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Day 18 of BB13 Feeds


July 24

JeJo eating popcorn

12:02 - 12:09 AM

The HG's are on the BY couches chatting...Jeff finishes up smoking and sits down next to Jordan who is eating popcorn...he puts his arm behind her back, gets comfy and shares her popcorn...Jordan asks if Jeff slept when she slept...Jeff says a little bit...Jordan says their room is so loud...after this they don't say much but even eating popcorn they're cute

Convo turns to Steve Nash and how his wife cheated on him with a teammate who fathered her baby, when the baby was born, she was black so DUH it was obvious she wasn't his and he left her...Jordan can't believe this is true, she says "what a dirtbag" (not sure if she's referring to the teammate or the wife lol)

This leads to talking about cheating...AND the cam pans in on Brendon LOL they talk about twins being able to be fathered by different men at the same time...Jeff didn't know that was possible, he never heard of that Jeff mumbles "Vegas whore" (I'm glad Rachel didn't hear that LOL)

Jordan says she just can't see how people cheat for eg. a woman going after a married man...they talk about women who strictly do that, they live for that or they don't care...Rachel can't stand girls like that...they talk about karma getting those type of people back...Jordan says some men travel and have an excuse to cheat, it's easy to get away with it...Shelly talks traveling to China and seeing American men cheating on their wives...Jordan says if she was married for 15 years, had kids and was unhappy she'd get divorced before she ever cheated because she couldn't handle the guilt...Shelly says the only unforgivable thing to her in a marriage is infidelity...palm trees...they continue chatting, popcorn is finished...feeds switch...

JeJo nervousing hammock time

12:39 - 1:04 AM

Feeds switch to Jeff and Jordan who have moved over to the hammock...Jordan says Jeff looks so sad...Jeff says he's kind of fired up...Jordan says she can tell, she just wanted to come over there (hammock) so they could talk because she knows tonight they can't talk..they get comfy on the hammock...Jeff says he wants to go talk to "them" so they can see...Jordan says "yeah, yeah, yeah"...Jordan repeats she just wants to talk now while they can because they may not later on...Jordan catches up Jeff on her talk with Shelly...

She explains that she was asking her about Dom & Adam, she told Shelly the reasons she thinks Dom should go and Shelly told her that Kalia came up to her today and said she wanted to talk to her later on, then Jordan said she doesn't trust Dom and Dom told her and Jeff that he & Dani are working together but he told Shelly that she was the only person he trusted in that house and he was trying to get Shelly to work with D/D...Jordan says that Dani is probably trying to work another alliance when she's in theirs so she can smooth sail...Jeff says right...Jordan says that Shelly said that Dom told her he wants to talk to Brenchel about backdooring Jeff because he said that if Jeff leaves, Jordan won't come after him because she's too nice and since Jeff is gone she won't put up a fight and will just join them

Jordan says she suggested to Shelly to go upstairs and talk to Rachel, they did and then Dani kept asking Brendon why they went up there, she's nervous now and Kalia kept asking Jordan stuff but she's not telling her anything anymore...Jeff is relieved to hear that, he tells her that he thought Jordan was saying she told Kalia what her and Shelly talked about...Jordan says nooo...Jeff says that's why he was mad earlier, he thought OMG...Jordan says nooo, Kalia was asking her what was wrong with her and she told her nothing and then she came up to her again in the bathroom and told Jordan she felt like she wasn't talking to her Jordan made it seem like it was no big deal, told her she was just worried about getting backdoored and was stressed out, Kalia reassured her that wasn't going to happen and again asked if she was sure everything was ok, Jordan was acting different

Jordan then tells Jeff what they discussed with Rachel, she told Rachel they weren't using the veto right?...Rachel said she didn't know and Jordan said "what do you mean you don't know?"...Jordan says that it wasn't clarified by them if they would or wouldn't use it...Jeff is perturbed, he asks "you talked to both of them together?"...Jordan says yeah, Brendon came up and it was the four of them talking, she didn't want to ask again if they weren't going to use the veto but they never clarified...Jordan says she was trying to point out to them that if they got rid of them (JeJo) the other side would run the house...Brenchel said no, no, they need them and Jordan agreed that they do...Jordan says she reiterated how she felt about Dom and how he should go but Dani keeps pushing for Dom to stay, the votes could sway his way, she guesses that Dom is trying to run things, Jeff is Dom's target...

Jeff knows and says that Dom is like "my shit don't stink too" and neither one is talking to him Brendon comes over to join them and Jordan tells him what they were talking about...Brendon says yeah, they don't need to talk about it now, they can tomorrow, they are right about everything they talked about before...Jeff says it's so funny, hilarious, everything they said just came into play...Jordan tells Brendon that Kalia came up to her 4 times today saying she was acting weird...Brendon says everybody is acting so weird today...Brendon reassures them they are in a great position, they'll talk tomorrow but they just have to make sure that Dani thinks she's with them so she doesn't suspect anything so that they can still use her...they debate whether to tell Dani about how Dom is wanting to work with others...they strategize on how to keep Dani under their thumb so to speak, they know she's already trying to split them up...Jeff says she's acting really fishy...

Jeff tells Brendon that he thinks Adam & Dom are in on things together, today Adam was acting really cocky like he didn't need votes, making it seem like he thinks Jeff is the one going home after being backdoored, he is waiting for when the veto isn't used and he comes crawling back to him and he'll be like "you motherfu**er, you got the gall to not talk to me and talk shit...and now you wanna vote from me?"...Jeff says Adam is no. 1 on his hit list now...Brendon says they have a whole slew of people to get rid of, they need to play smart...Brendon starts waxing philosophical about BB...palm trees...Jeff is pissed about Dani, he thought she'd play both sides but still play with them, she cannot sit in the same room with Jeff for 2 minutes and then she leaves Jeff gives an example...

Brendon says they have to act like everything is cool...Rachel joins them and they decide it's best Brenchel leave to not make them look fishy, they go back inside...they start whispering again...Jordan says if the next comp is endurance and it's between her, Brendon & Jeff, to let her win because she'll put Dani up...Jeff says he'll put her up too...Jordan says she needs to go, she's in their way...Jordan fills Jeff in on a talk she had with Adam where Adam said if he stays he owes her and Jeff but she doesn't know how good his word is, Shelly told her he'd do anything immoral, whatever, to get by...Jeff says they have to get rid of him eventually too, he wanted to keep Dom (originally) but he fu**ed himself...Jordan says it will benefit them more to get rid of Dom who is a competitor whereas Adam can't win...Jeff says that's not even a question...

Jordan asks Jeff if he thinks Brenchel may throw them a surprise and use the veto?...Jeff doesn't think so...Jordan thinks it would be really stupid of them...Jeff agrees...Jeff repeats that he thought Jordan had told Kalia everything Shelly told Jordan and he was so mad, that's where the other side gets their info from...Jordan says she's not saying anything...Jeff says they're the late night crew and they talk, Kalia just wants to be part of something and it makes him fu**ing sick that Kalia and Lawon will make it far because they both suck ass while they have to keep Adam, it makes him so sick...Jordan says she could tell Jeff was mad when he was working out...

Jeff says it's so fishy around there, Dani is so fu**ing weird...Jordan thinks they think they got it, they're cocky...Jordan shares a weird convo she had with Dom and Dani is probably reassuring Dom that he'll stay...they go over votes and decide they need to still be nice to Kalia because they need her vote for now...Jeff tells Jordan to say to Kalia that all she cares about is being there all summer, to not be split up for the summer, it's not even about winning Jordan says ok...

They talk game again! rolls eyes Jordan says she needs to try harder in comps...more game talk rehashing the same thing UGH Jeff - lather, repeat, rinse saying "go f**k yourself" Jordan asks what if one of them wins HOH?...Jeff doesn't care, he knows they're coming after him, he'll draw lines in the sand...Jeff says it sucks that people that suck get to stay...Jordan says they get the golden keys and get to coast?...Jordan says at least Jeff knows now...palm trees...Jordan says that Dani went up to the HOH and tried to get Jordan in trouble with Rachel but Jordan admitted she did say something about them needing to talk, Jordan got the impression Rachel thought she might lie about it...Jordan voices some concerns about Brenchel flipping on them but doesn't think they will, it would be the dumbest move ever if they tried to backdoor them...Jeff says he'll remind them that if they're gone, Brenchel can't win HOH this week so they would be the biggest target next week...

Jordan worries again about being backdoored and says she'd say whatever she could to be evicted so Jeff could stay and do good...Jeff says they're not going to put them up...palm trees...when the feeds return Jeff is going inside the house...

I know love, you wanna go lay down

2:19 -2:20 AM

Jeff and Jordan are sitting out in the BY with the other HG's chatting about random stuff, right now towels...Jordan reaches over to rub Jeff and Jeff says "I know love ♥, you wanna go lay down?"

Jordan gets all offended saying "I was just rubbing on your leg, geez"...Lawon cracks up...Jeff says he knows what she was getting at...Jordan says "no! I was just rubbing on your leg"...Jeff nods his head and smiles knowing he's right...Jeff mumbles liar ...they start talking about Brendon and his enormous appetite…

Sweet head kiss

2:23 AM

Jeff and Jordan are still sitting out in the BY chatting with the others...Rachel has been talking for awhile about her and Brendon...Jeff leans down into Jordan and she kisses him sweetly on the head....

JeJo site shoutout

2:39 - 2:42 AM

Feeds come back from palm trees...the HG's are talking about websites and domains...Rachel says that after last summer they made a website for them called and it was seriously the coolest website in the world, it had pictures and video clips of Brendon and her and it was super professionally done, it had tributes made by fans, clips of when they were on B&B...Shelly says Rachel can't do that herself so can she buy it? will you lose it?...Rachel says she asked the girl who did it if she could buy it from her and to let her know what she needs to go to keep it running...Shelly says now that she's on the show again it's all full throttle...Rachel says she hopes so...

Jeff says "they did one for me and Jordan too, this GeeJo website like Jeff and Jordan, JeJo and ah, f**k man, she's on top of it"...Rachel asks if it was Hayley?...Jeff says "no someone else"...Shelly asks if Jeff has met her or talked to her?...palm trees...Jeff says AABB they helped him on Around the World, Jejo really helped him, if he writes something on Twitter, pictures, they go automatically on there and his Ma goes on there like 24/7. Jeff says they don't say bad shit on there, they're all really nice, it's nice what people do, he doesn't even know how they do it...

3 goodnight kisses

2:51 - 2:53 AM

Jeff finally comes to bed...Jordan is laying in bed half asleep...Jeff turns on the lights to put his hoody away, shuts the lights off and gets in game talk tonight...Jeff asks if she's asleep...clearly she's not, they reach for each other and kiss...

Jordan then turns to snuggle Jeff and she kisses him again...

and then they kiss one more final time and say goodnight...

Is it Thursday show?

12:13 PM

Jeff is in the kitchen getting coffee...Jordan wanders in wearing the dress that she wore on the live show...Jeff says "hey love ♥, is it Thursday show?"...Jordan sleepily says no, she was telling her (Rachel) that when she bought it (the dress) they said it could be worn as a cover up...Jeff says "save it!"...Jordan says "shut up" and he kisses her

Pool time - your turn love

1:22 - 1:25 PM

Jeff rinses off under the shower outside to get ready to go in the pool...thank you button boy LOL

Jeff jumps in the pool where Jordan already is, he asks her how his hair is?...Jordan touches it and says good...Jeff wants more affirmation that his hair is ok...Jordan assures him it's good but she'll see when it's dry...

They decide to play basketball in the pool...Jeff asks if Jordan wants to play?...Jordan says ok...they start playing...Jeff a little later says "your turn love ♥ are you playing?"...Jordan says yeah...Jeff says "get over there"...Jeff gives her a little push as she walks by...Jeff says "back up loser" Jordan positions herself and Jeff says "perfect"...she hits her shot

Pool time - Jordan cozies up to Jeff

1:28 PM

Jeff, Jordan and Kalia are in the pool playing basketball...Jeff is sitting on the edge waiting for Kalia to take her turn...Jordan cozies up to Jeff 😊

Pool time - come on love

1:30 PM

Jeff, Jordan and Kalia are in the pool playing basketball, they're taking turns...just a cute moment when Jeff wants Jordan to take her turn saying "come on love" ♥

Storage room chat - catching up on game

4:24 - 4:30 PM

Jeff and Jordan go to the candy room to talk game...immediately Jeff says he talked to Brendon upstairs...Jordan says there's a lot of weird stuff going on...Jeff says he knows everything now...Jordan tells Jeff what was going on in the BY with the girls...Jeff says he trusts Brendon and Rachel 100%, he told them to say whatever they wanted, B&R told Jeff what happened from beginning to end and they were thinking about putting them on the block...Jordan says "they were?"...Jeff says yeah until right before the POV...Jordan says "what POV?"...Jeff says it's a long story but don't mention this to anyone, B&R are a little nervous about Jordan saying too much, it was no big deal but he already told her that and he said the same for Rachel...Jordan suggests going to the SR to talk...they go to the SR...

Jeff starts from the beginning saying that B&R were going to backdoor them...Jordan says "this week?"...Jeff says yes and Dani was the one who started the whole thing, she told them they have to get rid of Jeff this week, the plan was to split them up, send him home and keep Jordan in the game as long as they can and use her as a pawn because she doesn't know what she's doing and then Dani told them that they should throw the veto so Dom and Adam could win and that's why Adam was acting all tough, Adam and Dom were going to save themselves and B&R would backdoor them, that's why they were acting all tough...Jordan's reaction...

Jeff says "relax" and continues...Brendon said he started thinking and then Dani came up to him wanting to backdoor Jeff and he thought "take it easy" and then Brendon started talking to J&J, then he knew that something was up...Jordan asks if B&R thought they were coming after them?...Jeff says yeah because Dani planted that seed to them, where Dani fu**ed up was that if they got rid of Jeff then the whole house would have been against B&R and she would slide through...Jeff says they have to make Dani think she's still with them...

Jordan says that's why Dani is acting all cocky and not talking to them...Jordan says if they got rid of Jeff she wouldn't have talked to anybody (after)...Jeff says the thing is that Jordan still has to keep talking to Dani...Jordan says she does...Jeff says they have to make it seem like they're still suspicious of Dom...Jordan asks when they're going to get rid of Dani?...Jeff says next week...Jordan says they have to try real hard for HOH/POV...Jeff says they have to make her comfortable, she can't even be in the same room as him for more than a minute...Jordan says that they were just going to keep her around, everybody just thinks she's useless

Jeff says there was a lot more but he told Brendon to say whatever he wants to the others, he trusts him fully, he doesn't care if it gets back to him, they're final 4 for sure and whenever Dani gets a chance she keeps pushing the backdoor Jeff plan, she's putting shit in Porsche and Kalia's head and Jordan shouldn't say anything to Shelly...Jordan can't believe they were planning on backdooring them...Jeff says they weren't but it ran through their minds because Dani was planting seeds, he can't believe she broke so soon, if she wins next week she's putting up Jeff and Brendon for sure...Jordan says it's more motivation for them to win...Jeff says "sneaky, sneaky"...Jordan says she's like that though...Jeff says it was a stupid move, he thought she was smarter than that...Jordan says she just wanted them to get people out of her way so she can coast through...Jeff says she's already thinking of final 2 and jury that will vote for her...they decide to leave and Jordan says "good job"...

5 mins abs class

5:19 - 5:38 PM

Feeds switch to the BY where Jeff is leading abs class with Adam and Jordan...they do one set of 20 and Jeff yells out "you fu**ing cocksucker!" then "ph Kelly Clarkson!"...Adam yells "Bob Saget!" LOL they all laugh and then rest...they do another set of 15...they're dying! Jeff says "dude! I hate abs, I wanna fight abs! damn you people with six packs"

Jeff says it's good to do abs with others cuz they feel your pain, he'll do them by himself and say f**k this!...Jordan says "watch your mouth, don't be so plain"...Jeff says he has been trying...they do a set of 10...Shelly yells out "c'mon feel the burn!" LOL They do one last set of 5...Jordan pats Jeff saying good job

Shelly asks if that's the entire ab workout?...Jeff says no, he just made it up yesterday...they are going to do planks next, they wait for Shelly to get a towel...Jordan asks what the show is about tonight...Adam says it's Rachel's HOH, the Hoff and nominations...Jordan says Jeff's brother is going to love it...Adam asks if he loves the Hoff?...Jeff says no, he just likes goofy stuff like that.

Shelly joins and they do planks...they agree that's hard...then they do side planks...Jordan gives up...they're wiped out but continue...Jordan says "good job"...front planks again, Jordan joins in but gives up again...they continue doing more side planks while Jordan goes back to her regular ab exercise...Brendon joins them and Jeff says they can show him their new ab workout - "Jeff's 5 minute abs class"...another side plank and they're done...Jeff asks if they've used the ball to do abs...Jeff does, he resorts to them because they're easy...they then start doing weights…

Lover! Come here…

6:37 - 6:42 PM

Interesting split screen on the feeds...On Cam 1/2...At the same time that Dani is up in the HOH trying to get Rachel to backdoor J&J and evict Jeff by bashing Jeff left, right and center saying that he calls Jordan fu**ing stupid, what a great guy /sarcasm...Jordan and Jeff are being their usual cute selves on Cam 3/4 (as Jeff said 2 years ago, it makes my blood boil!)

Jordan is in the kitchen...Jeff walks into the kitchen and says "see how I hurt my finger working out"...Jordan says "what'd you do?" and reaches for it, she falls for the finger pulling trick YET AGAIN LOL...Jeff farts and they laugh...Jeff walks to the bathroom laughing...Jordan says "you're stupid"...

Jordan yells out "Lover! come here" ♥ Jeff says "what's wrong with me?"...Jordan says Jeff is so gassy...Jordan offers some fruit to Jeff...she feeds him kiwi...they start whispering game about Kalia and how she knows about the backdoor plan...Jordan says she saw her and Dom talking...Jordan says she's not talking to anybody but Shelly...Jeff says don't and then says Lawon is in the other room so they shouldn't talk...Jordan says "want another bite?" and she feeds him more cottage cheese and fruit...Jordan says she ate good today, she feels good, that's all she's having for dinner, she's serious...Jeff wonders what he should make for dinner...Jordan says grilled chicken, she says the noodles with the grilled chicken he makes is so good, she's not even lying, it's so good...Jordan feeds Jeff again and he says he's good...they talk about what Jeff could eat for dinner while Jordan feeds him again...Jeff decides on fajitas...Jordan asks if he wants her to cut stuff up for him?...Jeff says no, he likes doing that, it's part of the fun...

We’re in the same page love

7:11 PM

Jeff, Jordan, Rachel & Brendon have been up in the HOH comparing notes on Dani's betrayal and how she's pushing to backdoor J&J and get Jeff out...they are discussing Kalia and Dani being BFF''s Rachel's turn to talk, she says she's drained...Jordan just wants to say one thing about her question from Julie asking her why she didn't backdoor Brendon & Rachel, Jordan told Julie it would be the dumbest move ever and everyone other than Dani was telling them to backdoor them and now everyone else is up there telling Brendon & Rachel to backdoor them...Jeff says they got it, they're past that...Jordan says she knows, she's just telling them...Brendon says that he and Jeff were up there talking forever...Jeff says he kinda filled Jordan in...Jeff then says "we're on the same page love" ♥ and they high talk continues...

Jeff & Kalia talk in the kitchen - drama

7:30 - 7:35 PM

Jordan is leaving the HOH room after her and Jeff's long talk with Brenchel...Jordan is saying that Kalia is acting fishy, asking her a ton of questions, she has been short with her so she knows something is up...Rachel tells Jordan to just continue being nice...the feeds switch to the kitchen where Jeff and Kalia are, the audio comes on...

Kalia is grilling Jeff about what's going to happen? re: the POV...Jeff is prepping food for dinner and is giving her the cold shoulder...Jeff asks Kalia why they were talking so loud about Adam when he was right there (bathroom), doesn't she think that he could hear them?...Kalia says she wasn't talking loud...Jeff says he thinks he could...Jeff plays dumb and tells Kalia he never heard this plan about taking A/D off the block and putting up K/L...Kalia says that was the point of Dom being up there, him and Rachel are close...Jeff says he doesn't think he knows everything there is to know...Kalia says she guesses she doesn't either...

Jeff says if there was a plan in place, nobody told him, how did they all know about the plan...Kalia says it's not all of them, it's her...Jeff says they're the ones that stay up until 6am and talk...Kalia says they never talk about that...Jeff says "oh you don't?"...Jeff sarcastically says "nobody talks game in here"...Kalia says they definitely do but that's not it...Jeff hopes she's telling him everything he needs to know, it's just weird he didn,t know what the plan was and now the plan is happening when he didn't even know what it was in the first place LOL

Kalia asks if that's the plan because she got it from B&R?...Jeff says no, he doesn't know where she got it, he's just wondering where it came from?...Kalia says that as soon as Dom won that veto, he was their best friend...Jeff says everyone is freaking out, he doesn't know what for..Kalia says she doesn't know why he is if the veto is being used and she's going up, maybe that's what they're trying to do...Jeff asks if she thinks it's a good option for her to go up?...Kalia says she knows that she's safe...Jeff asks why she would do that? then D/A both stay here, that's good?...Kalia says she doesn't know, it would make everyone stop being crazy...Jeff says she's telling the wrong person, he's not HOH...Kalia says Jeff has pull...Jeff says he can't pull strings if he didn't even know what the plan was...Kalia says Jeff thinks that's the plan...Jeff says she just said it was...Kalia says she "thought" it was...

Jeff says he doesn't know but he feels she's giving him the run around tbh...Kalia asks if he thinks that?...Jeff says he kinda does, he's got a weird vibe or good intuition one or the other...Kalia mentions the plan again assuming that's what it is...Jeff zings her one last time by saying when Kalia finds out the real plan then they can talk Kalia leaves to go to the HOH room...Jeff and Shelly start whispering about Dani...

Lock that man down/Jordan would say yes

8:29 - 8:33 PM

Adam is in the kitchen cleaning up...Jordan goes to the sink to wash her hands...Adam says "you gotta lock that man down"...Jordan says hmm?...Adam repeats...Jordan says "why?"...Adam says "he's a good one, you don't want him to get away"...Adam says "propose to him, it's very chic"...Jordan says "no! me?"...Adam says he's teasing...Jordan says "he's gotta propose to me"

Adam says (getting personal lol) "without getting too personal, you think it's in the cards?"...Jordan says "do I?"...Adam says yeah...Jordan says "umm, I mean yeah I mean if, well we don't talk about it, but if he did I would say yeah, but I don't think it's coming anytime soon if he did"...Adam says they have so much other stuff going on, there's no rush...Jordan says they both have to get their stuff together before anything but she hopes it would eventually turn into something so she knows she's not wasting...Adam says "hey, the man can cook" as Jordan goes outside...

A half a minute later the feeds switch to the BY where Jordan is sitting next to Jeff on the couches, she's telling him exactly what Adam and her talked about inside and adds she told him they're not ready (which she never said ) ...Jeff doesn't say a word lol...

They whisper a little and then Jeff helps adjust Jordan's tank top...

Jeff runs Jordan’s hair

9:44 - 9:49 AM

Jeff and Jordan are sitting outside on the couches chatting...Jordan gets up to put something away, Jeff asks where she's going?...Jordan tells him and goes straight to Jeff saying she's going to do something he hates...palm trees when feeds return Jordan is laying near Jeff's lap and he is rubbing her hair...

General chit chat about weather and the bugs...Lawon joins them and Jordan sits up...Jeff asks why she sat up?...Jordan says cuz Lawon was coming...Jeff says "you can touch me"...Jordan then lays back down and Jeff continues rubbing...Brendon comes out and asks what apropos means? appropriate

More chit chat about the bee they found and then Jordan puts her hand in Jeff's jeans leg...Jeff asks what's up?...Jordan says nothing she's cold...Jeff too, what does she think, they just stared at a bee for an hour...they talk about the bee...Jordan sits up again saying ok...Jeff says "what?"...Jordan says "thank you"...Jeff says "that's it?"...Jordan wants some popcorn, she leaves to go get some…

Technotronics zinger

10:02 PM

Jeff and Jordan are outside on the couches talking about songs BB plays...Jordan asks what song it was today? she doesn't even remember...Jeff says it was Technotronics ...Kalia laughs saying it was Technotronics...Adam says "pump up the jam"...Jeff smiles...Brendon says he didn't know the story, when they told him he was out there dying laughing...Adam says he thought it was pretty funny...Jeff laughs and says just when he thought it was over, they zinged him LOL they continue talking about songs for TV shows…

Jordan hangs with the boys (& Porsche) Part 1

10:06 - 10:14 PM

Jeff comes back outside...Jordan has just finished up her popcorn...Jordan lays her head down on Jeff's chest/lap and shoots the breeze with Jeff, Brendon, Porsche and Adam discussing various things including men and their "package"...

Adam asks about Jordan's Appalachian State shirt which leads Jeff and Adam to discuss NCAA basketball...Adam is a Duke fan...Jeff says they beat Duke in regular season no?...Adam doesn't think so, he thinks NC lost to App. St...Jordan rubs Jeff's leg...BB yells to please stop singing...chit chat about songs amongst palm trees...

Jeff and Jordan are generally silent while the others chat about random stuff...Adam and Brendon leave to go inside...Jeff says to Jordan "it's real bohring tonight huh?"...Jordan says she knows, everybody is separated...Adam yells out to Fara...Jordan says she's very bohred...Porsche tells them about a weird BB dream she had about Fara, where she was a guy that looked like Adam and was wearing jean shorts LOL, Brendon tried to get her to tell Adam her dream but she didn't want to...Jeff says she should have...Jordan says it would have been funny...Porsche says normally when she thinks of Fara she thinks of Farrah Fawcett...

Jordan asks if Porsche feels like her hair is getting longer?...Porsche says a little...Jordan feels hers is too...Porsche mentions them talking about shaving their heads (they did that BB11 too lol)...Jordan asks Jeff if he'd shave his head for a veto?...Jeff says in a second...Porsche says with guys it's so much easier, girls no way...Kalia pops her head out asking if someone is in the DR...Jeff mumbles "she's awful chatty" Jordan doesn't hear and says "hmm?"...Jeff lets it go...they talk about what the next comp might be...Jordan says she doesn't know, has no clue...palm trees...feeds return with Jeff almost pulling out one of Jordan's hairs but he doesn't...Jordan says it's ok, he can so he does Jordan ow's...Adam comes outside and tells Jeff when Dom is finished eating they'll play pool...Adam joins them...palm trees...

Jordan is now fully hugging Jeff ...Jeff sees Brendon coming outside with a beer in hand and asks him to grab him one...Brendon walks towards Jeff with a glass of beer and Jeff asks if Brendon brought him a beer already?...Brendon says no...Jeff says "you did that last time and it was cute as hell" ...

Brendon says "I am thoughtful like that"...Jeff says he thought he did it again and he was like "this fu**ing cutie" LOL Brendon leaves to get the beer...Jordan is loving being cuddled up to Jeff, Jeff asks "what's up?"...Jordan says "nothing"...Jeff says "why you laughing?"...Jordan says she's not...Adam says "she's happy, she's in your arms, Jesus Christ dude"...Jordan laughs...Jeff says she's laughing at something else...Jordan says she's not, can she not smile?...

Sexy time?

10:15 PM

Continued couch talk...Jordan's flirty with Jeff pinching his belly fat ...Jeff cutely says to not poke his fat...Jordan does it again and says "look at all that"...Adam asks if he should leave them alone to...?

Jordan says no...Jeff looks down at Jordan and says "to what?"...Adam says "sexy time"...Jordan and Jeff shake their heads and Jeff says "yeah I wish" while Jordan says "nuh, not much going on in here"...

Jeff says it sucks...Jordan giggles saying "Jeffff" Jeff smiles…

Jordan hangs with the boys (& Porsche) Part 2

10:16 - 10:26 PM

Continued couch talk...Brendon arrives with Jeff's beer...Jeff says "ello mate"...Brendon says "ello poppet"...Brendon continues talking with a British accent...Adam asks where that is from?...Jeff says "Ello poppet? Pirates of the Caribbean"...Adam says "never saw it"...they can't believe it...Jordan says he'd like it...

Meanwhile Jeff is slowly pouring his beer into a glass, trying to do it in all one pour

...Jeff says it's like a commercial...Adam says he did see one of those movies...Jeff says there has to be a reason he didn't see the movies...Jeff finishes pouring his beer...

...and then says that it's like when a guy pees and just when you think you're done, you shake it (and you get a few more drops)...Jeff says it's the same thing...

Jordan says they're lucky, you can just poke "It" in a direction and go...Adam says he doesn't think they're poking it...Jordan says "well you know, you can just point it in a direction"...Jeff says "we can poke it in that little tube from the toilet paper?"...Jordan giggles...Brendon says sometimes it's not that easy to aim where you want it to go...Jordan says if they're travelling and they don't want to stop they can just pee in a bottle...Jeff says no, you can't...Brendon says it's not that easy...Jeff says it'll go all crazy...Adam says not if you have more than 16 fluid ounces...Jeff says if you have to go pee that bad, it's going to go bigger LOL

Brendon says trying to stop doesn't feel good either, stopping half way through peeing...Jeff says unless you have one of those big Gatorade bottles like they have there...Brendon says it's one of those things you don't want "it" to mostly fit, you want to have plenty of area/room...Adam says once you hit a bounce you pee all over yourself...Brendon says yeah, then you set it down and a half hour later you accidentally drink it...Porsche eww's...Adam says "and I'm the creepy guy?"...Brendon says you think it's apple juice and totally forget 20 minutes later...

Jordan says she's so glad she's a girl...Jeff says he's glad he's a guy...Adam says he'll trade that over a period any fu**ing day...Jordan says periods are bad...Jeff says he'd rather piss his pants once in awhile...some random chatter about pissing their pants and then Jordan asks "does 'it' ever bother you at all?...does it get on your nerves sometimes?"...they ask what?...Jordan says "your junk...does it ever get on your nerves sometimes cuz it just like dangles...Adam says he loves his...Jeff and Jordan smile...Brendon says "here it comes"...Jeff says "Ello Creepy" Adam asks "what's wrong with loving yourself? 2 or 3 times a day"

Jordan says Adam named his, she's sure he's the type that names his LOL! ...Brendon says it's the time where you hit it on something or you sit on something or you get kicked in the balls, there's no other, girls don't understand...Jeff says the worst is those little flickers...Jordan says "on your balls?"...Jeff makes a painful groan sound...they laugh...

Jeff says if you just flicked a nut sack, it'd be lights out, it'd be over...the men agree...Lawon says or when you sit on them, he and Jeff mention getting a stomach ache from that...Jordan says once, when she was around 12, she was talking to one of her dad's friends who had just gotten done playing tennis and he was sitting with his legs crossed sitting sideways and his balls were over to the side and she remembers looking at her mom who told her to look away LOL

Adam says he was hanging brain?...they laugh...Jordan says she could see his balls, he was a 40 or 50 yr old man and she was eww...Jeff says she should have said to put the mouse back in the house...Adam says that's the penis, when the balls hang out it's hanging brain...Adam tells a story about a picture of a guy in a Portland newspaper that was hanging brain ...Jordan says that's gross...Adam says it was by accident...Brendon says there's no other feeling like it when you get hit in the balls...they all say it's the worst pain in your stomach, like you're going to shit and throw up at the same time...Brendon says it hurts so bad...Adam asks if Jordan ever hit her funny bone?...Jordan says yeah...Adam says to picture that 100x worse...Jordan says she wished she could give them all cramps for a day so they could see what it's like...Brendon tries to compare the two...Porsche pipes up saying some women have cramps way worse than guys and she had ones where she puked 6 times in a day...Jordan says she was on a trampoline one time with a ton of people on it, she bounced up and guy whammed his foot into that area and it hurt so bad...Brendon continues saying that it doesn't compare, their pain is the worst ever

Jordan says "I'm glad I don't have balls"

Brendon says "well I'm sure Jeff is glad you don't either" ...Jordan says (on BB last time) they talked about balls and it was so funny, they talked about guys waking up hurting, she's glad that isn't her...Adam says at least you know it's still working...Jeff and Brendon ask what she means by hurting?...Jordan says doesn't it hurt when you don't do something about it? LOL Jeff says "like blue balls?" (deja vu BB11)...Jordan says yeah...Brendon says you usually don't wake up with blue balls, you go to sleep with blue balls ...they laugh...Jeff says "it's more your feelings hurt than your balls" (aww lol)

...Brendon talks about the first time he had them

Finally this topic dies down and they focus in on the close to dead bee on the table...they talk about putting salt on slugs and snails...Dom comes out and they decide on order of play for pool...they quiet down and then a brief cute moment when Jeff looks down at Jordan sweetly and strokes her hair before palm trees and Jeff getting up to play pool...

Must touch

11:30 PM

Jordan is sitting outside on the couches in the BY chatting with Shelly & Lawon...Jeff comes over to get his glass that's sitting on the side table by he grabs it, they share a little touch…

Jordan & Shelley relationship talk - Jordan is Jeff’s type

11:36 - 11:42 PM

Jordan, Shelly and Lawon are sitting on the couches chatting...Jordan, out of the blue, says to Shelley "you know how you were saying earlier about the whole trusting thing? like Jeff if he goes out, like with his buddies which he doesn't really go out that much, it's only random, maybe like when football goes on and he's had a few drinks, but he, umm, that's one thing why I think our LD has worked because he's like, he never makes me feel like he's doing anything or even if like the prettiest girl, let's say, I mean nobody's done this but the prettiest girl walks by I know he might look but he doesn't pay any attention to it"

Shelly says even when he walked out tonight he said "that is the sexiest thing I've ever know that he adores you"...Jordan says yeah...Shelly says as long as you know that it's great but she also has confidence...Jordan says not all the time...Shelly says she's not overflowing with it but she's not paranoid, she's self-assured...Jordan says with their relationship, she couldn't say that in the past but because Jeff makes her feel that way, not worrying about things, that it's you know...

Shelly asks how far after they left the house did she really know she'd like to date Jeff?...Jordan says she knew in the house that she liked him but she didn't know if after he would be the same as he was plus she knew he went to the tryouts with his ex-gf so what if he gets back in Chicago and then just forgets about her, what if sees this girl and wants to date her? and she's history, she knew after the show though because they were always inseparable...Shelly thinks it's because they took things so slow and didn't give it up...Jordan says they were friends too, they both admitted they liked each other, she thinks Jeff wanted to see how things played out and then it just kind of happened and they stayed together...

Jordan repeats the same thing about Jeff not paying attention to cute girls just as she doesn't with guys and then talks about the story of her accusing Jeff of staring at some girl at Brooke's wedding LOL Jordan then says that Jeff is attracted to dark haired girls, not blondes, and right after the show she wasn't feeling attractive because she had gained weight and there was a cute dark haired girl that Jordan pointed out and Jeff said "you're my type shut up" (Jeff is awesome! )

Shelly says that Jeff said that from the beginning what he loved was Jordan's inside, he loved how Jordan was a good person...Jordan says that's what she loves about Jeff too, looks fade but personality is what matters, it makes them so much cuter to you...Jordan says that's even the case with girlfriends...Jordan says that's the main thing she likes about Jeff...Shelly says not to mention he's not bad to look at ...Jordan giggles...Shelly says Jeff and Jordan are so cute together, they have an easy relationship...Jordan says sometimes she gets on his nerves...Shelly says that happens...Jordan says sometimes she'll space out a little, not listening to him...

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