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Jeff's Tweetfest Jan 25, 2012

Writer's picture: HellatazHellataz

JeJo Fan Site @TeamJEJO

Inspired by @jeffschroeder23 & @BBJordanLloyd their fansite has just donated $1000 to help build a home for @PeopleforCare "Build a City"

Retweeted by Jeff Schroeder

@jeffschroeder23 are you excited about Brenchel on the amazing race???

@ericcolston Very excited 4 @brendonvbb12 @RachelEReilly on TAR!! I know they are gonna do AWESOME.. I hope? haha Definitely pulling 4 them!

@cardosol Downloaded Asher Roth' Pabst & Jazz, thanks again 4 the concert, definitely a highlight of mine at Sundance, besides the Swagg ha

@jeffschroeder23 yay....had a blast!!!

Inspired by @jeffschroeder23 & @BBJordanLloyd their fansite has just donated $1000 to help build a home for @PeopleforCare "Build a City"

Thank U @TeamJEJO WOW! What a AWESOME kick off 2 an AMAZING project @BuildACity @PeopleforCare check out 2 learn more!

@jeffschroeder23 What was the best gift you got 4 urself at sundance and 4 Jordan?

@TracyBil this was 1 of my favorites I got Jordan. Well@officialpandora got it 4 her, but I picked out the charms! ha

Only 3 people would buy a tiger print bag modeled by@jeffschroeder23?

@madamebroella 3 is better than zero...

@jeffschroeder23 Happy that you went to Sundance!Glad you are able to experience so much goodness in your life. Now on to Cambodia w/Jordan!

@deemj61 Looking forward to the trip!!!

@jeffschroeder23 just talked with my sister, Katie. Thx for talking with her on the phone from no name saloon at sundance. GL in Cambodia

@rtsarver Had a great time hanging with you guys at No Name, thanks for the laughs.... and the beers haha

RT @realtvfilms @jeffschroeder23 Jeff and Gordon #Sundance2012#sff2012 @RealTVfilms

@GordonVasquez Goodtimes at the Dance!! Gotta hook up soon! Stay in touch!

@jeffschroeder23 was that your first time in Utah...I have family that loves to ski there....did you get to ski at all

@MelissaB71 yes my first time in Utah, didn't ski this time, but hopefully i'll be back, had a great time & met some great people!

@jeffschroeder23 Did you get a soup laddle? or is it ladle? oh anyways a soup scooper? lol... They looked like they were nice!

@TracyBil I signed one, and ate 2 cups of soup at the @Bertolli suite. haha It was D-licious!!!

@jeffschroeder23~Asher gr8 judge 2nite 4 makeup artist 4 new hip hop cover. Just wanted 2 say u r so in tune 2 whats going on in twitterland

@McCoy17 I missed it, maybe I can catch a re-run... I heard that show is cool

@jeffschroeder23 Did you skype and show Jordan the things you got for her at Sundance? The Pandora she will love. Now you can add charms.

@nanna47 yes I face-timed with her to show her all of her stuff, people were very kind, will definitely take pic's.

@jeffschroeder23 did you feel like you were in an episode of Entourage while at Sundance? haha one of my fav episodes

@Sarahnator83 haha I watched that episode right before I went to Sundance get pumped up! haha

@jeffschroeder23 foundation! Thanks! She is a special little girl who needs our help!

@RealityTotes I follow you, so message me & let me know details of how I can help

@jeffschroeder23 @BBJordanLloyd @TeamJEJO @BuildACity@PeopleforCare Did u ever dream this? I'm so excited Wish I could c Jordan's face!

@queenmama7777 Im bring my own camera with me to Cambodia so I will get some great footage myself of Jordans reaction to everything!!!

@jeffschroeder23 haha nice! was James Cameron there? haha

@Sarahnator83 Ya it was Exactly the same, I also gave my buddies 10 G's to the first one to the bottom of the hill hahaha I wish..

@jeffschroeder23 Pandora is a great place to get some sweet gift without breaking the bank. i'v gotten a few things there

@deedee42066 yes it is very cool!! Wasn't really familiar with it before, but it is a great gift idea!!

@jeffschroeder23 Why did you say polish sausage about Chicago? Thought it was Italian Beefs! LOL

@queenmama7777 It was from SNL with Chris Farley the Chicago Guys, gotta Youtube it, hilarious!! I was just being goofy as usual.. ha

@jeffschroeder23 you & @BBJordanLloyd are VERY Welcome!@buildacity @peopleforcare is a great Cause. Thank U 4 bringing it 2 our attention.

@Hellataz More Great things to come from us & @buildacity@peopleforcare this is just the beginning!! Thanks so much for your help Jamie!!

@jeffschroeder23 I wonder how Jordan's concert was tonight? i know she was super excited!!

@varneys04 she loved it, just talked to her, actually she REALLY loved it!!

@jeffschroeder23 Will check it out! Now getting back to that video camera, will u be posting/sending something daily or will we have 2 wait?

@queenmama7777 I will get out as much as I can, hopefully daily?

@jeffschroeder23 What happened to the bunjee jump video? Haha

@bostonsteven32 Im actually workin on it now. Can't figure out how 2 get the video & pic's off the CD they gave me? I feel like Zoolander ha

Find out more info on our upcoming trip 2 Cambodia go 2 & "like" the page or follow @BuildACity @PeopleforCare #fb

@jeffschroeder23 Sketched a pic of you. Ya know, in case the FBI need it or something.

@KitschMeIfUcan That is AWESOME!! Your pic looks better than I do haha... very talented!!

@jeffschroeder23 Jeff Ive been trying to get a reply from you for MONTHS now! Hope you're doing well! (:

@Kaotic_Baby Today is the magic day! haha

@jeffschroeder23 OR, try: once u open the D drive (start>computer>D drive) u cld highlight & copy to desktop, folder, library. Am I helping?

@maggiemae802 not really lol, it just starts up when I put it in? I have nothing to copy and paste? I will bring it to a friend to help

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