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Jordan's Tweetfest October 12th


@BBJordanLloyd hey Jordan!! When you where putting your foundation on it was a spray type. Who carries that? And what's the name of it

@meagan341978 ERA foundation

@officiallykd Kellie D Eli and I are headed to Carowinds Sunday for fall break! it would make my life if we got to see @BBJordanLloyd!!!

@officiallykd scarowinds is so fun! your going to have a blast. ride the intimidator

@BBJordanLloyd Thanks Jordan!! My mom loves you and Jeff. Can you say hi to her and I will show it to her on here. Her name is Jody

@meagan341978 Hey Jody!

@BBJordanLloyd Will Superpass send you the videos of the games you played in Seattle ~ loved the Newlywed Game looking forward to Whirlyball

@luvkahlua59 whirlyball was so much fun

@BBJordanLloyd Can you give us a hint on who won? LOL

@luvkahlua59 I cant ruin the suprise..haha

@BBJordanLloyd hey Jordan! I'm a huge fan of yours!!!! It's my bday and would make my day to get a reply!

@ATLmel1 Happy Birthday!

@BBJordanLloyd. Thank you. She started watching it your season and she fell in love. She even cried when Jeff got evicted. You made her day

@meagan341978 aww tell her thanks for watching and shes welcome

@BBJordanLloyd Jordan! This is the 1st time you tweet while I'm either not at work or sleeping! Excited but now I dont know what to ask lol

@glorytorres hey!

@BBJordanLloyd Thanks Jordan! by the way, you have got to be the nicest person in the world

@officiallykd awww thank you!

@BBJordanLloyd LA is beautiful right now :>

@Pegehr I know im jealous

@BBJordanLloyd I started listening to Easton Corbin thanks to you btw! Love him

@heathur22 Easton Corbin is one of my favorites

@BBJordanLloyd Want 2 ask u about the jeans u wore during twister & in the BB house w/ the lace on the back pockets...Where did u get them?

@singingmary I got them in 10th grade..haha..they are miss me jeans

@BBJordanLloyd Sorry 1 more Q ~ did u get to go to Disneyland when u got out of the BB house? Know it was 1 of things that you wanted to do.

@luvkahlua59 we ended up not going but were going to go when were back to LA

@BBJordanLloyd Hey Jordan...loved the top u had on at the M&G in Seattle...all ur clothes have been u have a fav place 2 shop

@cheryllo1 ivy and leos and urban outfitters

@BBJordanLloyd heyyyy! Can I get a tweet ?!

@bnculbertson hey!

@BBJordanLloyd Jordan I am so proud of u w/ your exersize regime u did this summer! U really worked hard & it shows! Jeff loved it 2! : )

@singingmary thank you! im trying to stick with it

@BBJordanLloyd Is it harder being away from Jeff after you have spent so much time together lately??

@nanna47 YES!

@BBJordanLloyd You should check out @Lauren_Alaina's new album. Carrie wrote a song for her called "18 inches" and it's awesome!

@heathur22 @Lauren_Alaina I will have to check that out

@BBJordanLloyd Your left-handed right? I am

@ZacharyNicolos yes

@BBJordanLloyd What is your favorite pop song?

@ZacharyNicolos prob. Brittany spears song or N'sync

@BBJordanLloyd Wish you guys would come to PA so I can meet you both! You guys were my fave on BB ! You guys are the best!

@bnculbertson aww thank you. Would like to go to PA one day..never been

@BBJordanLloyd Did you know that Kellie Pickler's BFF from Albemare is a BIG fan of you and Jeff. I can see u & Kellie hanging out together.

@knouase really? I love Kellie Pickler shes so funny

@BBJordanLloyd Jeff was so proud of you working out during BB. He would watch you and smile. R u still working out??

@nanna47 trying to..not as much as I did on the show

@BBJordanLloyd Does Maggie get nervous when she sees you are getting ready to go out? Probably thinking you'll be gone for a while.

@disawyer she does and I feel so bad

Thanks everyone for chating got to finish up some laundry..hope yall have a goodnight!

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