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Jordan's Tweetfest 9/26


Jordan's Tweefest 9/26

Cant wait till the sun comes tired of this gloomyweather..makes you want to sleep all day

Hey @BBJordanLloyd - saw you put on your makeup one time onBB - is that Era makeup you use from classified cosmetics?

@Danielle_19 yes it is!

@bbjordanlloyd Jordan,if you are still on twitter, a lot of people want to know where you got your dress you wore on the finale.

@luvkahlua59 Got my dress at Ivy and Leos..they have the cutest stuff

@BBJordanLloyd I loved you and @jeffschroeder23 in season 11 and 13 can I please get a retweet or reply

@SaraR04 @jeffschroeder23 aww thank you!!

@BBJordanLloyd - I knew it I use that too and love it!! What shade do you use?

@Danielle_19 y7 in summer y5 in winter

@BBJordanLloyd what is your typical workout schedule?

@AEpick on the show worked out everyday for about an hour

@BBJordanLloyd I have no idea if you remember me or not but on the valentines day show with niki I called in & told you were my role model & that hasn't changed one bit! You're still a role model to me!

@Jess_BBLove thank you! very nice of you to say!

@BBJordanLloyd I hate the Rain. Can you PLEASE tweet me, im ur bIGGEST fan, Was rootin for u the whole season. Show me im not invisible to u

@Kylejs81697 thanks for the support!!

@BBJordanLloyd jordan! We love you! Hope everything is going well. <3

@JeJoSupport things are going great so far!

@BBJordanLloyd jordan, if you tweet me i will cry

@ZacharyNicolos Hey zachary!

@BBJordanLloyd Did Shelly Give You the Coat back, & did you accept it? Are you going to be friends

@Kylejs81697 I have the coat and we're friends..she's a very nice person

@BBJordanLloyd amen! This Matthews weather is draining me of energy

@Alyssa3Rinaldi me too!

@BBJordanLloyd Jordan your so nice! I was rooting for you and Jeff all summer. Love seeing you two so happy

@TheEastBrother Thank you so much!!

@BBJordanLloyd What's the brand of your dry shampoo? Thx!

@bibidahlluv Tigi..and its called dirty little really good on your hair

@BBJordanLloyd You will be in Chicago soon !! Give Jeff some extra lovin from the fans we miss you both !!

@lucindagay09 leaving soon for Chicago..cant wait to see jeff

@BBJordanLloyd Are you looking forward to Seattle, have you spoke with Rachel?

@knouase cant wait for Seattle and me and Rachel have talked..shes a sweet girl

@BBJordanLloyd awesome job this summer! I was rooting for you and Jeff the whole time! Get married already

@JessC1 thanks! hopefully we will soon!

@BBJordanLloyd hey jordan.was maggie so excited to see you? hope you have a great day!!

@jenniferpk She was soo excited! i missed her like crazy

@BBJordanLloyd would you do big brother a 3rd time?

@ZacharyNicolos probably stressful..haha

@BBJordanLloyd r u missing that California

@PeggyMenefee I am..the weathers soo nice in cali

@BBJordanLloyd Did you watch the Amazing Race last night? Any favorites?

@kklausser I did...I liked the couple that has been married for 40 years..they were so calm. I did like other teams too

@BBJordanLloyd u r such a wonderful person & role model 4 young women. God will bless u & the ppl who surround u. My 12yr old (tori )& I <3 u

@jennandbubbie aww thank you!! that's sweet of you to say

@BBJordanLloyd saw Brandie's videos of you and Jeff dancing to cute.

@jenniferpk that was the best night! had so much fun

@BBJordanLloyd Love you! Great job representing us southern gals. You inner beauty just shines! Wishing you much happiness & many blessings

@jsbreaux0302 thank you!

@BBJordanLloyd what happened 2 luminous, we didnt hear it this season..happy 2 see u on twitter & thanks 4 sharing a lil of ur time with us

@maryr10s they discontinued it..i was so sad

@BBJordanLloyd when is Jeff finally going to propose?

@ZacharyNicolos hopefully soon!

@BBJordanLloyd did you know @JordanRinaldi is a professional MMA fighter now? I know @jeffschroeder23 likes MMA. He's good too!

@Joseph3Rinaldi @JordanRinaldi @jeffschroeder23 I grew up with him! he and his family are great people!

@BBJordanLloyd You did great the Ace & TJ show, you should do more radio.

@knouase I had so much fun with those guys!

@BBJordanLloyd Gloomy here in Charleston 2. U did gr8 this summer! How disappointed were u to not go to jury house?

@disawyer a little cause i really wanted to see jeff

@BBJordanLloyd Thought of you this summer when I was at Myrtle Beach & know how much you love it there

@luvkahlua59 love that place and Charleston

@BBJordanLloyd @jeffschroeder23 @JordanRinaldi I AM HIS BROTHER!! Haha, we all grew up together!!! forgot me

@Joseph3Rinaldi @jeffschroeder23 @JordanRinaldi haha OMG i didnt see the name...JOSEPH!! HAHA having a jordan are you?

@BBJordanLloyd @JordanRinaldi haha! It's all good. Doing great. Married and just had a little girl named Brooklyn. Send your family my best!

@Joseph3Rinaldi @jeffschroeder23 @JordanRinaldi cant believe i did that..sorry

@BBJordanLloyd when is jeff going to propose?

@acap1225 not sure..hopefully soon

@BBJordanLloyd Was wondering what airbrush foundation u were wearing on the show. Looks flawless. BTW...Sophie (age 9) says u r beautiful!

@vintagegirl111 its ERA foundation and bare minerals

@BBJordanLloyd it's even worse when's still humid out!!! Sleeping is impossible

@BosGirl978 i know!

@BBJordanLloyd @JordanRinaldi thanks, will do! Tell your mom and Peyton and allhey! Brooklyn June Rinaldi is the full name. She's sweet.

@Joseph3Rinaldi @JordanRinaldi omg thats great! i love that name. tell ur family hey! and tell jordan hey

@BBJordanLloyd and @jeffschroeder23 are the cutest couple on big brother!!Please reply or RT! <3

@nattlombardo thank you!

@BBJordanLloyd @jeffschroeder23 @JordanRinaldi I bet it was...I'd play the sameway though. Integrity is far more important than money.

@Joseph3Rinaldi @jeffschroeder23 @JordanRinaldi thank you! yeah it was alot harder this summer but no regrets!

@BBJordanLloyd Thank you so much! My daughter was allowed to watch comps and evictions, but fell in love with u! She is home sick & says hi!

@vintagegirl111 tell her hey!

@BBJordanLloyd have you and jeff decided where you're going to move?

@JeJoSupport not yet

@BBJordanLloyd @JordanRinaldi thanks, will do! Tell your mom and Peyton and all hey! Brooklyn June Rinaldi is the full name. She's sweet.

@Joseph3Rinaldi @JordanRinaldi how old is she...thats such a cute name...peyton just said hey!

@BBJordanLloyd im so happy you are tweeting you were one of my favorites both sseasons!

@kolbykooz thank you!

@BBJordanLloyd Come to Montreal (Canada), sunshine 25o. Congrats for BB13 - you and J are a class act - lot of respectfor both of you.

@SilvyF1 thank you! i loved Canada when we were there

@BBJordanLloyd @jeffschroeder23 @JordanRinaldi I bet it was...I'd play the sameway though. Integrity is far more important than money.

@Joseph3Rinaldi @jeffschroeder23 @JordanRinaldi i agree with you 100 percent

@BBJordanLloyd I love you I hope you know that

@jordanlloydfan2 thank you so much!

@BBJordanLloyd @JordanRinaldi she was born June 17 so a little over 3 months. I'm friends with Peyton on FB. He's a man now! We are all old!

@Joseph3Rinaldi @JordanRinaldi aww..i will get on peytons facebook so i can see pictures! haha i know its wierd i dont like it wish i was10 again

@BBJordanLloyd @JordanRinaldi here's a picture, the wifemade me send it, haha!

@Joseph3Rinaldi @JordanRinaldi shes sooo pretty! a full head of hair

@BBJordanLloyd Hey Jordan! So glad 2 see u tweeting. I have 2 go 2 work. Haha. But wanted 2 say Loved feisty Jordan on BB this yr! U go girl

@maggiemae802 haha thank you!

@BBJordanLloyd Oh and if you and jeff can you have to go tailgate @LSU with Shelly. Nothing like it. We have so much fun!

@jsbreaux0302 @LSU im definitely going to a LSU game. ppl down there like to have a good time!

@BBJordanLloyd @JordanRinaldi me too! Not a care in the world other than whose house we would hang out at and what to watch on tv, ha!

@Joseph3Rinaldi @JordanRinaldi the summers were so much fun..ringing and running...aha (craigs house) haha and the whole neighborhood went

@BBJordanLloyd @JordanRinaldi thanks! I give @Alyssa3Rinaldi all the credit for the looks.

@Joseph3Rinaldi @JordanRinaldi @Alyssa3Rinaldi neighborhood kids

@BBJordanlloyd you did an amazing job both seasons! Its my dream to meet you one day! and it would mean the world if you tweeted back

@Dree1234 hey!

@BBJordanLloyd a picture for u drawn by 9 yr old Sophie

@vintagegirl111 aww thats so good..tell her thank you and hello

@BBJordanLloyd @JordanRinaldi YES! Those were the days. Told my wife I wasn't sure you'd remember those fun times but you did! Great times!

@Joseph3Rinaldi @JordanRinaldi yes! i remember everything best neighborhood to grow up in

@savtaylor1 @bbjordanlloyd we lived 3 apart for like 10 years. The Heathers was the bomb...that's how we roll!!!

@Joseph3Rinaldi @savtaylor1 haha i know! me ur brother and chelsea had a lemonade stand called meg jor sea dan..haha

@Joseph3Rinaldi @savtaylor1 it was for all of our names

@BBJordanLloyd I'm going to a Panthers game on 10/23 w/my son. Do u think u& Jeff will go to the game this weekend in Chicago?

@disawyer umm not sure i dont think soo

@Joseph3Rinaldi I'm a little jealous of your on going conversation with@bbjordanlloyd

@savtaylor1 @Joseph3Rinaldi love Wilmington!

@BBJordanLloyd Did you ever find your humilitard and tutu?

@luvkahlua59 yeah i did

@BBJordanLloyd So happy you did ~ you were absolutely adorable in it And loved your trumpet playing too made me laugh each time.

@luvkahlua59 I loved my humilitard

@BBJordanLloyd bright and Sunny here. But inside cleaning

@NDJ8 i did that all day yesterday

@BBJordanLloyd my home for the next 4 yrs I'm from charlotte &&&& Im slightly #obsessed with you &@jeffschroeder23

@savtaylor1 @jeffschroeder23 your going to have the best time there..almost moved there with my bff when i was 19

@BBJordanLloyd Have you seen the video of the girl on BB UK who does that trumpet thing, too?

@kklausser no..i bet its funny

@BBJordanLloyd @savtaylor1 bahaha!!! The neighborhood was crazy! Like trying to make the Shells mad by messing with their yard!

@Joseph3Rinaldi @savtaylor1 hahahahhaahahaahahaha

@Joseph3Rinaldi @savtaylor1 i think there still there too

@BBJordanLloyd Hey Jordan! How are you and Jeff? I miss seeing you on TV!

@i_forgot hey! were great! aww thank you

@BBJordanLloyd it would be awesome if you would give a shout out to my wife rlt1426 and follow us on Twitter : - )

@jtdolphins80 hey rlt1426!

@BBJordanLloyd I'll be in Chicago Oct 9 for the Chicago Marathon. @jeffschroeder23 should run that thing! Hopefully I don't die!!

@Joseph3Rinaldi @jeffschroeder23 we will be in seattle that weekend..have you been training for it

YAY the suns coming out!!

@BBJordanLloyd my fiancé and I were so happy when you & Jeff came back for 13! Were gonna miss your quirky personality!

@KaityxoRenee thank you!

@BBJordanLloyd I really liked you on BB. You paired up well w Rachel

@Lilasiangal we worked well together

@BBJordanLloyd I loved you on BB! I cheered for you every week. Someone said I reminded them of you.. I was flattered :$

@ErinAppleton aww thanks!

@BBJordanLloyd if you have 3 mins watch @JordanRinaldi's last

@Joseph3Rinaldi @JordanRinaldi hes good! omg he looks like a man now...hahaha

@BBJordanLloyd did u ever wear your elimination dress? trying to figure out if/when u did, i was prayin u would never haveto! haha ♥

@heatherwhenever no i didnt wear it

@BBJordanLloydDo you know when ur couples (with Brenchel) super pass show is going to be?

@LaughinGal i think oct 5th or 6th not sure though

@BBJordanLloydHave you seen Carrie Underwoods haircut with bangs? Don't like her in bangs. Ido like you with them though.

@Pegehr no hadnt seen it

@BBJordanLloyd what store did u get ur pink hoodie at? The one that u had on big brother

@tammy0612 target

@BBJordanLloyd@JordanRinaldihe is awesome! He will be in the UFC soon, tell Jeff to keep an eye out for him. We will make you an MMA fan!

@Joseph3Rinaldi@JordanRinaldi i will he will get excited

@BBJordanLloyd@JordanRinaldi and yes,he's a beast now! So much bigger than he was in high school, ha! He's scary!

@Joseph3Rinaldi@JordanRinaldi tell him hey and congrats! thats so good happy for yall!!!..does ur mom get worried

@bbjordanlloyd Jordan,would U go on Survivor if they asked BB stars? Loved watching this summer - you're the best! Love you and Jeff!

@NikkiLeigh96 no couldnt do survivor

BBJordanLloydaww what did it look like? you had some super cute outfits throughout the season! congrats for making it so far!

@heatherwhenever it was purple and one all my outfits at target and ivy and leos..that store has the cutest stuff

@BBJordanLloyd@JordanRinaldi thanks! She is a basket case but he always beats people up so it's not too badyet.

@Joseph3Rinaldi@JordanRinaldi hahaa...tell her i said hey!

@BBJordanLloyd Jordan you are the age of my grandkids and I love you and Jeff, Please say hi to me? LOL I've followed U faithfully for 2 yrs

@lizArmstrong71 hey!

@BBJordanLloyd whats your favorite food?

@indybabygirl bbq, mexican, and italian food


@MajorHappenerawww thank you!!

Loved chating with yall but I got to go...Everyone have a great monday!!

@BBJordanLloydlove u and Jeff can I get a rt please?

@alyssafaith1 hey!

@BBJordanLloydYou and Dr Will are tied for best BB players. Would you go back on BB All Stars to break the tie and see who's best? lol

@UnitedForMaria no to stressful

@BBJordanLloyd sorry to bug you, ha, thanks for chatting. You came across as genuine and humble on BB. Glad to see you haven't changed!

@Joseph3Rinaldi thank you! will talk later...good talking to you

Everyone have a great Monday!!!Jordan's Tweetfest 9/26

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