Jordan Tweetfest 10/10

Ran all my errands today w/ my mom then cleaned my room spotless..feels so good when everything's done and clean!
@BBJordanLloyd where were your finale dress and shoes from?! Love them!
@lexikuhn they were jessica simpson shoes and the dress was from Ivy and Leos
@BBJordanLloyd did you ever figure out what happened to you're tutu?
@TinaB00n3 I have it!
@BBJordanLloyd the one on 521 is the best one!! come stop in sometime!!
@Keegsx16 LOVE showmars!! obsessed
@Keegsx16 me and my brother have been there a couple of times..its so clean in there
@BBJordanLloyd Who's your favorite on DWTS this season?
@Sarahnator83 it was kristen. I was so sad to see her go i thought she would have made it far
@BBJordanLloyd JORDAN!! So how does it feel 2b back at home w/the family??
@kayt76 it feels good..always nice being home
@BBJordanLloyd Are you going to wear your humilitard for Halloween? You looked so cute in it.
@maxnsam yes, if i have somewhere to go for halloween
@BBJordanLloyd Did you enjoy seeing Jeff and Brenchel again?
@ZacharyNicolos yes we had a blast
@BBJordanLloyd Are you watching the sing off? with Nick Lachey hosting?
@TracyBil no, i havent heard of it. i love the x factor
@BBJordanLloyd Yes it sure does love, when it is that way too! You are all my time favorite big brother housegest love you!
@TammyAlexander thank you!!
@BBJordanLloyd Loved watching ya'll in Seattle. I bet Maggie is happy u a back, will u be taking her w/ u when make the big move?
@knouase yes, i missed her so much! she was very happy to see me
@BBJordanLloyd loved u on BB. Rooted for you and Jeff :)Canadians love u!
@amyshinubal I love canada. Everyones so nice!
@BBJordanLloyd good - you can come over and help Fara and I finish unpacking! New place looks great but still a lot more to do!
@HeavyMetalTeddy Hey you! cleaned out my closet and all my drawers feel so good! i bet yall are tired from moving. tell farrah hey
@BBJordanLloyd ~ Have U seen DWTS? Who is ur favorite dancers?
@McCoy17 kristen but she got voted out last week
@BBJordanLloyd Jordan I'm a huge fan of yours!!! I was cheering for you all the way this Big Brother Season!!!!!!!!!
@JENNNYYYC aww thank you so much!
@BBJordanLloyd Agreed! I did the same thing today and feel accomplished! Can I get a hello for that??
@bfrear24 Hey!
@BBJordanLloyd I wish my room was clean! I have to get on that!
@heathur22 thank you so much! so nice of you to say
@BBJordanLloyd Will Jeff be in a bad mood tonight since the Bears lost?
@deemj61 probably..haha
@BBJordanLloyd Do you like Target
@Kylejs81697 IN LOVE WITH THAT PLACE! they got everything you need
@BBJordanLloyd i read that you use the too faced natural eye palette. me too! i love it
which is your favorite look?
@caseyanne58 love too faced eye shadow. I like the shimmer (2nd one on the first row) and the light brown color...i forgot the name of it
@BBJordanLloyd is jeff prepared to live with maggie? i hope she likes him better than peyton lol
@BBJordanLloyd is jeff going to be in b/r's wedding too?
@JessalynB1987 yes!
(not sure if the reply "yes!" was to the first or second question by JessalynB1987, possibly the second one because she later replied to the maggie question...)
@BBJordanLloyd Ahhh!! Your my favorite!! My 4 year old has a huge crush on you! Good luck in everything you do!
@bfrear24 haha tell him hey! and thank you very much
@BBJordanLloyd hey sweet Jordan! You are such an amazing person - beautiful inside & out! Rooted for you all season. Much love! xxxxx
@loclem94 Thank you so much!so nice of you to say
@BBJordanLloyd are u good friends with dan of big brother 10? who else do you keep in touch with?
@bachettetv yes, hes a very nice down to earth person
@BBJordanLloyd is jeff prepared to live with maggie? i hope she likes him better than peyton lol
@JessalynB1987 hahaha...I hope so too
@BBJordanLloyd I've noticed how many young people follow you and love you! You are a gr8 role model for them to follow.
@maxnsam I love that! makes me feel good. thank you
@BBJordanLloyd i love Seattle, went last year. Was Mt Rainier out at all while u were there? What was ur fav Seattle thing to do or see
@StellaChels going down to the market was fun
@BBJordanLloyd did you know that Ellen Degeneres follows you on twitter?
@BBJordanLloyd Jordan Lloyd @Sarahnator83 @TheEllenShow I heard! I love Ellen shes so funny. I always try to watch the show at 5 when its on here
@BBJordanLloyd hey! did u get a chance to see the video i made u? @ChelsiaHart sent it to u for me. u are the nicest girl in the world
@ozcutie87 @ChelsiaHart yes, thank you so much very cute
@BBJordanLloyd Would you Ever do an All-Star season of Amazing Race with Jeff again
@Kylejs81697 maybe
@BBJordanLloyd Jordan, thank you so much for doing all this for the fans!! Hi from Israel!
@JordanLFan Hey!!
@BBJordanLloyd Feels good huh?? I just did a deep clean this week for the family. My back is still aching!
@BrandieTucker it does..and lighting a candle to make the house smell good...just makes it feel cleaner. its still hurting? dang how much cleaning did you do?
@BBJordanLloyd So next time u & Jeff come to LA together, you're welcome to stay at my house -- on an ironed dust ruffle! haha
@BrandieTucker hahah
@BrandieTucker going to take you up on that..sleepover! it will kinda feel like bb again except i wont be in the DR talking and you wont be watching us from a camera..haha sounds wierd.
@BBJordanLloyd Did you know that Neil Patrick Harris LOVES you & follows u on twitter! Didn't want 2 watch BB13 after u left!
@maxnsam Hes a very nice person! very happy to hear that!
@BBJordanLloyd Did you know @BrandieTucker tweeted out the painting Jeff made you for the fans to see. He did a great job on it.
@knouase @BrandieTucker That was the best picture, didnt think he could draw that good
@BBJordanLloyd Are you watching the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills?
@TracyBil just watched it tonight!
@BBJordanLloyd You are one of the sweetest houseguests ever on BB! Your heart is gold. Your Mama raised a lovely young lady! Much happiness!
@LoveVWBugs thank you for the kind words! means alot
@BBJordanLloyd no words can express how much I loveeeeeee youuuu, your so adorable and gorgeous!! Die for youu :))
@Leslie_Noye aww thank you!
@BBJordanLloyd how about big brother will and kirby? have u met them?
@bachettetv never met them before but they seem like cool people
@BBJordanLloyd ~ Do U still think ur body is running 3hrs behind with coming from Seattle to NC?
@McCoy17 yes!
RT @Webslinger74 @BBJordanLloyd I live close to Boone and I thought it was so cool when you wore the ASU shirt on Big Brother.
@KingdomOfASU @Webslinger74 one of my favorite shirts..its starting to get holes in it from washing it so much
@BBJordanLloyd Jordan! Big fan. Are you ever gonna change your profile pic for Twitter? It's nice, but 2 years. lol
@bostonsteven32 i know i need to
@BBJordanLloyd That Brandie on Housewives is going to bring the drama, Kyle won't know what hit her. lol... should be good season
@TracyBil is brandie the new housewife? yeah there was alot of drama tonite
@BBJordanLloyd any advice for someone audition for BB?!
@EddieGrayy Be yourself!!!
@BBJordanLloyd omg too funny. Way to make it weird creepo! Hahaha jk. Oddly enough, I stuck the signed BB cast pic CBS sent me in that room
@BrandieTucker haha that does sound kinda creepy. haha.
@BBJordanLloyd are you watching Dirty Soap on E! It's growing on me.
@knouase its kinda growing on me too. not sure if i like it or not
@BBJordanLloyd hi. I love you and a tweet would make me so happy!
@TylerScipione thank you!
@BBJordanLloyd Jordan! I love you to death<3! I will forever be #TeamJorchel and I'm so glad you and Rachel are besties(: How are you doin?
@TeamRachelR thanks! im good how are you
@BBJordanLloyd it's ok. Our margarita pool party won't be weird!
@BrandieTucker it will be so much fun and i will make sure i bring enough tequila since last time I saw you I had to go back to the store and get more..and this time we can have someone filming you dancing to boy band songs with us..haha
@BBJordanLloyd Hi Jordan!
I just wanted to say you've always been my favorite on BB! You're so beautiful and kind. I love you! <3
@natashaxo13 thank you!
BBJordanLloyd have you ever been to Canada?
@MajorHappener yes, I love it
BBJordanLloyd hi there
@pinkblondie143 hey!
@BBJordanLloyd have u seen the video of the little girl getting surprised w/a trip to disneyland? SOO CUTE
@Sarahnator83 omg that was so cute
@BBJordanLloyd Jordan...did you love going fishing with Jeff, Bob and the guys while in LA? Did you catch any fish ?
@cheryllo1 yes i did and i threw up twice on the boat...haha
@BBJordanLloyd You, @RachelEReilly & @jeffschroeder23 are seriously my favorites. Yall are awesome #coolestpeopleever #bb13
@TayyyBeckham @RachelEReilly @jeffschroeder23 thank you!
@BBJordanLloyd no I danced to the gangsta sh*t remember? Rapping Waka's No Hands. You gotta RAP with ME! Best white girl rap duo ever hahaha
@BrandieTucker oh yeah i forgot about that...haha. will have to think of a song before i come to LA so we can start practicing and then go out and do the rap song at a karaoke bar and see how we do..ha
@tmbayliss: @BBJordanLloyd How did you like the Edgewater?
@tmbayliss its very nice! very cozy
@BBJordanLloyd How did you like going to the first starbucks in seattle? We talked about that in history today and i kept thinking of you !
@ZacharyNicolos it was neat!
@BBJordanLloyd aww I loved that disney video & what is ur opinion of me auditioning for BB while still college? shud I wait till I graduate
@demimiller4 yeah I would graduate first then try out
@BBJordanLloyd what did you order?
I only like the Vanilla Bean Frapichinos there.
i think i spelled that wrong haha
@ZacharyNicolos iced soy white mocha
@BBJordanLloyd @BrandieTucker The more tequila you drink - the better you sing and dance!! Works for me
@srtravers @BrandieTucker sounds about right..haha
BBJordanLloyd Did you eat any seafood in Seattle?
I know how you feel..I don't like it either.
@xoxoxoLauren eww no..ahah
@BBJordanLloyd I've been working on Look At Me Now from Chris Brown, Busta & Lil Wayne. You know, just for fun. Haha. But it's faaaast.
@BrandieTucker i cant even keep up with salt n peppers rap to "what a man" going to die trying to keep up with Busta..ha
@BBJordanLloyd Ive been married 31 years trust me u and Jeff have the best relationship !! lots of good things to come ur way 4 sure !!
@lucindagay09 aww thank you! 31 years is a long time..congrats
@BBjordanlloyd Hey Gucci!
Hope you have a great week! Loved the seattle photos you and jeff looked great! have a good one jordo!
@rkosxdestiny thank you! you too!
@BBJordanLloyd I'll have to find a good rap for us! And afterwards we'll, like, drink courvoisier or pop bottles or something
@BrandieTucker haha ok sounds like a plan
Hope everyone has a great day!
Thanks for the chat tonight but it's late and i got to get to bed..goodnight everyone..thanks for talking w/me