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Day 26 of BB13 Feeds


August 1

Jordan & Rachel chat - getting recognized

12:10 - 12:14 AM

Jordan and Rachel are in the HN room talking game and life...they talk about Charlotte and being recognized...Rachel says she sometimes does, she dyed her hair brown though and she feels she doesn't have that distinctive of a look...Jordan says maybe because her hair is red (she gets more of that)...Jordan says if she's dressed up she might get a couple people say something, mostly not but when she's in sweatpants, no makeup, hair pulled back, just bumming, that's when somebody will say something, she was in Target once and got recognized and she was like dangit because she really doesn't want to talk, she doesn't want them asking her questions, she just wants to get out of there...

Rachel says that's the worst, people do that to her to, they ask the dumbest questions like what is it like to live with Lane? she understands people would like to know that but she's obviously shopping and in a rush, she says people come up to her and Brendon at dinner sometimes and want a quick picture, it's so rude...Jordan says nobody has ever done that to her and Jeff...Rachel asks not even in Concord?...Jordan says she's never in Concord really...Jordan says that right after the show it happened a bit more but people never really say anything, right before she came this time she was shopping for clothes with her brother and some girl was stariing at her, not even a smiling stare, it made her feel weird and then she asked if she was on BB...

Jordan says sometimes you're not in that mood to talk to anybody and she doesn't want to come off as rude, like at the salon people tell her all the time that she looks so familiar and she never says (why) and they'll ask if she's from there, they'll ask where she lives and then they'll tell the stylist that she reminds them of somebody and the stylist will tell them and then she'll talk to them when they check out but there are a couple of people that are so ridiculous and annoying about it...Rachel says "that love you?"...Jordan says no, they'll say off the wall stuff and you're just like "okayyy"...Rachel asks if people ask her about Jeff?...Jordan says yeah, they say "are y'all still together?", "are you guys gonna get married?"...

Rachel says she gets the same, people saying they can't believe her and Brendon are still together, they thought it was for sure just a showmance...Jordan says instead of that she had people saying that she doesn't look as big as she does on TV, like really!?...Rachel says they ask her if she's lost weight...Jordan says she would never say that to somebody, she would keep it to herself, she had some people say rude stuff but she just smiles and brushes it off, people should keep that to themselves...

Jordan & Rachel chat - JeJo not being liked

12:14 - 12:16 AM

Jordan and Rachel continue talking...Rachel knows she's not a fan favorite...Jordan totally contradicts herself here saying that she thinks this year Rachel came on (to change her image) and she looks different but they'll all kind of look the same LOL

Jordan says they all look a little catty towards each other just because they fought, she told Jeff that she feels like she's been more catty, she's said people are crazy (in the DR), she says she doesn't get Porsche, she has a poker face, but she felt bad she said that but they go crazy in there, she felt like on her season she wasn't like that...Rachel says the 1st and 2nd times are so different plus if it was All Stars it would be 100% different...

Jordan says if it was All Stars they would all be gone...Rachel giggles...Jordan says "Cuz I know, people in the past, they don't like us" Rachel says "I don't know though, they would probably want to work with you guys"...Jordan says she doubts it, she doesn't know why they don't, they just all, a lot of people from their season, they don't like them...Rachel says "I think it's a jealousy thing" (ding ding ding!)

Jordan says t"here's nothing to be jealous of, we were all on the same show, we all did the same, you know, I don't know" (umm, not quite Jordan ) Jordan says she's fine with everybody but she's just saying, she hasn't seen her cast since Vegas because she doesn't ever go to anything, she just likes to stay home and work, if she goes home she'll take 2 weeks off before going back and if she makes it to jury she'll take 2 weeks off after too, her and Jeff keep talking about going on a cruise or something...control room...

Jeff tells Jordan she is going to eat

1:07 - 1:09 PM

Quick couple of minutes of Jeff and Jordan laying in bed silently...Jeff sighs...Jordan whispers to Jeff...Jeff says "what are you doing?"...Jordan says "nothing...I'm cold"...Jeff says it's because she has nothing in her body, tomorrow she's going to eat...Jordan says no and the feeds switch…

The Animal Game

1:27 - 2:47 AM

Jeff and Jordan play the animal game with Porsche, Adam and Kalia throughout the early morning hours. Some pretty amusing moments including a redux of Purple Hippos and March of the Penguins talk…

Jeff STILL thinks Hippos are purple

1:50 - 1:55 AM

Jeff, Jordan, Brendon, Rachel & Porsche continue their bedtime talk...they have been talking about natural resources & other serious topics when Rachel says she is going to bed and Brendon says he will too...they leave and Jeff asks Porsche if she wants to play the animal game again?

Jeff will think of an animal, each take a turn asking a question, he'll say yes or no, if they guess wrong, they lose their turn and the other person gets a free guess or a free question...Jeff says Jordan can ask first, he needs to think of an animal...

Jordan asks if it's a mammal or a reptile?...Jeff says mammal.

Porsche asks if it has 4 legs?...Jeff says yes.

Jordan asks if it has fur?...Jeff says no.

Jordan says "it's a hippopotamus"

Jeff says "IT IS! I swear to God! how did you know?"

Jordan smiles and says "cuz I know you" aww

Porsche aww's and Jeff says "holy cow! that was so weird!"

Jordan says "what?"...Jeff asks if he did that before?...Jordan says no, she just knew it was him, if it doesn't have fur...Jeff remembers saying yes he did because they had said this pink thing, he totally forgot about that...Jordan says that Jeff said no fur and 4 legs and is a mammal...Jeff says he thinks they had this conversation because there's no way she would have gotten it...Jordan insists she would have

Jeff says "you just blew my mind" LOL

Porsche says "good girl Jordo"...Jordan says thanks...Jeff asks Porsche "by the way, what color are hippopotamuses?"...Porsche says "gray"...Jordan says "see"...Jeff chuckles saying "they're not"...Jordan says "Jeff thinks that they're purple"...Porsche giggles...Jordan says they need Brendon LOL Jeff says he'll ask them...Porsche says they're brown or gray...Jeff scoffs "brown...they're pinkishpurple"...Jordan says they're not, she told him only cartoons are that color, he'll argue that...

Jeff goes into the HN room to ask Brendon...Jeff asks...Brendon says "gray" Jeff asks if they don't have a purplishhue?...Rachel says no...Brendon says gray, Adam says gray...Jeff asks Adam, who's in bed in the metal room, the same thing...Rachel giggles at Jeff...the audio starts messing up but they're giggling at Jeff and keep saying gray...

Jeff goes back in the room and says that Adam said they kinda have that purplish hue but Brendon says "nah, in cartoons" LOL...Jeff says "dude, I still think they do, I'm sticking to it" Jeff goes to the bathroom

Love, love you, love, goodbye love

2:47 AM

Jeff and Jordan are still playing the animal game but winding down...Jordan has been rubbing Jeff's hair...Kalia gives congrats to Jordan on getting her last 2 animals...Jeff says "Jordan is good at this"...

Jordan says she needs to try to go to bed, she asks Kalia what time it is?...Kalia tells her when she came back there it was 2:30...Jordan says BB is going to get them up early, she needs to get 7 hours of sleep...Jordan sits up and Jeff whispers to her to give him a kiss...she doesn't hear...Jeff makes a kissy sound...Jordan says she wishes she could stay in there...Jeff says "me too love ♥ "...Jordan reaches down and kisses Jeff...

Jeff says "love you ♥ " ...Jordan says "you too"...Jeff says "could you shut that light off love? ♥ "

Jordan shuts it off and they tell her to be careful with her shins/legs on the furniture...Jeff says one last time "goodnight love ♥ " Jordan leaves saying goodnight...

Boob squeeze/would Jeff do the same as Brendon

12:46 - 12:49 AM

Jeff comes out of the bathroom into the kitchen where Jordan is, he squeezes her boob as he walks by...Jordan protests and tells Brendon he always squeezes her boob...Brendon doesn't bat an eyelash and walks away LOL

Jordan asks isn't her hat like from the the movie I Know What You Did Last Summer?...Jeff says no...they start to walk outside and then change their minds and head to the candy room...

Cam 3/4

They talk about Shelly, Dani and the votes (for Jordan) and then come back out and walk towards outside...Jeff says he thinks it's fine but he gets nervous...Jordan wonders why Brendon changed his mind taking Rachel off the block instead of him...Jeff says he probably just did the right thing...Jordan says that was sweet, Jeff would do that for her right?...Jeff says he would like to think he would (I don't think he would lol)...Jordan says "I think I'm going to break up with you"...Jeff says "what!?"...Jordan repeats she's going to break up with him...Jeff asks "why?"...Jordan says "I think we're...."

Jeff says saying it and doing it are two different things, he can tell her he would do it, he's not telling her he wouldn't do it...Jordan whispers that it makes her nervous that Rachel and Porsche are so close, what if Rachel wins HOH, she's easily influenced by her...Jeff hopes not...palm trees...

Jeff on Surreal Life

1:18 AM

Jeff and Jordan talk about the show Surreal Life with the other HG's while in the pool...Jeff says he was on the show to date Adrienne Curry but she didn't pick him, some guy told him about it, a way to make some money, it was before she met the "Brady" guy, she didn't pick Big Jeff Big Jeff drank his beers, took his money and left...Jordan says she doesn't even think Adrienne is that cute…

Candy room chat - Charlie bit me

3:16 - 3:20 PM

Jeff joins Jordan in the candy room...he gets in bed with her saying he thought she was in the HN room, he went in there looking for her but Rachel was in there, they talked and said the situation sucks but they have to stick together...Jordan says good, she thought she'd try and be BFF with Dani...Jeff says that Rachel said if she wants a war, she's going to fight her ass off...

Jordan says Jeff smells really good...Jeff says he sprayed cologne for her Jordan says "mmm, ooh la la"...Jeff says "Vit Tan Don" LOL

Jeff rubs Jordan's leg...they banter a little over what Jeff was looking at...Jeff says it was a hot one today huh?...Jordan says really hot...Jordan wants to walk later...Jeff asks if she wants to do abs?...Jordan does, group workout...Jeff likes to do abs with someone else...

Jeff looks at his hands and asks if he did that when he fell or when he jumped on the grates?...Jordan mmm, hmm's...Jeff is thinking maybe when he fell...Jordan says yeah...Jeff says "you don"t care"...Jordan says "yes I do!"...Jeff smiles at Jordan again and Jordan asks why he thinks she doesn't care?...Jordan says hmm?...Jeff says "cuz they hurhht"...Jeff giggles...Jordan says "hurt, Charlie, it hurts"...Jordan asks Jeff if he's seen that youtube video?...Jeff says no (I think Jeff is the ONLY person that hasn't lol ) Jordan describes the video to Jeff, to a tee! Super cute!

Jordan says they got the most funniest video in the world, it's really cute because they're just so innocent and cute...Jeff mentions one too where the kid goes to the dentist, he's all drugged up and the dad filmed it...Jordan says she saw it on Ellen…

Candy room chat - wisdom teeth/chat with Brendon

3:20 - 3:26 PM

Jeff and Jordan continue chatting in bed in the candy room...they have been talking about a funny video where the kid is all drugged up coming from the dentist...Jordan tells the story of when she got her wisdom teeth pulled out, they were impacted, she had to go to an oral surgeon, she was given a valium, the nurse and doctor were asking how she was feeling, she bets once you're out they dig in there, she could feel the stitches, she was in so much pain, she had gauze in there, she was taking a test but couldn't take it anymore, her mom had to come pick her up, she was so swollen and looked so bad, she couldn't eat anything..

Jeff says he got his out too...Jordan asks if they were impacted?...Jeff says he doesn't know, he was knocked out too, he saw all the tools they pulled out and he freaked out, he was like whoa whoa whoa what's going on? he didn't think he was given enough and the doctor sighed, asked what school he was going to next year and he didn't finish answering him, he was out ...Jordan giggles...Jeff says he woke up and was in a cloud...feeds switch out and return just after the 3:30pm mark...

Brendon is now in the room and they're discussing how Jeff still thinks hippos have a purplish hue Jeff says he saw a picture of one with a pinkish hue...Jordan thinks he's color blind LOL Brendon says maybe it was a baby one but even then NO Jordan giggles...Brendon says he's stuck on a cartoon version...Jeff brings up the kid after the dentist youtube...Brendon says there are so many parodies of it too...Jordan mentions the Charlie bit me video, Brendon's not sure he's seen it either

They start whispering game about Lawon and Porsche...Jeff doesn't think anything is going on, what kind of team is that?...Brendon says to keep it in mind...Jeff will...they keep whispering...Jeff says he's not too worried about it...Jordan noticed that Porsche has been hanging up in the HOH and Kalia isn't happy about it...they bitch about the alcohol distribution...

Brendon says what he might say in his nomination speech, he might drop a couple of bombs...Jordan says he's really funny, they never showed, she never knew how funny he was...Brendon says he was portrayed as the villain last year, when they came into the house he thought they would be the villains pitted against Jeff and Jordan, good vs evil I guess and then ED walked in, he was the villain role...Jeff and Jordan says she doesn't think they will be portrayed as the villains this time Jordan says he's funny with Franklin and the funny cape escapades...Jordan leaves to go pee...

Candy room chat - Jeff would be sad if Jordan left

3:38 - 3:47 PM

Jeff has been talking about ATWFF with Brendon...Jordan comes back into bed and says she's freezing...Brendon is called to the DR and leaves...immediately Jeff asks Jordan if she thinks what Brendon says is true, about Lawon?...Jordan says maybe...Jordan says she was fishing with Kalia earlier about who would Lawon or Porsche put up if they won HOH...more game talk about who is with whom...Jeff asks if Kalia said that Lawon was voting for Jordan to stay 100%?...Jordan says oh yeah but she'll ask him...Jeff says for sure...

Jordan says she thought it would either be her or Porsche as the replacement nominee...Jeff says "you didn't think me?"...Jordan says no...Jeff says he thought f**k (it was him)...Jordan says she confirmed with Kalia that she was safe, she wanted to make sure there were no other deals that were made and Kalia said she was safe, she promised...a little ingrown hair/tweezer talk...Jordan says if you think about it, it would be stupid to leave Brendon in the house and get rid of her...Jeff says it would be so stupid...

Jeff says "it's like there's no way, I"m nervous because it's you, if it wasn't you but the same person I'd be like don't worry about it" ...Jordan asks "why do you think he changed?"...Jeff says "to be, to do the right thing, look like a hero"...Jordan says yeah...Jeff says "but to look like a hero, you can't have both, ykwim? you have to go out and fulfill what you did, ykwim? you can't be like, I'm going to take you off, do the honorable thing and then go beg for votes, it tarnishes it"...

Jordan says that Brendon told Shelly that she was the deciding vote Jeff farts a loud one Jordan rolls her eyes LOL Jordan says he can't have Lawon and Kalia right? she just doesn't want to be blindsided...Jeff says no, she's fine because Kalia is stupid and doesn't have a mind of her own, she'll do what Dani tells her, if Dani really wanted them out she would have put him up there...Jordan says yes, that's true...Jeff says Dani will tell her to vote out Brendon and right after the noms Dani came up to him and asked if he was ok with them...Jeff says they have Kalia, Adam & Shelly...Jordan thinks Brendon wants to leave though...Jeff doesn't think so but he has school to go back to...Jordan says he was worried about Rachel if she would've left, she hopes Rachel doesn't flop...Jordan reaches over and pats Jeff's hand, grabs his arm and starts rubbing...

She starts playing with Jeff's hand and holds it...

Jordan says "were you gonna cry if I left, you'd be so sad"...Jeff says he would, he doesn't want to talk about it...Jordan snuggles into Jeff and Jeff sweetly kisses Jordan's head…

They get quiet and then the feeds switch off of them...

Did you nap love?

5:25 PM

Jordan is sitting outside on the couches in the BY with Rachel and Brendon who are eating the seaweed...Jordan doesn't like it and says she's not a picky eater but she kind of is, she just likes...Rachel says American?...Jordan says yeah, she likes hamburgers, chicken fingers, hot dogs (aka boring food ) ...Brendon corrects Rachel saying "North Carolinian you mean"...

Jeff comes outside, joins them...Jordan smiles at Jeff...Jeff says "did you nap love?" ♥

Jordan says she did, she woke up and was freezing in there, she came outside to warm up...Jeff says their room was like Grand Central Station...Jordan asks what that means?...Jeff sarcastically says that it was quiet...

Jeff & Maggie

9:54 PM

Jordan, Porsche & Lawon are outside on the couches chatting about dogs...Jordan misses her dog...Porsche too...Lawon wants a Maltese, he asks if Porsche has a girl or boy?...Porsche says girl, Jordan says girl...Jordan says she always lays on her back and she says she's airing out her hooha LOL

Lawon asks if she's spoiled?...Jordan says not really, she does have a sweater for the cold in winter because she shakes and she feeds her table food, she's so cute, she's a good dog, she follows her everywhere, when she takes a bath she waits on her, she has her own bed that she sleeps in in the winter but in the summer she gets underneath her bed.

Jordan says when Jeff is at her house and they are laying in bed watching tv, Jeff will say "uhh, get her down", she jumps right in and gets in there...Lawon asks how she is with Jeff?...Jordan says she likes Jeff, she gets excited but Jeff gets aggravated with her because anywhere Jordan goes, Maggie goes so if she's sitting next to Jeff she wants to get right in the middle of everything...

Neck nuzzles

9:57 PM

Jordan is sitting on the couches still chatting with Lawon and Porsche...Jeff is playing pool, he comes over and pokes her in the butt with the pool stick LOL joins her and they talk...Jordan makes the whoville face...Jeff says she looks like a whoville...Jordan says she has a small nose...Jeff nods and she moves over to hug Jeff...she nuzzles his neck and then kisses him over and over..

Jeff leans in even closer and Jordan cradles his face in her hand...feeds go off them to Porsche but on Cam 2 you can see Jordan rubbing Jeff's head and then Jeff biting Jordan's neck and her squealing Jeff then gets distracted by Adam, they kiss and Jeff says "see ya later love" ♥

TMI - strip club sweatpants/lap dances

10:33 - 10:38 PM

Jordan, Lawon and Jeff are outside on the couches in the BY...Jeff says man, he sings a lot, he doesn't notice that he sings this much in real life or maybe he just doesn't stop himself...Lawon says he doesn't notice it, he hums a lot of tunes in here...Jeff says always, as soon as he does it, he has to stop himself, he doesn't learn.

Jordan sighs and Jeff asks if she's ready for the bachelor party?...Jordan says she's been ready, ready to see it go down...Jeff yells over to Brendon that Jordan has her sweats on, she's ready for the strip club...Jordan says "oh be quiet'...Jeff says she doesn't even know what that means...Jordan says "what?"...Jeff says he's being dirty...Jordan doesn't get it...Jeff explains that at the strip club they grind on you so if you're wearing sweats you feel it more Jordan's face LOL!

Jordan says "y'all are nasty!"...Jordan asks if people do that? she doesn't even think they let you in the strip club with sweats on...Jeff and Brendon talk about something I can't quite make out but basically it's about a basketball team that would all go to the strip club wearing sweatpants...Jeff says omg...

Jordan says seriously, would you get hard from some girl grinding on you knowing that she's just using you to get money from other guys (too) isn't that the point? LOL

Jeff indignantly says "nooo that's disgusting" (liar!)...Brendon says she could put her boobs in his face and it would do nothing to him but honestly in his entire life he's had 5 lap dances...Jeff says he doesn't go to strip clubs...Jordan says she knows he doesn't...Brendon continues saying one of those 5 was pretty good, it was at a party with his gf at the time, they both got lap dances...

Jordan says that people thought it would be funny to buy her a lap dance one time and she had no clue it was coming...Jeff is like whoa whoa get the f**k outta here...Jordan says the girl walked up to her and was rubbing her hair and she was like "what!?" and she said "no thanks", Jordan repeats and Jeff cracks up laughing!...Jordan says she stood in front of her and put her arms and legs together and she was like "OMG" and the whole time she was looking down, it was so gross and she was trying to stick her boobs in her face and she was like "listen, that's gross"...Jeff's face LOL!

Jordan says they said she looked so uncomfortable...Brendon says Rachel has a friend that in Vegas that works at one of the big ones...Jeff says they make big money...Brendon says she's a cocktail waitress...Jordan thought she was a stripper...Brendon says that there's lots of ways to make good money in Vegas without stripping...they start talking about Vegas, gambling and losing money...

Couch touch

10:52 PM

The HG's are sitting around waiting for the strip dance to start...Jeff and Jordan are generally quiet...Jordan reaches over and touches Jeff's leg…

Pedicure love

11:33 PM

Jordan is out on the patio by the couches painting her toenails, she's chatting with Brendon and Shelly about what the upcoming HOH comp might be...Jeff comes outside and pokes her in the butt crack ...Jeff sits down and says to Jordan "how's it going love?" ♥

Jordan says fine...Jeff says "what are you doing? touch up?"...Jordan says she's going over it...Jordan says it's harder to do the left leg because she's left handed...Jeff asks if she wants him to do it?...Jordan says no, she'll do it...Jeff says something about seeing the way he did something (hard to hear)...Jordan says Jeff did a good job but these are toes...Jeff says "it's different, it's a different canvas"

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