his nieces...Jordan says that Jeff's picture with his nieces is her fave...Jeff says he knows, it's awesome, they're all good, he looks at them all the time (aww)...Jordan says she knows you do that when you're HOH just cuz you haven't talked to your family...

Jordan says she knows when he leaves there, his mom is going to have so many questions, she knows him, he has such a big family...Jeff says not really...Jordan says yeah he does, when she went to his brother's house and all them people were there, it was overwhelming, everybody was so nice but it was scary, she likes Barb, she's funny...

Jeff farts Jordan says "Jeff! what is wrong with you?"...Jeff is telling her, it's the jalapenos...Jordan says Jeff is gassier than she's ever heard him...Jeff says it's the jalapenos, when he eats hot shit in there, something about the house gets him...Jordan gives him a look...Jeff swears...Jordan says the house gets him? and makes him fart?...Jeff says sometimes it's more than others, this is the jalapenos but what he's saying is how much gas can be in you, don't you think it's out now?

Jordan says yeah, she's surprised he keeps ripping them...Jeff asks why does it keep going?...Jeff says the jalapenos are making gas (LOL @ Jeff's hand motions)...Jordan says the good thing about it is they're not stinking...Jeff knows...Jordan says yeah, she's got worster stinking farts than Jeff...Jeff says "worst? don't even start"...

Jeff’s haircut

1:47 AM

Jeff and Jordan continue their late night talk...Jeff wishes that Gladiator would just come on the spyscreen for no reason...Jordan says that would be nice...Jeff says he'd like a nice suspense thriller that he hasn't seen before with a cool ending...Jeff gets animated about it...Jordan asks if Jeff is cutting his hair tomorrow?...Jeff says he wanted to cut it today but BB said haircuts are on Saturday...Jordan wants to cut her hair and says maybe he can do it tomorrow because it's Sunday?...Jeff says he hopes so, it shouldn't matter..Jordan says because it's not noticeable?...Jeff says yeah he uses a 4 on the sides, you can't tell...Jordan can't believe he cuts his own hair...Jeff says "it doesn't look bad right? it looks bad?"...Jordan smiles thinking of something Kat said when she did Jeff's hair...

Jordan says she was thinking of something funny...Jeff asks if Kat made fun of him for cutting his own hair? she said it's so uneven?...Jordan says you know how she talks, it just makes her laugh...Jeff asks "what'd she say?"...Jordan doesn't remember exactly word for word but it was just funny, she said "Jeff what am I going to do with him?" and Jordan told her about the stylist Jeff goes to that tells him the dirty stuff and Kat was shocked and she calls him "Fatty Schroeder"...Jeff tells the story of how last time he got his haircut before BB, Steve Marti was there...Jordan says oh, was that a new one...palm trees...

Jeff is hot neck/head rub/picture confusion

1:51 - 1:56 AM

Jeff and Jordan continue their late night talk...feeds return from palm trees just before the 1:52am mark...Jordan is rubbing Jeff's neck and hair...she says Jeff is hot...Jeff says he was cold but now he's hot, he hopes he's not getting sick...Jordan hopes he's not getting sick too...Jeff says he did go outside when he was freezing and ran until he worked up a sweat, it probably wasn't good...

...Jordan asks if Jeff wants a pillow?...Jeff says no, he's good...Jordan says Jeff's hair feels so soft ...they are quiet and then Jordan asks if Jeff's necklace ever bothers him?

Jeff says no, unless he's running or

something...Jordan keeps rubbing and they readjust positions to get comfy...Jeff says he does love that picture (of his nieces and him)...Jordan says it's really cute, for some reason she thought it was Christmas or was it Thanksgiving she was down at his house? yeah it was Thanksgiving...Jeff says they always wear dresses so it might have been Christmas...Jordan says remember on Thanksgiving when they came over they were both in dresses...Jeff says "so that was it?"...Jordan doesn't know...Jeff says they always wear dresses though, he would say it's Easter or something but they always like wearing dresses...Jordan thinks it's Thanksgiving because she remembers Jeff wearing that sweater and she remembers Ali taking a picture of him on the couch with both of them...Jeff says he enjoys that sweater too...Jordan says "I know, you love it" ...Jeff says he just thought about how awesome it is when you get home and you have a whole new wardrobe, you forget about your clothes...

Neck/head rub - zingbot embarrassment/ Rachel talk

1:57 - 2:01 AM

Jeff and Jordan continue their late night talk...Jordan asks what the first thing Jeff is going to do when he goes home?...Jeff says go see his ma and dad...Jordan asks what else, that is obvious, like going out? the restaurant?...Jeff says oh yeah, go to the restaurant, he did that last time too...Jordan says "you did?"...Jeff mmm, hmm's and says he went to Nonna's first because Steve and Vince picked him up at the airport, he didn't have a ride, then he went home and then he went by Melendez...Jordan giggles about them watching in the garage...Jeff says "with Vit Tan Don?" Jordan says when Jeff "kills" somebody, she should say when he cracks on somebody, they're probably agreeing with him...Jeff says they're making fun of him for sure...

Jordan says that he got asked again when he won the veto about marriage and the Zingbot thing and she was "oh my God you guys"...Jeff says "dude, when they push something they really go for it"...Jordan says she told them she got all embarrassed, they asked if they think it persuades him or something, she doesn't know but it embarrassed her...Jeff says "they already had one wedding this season" ...Jordan says "yes"...

Jeff starts laughing about how Rachel pretends to get embarrassed about things but actually wants more attention...Jordan says she's kind of funny, you have to understand her...Jeff says in the house she's funny at times, she's loony, then crazy, then crying, then funny, she's got to get her shit under control and then she's normal, she's been normal since Brendon left but then she had that thing with Dani...Jordan says she doesn't know, it's Rachel...Jeff says what about the way she dances?...Jordan says with Lawon, that was so funny...Jeff says so funny, she should have seen her do the electric slide, she does have her funny moments...

Jordan says you can't help but to laugh, she's not scared to do anything...Jeff says that side of her is funny and good but it's the crazy part he doesn't get...Jordan says if they went out with her one night in RL she'd be fun and normal...Jeff says he'd hang out with her to a certain point but then she'd flip her emotion if she didn't get her way...Jordan says that's why Brendon is good for her, he's the opposite, calm and mellow and she's crazy...Jeff says that the DR said they thought Jeff was going to lose it when Brendon told him to relax how to talk to Rachel and Jordan said the same thing...Jordan says the DR was cracking up when Jeff said the biting his tongue thing and babysitting?...Jeff says that after Jordan said that about the babysitting, Rachel said babysitting 15 times...Jordan says she said sorry...Jeff asked her to stop talking about that, Jordan didn't mean it...Jordan says did Jeff see how quick Rachel was to flip on her? my God, she could tell Rachel was wanting to argue with her...

Back rub - couples colonic, Bob would know

2:02 - 2:13 AM

Jeff and Jordan continue their late night talk...Jeff farts...Jordan says "Jayeff, you gassy thing"

Jeff says that another thing he wants to do when they get out of there is f**k up some crab legs...Jordan says she thought Jeff wanted to get a colon cleanse...Jeff wants to do that too...Jordan says not a colon cleanse, a colonic, she thought he'd say that cuz he pooted...

Jeff says he's not even joking, he's getting that done, they're getting that done...Jordan says "I'll go"...Jeff says they're going because it will be funny to get it together...Jordan says she'll laugh, he can be in the room, she doesn't care...Jeff says man, it's gotta be so uncomfortable to get that thing up your butt...Jordan says she'd be more uncomfortable because someone she doesn't know is going to be doing it...Jeff says "what do you want? your brother to do it for you?" ...Jordan says "no! I'm just saying"...Jordan says she just meant she's ok doing it with her boyfriend, it's just Jeff...

Jeff says "you want me to put something in your butt?"...Jordan says no! and then giggles saying "Jayeff! that sounded so bad"...Jeff asks if she wants that owl over there in her butt? Jordan says that sounded so bad when he said that, she doesn't know, it's your butt, isn't it a tube?...Jeff says yeah, what does she mean? they jam it there, he needs a pamphlet LOL

Jordan says if Jeff is there she won't feel so uncomfortable...Jeff says they'll laugh it off...Jordan says exactly, Jeff can go first...Jeff says he will, it will kill the suspense, hopefully someone will have a pamphlet for them when they get outta there to see how thick and deep the tube goes

Jordan says maybe they should wait until they go to Charlotte and she can find somewhere to go...Jeff says she wants to go the 5 days they're out in LA?...Jeff wants to figure out what it entails, are there side effects?...Jordan says at the salon she can ask anybody, Sharon & Melissa know everything, she can find out where a couple of girls got it done and they'll make an appointment...Jeff says they'll figure it out...Jordan says over here she doesn't know anybody, she's not going to any place...Jeff says here they go on their lunch break...Jordan says she'd want to go after work...Jeff says he's joking LOL

Jeff is sure they'd make it as comfortable as possible...Jordan asks if Rachel got hers done here?...Jeff doesn't know...Jeff says if you had a whole day of a colonic and a massage, that would be bad ass, literally bad ass LOL Jordan says they'd drop a few pounds...Jeff wonders if they could drink after?...they are confused...Jordan says their first time a lot of stuff is going to come out...Jeff says seaweed and everything...Jordan eww's...palm trees...

Jeff talks about celebrity friends that for sure get them done...Jordan says Bob is perfect, he'd definitely know...Jeff says they're talking to Bob about colonics when they get outta there...Jordan says he'd probably be excited and laughing, thinking you guys...Jeff says they're going to hang out with him after anyway...Jordan knows...Jeff says he's probably watching so well if someone's watching tell Bob they're getting colonics when they're outta there...Jordan says someone will tweet him that and he'll be what?...Jeff says he's going to be what the f**k?...

Jordan says that Rachel said it sounded like the water goes inside and it flushes out...Jeff says that's what it is, it runs through you and pours out your butt hole...Jordan says eww, maybe Jeff can go first and then she'll see how it is and decide...Jeff says he wants the whole thing, to get that done, it will be gross, then never see that person again in his life and then get a massage and never go to that facility ever again LOL

OMG chocolate starfish talk and some really ridiculous butt hole talk and lots of LAUGHS (I can't even transcript the silliness! and then Jeff ends it with a fart Jordan says Jeff definitely needs one...Jeff says an old sewing machine is going to come out LOLOL

JeJo late night talk - spy screen watching

2:27 - 2:39 AM

Jeff and Jordan continue their late night talk...feeds return from palm trees...Jeff asks Jordan where she thinks those chess pieces are?...Jordan doesn't even know, they should do that one day, search the house unless someone took them when they left...Jeff doesn't think they would let them do that...Jordan thought it was Brendon...Jeff thinks it's Dani because she would just do something like that...they look at the memory wall and talk about the order of people leaving...Jeff says "dude, if I send Daniele home, Brendon is gonna shit when she comes through there" Jordan says she's gonna hate it too...Jeff says she'll probably talk to him and see he's normal...Jordan says being in there they'll be fine...Jeff says without Rachel there they'll probably get along perfectly or maybe not but...Jordan says Rachel told her about jury, how she was in there so long, 5 weeks is a long time...Jeff says "5 weeks?"...Jordan says yeah, she was the 1st person in jury...

They watch the spyscreen and monitor Dani talking to Cruddy, he better not tell her anything about his plans...they get paranoid about Adam LOL...they enjoy watching the spyscreen because it's something to do like watching tv...Jordan says no one goes in the purple room...they start talking about if Dani gets evicted all her outside crew will be gone, they wonder how that all happened, Dani wasn't with them from day one, she's probably going to give Kalia and Porsche tips on what to do...Jeff says she's already working on people in case she gets backdoored...Jeff says they've put a lot of time into Adam and don't think he'll turn...Jordan agrees...Jeff says he doesn't want Dani filling Adam's head with all this bullshit(bingo!)...Jordan says once Adam's mind is made up he'll stick to it, he does take Jeff's advice to heart (bingo!)...Jordan asks if Jeff is getting worried that Adam and Dani are talking?...Jeff says yeah always...Jordan tells Jeff to go out there and act like he's smoking a cigarette...Jeff says "forget it, those things make me sick" (then stop!😠 )

Jeff says if he went game talk would stop anyway, it would be awkward...Jordan says to just ask Adam about it...Jeff says he will...Jordan says she's probably just trying to get info...Jeff says Dani doens't have anything on them so if someone did tell them something then he'd say let's bring Dani over and bring it to him, he then rambles about Shelly and Jordan says she doesn't think they should call Shelly out like that, they can pull her aside...Jeff isn't so sure ...Jeff sighs...

Jordan says Kalia has to leave next week...Jordan says it's crazy that Jeff got to pick the HN's, thanks Big Brother...Jeff giggles saying when he was reading the card he could feel them staring at him...Jordan says "any volunteers?" LOL Jordan says Dani looked like she wanted to kill Jeff...Jeff says yeah, "the face", the same face when the Zingbot said the zing about the coattails...they look at the spyscreen and how there's an optical illusion in it...feeds switch to the HN room...

Brief head in lap

2:45 AM

Feeds return to the HOH room just after the 2:45am mark to Jordan rubbing Jeff's head that's on her lap...he sits up to take his shirt off (we missed the whole thing to see Porsche & Kalia talking in the HN room )...Jeff gets up to use the bathroom and the customary fart & "Jayefff" from Jordan LOL

Jeff asks how Jordan liked that razor?...Jordan loved it...Jeff gets back in bed and says he hopes he doesn't have an early DR's...Jordan says "it's Sunday remember?"...palm trees...they talk about watching the spyscreen, Jeff says he's invested in this game, there's no turning back...Jordan asks Jeff what he's worried about...

Goodnight kisses & ½ million $ banter

2:49 AM

Jeff and Jordan are winding down their late night talk...they are talking about wondering what Adam and Dani were talking about outside, it's game for sure and he better not lie and say it wasn't just like Dani would say the late night crew would sit out there until 6 in the morning and not talk game, yeah right...

Jeff gets settled with his blankets and then Jordan says "goodnight" they kiss and Jeff wants more, Jordan kisses him 2 more times...

Jeff says "goodnight love, I'll take the night watch"...Jordan giggles...Jeff giggles saying she can just sit back and not worry about anything, he's got it from here ...Jordan says "Jeff!! you make me seem bad"...Jeff says she can write him a little note saying thank you for winning her second half a million dollars...Jordan says Jeff-uh!! listen, stop, he makes her feel like a terrible person...Jeff says why? because he helped her win a whole million dollars?...Jordan says no...Jordan wants to kiss Jeff again but he doesn't see it...Jordan says Jeff totally blew her off...Jeff puckers up again and they kiss...Jeff asks what was that look?...Jordan says his face was in the air...Jeff says he has fu**ing headphones on, what does she want him to do?...Jordan giggles...Jeff says it's on his favorite song and he gives her the headphones to listen...Jordan knows...Jeff says it was on jammoni mode...Jordan finally says "goodnight" and Jeff says "goodnight love"...Jeff continues listening, Jordan drifts off

What’s up love?

1:06 PM

Jeff is in the kitchen chopping food...

Jordan comes inside and Jeff says "Ello love ♥ "...Jordan says hello

Jordan sits at the counter...Jeff sweetly says "what's up love? ♥ "...Jordan nods nothing

Jeff walks by Jordan and touches her leg...he goes outside to get something and returns…

Kitchen back rub

1:45 PM

Jordan is sitting at the kitchen table eating a big bowl of salad...Jeff finishes up washing his dishes...Jeff heads over to Jordan and says she's crushing it...Jordan mmm, hmm's and keeps eating...

Jeff plays around with the pool net, throwing the ball into it and then he heads back to Jordan and starts rubbing her neck...

Jordan says "ooh, that feels good"...she instructs him to go down...he keeps rubbing saying "here?"...Jordan says "mmm, hmm, right there"...Jeff keeps going...Jordan says it tickle hurts...Jeff says that's good...a little bit more rubbing and then it's over (good while it lasted)

Jordan asks if Jeff is going outside?...Jeff says yeah and he goes...

Hey…What’s up stupid? Head rub

1:54 PM

Jordan is in the kitchen talking to Rachel...Rachel gets called to the DR...Jordan goes outside...Jeff is having a smoke and looks at Jordan...she approaches and says "hey"...Jeff says "what's up stupid?"...Jordan rubs Jeff's hair...

and then says sorry realizing his hair is styled...she rubs his neck a little and walks over to the other side...

Jordan the hairstylist

3:05 - 3:11 PM

Jeff, Jordan and Rachel are outside in the BY...Jordan has just finished helping Rachel color and rinse her hair, Rachel puts conditioner in her hair and Jordan goes inside to put the shampoo and conditioner bottles back, when she walks inside, Adam tells her good job, he told her she has (another) career...Jordan giggles...Rachel says to Jeff "the things friends do for each other"

Jeff says he told Jordan, does Rachel think she'd be good at that?...Rachel says huh?...Jeff says "I told Jordan, I think she'd be good at that"...Rachel agrees...Jeff says she's such a talker...Rachel says "and she's so friendly and she's gentle", that makes the biggest difference because if you're not nobody would come back to you, she'd go to her and she'd definitely have a client base.

Jeff says he always wanted to date somebody who cuts hair...Rachel laughs and says "really?"...Jeff says it's not what it's cracked up to be because he would want his hair cut once a week, like on Fridays before he goes out but it's not like that...

Jeff says that he says that to the girl that cuts his hair and she says her husband never gets hair cuts because the last thing you want to do after cutting hair all day is cut hair so he never gets his hair cut from her...Rachel says that makes sense though...Jeff says it does so he thought maybe it's not as cool as I thought...Rachel says "but when Jordan is practicing and learning she's going to want to do someone's hair, so see you'd definitely get a lot of haircuts"...Jeff says that he does his hair himself so how much worse could it get...

(So Jeff, you're saying you envision being married to Jordan and her never cutting your hair like your hairstylist? 😉 )

Rachel rinses out her hair while her and Jeff discuss what her color is naturally and what she expected this color to be...Jordan comes out and they discuss her hair and then they laugh about how short Rachel's hair looks and how maybe it was Jordan that made it fall out so maybe she shouldn't take up doing hair after all LOL

The boob archive

3:11 PM

Jeff, Jordan and Rachel are outside talking about her hair...Rachel adjusts her top and her boob pops out OOPS! she says "OMG!"...Jeff says what?...Rachel says "nothing"...Jeff and Jordan ask if her boob fell out?...Rachel says yep...Jeff says at least she didn't give them a show, the whole boob was just gone? at least the camera wasn't on her...Rachel is embarrassed, she tried to spend the entire summer being careful, hopefully no one caught it...Jordan says it's worse if the the other thing is shown than the boobs...Jeff says "your hooha?"...Jordan says yeah...Rachel asks what Jordan had?...Jordan says full boob and partial hooha, it was bad but nobody will see anything this year...Jeff says Rachel can join the boob archive LOL

Putting chairs up

3:12 -3:17 PM

Jeff, Jordan and Rachel are outside...they're talking about boob slips during BB...Jordan asks if Jeff is using one of the chairs?...Jeff says no, why? is she laying out?...Jordan says she was going to put them up, does he want to sit out there with her?...Jeff says he'll help her do that...Rachel goes inside...Jeff walks towards Jordan asking what's on her mind?...Jordan says nothing, she just wanted to talk...Jeff says it looked like she wanted to talk to him earlier...

They start putting the chairs away and Jordan asks why those girls don't put their chairs up, Dani put up her own...Jeff says it's day 51, people are pretty set in their ways...Jordan says can you believe that?...they start talking about the facts that BB put out over the speakers, they wonder if they will come into play...Jordan says they did on their season...Jeff says Adam says he doubts they will...Shelly comes out saying Jeff's hair looks good, did Jordan cut that too?...they say no...Shelly says omg

They go back to talking about those facts again on the couches...Jordan says her salad was so good and she's kind of sleepy...Jeff too...Jordan asks Jeff what's wrong?...Jeff says nothing...they start talking about Shelly and Adam, Jordan starts to tell Jeff about how Shelly was getting leery of Adam (throwing him under the bus) when Adam comes out and game talk stops...

HOH room - lying down b4 the party

3:17 - 3:31 PM

Jeff, Jordan and Adam are outside on the couches chatting about random stuff...Jeff asks what time it is and Adam says it's like 3:20...Jordan says Dani's thing starts at 4...Adam says they can dance and sing, they can actually sing happy birthday because the feeds shut off...more random chatter, Jordan says she's tired...Jeff asks Jordan if she wants to lay down until the party starts?...Jordan says yeah...they ask Adam if he wants to come hang out and play?...Adam says no, he'll give them alone time...Jordan says they're not doing anything up there...Adam says yeah, Jeff's like yeah, I know Jeff says yeah, they're going to have a party up there...

They head upstairs...Jeff goes in first, Jordan follows pointing out that she made the bed Jordan lays down on the couch saying it's cold in there, puts on a jacket and socks and sits back down...Jordan looks at Jeff's pics and says Marley looks a lot older in one over the other...Jordan says Jeff did good with his hair, it looks good Jeff says for doing it himself, it looks good...Jordan agrees...

Jordan likes couches like the one she's on, it's comfy, she feels like the room looks so much cleaner when the bed is made...Jeff agrees...Jeff is eating food from his cheese plate and Jordan says she's never seen one like that...back to game talk and which of the two, Shelly and Adam will maybe flip, Jordan doesn't think they will, they know it's the best move...Jordan tells Jeff how she advised Rachel to be if Dani gets put up on the block...Jordan says the DR asked if Jeff was going to talk to Dani...Jeff says they asked him too...Jeff says he talked to Porsche while she was fixing the back of his hair and she told him she wants off the block because she doesn't want to pack her stuff...Jordan giggles and says "who says that?"

Jeff says Porsche said Jeff wasn't her target and she would put up Rachel and Shelly but of course she's saying what she has to, she even said she thought they were in an alliance...they continue talking game until Rachel comes in to show off her hair and how good of a job Jordan did with it

Jordan’s family vs Jeff’s family

6:17 PM

Jordan and Rachel are out walking laps around the BY...they are talking about their families...Jordan says she always says she knows where she gets "it" from because her mom can be a little "dingy"...Rachel giggles and says her mom can be too...

Jordan gives an example, they were in Folly Beach, they were eating at a restaurant where you can bring your dogs and the menu said something about getting your parfaits "to go" which meant you can get them fast if you're in a hurry and Jeff said something about it and her mom told Jeff no, he couldn't get one because they're only "to go" and they were like, what are you talking about? and she was like "huh?" and they explained to her mom what it meant and Jeff said "omg, me hanging out with your family for a week"

Rachel says that's cute and hilarious, it's something her mom would say...Jordan says that her mom doesn't know about a lot of stuff, she told her mom that she used to think she was super smart but she's smarter than she is...Rachel says is Jeff's family the total opposite?...Jordan says Jeff's family is smart and very intelligent and super nice, so different, her family is so goofy, it's just different, also because Jeff's brothers are like Shelly's age whereas her siblings are a lot younger, his brother's are closer in age to her aunt, isn't that weird?...Rachel says Brendon's brother is older 37 and he has a younger sister 29, that she gets along with really well...they keep discussing Brendon and his family...

Jeff watches Jordan shaves her legs

8:42 - 8:49 PM

Jeff and Jordan have finished up game talk...Jordan is getting ready to shave her legs...Jeff asks Jordan if the back of his hair is sticking up?...Jordan says no...Jeff asks if he went too high back there?...Jordan says no, it's where his swirl is...Jeff says that's a little high...Jordan says you can't tell, she told him he did a good job on it...Jeff says he was just double checking...contol room...

Jordan is shaving her legs with Jeff's new razor, she loves it. Jeff says to not get crazy with it...Jordan says she tried to help Rachel out with acting more lady-like, she's got to stay on her...Jeff tells her to not stay on her too much, other people need to self-destruct...Jordan says she was just trying to help her out with that...

Jordan says she did a good job on her hair today...Jeff says she did, he told her he thinks she should do that but she has to like what she does...Jordan says she thinks she'd get burned out with it...Jeff says he doesn't know, it's new everyday, she could talk to people, as long as she worked in a good place, you don't have to take tests like chemistry bs...Jordan says yeah, yeah...Jeff says to watch out with that razor, it will cut her up...Jordan knows, she says the blades are good...

Jordan can't believe today is day 51, August 21st, in the beginning they were omg until September...Jeff says they have a little over 3 weeks. Jordan says she needs to call Rachel up there to study...Jeff says good...they go over the facts BB put out over the speaker and how there was a HOH comp based on that, Jeff says they were more about them not how many miles were in the BY...control room and when the feeds return Jeff is in the BY talking to Adam...

Kitchen butt pinch

9:24 - 9:27 PM

Jeff and Jordan are in the kitchen with a few others...Jordan finishes up washing dishes, Jeff has just finished up his dinner...there's some random chatter and banter and then Jordan asks Jeff if he wants to go outside?...Jeff says yes...more random chatter...Jeff gets himself a drink and then says he has to go upstairs to get a sweater, as he passes by Jordan on the way up, he pinches her butt...

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