I love @TamiRoman!! #AskBootCamp #MarriageBootCamp
#MarriageBootCamp #AskBootCamp and were couple number 4!!
#askbootcamp @BBJordanLloyd @jeffschroeder23 Was BC easier or harder than BB?
@Owl_Luvverr @jeffschroeder23 BC was harder emotionally
@BBJordanLloyd @TamiRoman She has some great one liners!
@knouase @TamiRoman she does!
@jeffschroeder23 @BBJordanLloyd What were you feeling walking into the house? Nervous/Excited?? #MarriageBootCamp #AskBootCamp
@disawyer @jeffschroeder23 I was terrified
@jeffschroeder23 @BBJordanLloyd How is the pillow situation now? LOL #AskBootCamp
@luvkahlua59 @jeffschroeder23 has improved
@BBJordanLloyd @jeffschroeder23 I love you guys so much!!! If I ever got a tweet from the both of you I would cry! I LOVE YOU!!!
@AndreaBTRFan1 @jeffschroeder23 thank you!!
#AskBootCamp #MarriageBootCamp what are y'all's first impressions of the couples
Ahhh, @WEtv, just seeing @jeffschroeder23 and @BBJordanLloyd bak on TV, is so good! #MarriageBootCamp
@arencain @WEtv @jeffschroeder23 glad to be back on your TV!! Thank you
@BBJordanLloyd I been supporting u since the start.
But, u can't take 2 seconds out of ur life to show me that u care by following
@joe_andrews_1 thank you
@BBJordanLloyd Tell Jeff to leave u alone about the pillows. Remember him talking about that 2 yrs ago! Lol. Im OCD too. #MarriageBootCamp
@ymabamamay im so OCD with cleaning too..haha
@jeffschroeder23 @BBJordanLloyd What was your first thought when they said you were getting married? #MarriageBootCamp #@WEtv
@suebruce57 @jeffschroeder23 I was just wondering who they brought for Jeff and I to stand up & object us getting married #MarriageBootCamp
@BBJordanLloyd @WEtv @jeffschroeder23 Did you think you were really getting married?
@varneys04 @WEtv @jeffschroeder23 at first I did. #AskBootCamp #MarraigeBootcamp
@BBJordanLloyd Were u excited to see Kendra arrive at the house ? #MarriageBootCamp
@Chillout27 I was
@jeffschroeder23 @BBJordanLloyd In the house there was drama & tears but did you get a chance to have fun ? #MarriageBootCamp #Askbootcamp
@LolaBBfan @jeffschroeder23 towards the end we did #MarriageBootCamp #AskBootCamp
Omg @BBJordanLloyd and @jeffschroeder23 were u scared or shocked when they announced you getting married today
@moniebear0515 @jeffschroeder23 BOTH!
@jeffschroeder23 @BBJordanLloyd Would you have gone through w/ the wedding if they surrpised you with your family being there? #AskBootCamp
@luvkahlua59 @jeffschroeder23 no. Not without family
@jeffschroeder23 @BBJordanLloyd Was it uncomfortable sitting there listening 2 the other couples let alone gettin up urselves? #askbootcamp
@GloriasAlias @jeffschroeder23 it was a little awkward at first because you didn't know what was going to happen #AskBootCamp
@BBJordanLloyd @jeffschroeder23 was it an easy decision to do this show or were you both scared to do it? #AskBootCamp
@AndreaBTRFan1 @jeffschroeder23 at first we were hesitant
RT @ymabamamay
Can we just get a Jeff and Jordan show already?! Seeing @jeffschroeder23 @BBJordanLloyd back on my TV makes me so happy! ❤ #MarriageBootCamp
RT@TFactoryMedia May 29
Only spent 14 months out of the last 5 years together? #absencemakestheheartgrowfonder @jeffschroeder23 @BBJordanLloyd #MarriageBootCamp
RT@WEtv May 29
"Defeat" the purpose? Or "the beat"? Who knows! LOL @BBJordanLloyd @jeffschroeder23 #MarriageBootCamp
RT@MBCElizabeth May 29
Communication is KEY @BBJordanLloyd brings it to the front in the cutest possible way #MarriageBootCamp https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGN5d-WVIAAzPr5.png" target="_blank">https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGN5d-WVIAAzPr5.png
@BBJordanLloyd @jeffschroeder23 are you glad ya'll did it? #AskBootCamp
@AndreaBTRFan1 @jeffschroeder23 Yes! A very positive experience. @JimMBC @MBCElizabeth were so great!
RT@jsbreaux0302 May 29
@MBCElizabeth @BBJordanLloyd 5 years later and Jordan still lights up a room. Jeff is far from beige. He's a keeper! Love this couple.
I felt so bad for Kendra when her mom came down the alter #AskBootCamp #MarriageBootCamp
Hank is such a sweetheart #MarriageBootCamp #AskBootCamp
@jeffschroeder23 @BBJordanLloyd Were you wanting to leave about now..lol
@varneys04 @jeffschroeder23 not leave..RUN!! Haha
RT@jeffschroeder23 May 29
@annawhiteee_ @BBJordanLloyd we don't need fixing, we just need to sharpen the tools that we have #MarraigeBootcamp
I wish @BBJordanLloyd & I were friends. #MarriageBootCamp
@lockedhearts_ that's sweet!
@jeffschroeder23 @BBJordanLloyd Will you two be doing an upcoming “Watch It With” episode in the future? #MarraigeBootcamp #AskBootCamp
@knouase @jeffschroeder23 no we weren't asked too
Please tell me pale is the new tan pic.twitter.com/5zVsjqmrCg
@nicole_franzel your beautiful!!
RT @jeffschroeder23 May 29
Tks 4 tweeting along w/ us, it was fun! Gonna be a GREAT season! @WEtv @TFactoryMedia #MarriageBootCamp #AskBootCamp https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGOBNnEUcAAE3u6.jpg" target="_blank">https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CGOBNnEUcAAE3u6.jpg