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Day 22 of BB13 Feeds


July 28

Metal room big hug & kiss

12:06 AM

Jeff and Jordan are chatting with Porsche, Shelly, Kalia and Adam in the metal room...they're talking about deodorant...Jeff says that Big Jeff wears women's deodorant, he's not afraid to be the man that he is...Jeff starts play fighting with Jordan and then goes in for a big long hug...Jordan kisses Jeff's neck repeatedly...super cute!

They talk about some competition prop that some HG's got and some didn't and then Jeff and Jordan head into the candy room saying "you don't want that love, you got that helmet thing"...

Foot rub HOH talk

1:07 - 1:36 AM

Jeff and Jordan chat with Brendon and Rachel up in the HOH room mostly about game and the general state of the house...Jordan rubs Jeff's foot while they chat.

Cuddly? Bedtime

1:44 - 1:51 AM

Jeff joins Jordan in bed...Jeff asks Jordan where his blanket is?...Jordan doesn't know...Jeff finds it and says Jordan is trying to hide shit from him...Jordan says he's trying to yell at her...Jordan hugs Jeff but Jeff slaps her arm (signal )...Jordan says nooo...Jeff says "you are very, very cuddly"...Jordan says sorry...Jeff says "you're constantly getting over here"...Jeff says "see I'm a little strung out...gimme a little room to breathe"...Jordan backs off a little and says ok

Porsche asks if he wants her aromatherapy bag?...Jeff says no thanks that thing pushes his eyeballs in, he's not sure if it's the surgery, his eyes are blurry when he's done with it...Jeff then says "come here love ♥ , let's cuddle"...Jordan says "no that's fine"...Jeff grabs Jordan and says "come here" and the feeds switch to Kalia rambling in the HN room GRRRR

Feeds would return briefly 5 minutes later or so with Jeff talking about the Dani/Dom situation, Jeff says it's crazy, holy macarones LOL Jordan reaches back to Jeff and they hold hands...

Jeff says it's over, onto the next chapter...Porsche says it gets more interesting at top 10 huh?...Jeff says yes, he's very interested to see what happens with the keys...they quiet down and settle into sleep...

Quick hey love

11:04 AM

Jeff is laying in bed, looking like a mummy, in the candy room...Jordan comes down from the HOH room where she's been resting and joins him...Jeff says "hey love ♥ " and Jordan sits on the bed and snuggles into him...

Jeff says he's enjoying the quiet...Jordan leaves a few seconds later…

Jeff & Kalia heated game discussion

1:23 - 1:52 PM

Kalia joins Jeff, Jordan & Brendon in the purple room...Kalia asks if Brendon can leave because she would like to speak with JeJo alone...Brendon leaves and Kalia informs JeJo that she's going to vote for Dom today even though she knows Adam is staying...this sparks a heated discussion between Jeff and Kalia mostly regarding her allegiance to Jeff's betrayer, Dani, and how that is a slap in the face to Jeff (and Jordan)...Jordan mostly listens in and occasionally tells Kalia that she can vote however she wants (placating her)...there are a few interesting JeJo moments, the last being Jordan telling Jeff to stop (laying into Kalia)...Jeff does and moments later leaves to get some water Jeff is then seen in the bathroom briefly relaying the story to Brendon...he tells Brendon Jordan told him to be quiet, he was ripping on Kalia…

Candy room - pre live show chat

2:58 - 3:08 PM

Jeff joins Jordan, who is laying down in bed, in the candy room...Jeff asks if Jordan wants to lay in the HN room to see what the excitement is about?...Jordan says no...Jeff gets in bed...Porsche throws over a pillow for Jordan to use...Jordan says "I just pooted" she says it's a stinker, for Jeff to smell it...Jeff says no but he smells it anyway, he sits up with his hoody over his face and says it's fu**ing gross...Porsche says he's saying that but his farts are wet...Jeff denies it...Jeff says it smells rotten...Jordan asks if Jeff is grossed out?...Jeff says a little, it was a gross fart...Jordan giggles and says she kind of had an upset stomach today...

Jeff still smells the fart and asks Jordan if she farted again?...Jordan says no, she would have told him if she did...Jeff asks what Jordan is going to wear if it's endurance...Jordan tells Jeff what she plans on wearing...Jeff hopes it isn't a hanging comp...Porsche says she's better with her legs than arms...Jeff says it will be about legs too...they discuss possibilities regarding the type of comp it will be and the talk about what's going to happen with the golden keys...Jeff touches Jordan, putting his hand on her...they talk about a twist coming into play...Porsche wants HOH so people can kiss her ass, the letter would be fun...Jordan asks who her letter would be from?...Porsche says her brother...palm trees...Jeff and Jordan get comfy and quiet...Jordan rubs Jeff's hair...

Jeff says that Jordan will be eating pizza while Jeff is hanging up there dying...Jordan says no, she won't...Porsche says if it's hanging they only have to worry about Dani between the 4 of them...Jeff says he likes his odds Jordan says she didn't put on mascara because if there's water it'll run down her face...palm trees...

Bathroom pep talk - love, don’t worry

8:28 - 8:30 PM

Jordan and Jeff have been eliminated from the HOH comp...Jeff and Jordan are in the bathroom...Jeff says "your dream's not over yet" (aww)...Jordan is worried...Jeff says "love? ♥ don't worry!"...Jordan says she can't stand her...Jeff says "i know but..." audio cuts off of them, control room...Jordan is saying that Dani just hung on there...Jeff says to not worry, he'll take care of the veto and they'll be all good...Jeff likes it when the odds are against me, trust him, he likes it...Jordan says she's doing it just because...Jeff says good things happen to good people, she'll see, watch, she's gotta keep hope alive...cams switch to the BY but audio is heard...Jeff says that Big Jeff ain't done...Jordan says yeah but when your alliance is depending on you...Jeff says no one is depending on you, don't worry about cuts off…

HN - I already miss you

8:39 - 8:42 PM

Post HOH comp time...Jeff and Jordan are in the candy room, Jeff is getting his clothes ready to shower...Jordan holds the door open for Jeff and tells him she wants to talk in the HN room...they go in...Jordan tells Jeff about how Dani approached her after the comp and told her that her and Jeff were not her targets and Jordan said yeah right and Dani swore and promised that they weren't her target anymore so who knows...Jeff says he has the veto, he feels great, he loves this postion, it's go time, he loves this, he feels good, he swears to God...

Jordan looks around and says "look at my room", she says now Jeff gets the bed to himself...Jeff says "noooh, I already miss you"

Jordan says she's going to lay down, she's so pissed...Jeff says "love, ♥ you did good, don't be pissed, I'm going to rise above this"...Jordan says her arms weren't hurting at all and she thought she was going to do so good...Jeff says you had to keep her hip on there to not use her arms but it doesn't matter, Dani would have outlasted her...Jordan says she felt like she was leaning forward not backwards, she doesn't know, there's no excuse...

Jeff says not to worry, he feels good and loves being in this position, he loves it, it's go time and...

Jordan says she's so happy, isn't he glad he said 5?...Jeff says he did 5 for his birthday...Jordan thought he did it because she said it...Jeff says he did but it was for his birthday and then if it wasn't the money he would kill her Jordan says at least he got that...Jeff says "yeah, dude, plus more, watch"...Jeff likes being the underdog than on top, he always does better anyway...Jordan says if Brenchel are the target, she can talk herself into being the replacement nominee in case something happens...Jeff says he's going to win, he wasn't meant to win this one, he doesn't feel bad...Jordan says she should've won, she's useless...Jeff says she won an HOH! she can't win them all...Brenchel enter and they say it's their new hangout...

Jeff says "yeah man from the penthouse to the outhouse"

Kitchen kiss

10:33 PM

Feeds switch from the HN room to the kitchen where Jeff has come over to talk to Jordan who is sitting at the table waiting for her next slop pancake that is being made by Shelly...Jeff pokes Jordan as he goes by...they talk inaudibly, Jeff seems concerned about Jordan...they kiss...

and then Jeff kisses Jordan's nose lol...he walks away…

Kitchen touchy feely

10:36 - 10:40 PM

Jeff joins Jordan once again at the kitchen table, they give each other some knowing looks while Jeff eats some chocolate...Jordan seems bummed...Jeff holds his hand up to high five Jordan and they hold hands...Jeff asks if she's hungry?...Jordan says Shelly is making more slop pancakes...

Jordan says to Brendon that he's probably hungry...Jeff says to make sure to take his vitamins...a quiet moment and then Jeff bends his head down, Jordan rubs it...they look at each other sweetly Jeff hmm's and says that Jordan has to sleep in the HN room...Jordan says there'll be no one to roll all over Jeff now...Adam says he will...Jordan says to cuddle with Jeff ok?

They touch their hands...

and then more chatter, Jeff says he took some Tylenol, then he farts and blames it on the guy behind the walls, scumbag! LOL they sing a little Abba and FISH...Jeff says he could jam to a little ABBA, a couple of songs...

Brendon says Dancing Queen, he wants to see 16 yr old Jeff dancing to that in his room...FISH again and when they return Jordan has left...

Candy room pep talk

10:54 - 11:02 PM

Feeds go to Jeff and Jordan laying in bed in the candy room...Jordan says she doesn't care if she goes home...Jeff says she's not going home and neither is he, he doesn't want him to go home either, he's good, he's got that veto, he's not going to sell out like you know B&R are going to start kissing ass big time, he's not doing that...Jordan says she already talked to Dani...Jeff says he's not doing that...Jordan isn't either...Jeff says that if that's her big vendetta on him, then congratulations, she can make a martyr out of him, that's fine, it's her best move to get rid of him but he thinks she has a lot of spite...

Jordan tells Jeff that she talked to Dani in passing and Dani told her she/they weren't her targets, she promised, Jordan doesn't believe her...Jeff says they'll see, he still has the veto and he does his best when his back's against the wall, he loves it because it judges the type of person that you are, when you're down and out, that's his favorite, you get to really look at yourself and see who you are, he's not going to be disrespectful, he'll keep it classy and just win, that's all...

Jeff tells Jordan to not get down either cuz he's telling her, it's gonna be alright...

Jeff says they're going to cut deals and kiss ass and shit, he can't do that but he will do his best...Jordan says well, if she's telling the truth...Jeff says she'll put him and Brendon up...Jordan says she made it seem she was going to put up Brenchel, if she wins the veto then she'll keep her noms the same...Jeff says or backdoor him...they count potential votes...they're not sure about Lawon or Adam...

Jordan says Jeff might get lucky, who knows, Julie said there might be a lot more twists coming up so there might be something...Jeff says he wishes America could vote to help Big Jeff out but that would be next week, they won't give it to him middle of the week and he got 10G's which doesn't help him...Jordan says at least he's not a have not...Jordan says she was so mad at Brenchel in the HN room for being all lovey dovey...

Jeff says "everything is meant to be, I feel good about staying and if I go there's a reason"...Jordan asks what Jeff will do back home?...Jeff says he wasn't planning on going back home and he still isn't either, he'll worry about it later, there's the veto so don't worry and if Jordan goes up there's no way (she's going)...Jeff doesn't know where Adam stands...Jordan says Shelly has a lot of influence on him...

Jordan repeats that she's not kissing anybody's butt...Jeff says he isn't either, that's the problem, he won't backstab Brenchel either...Jordan lays on Jeff's leg and they talk about the HOH comp, Jordan says she couldn't hang on anymore...Jeff knows, it was hard...Jordan asks if he's disappointed?...Jeff says no, she was not going to win, they might as well have handed her the HOH, she was never coming down off there...

Jeff asks if Brendon is sleeping with Rachel in there?...Jordan thinks so...Jeff says he would too but there's only 4 beds...Jordan says it's ok, she'll cuddle up to Lawon if she gets cold LOL

Farting fun in the candy room

11:01 - 11:04 PM

Jeff and Jordan are in the candy room still talking...Jordan says she's got gas and then Jeff says "did you just fart?"...Jordan says yeah, she drank that milk...Jeff covers his face with his shirt saying "eww, fu**ing scumbag! it fu**ing smells like rotten fish" Jordan starts laughing...Jordan sprays some air freshener...Jeff says "man that was nasty!"...Jeff shakes his leg around to air it out and says again that it's rotten fish...Jordan keeps laughing and says to not act like his don't stink...Jeff says they don't really, sometimes they do, but for as much as he farts they don't, it's the silent ones that are killers...Jordan cracks up...Jordan says he heard that one come out...Jeff makes a semi-silent farting noise...Jordan cracks up again...

Of course Jeff farts 🥴 Jordan says let's see about that one, it's not gonna stink...Jeff says the follow up one will be silent...Jeff says she's gross because she wants to smell it...Jordan says if it was hot or long it would be...Jeff wonders why he's so gassy? maybe it's the iced tea, he drinks a gallon and a half a day, it's so good so he just pounds it.

Candy room talk - hypothetical separation

11:04 - 11:10 PM

Candy room chatting continues...Jordan says she's glad Jeff picked 5, Jeff says if he didn't she would have gotten it...Jordan says she didn't want it, she wanted Jeff to have it...Jeff tsks...

Jordan says "if we separate by September and we can't talk at all, you're going to be like Jordan who?"...Jeff rolls his eyes saying "yeah I know, you're going to be on tv 3 times a week, what are you talking about? it's going to go by fast"...Jordan pushes saying "I might get out and you have a new girlfriend"...Jeff says "I'll take my 10G's and go to Europe for a month"...Jordan says "get you a European?"...Jeff says "don't be stupid, I'm not going to Europe, you'd be mad"...Jordan asks "why would I be mad?"...Jeff says "I don't know"...Jordan says "I wouldn't be mad if you went"...

Jeff says he's not going anywhere so save it, Shelly will work for him...Jordan says she loves her...they talk about what Dani might do...Jordan says they'll see how BFF Dani & Brenchel are...Jeff says they're going to sell out...Jordan says Kalia is in Dani's ear & they talked with her earlier...Jeff says he kinda killed Kalia though...Jordan says it wasn't that bad...Jeff says Brenchel are going to cut a deal and he's not, he's not going to sell out..."Big Jeff's going up like that"...silent looks...Jordan asks if it will be open by tonight?...Jeff says later, it's a lot of clean up...they talk about the comp a little and giggle about how Jeff put pants on thinking it would be cold LOL

Jeff says he knew it was going to be like that, he wishes it was a swing, he could have endured that pain...Jordan says it favored girls...Jeff says they should have a bench pressing contest for veto, it's about the same odds They whisper a little more game and then Jeff says it sucked, he doesn't want to complain but it sucked, there was no chance to win...Brendon walks in...

Donavon’s movie

11:17 PM

Jeff, Brendon & Adam are chatting in the candy room...they are talking about how they drink tea in there when they're on slop...they talk about Christian Bale and how he lost ridiculous amounts of weight for a movie role, Jeff says he heard he only drank coffee with a little skim milk all day...Brendon says he looked gross...

Jeff says that his buddy is shooting a movie right now, his own movie, a short film and he lost a ton of weight, he thinks he's like Christian Bale but the movie is going to be good, he saw it, he was supposed to shoot a couple parts for it, who knows he still will if (he's out) next week LOL Brendon says "who knows"

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