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Jordan's Mini Tweetfest 10/4


Jordan's Tweetfest October 4

@brendonvbb12 , @RachelEReilly , @BBJordanLloyd ,@jeffschroeder23, HUGE favor, can you guys please retweet a get well for a family member?

@mertgroves @brendonvbb12 @RachelEReilly @jeffschroeder23 Get well Lori Medalis

@BBJordanLloyd hey Jordo- where did you get your grey capri sweatpants from?

@MissBliss2 their my moms..i think she got them at kholes

@BBJordanLloyd Looked like you had a great time @nonnasilvias ~ did you try the beer and was it good?

@luvkahlua59 @nonnasilvias it was good..reminded me of a blue moon

@BBJordanLloyd Hey Jordan...are you loving Chicago ?? Hope you're having a wonderful time !

@cheryllo1 having a great time! its warming up which is a good thing cause i have been freezing

@BBJordanLloyd I love Blue Moon Glad you are having a great time in Chicago ... look forward to hearing you on Superpass tomorrow.

@luvkahlua59 thank you! were excited to talk to everyone

@BBJordanLloyd Jordan, just wanted to thank you for being there for Rachel during the game! Can't wait to see interview on Superpass!

@mcoop thank you! shes a great girl

@BBJordanLloyd Looks like you're having a gr8 time in Chicago.Looking forward to seeing you in Seattle on S/P.

@maxnsam yeah im excited for seattle..its going to be fun!

@BBJordanlloyd loved watching you this summer, cant wait to hear fro you and Jeff on SP!

@arencain thank you! superpass is going to be fun

@BBJordanLloyd Jordan, will it only b u & Rachel with Chelsea on Wednesday?

@maxnsam no jeffs going to be with us. i dont know when brendons coming b/c he has school

@BBJordanLloyd Loved the pix of the Clown Shoes Beer. That was great of them to sponsor your party at Nonna's. Looking forward to Seattle.

@kaysis1 it was so nice of clown shoe beer to sponsor the party..alot of fun

@BBJordanLloyd Loved, loved, loved the pictures of you and Jeff this past weekend. Hope u will send many more while in Seattle.

@maxnsam we will cause we got alot planned

sorry for the short chat got to get ready having lunch with Jeffs family

@BBJordanLloyd and Jeff have been so sweet to your fans...thanks so much for sharing with us <3

@cheryllo1 your welcome! yall are great to us. everyones so supportive and nice and we thank yall

Got to get ready for lunch with Jeff's family...Have a great Tuesday everyone!

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