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Jordan Instagram Q&A


Jordan's Instagram Q&A

jessvess Haters gonna hate, I guess. And I suppose that's their prerogative. I just don't see why anyone would waste their energy on something so small. I think endorsements are a great way to use the celebrity that you've earned and I don't see anything wrong with you making an income off of that, whether you disclose it or not. It's really no one's business either way. Anyway, thanks for sharing about the products that you're using and seeing results with. I've been looking for a teeth whitening solution. I have sensitive teeth though. Would this product be okay?

bbjordanlloyd@jessvess ❤️❤️...your so sweet! I have used almost every teeth whitening kit out there. I'm obsessed. I started bleaching my teeth a looooong time ago b/c my sister is in the dental field. My teeth are super sensitive & it doesn't matter what I try I still have that sensitive feeling, I just don't leave it on as long & I use sensodyne right after, and it really helps me with the sensitivity.

varneyrc Jordan I love every time you tell us about a product it is a big help in finding things that really work. These company's are very lucky to have such a beautiful person representing there products.. Keep them coming girl ..if only they could make me look as great as you ..wishful thinking ha

bbjordanlloyd@varneyrc your the best! Thank you for always being so kind!

zachmister32Your so awesome Jordan! Your also really pretty and your teeth are so white! How long do you leave it on for because my teeth are sensitive as well! And it was awesome seeing you on big brother! I hope this year the twist is a recurring player comes back and they pick you!!!!

bbjordanlloyd@zachmister32 aww thank you!! With any bleaching kit, I used to leave it on for 20-30 minutes. My teeth are super sensitive, so as soon as my tooth starts to tingle I take it out. Normally it's about 15 minutes max. For me, it's my same bottom teeth that gets sensitive. If your bleaching you have to use sensodyne toothpaste. It helps but that sensitive feeling never goes away

uselman_carsonJordan will you please comment back? I'm a huge fan of yours and it would mean so much to me if you would comment back!! I loved watching you on bb11 and bb13 and I'm watching you now on marriage boot camp. You're so awesome and I'm from nc too! You're always so nice and you're so funny and you're a great role model! Please comment back I'm a huge fan of you and Jeff!! @bbjordanlloyd

bbjordanlloyd@uselman_carson thank you for the kind words!!! How are you liking MarriageBootcamp?? It's a crazy season.

daniellelc8@bbjordanlloyd ahhh, I am getting this!!! Thanks for giving us the lowdown. You are the best

bbjordanlloyd@daniellelc8 your welcome

jessvessThank you so much for the response, Jordan!! That's great advice. I really haven't whitened my teeth in years because of fear of sensitivity pains. I will have to get some sensodyne and give one a try!

bbjordanlloyd@jessvess you will still have a sensitive feeling but as soon as your teeth start tingling take it out and brush with sensodyne

maxnsam1Thank you, Jordan for sharing new products with us. Love that you keep us informed of what is new and innovative on the market. Please continue as you are such a beautiful spokeswoman for the products you represent. If there are those who are not interested, it would be best if they'd keep their pessimistic views to themselves, as they certainly do not speak for the rest of us and you do not need anyone telling you what you should or should not do. I'm thinking of trying this teeth whitening kit, and also the SimplySpoiledBeauty, as I also have melasma. You have the most beautiful smile and your skin always looks flawless. Those reasons sell the products for me. Endorsing products is a great way to use your celebrity. Love, love, love MBC. It's the highlight of my Fridays, and ALWAYS look forward to you and Jeff periscoping with us each Wednesday. Wishing you the best in life because you are so deserving of good things. xo

bbjordanlloyd@maxnsam1 ❤️❤️..marriage Bootcamp is very entertaining! Lots of drama..haha..thanks for watching!

uselman_carsonI love watching it! And yes it is a crazy season for sure!! You and Jeff are my favorite couple on the show. I love how y'all stay out of all the drama. You two are a great couple and y'all always make me laugh! Congratulations on your engagement, Jeff's proposal was awesome and so so sweet! You're going to make a beautiful bride!! @bbjordanlloyd

bbjordanlloyd@uselman_carson thank you your so sweet!! I haven't found my dress yet but I got an idea of what I want!

bbjordanlloyd@uselman_carson thank you. Jeff did a great job!

ohbigbrothahow fast do you get the results? @bbjordanlloyd

ohbigbrothai'm a huge fan of you! i loved watching you on big brother and was happy to see you back on tv with MBC and thanks for sharing these great products with us

bbjordanlloyd@ohbigbrotha aww thank you!! MBC was fun and stressful but glad I did the show...about the results, I think everyone's different. For me, I feel like I see results right after, but I have been bleaching my teeth since I was 16. I think it depends on the shade of your teeth & when you start. In the kit, you get a shade chart so you can match your color. When I started bleaching my teeth for the very first time, I did it twice a week for 2-3 weeks, then I would bleach my teeth once every week or 2. Once you build up to the color you want, then you can bleach once a month or 3 weeks. That's what worked for me but everyone's different.

tmoneyfb24Jordan quick question. How long would it take for them to ship it to your home? BTW your smile looks so beautiful

bbjordanlloyd@tmoneyfb24 umm I think it was like 4-6 days. Wasn't long at all

ag_lax2020Is it like instant results or is it over time you will notice.

bbjordanlloyd@ag_lax2020 I think everyone's different. I have been bleaching my teeth since I was 16 so I feel like I see instant results b/c my teeth are already white. If someone's new to bleaching it will probably take time.

marmoo24Soooo pretty Loving u and Jeff on Boot Camp


bbjordanlloyd@marmoo24 thank you!

jessvessI have really enjoyed MBC, too! I had never seen it before this season. Honestly, I only started watching because I heard you & Jeff would be on. It seems like you guys received some good relationship advice on how to be more vulnerable and transparent in your communication. I hope you will continue to intentionally apply what you learned and continue to show each other the love and respect and fun that you have built your relationship on from the start. You two make for great tv!! I would happily watch a "newlyweds" type show of just you and Jeff! And I also like the Periscope chats. It's so fun how you guys invite the fans into your journey!

bbjordanlloyd@jessvess Bootcamp was the best decision we did. We never had any major problems (as you see on the show) but small things that needed to be worked out. Sometimes small problems can turn into big problems. We still use our tools we learned and everything's great! Thank you for watching and listening on periscope!! I love that!

ohbigbrothaokay thank you!! it means a lot you talk to people who comment to you also very happy for you and jeff on your engagement also, who are you going for this season on big brother?

bbjordanlloyd@ohbigbrotha thank you...honestly I haven't even watched the videos of the new cast. (Jeffs still getting on to me about not watching his interviews last week..haha). I have only seen cast pictures so I don't know yet. I usually go for the honest, loyal, sweet people.

ag_lax2020You are so pretty and I loved watching you in big brother.

bbjordanlloyd@ag_lax2020 thank you!

uselman_carsonWhat is periscope? What do you and Jeff talk about on it? I've never heard of it before @bbjordanlloyd

bbjordanlloyd@uselman_carson I'm new to it. But it's connected to your Twitter account. It's a live broadcast. We do it every Wednesday and talk about marriage Bootcamp. Se of your friends might know how to do it. I'm still learning

traburrisI'm so glad you respond back. Y'all have always been my favorite and after watching episodes of Marriage Bootcamp that have aired so far, I have been stressed for y'all but I'm glad you came away from the experience positive.

bbjordanlloyd@traburris it was a great experience! Glad we did it. We were nervous at first.

colmc6510Hi Jordan, I am ordering this. I need to do something. Unfortunately, I am a coffee drinker & you know what that does. Since, I usually only go 2x a year I'm admit it to dentist for a cleaning & whitener, I what to do something at home myself because the caffeine really stains my teeth. Your teeth are so white & you look beautiful so I am gonna order this product. I am loving Y'll on MCB & the periscopes that you & Jeff do. Jeff did a great job on the interviews you should check it out. I really think you will really like James & Da'Vonne. I get good vibes from them, but of course seeing everyone interact in the house & setting you will really see that person. I hope you guys have a great week & look forward to this weeks periscope.

bbjordanlloyd@colmc6510 that's why I bleach because I drink coffee every morning! Is this your first time bleaching? Please send me before and after photos. I want to see everyone's results. I am excited about Wednesday. I can't believe big brothers already starting again. A year goes by so fast!

julie.ann21@bbjordanlloyd how often do you use it?

bbjordanlloyd@julie.ann21 for me personally, I have been bleaching my teeth since I was 16 so I only use it once a month or every 3 weeks. My teeth are the shade I want already so I don't have to bleach often

cyndiyung12I just ordered the Sparkle White Kit. Can't wait to try it.

bbjordanlloyd@cyndiyung12 yay! Tag me in your before & after photos! Love seeing everyone's results

dee_pittman2013@bbjordanlloyd I'm so happy to see you conversating with complete strangers. I've followed you and Jeff on marriage boot camp since i love yall and it makes me love you even more. Your not nosey at all and let people do there thing!

keep it up I was nervous that yalls relationship was in trouble but it looks like yall made it through alright

bbjordanlloyd@dee_pittman2013 thank you!!..our relationship wasn't in trouble we just had small issues (as you can see on the Bootcamp..haha) but so happy I did the show. Definitely learned a lot from MBC.thank you for watching!!

kerry0629@bbjordanlloyd do you know if it safe to use on cosmetic dental work ( veneers)during the process? I would love to get the teeth beside the veneers to match a lot more better.

bbjordanlloyd@kerry0629 I would ask your dentist. I'm not sure how that works

calibugsyrizWould you and Jeff ever consider doing Survivor: Blood vs. Water??? Say yes. Say yes!!!

bbjordanlloyd@calibugsyriz Jeff would but I would be terrible on survivor with not eating & it's all puzzles. I can't do a puzzle to save my life..haha

singingmary100Jordan, you have the kindest heart. You are taking time to respond to your admirers. You have no idea how much that means to people and makes their day. I just wanted to say that. Thank you for being the special and beautiful person you are. You and Jeff are truly loved. Have an awesome day sweet girl!!

bbjordanlloyd@singingmary100 aww thank you!! your always so kind

sydneyl_2001You guys should do survivor! It would be a lot of fun! Come back to Norris City soon @bbjordanlloyd

bbjordanlloyd@sydneyl_2001 oh my Sydney, I would die on there..haha I hate bugs, I wouldn't last eating rice, and I can't do puzzles..haha hope all is well!! Enjoy your summer! Tell your family hey!!

knouaseSince ur a answering questions I had one for this weeks periscope but sometimes I can't always get in to ask. First let me say I'm loving u both on MBC and it takes a lot for u guys to open yourselves up like that for the world to see and to me that shows a lot of confidence which is what my question is about. Did u always struggle with self confidence growing up or do u think it's something that happened more as a result of being in the public eye? You are a special person that has changed so many people's lives in ways u may never know and u should be very proud of urself.

bbjordanlloyd@knouase great question! Yes, I always struggled with self confidence growing up. I think being sorta kinda in the public eye makes it worse b/c people are constantly analyzing you & sometimes mean comments. It took me until recently to start feeling confident. I think overtime w/ growing up & maturing will make you more confident. Little things that used to bother me don't. I don't have time for negative people & if they say things bad about me, I don't care because I can honestly say I'm content & happy w/myself & life. Jeff has helped make me a better person. His positivity is contagious..haha

bbjordanlloyd@knouase thank you for the kind words!!

jessalynb1987Are you going to get licensed in Cali?

bbjordanlloyd@jessalynb1987 if Cali becomes my permanent address

jessalynb1987That makes sense. Are you guys any closer to picking a venue? I feel like that would be the toughest part

bbjordanlloyd@jessalynb1987 I think we're doing a destination wedding!! I have an idea of where I want the wedding but nothing's booked yet.

pwillia1221I love that you share products you have tried and like. You have mentioned a couple I was interested in for myself and others I have purchased for my daughter. I am so happy you and @jeffschroeder23 did and benefited from MBC. Often times one or both partners have no idea certain issues or things that mean a lot to their 'other' and I feel like this show would bring those out. Having professionals like Jim and Elizabeth working with you is wonderful. I am happy to know this experience have made your relationship even stronger. Thank you so much for the weekly periscopes.

bbjordanlloyd@pwillia1221 MBC really helped us get in touch with our sensitive side..haha

jessalynb1987Is it fair to say that this next episode is the worst it got for you guys?

bbjordanlloyd@jessalynb1987 haha oh man. I'm dreading this next episode..haha

suebruce57Jordan, thank you for sharing and answering questions. It's so obvious that you & Jeff benefited from MBC, you two seem more in touch with each other than ever before. It's obvious how much you both love and care for each other. Wishing you two the best of everything that life has to offer

bbjordanlloyd@suebruce57 thank you!

luvkahlua59Wedding planning can be very overwhelming. Would you consider hiring a wedding planner? Seems many people are doing that more now.

bbjordanlloyd@luvkahlua59 umm if I do destination, I think the resort does it for me!! I just want the wedding to be as simple & laid back as possible. My sister stressed me out with her wedding planning..haha I don't want that.

pwillia1221Many people struggle with self confidence issues and they can rob you of much joy. From a bystander viewpoint I see so much for you to be proud of about yourself. You are such a lovely and kind hearted person who lights up a room. You are beautiful inside and out and you bring so much joy to so many people. I pray your self confidence continues to grow and you like and respect yourself and your accomplishments because that attracts positive attention and respect from others. I am glad you are learning not to let the negative comments get to you. They are generated either from jealousy or a mean spirit. Do not let that kind of people have any power over you but instead brush them to the side. You are greatly loved Jordan by the people in your life and also by thousands of fans. You are a special person.

bbjordanlloyd@pwillia1221 wow!! Thank you so much! Everyone's being so nice. I appreciate it

jessvessA destination wedding would be so fun! I got married on the beach and loved it! Definitely do what makes you two happy. (It was also cut down on the invite list quite a bit!) haha.

bbjordanlloyd@jessvess that's why I want to do destination..haha we have way to many people on the list

knouaseMy BFF got married in Barbados and the resort did everything all they had to do is show up and pay the bill. LOL But everyone had a blast.

bbjordanlloyd@knouase that's exactly what I want to happen!

nanci278If I could do it all over again, I would never have had the big traditional wedding. Too many people I didn't know and too much money spent. I would definitely do a destination wedding! ☀️✈️ Close friends and family are all you need ❤️

bbjordanlloyd@nanci278 that's exactly what my sister said!

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