BBJordanLloyd Got a new dog yesterday! moms friend found her laying in a house that was never finished being bulit. What should I name her?
@BBJordanLloyd Bailey, Lilly or Lucy....did you and Jeff break-up? or is it a bad rumor....?
@hillarypepp its a rumor hes comming to see me on saturday
@bbjordanlloyd what kind of dog is it?
@JayeJaye24 shih tzu mixed with something
@BBJordanLloyd Hey Jordan! What about naming her 'Hope' since your giving her hope for a new future?
@Rosanna_B i like that its cute
@BBJordanLloyd Snuggles....love that name....but mostly love her!
@branzl i said that name earlier cause she likes to cuddle
@BBJordanLloyd my dog's name is Dolce! How about that?
@jessicajules love that name
@BBJordanLloyd Daisy is a sweet dog's name.
@ajjcarlin my sister suggested that name
@BBJordanLloyd U & Jeff like girls w/boy names so how bout Charlotte & call her Charlie. Alexa - Alex? Bet she's cute! How old is she??
@nanna47 the guy took her to the vet and they said from looking at her teeth shes prob. 2
@BBJordanLloyd What did you end up naming the dog?!
@Jess_BBLove thought about maggie, daisy, hope
@BBJordanLloyd: yay! Jordan is on twitter! Hi Jordan *waves* I hope everything is going great for you! have you taken the cruise yet?
@glorytorres things are good...glad the cold weathers gone. havent taken the cruise yet but hopefully soon
@BBJordanLloyd were you and Jeff together on easter?
@BBfan50 no i had family in town and he was with his family
@BBJordanLloyd Hey Jordan Congrats on your new dog. hope your doing good.
@rkosxdestiny thanks! shes so cute!
@BBJordanLloyd Do you and Jeff still Skype? Is he going on the cruise?
@nanna47 yeah...if we go on the cruise hes still comming
@BBJordanLloyd hey Jordan...how do you think you woulda done on the ferris wheel task
@senoritasarrita i would have been very nervous but i think i could have done it
@BBJordanLloyd Sounds like you haven't seen Jeff in a few weeks. I bet you're excited to see him and have him back in Charlotte!
@tishcawley very excited!!!
@bbjordanlloyd Do you have a favorite couple on DWTS this season? I like Maks and Erin..mostly because Maks is hot
@ams06 I AGREE!!
@BBJordanLloyd im such a nerd for being this excited that u r on twitter talking to us! haha have u heard about TARCon? do u kno if u'll go?
@glorytorres not fursure if im going yet
@BBJordanLloyd have you had to register for your classes yet? and have you and jeff decided if your'e going to TARcon?
@JCavi8 havent signed up yet
@BBJordanLloyd Hey Jordan!! I was wondering if you got to meet smoothJazz after BB?
@ndd123 never met smooth jazz...haha
@BBJordanLloyd aw, I hope you are able to go to TARCon! it sounds like it would be fun. plus, it's in NYC! have you ever been to NYC?
@glorytorres never been always wanted to go around christmas time cause i heard its pretty
@BBJordanLloyd when does summer school start for you?
@MyLadyKat in june
@BBJordanLloyd When are you going to Chicago?
@Jess_BBLove i have no clue maybe in a month
@BBJordanLloyd I agree! Maks is one hot man and Erin is beautiful! Those two need to hook up for sure!.
@tishcawley i hope they do they will make a hot couple
@BBJordanLloyd Jordan do you still watch idol? Who do you want to win???
@Amanda0009 i quit watching but there was this girl i wanted to win i think her name was crystal she plays guitar and has blonde hair
@BBJordanLloyd Jordan the weather has been so nice - have you had a chance to get to the beach yet this year?
@MelissaPenglis trying to go to the beach when jeffs here
@BBJordanLloyd Me & my friends loved U & Jeff on BB & TAR! How long have you guys been together since BB?? Do you have a specific date?
@_KaylaKristine umm september/october
@BBJordanLloyd have you been to the beach since the awesome weather's been here?
@JCavi8 no...my sisters been like 3 times already going to try to take jeff when he comes here
@BBJordanLloyd just saw casting calls for BB! I think its crazy that another season is going to start. Must feel weird? But bitter sweet!
@keeponlivin26 yeah i cant believe its almost been a year since the whole casting thing started
@BBJordanLloyd do you watch the Elimination Station on CBS.com?
@knouase i have seen it one time..i always forget about it
@bbjordanlloyd is this your dog or the family dog?
@JayeJaye24 family dog
@BBJordanLloyd are you going to Florida next month with Jeff?
@MyLadyKat no i dont think
@BBJordanLloyd Just wondering from your eyes...whats Jeff's best feature in person? From his pics on the Jeff/Jordan site I luv his smile=)
@keeponlivin26 his eyes, smile, and chest
@BBJordanLloyd Did u watch Thye Amazing Race tonight? Would yall have attempted the fast forward? That woulda scared the crap outa Jeff!LOL
@Savannahsmum1 if i knew we were in first i would have tried it
@BBJordanLloyd How is work going? Do you find it weird when you get recognized?
@ndd123 work is great! everythings back to normal
@BBJordanLloyd hey jordan wish I could meet u with jeff & casey in florida r u still going 2 try 2 go?
@Dianne613 im not going to flordia i will probably be working
@BBJordanLloyd was just at Cherry Grove this weekend, weather was great. Have you made it to the Beach this year, yet?
@knouase cherry groves my favorite beach trying to get down there this weekend or next
@BBJordanLloyd what was your favorite task jordan on TAR ?? you had to do ??
@RadRealityShow walking the wire in chile
@BBJordanLloyd speaking of chests... how did Peyton's waxing go?
@knouase haha its starting to look normal now he wouldnt let me wax all his chest cause it hurt so bad so he had to shave the rest
@BBJordanLloyd So do you think Jeff's chest is bump worthy?? Haha
@Savannahsmum1 hahahaha
@BBJordanLloyd In the BBhouse u didn't really like working out..I don't like to either...lol..but have you ever tried ZUMBA Fitness?
@keeponlivin26 2 months ago i made mysellf workout almost everyday and i have started liking it more cause i could tell i was loosing weight
@keeponlivin26 but i have wanted to take that class
@BBJordanLloyd Your look GREAT! If you go to Zumba.com they have classes in your state. After taking classes for a year I've losed 28pounds!
@keeponlivin26 wow thats great! do you love the class?
@BBJordanLloyd Did you ever see this pic of you & Jeff?! http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/5567/17374333122738693552273.jpg
@ashleemarieea yeah that was from vegas
@bbjordanlloyd Hey Jordan! Will you be going to FL with Jeff the weekend of May 15th?
@RachelLyn_H hey! no im going to stay home prob.
@BBJordanLloyd What's next after finish school this summer? More training or are you certified then?
@elenamiller1 more training prob. will take a year
@BBJordanLloyd you look incredible! U have always looked beautiful but u just keep getting more so! Love helps too, looks good on u & jeff!
@golfgirly12 aww thank you! that was nice of you to say
@BBJordanLloyd Jordan, on BB you said that you felt safe in Jeff's armpit (so sweet). Do you still like it in there?
@singingmary haha yeah sometimes
@BBJordanLloyd The class is great and if you go w/ friends its like a dance party all the time! U do look GREAT and keep it up Gal=)
@keeponlivin26 that sounds fun i will have to look it up. fun way to get in shape. i have lost 17 pounds so far from eating right
@BBJordanLloyd Hey Jordan! Hope everything is well! Just wanted to let you know how much I luv you! You are just like one of my gfs!
@ymabamamay thanks! like hearing that
@BBJordanLloyd So another year of school after your summer class? I bet you aready to be finished.
@tishcawley soo ready to be done!
@BBJordanLloyd Will you ever continue to add your fans on Facebook?
@Jess_BBLove i never get on facebook i will have to make a new one or something
@BBJordanLloyd since u dont live in the same states, cuz u met on BB, do u guys have plans 2 move together someday? or taking it day by day?
@ashleemarieea day by day right now but one day one of us will have to move
@BBJordanLloyd loved your bangs Jordan!! They musta drove you crazy cause your use to pulling to side?
@Calbria they drove me nuts growing them back out
@BBJordanLloyd How much weight have you lost since BB? You look great!
@elenamiller1 17 pounds so far
@BBJordanLloyd Who do you think will WIN Dancing With The Stars this year..and please dont say Kate Gosselin
@senoritasarrita i want nicole and derek or the espn girl and that hot guy to win
@JCavi8 not yet hopefully soon
@BBJordanLloyd Whats your favorite, thing about the summer? what do you like to do in the summer?
@rkosxdestiny the beach im going to move there one day
@BBJordanLloyd stay with it. graduated high school in 93 & finally got my BS in 09 but it was worth it!!
@elenamiller1 i know cant wait till im done
@BBJordanLloyd Will you be able to see Jeff this summer, or will school/work take up most of your time?
@michmomto3 prob. wont see each other to much this summer i got to get school stuff done
@BBJordanLloyd Hope you dont mind but I've been spreading your words around...some people look at me like I'm crazy though...lol
@ymabamamay haha thats funny
@BBJordanLloyd Was hoping u would be visiting FL. Gene said to remind ya'll you're always welcome to stay at the cabin & treehouse anytime:)
@RachelLyn_H haha tell him thanks!! and i said hey
@BBJordanLloyd I hope you get to host something this summer for BB12!
@IheartHollydays i hope so! would be fun
Thanks everyone for the tweets! I got to get to bed. Have a good night people!!!!