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Day 25 of BB13 Feeds


July 31

Gimme a kiss before Jordan’s DR

12:49 AM

The HG's are sitting around the LR talking...Jordan gets called to the DR...Jeff who is laying down on the floor says "Jordan!"...Jeff reaches up and says "gimme a kiss" Jordan bends down, goes back up and says "really?", she turns, bends down and kisses him before going in the DR...

Pull them pants up

1:42 AM

Jordan is sitting on the couches in the BY chatting with Porsche & Shelly...Jeff (out of sight of the camera) is playing cornhole...Jordan looks over at Jeff and says "pull them pants up! you yell at your nieces & nephews..."

BY talk before bed

3:41 - 4:16 AM

Feeds switch to Jeff and Jordan in the BY...they are talking game about Dani and Kalia...Jordan says she's still in shock that Dani flipped so fast, Kalia told Jordan that she really doesn't want to split J&J up...Jeff is perplexed at why she was hardcore wanting to split them up and not now, that Dani is not happy with Rachel right now...Jordan says it doesn't help that Brendon was out there talking crap about Dani...

Jordan says she doesn't know where Lawon is...Jeff says he doesn't even know where he is LOL...palm trees...Jordan says if Brendon stays, him and Jeff will be strong together, when he gets mad, he wins, so he's good to have on Jeff's side and because Jeff has shown him loyalty, he'll have his back...Jeff thinks so too...Jordan thinks Brendon would be loyal to Jeff at least until final 4 and they have Shelly for sure...palm trees...Jeff says he has planned for him and Jordan to be there next week...Jordan says the person going out next week is in jury right?...Jeff says yes, they need to just get through next week...Jordan says if they get split up down the road they just need to collect as many prizes as possible

Jeff and Jordan discuss best scenarios for next week...Jordan is leery of Adam...Jordan thinks Kalia is getting suspicious of Shelly...Jeff says to play off that Shelly tells them anything but how can Dani not now about Shelly, she was with them when Shelly was telling them everything (early on)...Jeff thinks Shelly is looking out for us...Jordan is worried if Dani gets some power and gets to change nominees...they wonder who Dani would put up 2 weeks from now if she won HOH...Jordan says if Lawon won, she doesn't know who he'd put up...Jeff says whoever Dani told him to...

Kalia comes out and joins them...they say they're all sleepy, it's 4am...Jordan doesn't know what's wrong with her...Jeff says they've been inside too much and just want to be outside...Kalia says tomorrow they can do nothing but lay in the sun...palm trees and feeds switch and return just over a minute later...

Kalia is gone...Jeff and Jordan continue talking game...Jeff hopes Brendon wins HOH ...Jordan thinks it will be questions...Jeff thinks it might be knockout because it will be 8 people...Jordan says she's not good at buzzing real fast, is Jeff?...Jeff says he's a little slow...they wonder if Porsche will put them up, she doesn't know WHAT that girl thinks...Jeff neither...Jordan says she knows Rachel would be safe if Porsche won...Jeff worries about Kalia winning HOH, her master would make her put up him and Brendon...Jeff says to look at the odds 6 vs 2...Jordan points out that in this HOH it was 7 vs 1 and they still lost but that competition was perfect for Dani...Jeff says she's gotta go...

Jordan says she thinks Dani is using Kalia for a vote...Jeff says it's all she has...Jordan says when she used to talk with Kalia she never ever told her she was with Shelly which is good....Jeff says Kalia has gotta go too...Jordan says between her and Lawon though she would say to keep Kalia...Jeff says the power is going to shift...Jordan can't understand why Rachel won't sleep in a bed, they're like magnets with each other...Jeff says he will sleep in there with Jordan a couple of days...Jordan doesn't want Jeff too, he should sleep in his bed...Jeff says if it was just her he would...Jordan agrees and says B&R are on each other cuddling in that room, she couldn't do it in there (she doesn't do it in the other room either! LOL)...Jeff agrees saying you're already aggravated in there...

Jordan says Brendon will be more stable (without Rachel)...Jeff says it almost seems too good to be true (that's because it is! )

FEEDS RESET AT 4AM/ @ 4:03AM new flashback starts

Jeff doesn't know how he'll look on tv...Jordan says she feels like they'll look mean but everybody has said stuff...Jeff says everyone gets mad at everyone at some point...Jordan feels like last time they joked around a lot more but maybe it's more stressful trying to keep both of them in the game (you did that last time too )...Jeff says it's more stressful with the keys and the old vs new thing, it's totally different and they felt like they were targets coming in so they were nervous coming in as opposed to last time it was just whatever...Jordan says she doesn't like the way it feels, her emotions going up and down, she can't stand that...Jeff chuckles saying "I know"...Jordan says she's aggravated, being happy, then upset, then happy...Jeff says everyday is like this...

Jordan says she hopes one of them goes real far and gets some prizes, maybe Jeff can get a Hawaii trip again, that would be fun or cash it in and go somewhere else...Jordan wonders what Peyton is doing, he's already up, she wonders what's been going on...palm trees...Jordan wonders if Maggie has forgotten about her...Jeff says no...Jordan says she's going to be jumping up and down...

Jordan says not to worry, everything happens for a reason...Jeff says after Monday, it's going to be weird because of people campaigning for votes, he wishes Rachel would just come to terms with her leaving...they go over votes...Jeff really, really doesn't see how Jordan could lose...Jordan thinks Kalia would vote for her over Rachel and everybody wants to get them out...Jeff doesn't think Brenchel wants to backstab them...

Jeff doesn't want to talk shit about them because if someone hears things out of context it won't be good, he wants to just lay low this week, Dani has isolated herself in that HOH room...Jordan says she doesn't think Dani cares, she's here to play for herself (isn't everyone? lol) and one of her plans was to get her dad out...

They talk about the difference between Rachel and Brendon, how Brendon is easier going...they talk about Rachel's performance in the veto comp and Dom's in the veto comp he won...

Jordan says that she stayed up until sunrise the night Jeff was evicted, she wants to say it was that night...Jeff says the night he lost that last veto, he stayed until sunrise...Jordan asks if he was alone or with her?...Jeff says with her...Jordan says well maybe that was the night...Jeff yawns and says "alright love ♥ let's go to bed, are you tired?"...Jordan says yeah...Jeff says they are going to be dead tomorrow, he wishes she just slept in his room...

They walk inside and Jeff says to hold on, let him pee...he goes to the bathroom...Jordan waits in the kitchen, he comes back and sees the time saying "4:20 love ♥ "...they walk to the bedrooms...they kiss goodnight...

Jeff says "love you" and Jordan says "love you too" and they part ways…

Jordan’s being tough in the kitchen

1:20 - 1:29 PM

Feeds switch to Jeff and Jordan who are in the kitchen with Lawon...Jordan is saying "what!?"...Jeff says "what are you getting tough from?"...Jordan says "I'm not!"...Jeff asks if she took vitamins today that made her tough?...Jordan says she took some yesterday and today...Jeff is making a bagel and almost burns himself, he says they wanted him to burn himself because they're eating slop...Lawon says everything looks good but he doesn't like bagels...they talk about the ice cream slop...Jordan says she doesn't want to just eat slop...Jeff says "remember Russell used to eat it raw with a spoon...dry, just eat it"...

Jeff says he would eat slop with water and some cinnamon 3 times a day when he was on it, he couldn't it eat raw though, he could have sworn Russell did...Jordan asks Lawon if he likes tomatoes?...Lawon does...Jordan talks about a Caprese salad with tomato, mozzarella and basil, she loves those...Lawon says he only liked tomatoes when he was grown, not as a kid...Jordan says Jeff doesn't like tomatoes...Jeff says he doesn't like them by themselves...Lawon talks about how he likes onions...Jeff says he cooks tomatoes a lot in there for sauces but not by itself like in a sandwich, even in a sandwich he'll eat them now, maybe he's getting used to them, he doesn't like the slimy texture...

Jeff says it's weird to him, ketchup, tomato soup, bruschetta but tomatoes by themselves no...Lawon says it's the texture...Dani comes in and they talk about sleeping too much in the BB house...Jordan comes back and sits down...Jeff asks Jordan if she's better since drinking the non-lactose milk?...Jordan says it's the same...Jeff says "it's still like brrrrrrrrrrr?"...Jordan says yes...

Rachel comes inside, her and Jeff exchange good afternoons...Shelly walks in and they joke around about how early she gets up every day even when she says she's going to sleep in...they go over their boring day in the BB house...Jeff suggests doing something fun today...Shelly tells them all the cleaning and exterminating she's been doing...they talk about the guy Billy the Exterminator and his show, they talk about the Bayou and Jeff asks Jordan if she remembers that show he told her about with the two guys with the long beards...Jordan says she remembers...Jeff says he loves the show Swamp People, it's interesting to him, the lifestyle, shooting alligators...

You’re gonna starve love

1:29 PM

Jeff and Jordan are in the kitchen...Jeff is chatting with Shelly and Lawon while Jordan sits quietly listening...Jeff starts trying to get Jordan's attention by pretending to throw something at her...Jordan doesn't move...Jeff says "Jordan's brave today huh?"...Jeff gets in her face saying "why you so tough today?" and he bounces a rolled up napkin off her face LOL

Jordan doesn't flinch...Jeff asks if she's bohred?"...Jordan says yeah...Jeff says "you wanna eat?"...Jordan says yeah...Shelly offers to make her pancakes...Jordan says no thanks...Jeff says "you're gonna starve love ♥ "...Jeff starts singing...palm trees…

JeJo & Dani game talk

1:32 - 1:51 PM

Jeff and Jordan talk game with Dani up in the HOH room...Dani assures them that Brendon is leaving, not Jordan...

Pool time - hoops & quick hug

3:03 - 3:20 PM

Jeff and Jordan are in the pool...they're playing hoops with Brenchel...just after 3:07pm Jordan inches her way over to Jeff and gives him a quick hug from behind...

Jeff walks with Jordan

5:19 - 5:33 PM

Jeff and Jordan are walking laps around the backyard...they go by Brenchel in the hammock and banter with them...a few minutes later Rachel leaves with Porsche to go make caramel apples...J&J stop at the hammock and they talk game with Brendon, Brendon lies about taking himself off the block Brendon tries to pry information out of J&J but they don't fall for it

Jeff and Jordan continue walking, doing 10 more laps...they talk game along the way...@ the 5:29pm mark Jeff says "like if it was anyone else but you, you know my girlfriend going up on the block, I'd be like dude, like if I didn't know you, I'd be dude put fu**ing Jordan up, there's no way she's going, ykwim? but because it's you I'm nervous"...Jeff says Jordan has a good chance to go far again...Jordan says to not jinx it...Jeff says they have a lot of work to do...

JeJo abs workout

5:37 - 5:58 PM

Jeff waits for Jordan to come and join him to do their ab workout...they work out, even working out they are so cute!

Jeff ends the session by helping Jordan up and then walks away saying "what's new Vit Tan Don"

Jeff purrs at Jordan

5:55 PM

Jeff and Jordan are working out together They take a little rest and Jeff says they need one more set...Jordan says she thought they were only doing 15...Jeff says "don't be a pussy"...Jordan says "oh shut up"...Jeff says "15 each side and we're done"...Jordan says "right, and then what are we doing?"...Jeff says "shower"...Jordan says that would be good because then she can get on the other side of the shower and she can feel the hot water...Jeff smiles, nods, mmm's and purrs

Jordan immediately says no...Jeff smiles again...Jordan asks if it will look bad?...Jeff says no and tsks, he says they're not going to do anything "real bad" LOL

Jordan says she's just saying them both being naked on both sides of the shower is kinda weird, she'll leave her bathing suit on or something...Jeff says "I won't"...Jordan giggles and they continue exercising…

Oh! love - JeJo Have/HN shower

6 PM

Cam 3/4 is mostly JeJo not Shelly

Jeff and Jordan have decided to take a shower together after working out...Jeff is already showering when Jordan walks in and says "you started without me"...Jordan takes off her mic and gets in saying "now make sure your tush is covered"...Jeff says "oh! love ♥ "...Jordan giggles...

Shelly who is in the bathroom getting ready says "perfect, you guys go right to it because that keeps the camera off of me" (unfortunately the camera did stay on her too much! ) they laugh and Jordan says she told Jeff so she could feel the water...Jordan pep talks herself saying "just suck it up"...she runs the cold water...Jeff says to watch it with that cold water splashing on him...Jordan asks if he can feel it?...Jeff says he can...Jordan asks where is his hot water? he's supposed to be helping her out...Jeff says he is, it's going over there...they keep showering...Jeff says "I'm going to be smooth jazz" (?)...

Jeff asks Jordan if she's getting used to it?...Jordan says yeah...Jordan tells Shelly about the one challenge on TAR where they had to jump into cold water, they were wearing bodysuits but it was winter, it was so cold, she froze for a second because it was that cold, she doesn't like to be cold anyways, she'd rather be pouring sweat than be cold...Jeff keeps talking in the Mario voice ...Jeff asks if Jordan is feeling it?...Jordan mmm, hmm's...Jordan says she's almost done watching her hair...Jordan is finished...Jeff says his butt cheeks feel sore...Jordan asks from what?...Jeff doesn't know...Jeff finishes, towels off and puts his undies on...Jordan tells Jeff to get out first, she's got her underwear on...Jeff steps out to put on his jeans and asks "what's going on in there?"...Jeff puts his jeans on while Jordan finishes getting dressed...

Singing hurts so good

6:18 PM

Jeff and Jordan have finished showering...Jeff has his jeans on, is doing his hair...Jordan is still in the stall starting to get dressed...Jordan says "I feel so good"...Jeff says "me too"...Jeff sings "♫ boom, boom, hurts so good ♫"...Jordan finishes "♫ c'mon baby, make it hurt so good, sometimes love...♫" (she trails off)

Mmmm, look at that butt

6:20 - 6:22 PM

After shower time...Jordan says to Jeff "ooh, you smell good"...Jeff sits on the lounger to put on his socks...Jordan is standing nearby getting ready to brush her hair when Jeff looks over and says "Mmm, look at that butt"

Jordan giggles...Jeff puts on his hat...Jordan brushes her hair...Jordan wraps her hair in a towel and Jeff leaves the bathroom area...

Hammock snuggle

8 - 8:05 PM

Jeff is on the hammock talking to Brendon...Jordan joins Jeff...Jeff says "hey love ♥ " and then says he kind of has a stomach ache...Jordan asks why?...Jeff doesn't know...Jordan lays her head on Jeff's chest...Jeff asks "what's up?"...Jordan says nothing...Jeff sighs and yawns...Jeff says you can sense the tension between Rachel and Daniele...Jeff says he was honest with Brendon saying he thinks Dani is targeting them and he doesn't know who Dani is putting up, Dani doesn't know who Brendon is taking off the block and Brendon says he's taking out Dani next week...Jordan says let him win HOH, take her out and they stuck do their deal.

Jordan says she's only worried about Lawon and Kalia's votes...Jordan says the house smells bad...Jeff interrupts to give some advice to Rachel on her trashbag wedding dress...Rachel says it's a good call and Jeff says "Big Jeff's got style" Back to the smelly house, it smells like sardines...Jeff asks who's cooking?...Jordan says Kalia for Lawon and it stinks, it's nasty...Jordan lays her head on Jeff's leg...

Jeff says "love ♥ you gotta eat something you know?"...Jordan says no, she's not eating that slop, it upsets her stomach...Jeff says she has to eat, she's going to pass out...Jordan puts on Jeff's newsboy hat and looks ADORABLE in it Jordan says his hat is too big...Jeff says they look good on Jordan though...Jordan says "thanks, I need to go buy me one"...Jeff says "yeah you do"...

Jeff says he told her that before but what a weird thing, she doesn't listen to him...Jordan snuggles into Jeff wanting a hug...Jeff says his stomach is jacked a little bit, he wonders what's up?...Jordan kisses Jeff...

Jeff smiles and mmm's...Jordan gets up and Jeff asks if she's going to help with the wedding dress?...Jordan says "Jeff! geeze" and gets up to go...Jeff says "Johrdan!...Johrrrdan"...Jordan says "what?" and walks off...

Playing pool - love & butt grab

10:08 - 10:17 PM

Jeff and Jordan are sitting on the couches in the BY chatting with the other HG's...Jeff asks Jordan "wanna play pool?"...Jordan says ok...Jeff says she looks bored...they go over to the pool table and play...

Just after 10:14pm Jeff helps her out and Jordan says "thanks love" ♥

Just after 10:16pm Jordan misses badly and Jeff says "looove" ♥

Jordan walks by Jeff and says excuse me, he grabs her butt and Jordan says "Jeffff"

JeJo playing pool with his girlfriend

10:20 - 10:27 PM

Feeds switch to Jeff and Jordan who are outside playing pool...Jordan breaks and Jeff says good break, good job...Jeff is stripes...Jeff offers Jordan to play 3 solids and pull them off the table...Jordan wants to play the real way, she says she never plays pool...Jeff asks Shelly if she's going to bed?...Shelly thinks it's midnight, 1am, it's actually 10:30...Jeff asks Jordan if she's going to bed...Jordan says she said earlier she was tired.

Jordan has an easy shot ahead of her, she says if she misses it, she's stupid...she misses ...Jeff says "alright stupid"...Jordan gets one and says finally...Jeff says "nice shot"...Jordan gets another one, Jeff says "nice shot, now get that 3 in"...Jordan misses and says man, she was doing good...Jeff says she was...

Brendon comes outside and sees that Jeff and Jordan are playing pool together, he says "are you playing Jordan?"...Jeff giggles saying yeah...Brendon aww's and says "confidence builder huh?"...Jeff giggles...Jordan makes a shot and Jeff says she made a couple in...Brendon tells them how he was telling Rachel to play Jeff says that she thinks that the balls aren't in her way so she just shoots it anyway...

Jeff says he told Jordan to play with 3 balls off but she said no so he said he'd turn it up a notch...Jordan misses again and says she sucks...they keep playing and Jeff gets a kick out of something Jordan does...

Porsche makes a comment about a shot Jeff makes...Jeff says "Big Jeff is trying to show off for his girlfriend" Jeff has one last ball to make...

He misses and Jordan wins...Jeff says he scratched on the 8 ball...Jordan says "yay" and they high five...Rachel yays for Jordan...Jordan tells Jeff she's done, she's bored with it...Adam calls over if Big Jeff wants a real challenge?...Jeff says "don't tough talk me in front of my girlfriend" Adam comes over and Jordan hands "Elf" the pool stick...Jordan heads over to the couches...

Jeff is touchy grabby ;-)

10:54 PM

Jeff is playing pool with Brendon and Adam...Jordan comes over and says she's going to go lay down...Jeff grabs her butt…

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