"Big Brother" winner Jordan Lloyd is just as sweet as she seemed on the show and says she is going to make good on her promise to buy Jeff Bears season tickets. Read what else she had to say after the jump.
What are your plans now that Big Brother is over?
I'm gonna go home and get settled down, put a down payment on a house, pay bills, put money in the bank and go back to work at the salon. Go back to normal.
Why do you think you won the money over Natalie? Did that surprise you?
Yes! I thought she had the votes! Half the jury were her friends, I thought. I thought Jessie would for sure vote for her and that Lydia would still be mad at me for nominating her. Her and Lydia acted like friends and then there was Russell who I knew would vote for Natalie and I knew Kevin would vote for her. I always thought the only two votes I would have would be Michele and Jeff. I just thought Natalie would be a better shot because I knew Kevin was really likable and if he got Jeff out he would get some votes. Kevin I knew I would lose against and Natalie would be a 50-50 shot.
I thought Jessie would vote for Kevin because he got Jeff out. Russell told Natalie and Kevin that whoever got Jeff out would have his vote. I knew Lydia would vote for him because they were friends and Natalie would've voted for him so that would only leave me Jeff and Michele. I just figured I'd rather have a shot of trying to win $500,000 so I just went with Natalie. My gut kept telling me not to keep Kevin
Everyone wants to know: what is going on with you and Jeff outside the house?
Me and Jeff you know, we've been talking. It's kind-of up in the air right now. We're just good, good friends right now. Who knows what will happen because he lives in Chicago, I live in Charlotte. If it happens, it'll be great. Jeff's a great guy. If it doesn't work out then we'll be great friends.
Why no movie-scene kiss when he exited the Big Brother house? We were all so disappointed!
[laughs] We were planning to do something like a kiss or something but the night that he got evicted he was pretty upset and I could tell and I just knew it wasn't the right time, just by the look on his face. I knew he just wanted to get out of there. But I told him that even if you don't give me a kiss good-bye, I don't want to see you walk out that door with a frown on your face because I'm going to do the same thing if it's me. Sure enough, he grabbed his bag and turned around and looked at me and smiled.
Are you going to follow through with Bears tickets for Jeff?
I told him I would buy him Bears tickets and I'm going to stick to my promise so he is for sure getting season tickets for the Bears.
Natalie told me earlier the wedding date is set for March and she wants to invite you, Chima, Russell and Kevin. Would you go? And would you ask Jeff as your date?
Um, you know... if there wasn't anything going on, I would love to go. I think it would be fun. I would definitely take Jeff as a date because he knows all of them and I think we would have a good time. You know, everybody acts different outside the Big Brother house. It's a lot different inside and by March people will have time to get over things and cool off and it should be a lot of fun.
Do you have any messages for your fans? You are a very popular house guest.
This is crazy to me! I never knew I had so many fans like this, it's really exciting! I was so scared that people wouldn't like me and I just love it that they feel like they can connect with me. I've had nothing but nice ocmments from people and I just want to say thanks to all of them for their supoprt and thanks for everything, for supporting me, and especially with me and Jeff. Everyone congratulating me and everyone's been so nice and it makes me feel really good to know that I have fans out there and that they're all Gucci.