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Day 16 of BB13 Feeds


July 22

GN kiss by the pool table

12:55 - 12:56 AM

Jeff is playing pool with the boys...Jordan comes out and says she's about to go to bed...Jeff says nooooh, where you going?...Jordan says she's getting ready for bed...Jeff says nooooh...Jordan says "what? you want me to wait on you and finish your game?"...Jeff says "no, go get ready" this point all the guys are just watching them LOLJordan looks around saying OK, she says "sorry guys" and gives Jeff a kiss on the cheek inciting aww's...

...more awww's & that's so cute...Jordan says "y'all are stupid"...Dom wanted one on the lips, that was a cheek shot LOL Jeff waves and says "see you next week...oh wait, we live together"

JeJo bedtime - sit down & talk after the show 1:47 - 2:05 AM

Jeff joins Jordan in bed...they start whispering about Dom and Dani...Jeff says she's out there talking to him right now...they talk Dom vs Adam, who they can trust more...they say no one looked happy when Rachel won HOH...Jeff says he couldn't believe when all 3 (newbies) went out on one question...Jordan says she got confused and thought Julie said that B&R were out on that question...Jeff says he thought "holy shit"...Jordan says they're good...Jeff says my God...Jordan says that's the 4th comp they've won...Jeff says he sucked balls...Jordan says no, he did good, some of them were tricky...Jeff says he hates questions, he thought that because America picked Jeff for the CPR question that they wouldn't pick Brendon as the person likely to run into a burning house...Jordan says she knew the answer was Jeff (to the CPR question) but she didn't want to say it (brag)...Jeff says "but then after I got it I was like yay!" LOL

Jordan says Brendon was debating whether to choose him or Jeff but then resigned himself to picking Jeff Jordan rubs Jeff's chest briefly and then Jeff touches Jordan's leg...they talk a little more game about Rachel and Shelly, how Jordan pinky swore with Rachel...they agree that B&R are looking out for them because of Brendon's strategy regarding the nominations...Jordan tells Jeff about the advice Shelly gave Rachel regarding her behavior in the house...they say that Jeff has to be careful the jokes he says around Rachel, she takes them the wrong way...Jeff says there is a certain way to handle her...Jordan says she didn't talk to Rachel much tonight because she didn't want to be up her butt like the others (that's what she wants Jordan!)...they go back to debating who to keep, Dom or Adam...

Jeff points out that Dani was outside talking to Adam and then Adam went up to the HOH to talk so she obviously told him something but she's also friends with PT so she's doing "something" but he doesn't know what...hard to hear whispering...Jordan says Dani/Dom are going to be a couple...Jeff says that Adam still thinks their deal is good...Jordan says she likes Dom a lot but she doesn't know...Jeff says if they have Dom he'll take out B&R Adam doesn't have the balls...he doesn't care who goes...

Jordan tries to put her arm around Jeff but Jeff says to be careful of the mic...Jordan then puts her arm around Jeff's but that is not comfy...Jeff puts his arm on Jordan and squeezes his hand signalling he wants her to hold/scratch it...she does briefly...chit chat and then they say they miss the HOH room, the dark, the big bed...Jeff says they're back in the ghetto...

They talk about DR's and then Jeff asks what Julie asked her on the live show...Jordan starts telling him and of course palm trees...feeds return with Jordan explaining how she answered the marriage and babies question, she explains it word for word and then asks Jeff "was that a good way?"...Jeff mmm, hmm's HMMM lol

Jeff asks if she was fun?...Jordan says yeah...Jordan brings up the subject again and says "you know how you said we're going to stay here 5 days or something?"...Jeff mmm, hmm's....Jordan says "we need to sit down and talk about you know...where we're going"...Jeff mmm, hmm's...Jordan says "I didn't mean it like break up"...Jeff says "I didn't take it like that"...SILENCE...Jordan asks "what are you thinking about?"...Jeff says "nothing, why?"...Jordan says "was just wondering"

Jordan asks what Jeff thought about the eviction tonight?...Jeff says he wishes she got one vote...Jordan says everyone was scared and it was nice everyone got a chance to say goodbye...Jeff doesn't understand why Rachel was the last person by the door...feeds switch...

Candy room love

5 - 5:30 PM

Jeff and Jordan are in the candy room talking with Brendon and Porsche...Jeff says he wants to go outside, he asks Jordan "you wanna go outside love ♥ ? or you gonna take a nap?"

Jordan gets ready to take a nap...palm trees...her and Porsche chit chat and Porsche leaves...Jordan seems pensive...Jeff comes back Jordan says she thought he was going outside?...Jeff says he is, what is she thinking about?...Jordan says "nothin"...Jeff says "don't get frustrated in here"...Jordan holds her arms out for a hug...Jeff high fives her instead Jordan says thanks.

Jeff says "I love how you always hug me when I walk away"...Jordan says "well, you're leaving"...Jeff says "love you" and Jordan says "love you too!" Jeff stands at the door and says "I'm gonna miss you while I'm gone"...Jordan giggles saying shut up...Jeff says "love ♥ say something nice"...

Jordan giggles again, Jeff laughs and leaves…

Candy room to the purple room

5:22 - 5:25 PM

Jordan is in the candy room in bed...Jeff comes in and Jordan starts giggling...Jeff asks what she's laughing at?...Jordan laughs saying Jeff came back to find her...Jeff says he came back to get his Aurora shirt...Jordan says "no, you didn't"...Jeff says yes he did, is she laughing at him? having a good time at his expense?...Jordan says he was outside...Jeff changes...Jordan asks why he's putting it on, is he working out?...Jeff says he'll represent then he'll work out...Jordan asks if her chest looks bad? is it too burnt? is that why he said that?...Jeff says Jordan doesn't use any lotion...Jordan says she does on her face but she'll put some on her chest Jeff sings and palm trees when they return Jeff and Jordan are leaving the room and decide to go into the purple room to hang out…

Purple room cuteness - feet & toes

5:25 - 5:33 PM

Jeff and Jordan head into the purple room to chill...Jeff grabs a snack to take with him...they get comfy with Jordan sitting opposite Jeff...Jeff takes off his hat and says "look at my hair"...Jordan says it's getting long, real long...Jordan grabs a blanket and asks if he wants some?...Jeff doesn't...Jordan tells Jeff to put his foot up, she then rubs his foot a little and Jeff with a surprised look on his face says "whoa"

Jeff asks if Jordan is going to make fun of his toe?...Jordan says no, she won't say anything about it, she thinks it's fine, she asks what if she painted his toenails during him sleeping?...Jeff says that would be a fun trick...Jordan asks if he'd be mad?...Jeff says no...

Jordan sighs and then comments on what Jeff is eating and says she's gonna work out tonight, she'll feel better...Jeff says he will too, he has too with the way he eats in there...Jordan says it feels forever ago that "what's his name" was in there (ED), it was just really cool to see someone else...Jeff says "it's over"...

Jordan says she could take a nap...Jeff too...Jordan says it's hot out there...Jeff says it's nice...Jordan says the hammock would be in the shade, she'd fall asleep...they are quiet and keep looking across to each other and then Jeff waves at Jordan with his foot LOL

Jordan giggles and says it looks like he's saying "hi"...Jeff keeps doing it and says that's what he's doing...Jeff makes that cutesy whiny voice and then Jordan imitates him Jordan says "stop" with his feet...Jeff starts doing feet tricks and asks how many she can do with her feet?...they giggle...Jordan wants Jeff to move his pinky toe "hi"...Jeff says it's weird that he can move them like that, can she move her pinky? LOL

Jordan says the back side of Jeff's toes, his big toe goes like this and that around, it's so big, it's fat like a pan (thought she wasn't going to make fun of them?? ) Jeff says it's his big toe!...Jordan says to look at hers, is it weird?...Jeff sees something in his toes and asks Jordan what it is?...Jordan eww's saying she's not going in there, it looks like dirt...Jeff says it might be dirt, who knows...Jordan asks what hers look like from the back?...Jeff says "they're little"

Jordan asks if they look normal?...Jeff giggles and says her two middle ones are like...Jordan says "separated?"...Jeff says no, they're big but then asks if she's seen webbed toes?...Jordan asks what that is?...Jeff explains what they are and says he's seen people like that...Adam walks by and they say hi and engage him...Jordan whispers to Jeff asking if Adam & Dom are going up?...Jeff talks about the fortune teller to hide that they're whispering game...Jeff whispers what?...Jordan whispers again and Jeff signals to hold on (until Adam leaves) and then he nods yes...

Jeff asks if Jordan thinks the fortune teller will ever talk?...Jordan says no...Jeff thinks she will (yep!)...they talk about her earrings again LOL...more game whispering...Jeff doesn't like it, he asks Jordan to come over near him or rather he'll go near her so he does but then decides to go pee and check to make sure Adam is in the shower...

Purple room cuteness - Hoff talk

5:35 - 5:45 PM

Jeff returns to the purple room and joins Jordan...they immediately start talking game...they talk about Lawon and what he said he would do if he gets nominated...they talk about Rachel and who she wants in jury...more Kalia and Lawon talk...

Jordan asks what day it is? 19? 20?...Jeff says 20, David Hasselhoff came on the 20 Jeff asks what day did ED leave?...Jordan says 6, they need to practice days...Jeff says they need to go over them...they jedi drill a little (already? lol)...they flirt a little with Jordan scratching Jeff's leg and then scratching his hair and face...Jeff likes it

Jordan asks what Jeff meant today when he said "why do you talk?"...Jeff says he thought she was talking too loud, he didn't know if anyone knew the clues when he whispered to her "I don't know any soap operas" and Jordan said "I don't watch soap operas!"

Jordan says "I wasn't loud"...Jeff repeats that he whispered "I don't know anybody from a soap opera" and Jordan said (loudly) "I don't watch soap operas either" oops!...Jeff says he thought why does she need to scream things out?...Jordan smiles and doesn't say anything...Jeff says "you knew what I meant, don't pretend like you didn't"...Jordan says "I did, I was just asking"...Jeff says "I know you did cuz I could see it in your face"...Jordan smiles big

Jordan says "you know what I could eat right now?"...Jeff says "an ostrich burger" Jordan says "Chic-fil-A" and for Jeff it would be a "Beef" LOL Jeff says he could take down a beef...Jordan says "with jardiniere"...Jeff says yeah...Jordan says those beef's are good with Coke, a coca-cola with fries, mmm, it just tastes better with it, at Taco Bell she gets a Mountain Dew, does Jeff like Taco Bell, she never hears him talk about it?...Jeff says he doesn't go to those fast food places...Jordan says except for that one night they were being fatties and they went to the McDonalds drive-thru and got those sundaes...Jeff says he'll get that sometimes, he'll go there once in awhile when he has a super big...Jordan says "sweet tooth?"...Jeff says yeah...Jordan says that time he couldn't even have a chocolate one because it was Lent, he gave up chocolate...Jeff says she gave him strawberries...Jordan says it was still good right?...Jeff says yeah but then they went again and Peyton went to get it and Jeff paid for everybody and he got him extra...palm trees

When feeds return they are giggling about Peyton and then say he must be into BB...Jeff says first of all Peyton won't even know who David Hasselhoff is...Jordan says yeah, he will, from Baywatch, they used to watch it all the time...Jeff can't wait to see that on TV because Jordan literally guessed it 2 minutes after LOL Jordan says it was a first guess...Jeff says it's so random!...Jordan says "I am random"

Jeff says he knows but it's just so "how in the world?"...Jordan giggles...Jeff says they had to be dying back there (DR), when Jordan rang the bell coming in they probably thought, I can't wait to see what this is gonna be LOL...Jordan says that then she went in there and said it and they probably thought "what?"...Jeff says him too, she ruined the whole day Jordan says even Jeff said to her, her first choice and made it seem so bad and she said at least she didn't say Michael Jackson...Jeff says he didn't say to not say it but if it was just one guess he would have told her no way, don't say that just because of her reasoning, the bay soap thing didn't even make sense...Jordan says it made sense to her, it was a good guess (hell yeah!)...Jeff says "my God it was so funny"...

Purple room cuteness - get in

there/tattoos/hair rub

5:45 - 6:02 PM

Cuteness continues in the purple room...Jordan looks at Jeff's shorts and says "love ♥ you got chocolate or something"...Jeff says he knows, it's on his pants (?) from the dessert he ate, what is he? 4 years old?...Jordan asks if Jeff had those (shorts) last time, she likes them?...Jeff mmm, hmm's, he was just telling "them" that he wore these during the money thing, remember he was stuffing them full...Jordan says "oh yeah"...Jeff says he wore this (his Aurora shirt) every single show...Jordan says "to represent?"...Jeff says "to represent his nation"...Jordan smiles at Jeff wanting to snuggle

Jordan says "let me get in there"...Jeff says "get, go ahead" (Unbelievably Jordan is a little hesitant (they must have REALLY had a big talk about no PDA LOL)...she finally does...Jeff smiles and says "get in there"...Jordan digs her head into Jeff's armpit...Jeff says he didn't put on any deodorant today, he's smelly...Jeff again says "get in there"...

After about 4 seconds LOL (more like 15), Jordan sits up and Jeff pinches her side...Jordan mmm, mmm's...Jeff knowingly smiles…

Jordan pinches Jeff and he adjusts, he asks her if she wants to get in?...Jordan says no, it's fine...they knowingly giggle...Jordan blushes...Jeff changes the subject asking if the earrings Jordan is wearing are the ones that hurt her?...Jordan says she hasn't worn them in a day so they're not bothering her...Jeff asks if she wore them for David Hasselhoff?...Jordan mmm, hmm's...Jeff asks how long they're going to say that, how long is that joke going to go on? probably for a long time? even after they get out of there...

Jordan is holding Jeff's hand and asks how he got cut?...Jeff doesn't know...Jordan compliments Jeff on his nice nails, they're nice for a man, they're not dirty and they're short, they're nice...Jeff says there's no manual labor in there...

Jeff says all he does is think about food in there and he's not even hungry...Jordan says it's because he's bored, don't eat...Jeff says he'd go for some tacos...Jordan says she's not hungry at all...they agree they need to avoid the kitchen...they talk about what food is left...Jeff changes positions to lay on his tummy...Jordan says that Jeff is going to ask to scratch his back...Jeff says he just wanted to lay down...Jordan starts rubbing Jeff's arm/shoulder...

Jordan asks what if Jeff got a big tattoo from here to there (on his arm)...Jeff says "saying what?"...Jordan doesn't know but if Jeff had to get a big tattoo, which she doesn't like, but if he had to what would it be?...Jeff doesn't know, he'd have to think about it...Jordan asks about his sun tattoo, he got it on spring break, did he think about it?...Jeff says not really, when he saw it he thought he'd get it...Jordan asks who was with him?...Jeff says "Melendez"...palm trees...

Jeff says he'd get a palm tree, the water, like a beach theme with some crazy tribal stuff...Jordan says "on your arm?"...Jeff says they're just playing fantasy, for her not to judge him , he'd get some kind of mural with colors and a palm tree and water, a big one...

I'm envisioning one of those old velvet paintings my eccentric aunt used to hang over her living room couch LOL

Jordan says he knew a guy from high school that did his last name from here to there (across his back)...Jeff says if he had tattoos everywhere it'd be on his neck...Jordan says she remembers him saying that...Jeff thinks it's cool...

Jordan starts rubbing Jeff's hair...Jeff says "you don't want tattoos or anything?"...Jordan says she used to want one 3 years ago on her foot and then when she was younger she used to want one on her side...Jeff says that's a cool spot too...Jordan says she thought about how when she's older she would think it's ugly, if she had kids, pregnant, it would get stretched out, she saw a girl at the pool that had one, she had that style, some girls can make it look really cute...Jeff says you have to have that look...

Jordan keeps rubbing and asks if Jeff likes tattoos on girls?...Jeff says it depends...Jordan doesn't think a sleeve on girls is cute...Jeff says that's not his style...Jordan asks if Jeff can picture her with one?...Jeff says a butterfly on her foot, something small, just so she could say she got one...Jordan says she would want it so it couldn't be seen, she then mentions a girl at work that has stars behind her ear...Jeff says he thinks Dani has something written back there...

Jordan mentions a girl that has tattoos on her inner lip...Jeff asks if she's "straight-edge?"...Jordan says no, she's cute...Jeff explains they don't do drugs, drink or smoke...Jordan doesn't get it...Jeff says nevermind...

Jordan starts rubbing Jeff's hair again, she moves into a better position...Jeff says it's relaxi taxi...Jordan says he's drawing pictures on her back tonight...Jeff says "deal"...Jordan says after all this when they both get home and whenever Jeff comes to Charlotte, she'll make an appointment for Jeff to cut his hair again...Jeff says mmm, kay...Jeff gets a pillow to put under his head and Jordan continues rubbing in silence for about another 5 minutes, they both seem to doze off...feeds switch...

Metal room squeeze

8:09 - 8:11 PM

Jordan is laying in the middle bed in the metal room talking to between palm trees Jeff has sat down next to Jordan...Jordan is holding Jeff's Adam and Kalia chat about singing Jordan pats Jeff's calf and says "hey love"...she squeezes his arm and says "you look cute"

Jeff doesn't respond...Jordan says he does so shut up...Jeff says it's cuz he finally got ready for the day, it's 8 o'clock LOL Jordan says her and Kalia are going to do crunches on the HN beds...Jeff says to go do some and he leaves saying that he's going to see how many pieces of pizza he can eat…

Jordan’s excited in the purple room

8:45 - 8:52 PM

Jordan is sitting on the table...Jeff wanders over to Jordan and she hugs him and mmm's...

Jeff asks if Jordan wants to go in the purple room?...Jordan does...they head to the purple room but not before Jordan, Kalia & Shelly have a laugh over the "Charlie bit me" home video...the feeds switch over to them after a minute...Jordan is saying Jeff is so mean, he was saying something about the pizza she ate, she likes to eat, that was a stone...she bends over and kisses him anyway

Jordan is all lovey dovey, she kisses Jeff and makes funny noises...Jeff says "what's wrong with you? did you eat some jelly beans?"...Jeff asks why Jordan is making that face for? what is she excited about?...Jordan says Jeff is talking to her like she's a heifer LOL

Jeff says he's not, something is cranking her up...Jordan says "cuz you're here"...Jeff says he's been here, she makes it seem like he leaves...Jordan snuggles into Jeff's neck and face and makes those funny noises again...Jeff starts tapping her on the head...Jordan lets go her grip and sits over to the side of Jeff...Dom walks by and Jordan says "Dom"...Jordan notices that Jeff has fur & hair in his toes (?? LOL) ...Dom comes in to join them, he even closes the door which prompts Jeff to say he wants to have a serious talk...they start talking game until Dani interrupts them...

Purple room chat - butt washing

8:52 - 9 PM

Dani joins Jeff, Jordan and Dom in the purple room essentially breaking up the game convo they were having...Dani sits down and Jeff and Jordan get comfy on their side...Jordan asks if Jeff cares that she leans back?...Jeff says "get right here" and pinches Jordan's butt...they start talking fake game...Jordan sits up again...

Kalia knocks and they banter over doling out the wine...when Kalia leaves Jordan starts getting flirty with Jeff again, she says she's getting in there (armpit)...she turns her head towards it and makes a funny noise...Jeff says "relax"...

They continue chatting about the alcohol situation in the house and Kalia and Lawon join...Dom leaves...Jordan says she's leery of the camera in the shower, she doesn't want them seeing her washing her butt...Jeff says doesn't everyone wash their butt?...Jordan says "but yeah, I'm like all up in there" LOL

Where would you be on a Friday night? - purple room talk

9:56 - 10:23 PM

Feeds switch back to the purple room where Jeff and Jordan are still talking to Kalia...they're talking about the Veto comp...Kalia is rambling and Jordan is rubbing Jeff's head...Lawon joins and engages Kalia...Adam asks if he can come in...Jeff jokes around with him and Jordan say it's ok...Adam jumps on the bed...Jeff says Adam loves jumping in there...Lawon starts talking about how he'd be at a club on a Friday night doing the electric slide and the cuban shuffle...Adam asks Jeff where would Jeff be on a regular Friday July 22nd?...

Jeff says "I would here"


Jordan says "JEFFF!"...Jeff smiles...Kalia says "true story"...Adam says he'd be on his way to Toronto...Jeff says he goes every Friday, he'd be at his buddy's restaurant or his buddy's garage...Jeff asks what they would do if they were in Charlotte...Jordan says they'd be at Hickory Tavern...Adam says he'd be at a metal festival in Toronto...Jordan says she was telling Kalia about how on a Friday she'd be probably calling Jeff telling him she was going to bed because she'd be opening up the salon...Adam says it's 1am there now...Jordan says she'd definitely be in bed cuz she has to get up to work, she works every Saturday...

They keep chatting with Adam and Kalia about a TV show...Jeff starts getting sleepy while getting rubbed by Jordan...Adam gives a shoutout to Farrah @ 10:10, their anniversary date...Jeff notices a nicotine patch on Adam's foot...Jeff asks if it works?...Adam says it's still a habit but he's not jonesing for a smoke...they talk about Mike Jones...Kalia leaves...Jordan keeps rubbing Jeff's head...Adam wishes he had a margarita party over meeing the Hoff...Jeff says no way, meeting the Hoff was better...

Jordan puts her hand down on Jeff's and Jeff lifts it up signalling he wants more hair rubbing, it's relaxing...Jordan wonders where everyone is?...Adam says who cares, they're there, the party people as Jeff is falling asleep...Jeff says it's because Jordan's scratching his hair...Adam loves a head rub...Adam asks if Vit Tan Don would be at the restaurant on Friday night?...Jeff says no, he might have a DJ gig with his chick or he's going downtown with his chick and his friends...Jordan asks if Vit is still with her?...Jeff says yes...Jordan aww's...

Adam says he really noticed Jeff's accent when he said "downtown"..Jordan says when Jeff gets going or if he gets mad you can hear it more strongly, like "noo" or "my Ma", she likes when it says that or when he gets mad, raising his voice it comes through...Jordan asks if Adam hangs out at Jersey Shore...Adam says he used to, what you see on TV is true...they talk a bit more about JS...Jeff is sleeping...Jordan talks about a bachelorette party at a place called Fish in Charleston...more talk about Charleston and places they've been in the Carolinas...

Jordan tells Jeff not to fall asleep because he won't be able to sleep tonight...Jeff says good...Adam says they're back downstairs with the rest of the peasants...Jordan says she likes it down there but likes it up there to get away...Adam says he needs to win an HOH, he wants the full BB experience...Jordan continues rubbing Jeff off and on...they talk about the HOH comp questions...Adam says it's totally different being a fan and being in the show, he wouldn't trade this experience for nothing...Jeff pipes up "true dat";)

They start whispering game and then Jordan says maybe they should go upstairs...they decide to go and crash the metal room party...Jordan gives Jeff a little pinch before they head out...

JeJo metal room - Jeff lays near Jordan

10:45 PM

Most of the HG's are all sitting in the metal room chatting about their "Bizarro" personas...Jeff comes out of the bathroom and heads to the rooms...he goes into the candy room and then goes back into the metal room and heads to where Jordan is laying, he lays down next to her...Jordan rubs his neck and hair...Jordan then signals she'll move for him...Jeff says he's good

Metal room cuteness

10:47 - 11:01 PM

The HG's all sit around the metal room talking about their bizarro selves and various other things...Jeff goes to lay near Jordan and cuteness ensues...he lays his head on her butt and Jordan rubs Jeff's hair.

10:48pm Cam 1

10:49:23 pm Cam 1 Jeff lays his head on Jordan's butt/Jordan rubs Jeff's head and neck

10:52pm Cam 3 Jordan continues rubbing Jeff's hair

10:53pm Cam 1 Close up of Jeff and Jordan

10:53:52pm Cam 1 another close up of Jordan rubbing Jeff's face/head and then switches to Cam 3 primarily on and off for some time

10:58:50pm Cam 1 Jordan rubs Jeff again

11:00pm Cam 1 Jordan sits up

11:00:45pm Cam 4 Jordan rubs again, they talk about David Hasselhoff OMG!

You love me today

11:13 PM

Jeff is sitting on the kitchen table chatting with the other HG's...Jordan is finishing up dishes, puts something in the trash and heads over to Jeff, she sits in between his legs and Jeff wraps his arms around Jordan's head saying "love, you love me today" ♥

They continue chatting about TV shows while Jordan rubs her mouth against Jeff's arm...she gets up after a little bit and chatter continues...

Big Jeff likes his space in bed

11:15 - 11:18 PM

Jeff comes into the metal room where Kalia and Shelly are talking about sleeping arrangements and weird phobias...Kalia says that tonight she wants to sleep in the middle between Jeff and Jordan...Jeff says "mmm, that's not gonna work"

Kalia says it's good practice for when they're married and have kids sleeping with them...Shelly walks off saying when you hear the pitter patter of the kids you run them back (to bed)...Jeff says that their bed is going to perhaps be as big as all of these together (demonstates how big)...Kalia says like Shaquille O'Neal?...

Jeff says "that's what I, she already knows, I'm going to get the biggest jumbo bed they have on the market because when I sleep, Big Jeff likes his space"...Kalia says she's heard, she's aware...then Kalia says she's heard the 50/50 no it's 60/40, I draw pictures on your back convo...

Kalia starts complaining about the hair near her bed...Jeff asks when she became a hairophobe?...she says she's always been, she wonders whose hair it is?...Jeff says that Dick slept there...Kalia asks how she got kicked out of her bed and Dani has hers?...Jeff says they were going to be kicked out of theirs...more sleeping arrangement talk with Porsche and then Jeff leaves...

LR kiss & E.T. chat

11:20 - 11:23 PM

Feeds switch quickly to JeJo who are in the LR...Jeff is laying on Jordan's lap and Jeff is talking about her scratching him more...Jordan is brushing her face/hair against Jeff's face and she kisses him...

Jeff says "who's in that basket E.T?" ...FISH...Jordan has gotten up and is talking about E.T (the movie)...FISH...Jeff says "Drew Barrymore, that's crazy"...Jordan says she knows, wasn't she cute?...Jordan has walked away but Jeff giggles to himself...Jordan please go to the DR...Jeff says "Johrdan"...Dani and Jeff chat about hoping there will be a card on the DR chair everytime they go in there (a la Coup D'Etat)...Jordan walks by doing her E.T. imitation...Jeff says it makes him sad and happy at the same time...Jordan says "E.T. phone home"...Jeff asks how Jordan thinks E.T. is doing? good? LOL

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