Jeff Tweetfest
Live Big Brother show starting now! I'll be live tweeting throughout the show as well as chatting with @juliechen #BB14
@jeffschroeder23 would you ever return to the big brother house for the 3rd time?? #bb14
@knordoff I have a feeling Julie might ask me the same thing?
@jeffschroeder23 Will you be calling out Zingbot tonight? You should, you owe him big time! !
@howeygirl I do owe him a few stones! lol
Live Big Brother show starting now! I'll be live tweeting throughout the show as well as chatting with @juliechen #BB14
@jennred77 hair extensions or not he's got great hair!! lol #BB14
OMG what's Frank doing? Thats Ian's girl.... poor guy..... #BB14
gotta run to chat with @juliechen, be back soon! #bb14
Feels sort of weird being back on @CBSBigBrother set with Julie! This time no eviction
I love that Julie would be in #Beastmode if she was a houseguest haha
@jeffschroeder23: Feels sort of weird being back on @CBSBigBrother set with Julie! This time no eviction
#BB14” It was awesome!!
@Krista_Ann felt great being back on that couch & not being so worked up lol. #BB14
@jeffschroeder23 who's going home jeff?
@thatTomGirl Not sure? But whoever it is I'll be interviewing tomorrow. #BB14
@jeffschroeder23 You did great!!! Tell Julie you will substitute for her next week! LOL
@queenmama7777 No substituting Julie, she's the best! #BB14
@jeffschroeder23 3 times the charm!! See you on BB15? #Beastmode
@JF_MacDonald I don't know about that, will see???
@jeffschroeder23 the house needs more people like you and Julie. Everyone's afraid to do something big!
@LizKReimer I love that Julie would not be a floater! #BB14
@MostGuy1 No need to be embarrassed, I have plenty of man crushes lol #BB14
@jeffschroeder23 OMG<3 Jeff, if you noticed me once I probably would cry.
@marissadeborah Well better go get some tissues! haha #BB14
I hope he wears that outfit tomorrow when I interview him lol #BB14
@jeffschroeder23 does Dan ever change his shirt?
@doughertykaylah Thats a good, question, pumping up his hometown I think #BB14
I would die if @jeffschroeder23 ever replied to one of my tweets. #iloveyou
@brittaanybitch Gonna being an exciting HOH #BB14
Gonna be a long night for the houseguests, someone needs to go #beastmode & get it done! lol, thanks for the chat, was a great nite!! #BB14
@jeffschroeder23 What happened to my question about Julie Chen watching shark week? Great job brother!
@sschroeder22 haha I only had time for one question, I swear that was #3 on the list, shark week joke would have killed!! Lol
@jeffschroeder23 Dude just saw you on CBS on the West Coast~ Nice
@nonnasilvias looking forward to coming home soon & eating, drinking & laughing at my favorite Friday night Restaurant!
I miss watching @jeffschroeder23 on #BigBrother. Was good to see him there tonight! Oh-& #BbCashPrize!
@jeffschroeder23 Dude just saw you on CBS on the West Coast~ Nice
Wanted to say thanks for all the great comments & well wishes tonight, really had a great time! Thanks @CBSBigBrother @JulieChen #bb14