Big Brother Update: Jeff Schroeder And Jordan Lloyd
Posted by Samantha Speisman March 12, 2013

How has life changed since Big Brother?
Well its been three-and-a-half years since we met on our first season of Big Brother and things are going great. We are now living together in Santa Monica, California.
When we first got out of the house on Season 11, things were a bit crazy for the first few weeks. Now we are just an average everyday couple enjoying the California life.
What was your strategy as Big Brother housguests?
Neither of us were very familiar with the Big Brother game going into our first season, so formulating a strategy was difficult.
Jordan’s strategy on the second season was to be herself and to lay low. I didn’t go into the house with a strategy really. I wanted to get to know the other houseguests first before aligning with anyone or making any big moves. I feel every season of Big Brother, though similar in how the season goes along, is totally different from a player’s perspective depending on the different personalities in the house.
Do you still talk to people from your season?
I have to say we are not in touch with many of the past houseguests. It has nothing do with hard feelings, we just like to do our own thing. Although living in the Los Angeles area now, we do run into quite a few old houseguests from time to time which is fun.
What was it like falling in love on national television?
It was a process. We started as friends obviously and things naturally progressed from there. I wouldn’t say we were in love during our first season of Big Brother, but I think we can both agree that we had strong feelings for each other by the end!
Did you ever worry about what your families thought about your onscreen romance?
We come from great families and have good morals. We didn’t want to do anything to embarrass them or ourselves. Plus we knew the cameras were filming 24/7, so the most we ever did was kiss a few times throughout the season.