alright..... lets tweet it up!!! got about 15 min. so bring it on!!!
Hey @Jeffschroeder23 Its Sunday! The fans r hopin 4 a tweetfest from U. Read this & start with me! TAR wont b the same 2nite w/o U & Jordan
@winder40 i am starting with you! thanks for the the support but AR still has some great teams, and theres always elimination station haha
i just know that @jeffschroeder23 is going to tweet me while i'm being all athletic and i'm going to miss it.
@Speedy0103 here you go, not gonna lie a little crazy, never the less you got the job done!
@jeffschroeder23 how much is amazing race going to suck tonight without you guys?
@heidiwonderland it will still be good, a lot of good teams still left!
@jeffschroeder23 Were you upset to lose The Amazing Race?? I was sad that you and jordan left
@kanitydane1014 always upset when i lose, but it was one of the best experiences of my life! so much fun....
@jeffschroeder23 Jeff!! Happy Sunday! What are you doing today?
@MelissaPenglis getting together with family today, its palm sunday, its a catholic thing...
@jeffschroeder23 ok your hot. #justsayin
@ginagirl916 haha thanks, i'll take it!!!
@jeffschroeder23 hey Jeff..how's it goin? So which show did you like being on better?
@rockchalk312 both were REALLY great in there own ways! i will probably never get a chance to do anything like that again..
@jeffschroeder23 Heyy Jeff...hows life...i was so sad to see you and Jordan leave Amazing Race! Whats next?
@willeta01 for now back to work....
@jeffschroeder23 really bummed to not be seeing you and jordan on #TAR tonight. You guys did great, and you're so entertaining.
@mamafox well thank you, there's always elimination station on cbs.com
@Speedy0103 What's wrong with @jeffschroeder23 plaid shirt? I love it!
@annie367 me too haha
@jeffschroeder23 Yolanda frm Little Rock wants to remind yu to watch out for choc candy LOL
@janedans hahaha next week i can eat it... tell her i said hi, good peps
cried so hard that jeff/jordan lost in amazing race, they deserved to win @jeffschroeder23
@steephrossi still some great teams left, and you can always check us out on elimination station on cbs.com
@jeffschroeder23 you guys look fantastic! SO happy for you two...hope you take it to the next level! Stay true to yourselves
@Meriwyn thanks you, that was very nice!!!
@jeffschroeder23 Hey Jeff! Thanks for tweeting. So what's up with a possible appearance with Casey in FL? Can you get Jordan to go too?
@melanie734 Were working on it, i think will all be there
@jeffschroeder23 I wanted to thank you for taking the time to chat w/ my sister and I at the Star Bar. She is now a "closet fan" LOL
@MelissaB71 haha my pleasure
@jeffschroeder23 Do you like farting?
@StanKormick yes
@jeffschroeder23 how are you and Jordan?
@lindsylou480 great
@jeffschroeder23 bonnie hunt show was great - Jordan looked especially BEAUTIFUL!
@gee541 thanks you, bonnie is sooooo great!!!
@jeffschroeder23 I was so bummed to see you & Jordan go on Amazing Race. I was pullin for ya!
@JoannaRondo9 thanks, still a lot of entertaining teams left
I crack up at the fact every time @jeffschroeder23 tweets my timeline never stops.I could keep hitting refresh evry cpl seconds & still goin
@pepsiRich i don't even know what that means??? hahah
@jeffschroeder23 Which was harder - the cameras in the big brother house or those on the amazing race - did either affect your game?
@kess11 you get use to them both, never a problem
@jeffschroeder23 Tell BB to let Canadians audition will ya?
@LoveBugAngel no canadians can be on big brother? got make a BB canada?
me and jordan are sad were off the race, but still a lot of entertaining teams left on the race and you can always check us out on cbs.com
on elimination station...
@jeffschroeder23 Has Jordan set family cruise up yet & will you go? Watching Duke BBall & then ES clips on CBS.Com. Good day
@positivepeg not yet still working on the cruise, but i will be watching duke, my friends love duke jordan too, me not so much haha
@MyLadyKat I know and I'm 7 minutes late to the @jeffschroeder23 party! Damnit! Jerseylicious had me sucked in.
@Jess_BBLove you still got here in time, im falling way behind..
Wow @Jeffschroeder23 is finally ur on-line! Will u be coming back to Dallas anytime soon?
@winder40 hopefully??? the JFK scene was really interesting!!!
@pepsiRich @jeffschroeder23 he's an important guy, ya know! alot of peeps are tweeting now because of him and @BBJordanLloyd - awesome, huh?
@MyLadyKat not that important haha
@jeffschroeder23 You should come visit CANADA! We love you here big time!! Oh and let me know when your coming haha!
@mylittlegirl444 i want to!!! a lot of great support from the Canadians!!!
@jeffschroeder23 Gotti I have missed you! How the heck are are you brother?
@Marygracie doing just fine MG thanks
@jeffschroeder23 hi jeff! i truely enjoyed watching you & jordan on TAR! only downer is going through withdrawals all over again. HAND!
@kaywynn elimination station on cbs.com
@jeffschroeder23 are you back here at chitown yet?
@ximagleek_oocdx finally back in the chi now
@jeffschroeder23: Who will win the NCAA Tournament? I like Duke, b/c I a Duke fan? Who do U think??
@dutco ummmm i'll go with WV, not such a duke fan, i like underdogs even though WV is #2, they looked good yesterday
@jeffschroeder23 you and jordan are the most hilarious pair...what was your favorite part of being on both bb and tar?
@londonblur to many to tweet... both experiences of a lifetime...
@jeffschroeder23 Pls give a shout out to my 1 yr old! she loved watching the amazing race w you!
@ActuallyAmber not sure if you understand what a tweet is 1 yr old but here ya go haha
@jeffschroeder23 Does Jordan have a Twitter? Also, how hard would it be to get you to follow me?
@lovelyritaann yes jordan has a twitter
oh I'm too late for the @Jeffschroeder23 tweet fest! I tweeted him this morning & asked him 2 start w/me! I lost! Its over! It hurts! LOL
@winder40 i did start with you????
@jeffschroeder23 Would you be on Survivor is CBS asked you to?
@tonyrolfes i would like to do surviver but i've been blessed enough!!!
@jeffschroeder23 don't suppose you have an older brother that's single?
@steviehill haha no both married
@jeffschroeder23 Jeff, do you have a droid?
@Jess_BBLove yes
@jeffschroeder23 fav chicago restaurant?
@cmfrede my friends places, pasta d'arte and nonna silvia's
@jeffschroeder23 hi jeff (waving)
@jewels5872 hi im waving too haha
@jeffschroeder23 So proud how you and Jordan did in the race! Hope to see ya both soon!
@traceandtob thanks wish we made it further but still had a blast!!!!
@jeffschroeder23 by the way did you ever invest in a pool vacuum? LOL Love to you buddy.
@Marygracie haha not yet, gotta get a pool first..
@Savannahsmum1 @myladykat @Jess_BBLove @jeffschroeder23 @tishcawley @heyhay28 Heeeey Jeff, the twitches say HI!!!!
@Savannahsmum1 tell them all hi
@jeffschroeder23 Do you still want 4 children?
@arencain would be nice but each day im getting a little older ya know??
@jeffschroeder23 When do you get to see Jordan again?
@michmomto3 very soon
@MoeAnn221 @melissapenglis YES! @jeffschroeder23 & @bbjordanlloyd should totally come to Boston!
@Jess_BBLove i can't wait to!!!!
@jeffschroeder23 Jeff Big Brother is gonna be so different without you and Jordan now! Hahahaha.
@UnheardWords new season new people, im sure you'll like the new cast just as much..
@jeffschroeder23 hey will you guys be going to TarCon?
@gee541 not sure yet???
@jeffschroeder23: when will u be in Arkansas again?
@amberdawn07 not sure, but i really like it there people are great!
@loulou7878 HI haley thats jordan's middle name, did you know that? and jordan bought her own ipod she loves it!!
@jeffschroeder23 Thanks for coming back to twitterland !! Hope to see you here next week. Off for my daily jog, Yuck
@MelissaB71 gotta get it in!!!
@jeffschroeder23 If you liked the history in Dallas, you would love the history in Boston - and the accents too. You should go to beantown
@MelissaPenglis i can't wait!!!
@jeffschroeder23 if u could be anywhere with jordan right now where would u be and what would u do?
@KendallCav on a beach listening to bob marley with a cocktail!!! yesssss!!!
@jeffschroeder23 You two were awesome to watch on the race along with Big Brother. I love both of you guys' positive attitudes.
@KrisRocks25 i like your positive comment thanks!
Okay, signing off to do some homework so I stop checking if a got a tweet from @jeffschroeder23 every 2 seconds, haha. Laters alligators
@Rebz2945 homework first!!!! thats what my ma always said... haha it didn't work with me either haha
@jeffschroeder23 One of the smartest things you said was that people can't hide who they really are for three months!!!
@maryotin true story...
It's Sun., what can I ask @JeffSchroeder23 so he'll tweet back? fave spring jam? tried any new John gotti sss'wiches? Lame. Guess I'll TTYN
@IheartHollydays haha ttyn, i don't know why, that makes me laugh!!!!
@jeffschroeder23 My wonderful friend, @ilovealphas, and I loved both you and Jordan on "The Amazing Race." We'll miss seeing you.
@J_MNP thanks check out elimination station on cbs.com
@jeffschroeder23 best line of TAR was when you were goin around in circles and referenced European vacation..Look kids Big Ben and Parliment
@ItsRizzler not a lot of people got that one, thanks for the support my brother loved that one too hahaha
@jeffschroeder23 You should update your twitter pictures. Not just BB anymore.
@HopeOR ya i think your right???? i might do that seriously.....
@winder40 did I miss the tweetfest @jeffschroeder23 ?!?!
@Singermomm nope just in time
@jeffschroeder23 do you have a team still playing during march madness?
@ugotgot no i didn't even fill my brackets out in time so mad i forgot was super busy that week!!!! saved myself some money haha
@jeffschroeder23 what was your favorite challenge on TAR?
@glorytorres the WW1 thing was soooooo cool being there
@jeffschroeder23 DO U WANT YOU 4 KIDS WITH JORDO OR AT LEAST 1 KID???PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ANSWER ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@loulou7878 a health kid would be great!!!
@Jeffschroeder23 When will U & Jordan reschedule The Baub Show? After TAR?
@singingmary yes 4 sure bob's awesome!!!
@jeffschroeder23 Have to ask....."Team Edward" or "Team Jacob" from the Twilight Saga? ;o) How 'bout Jordan?
@J_MNP not sure gotta watch?
@jeffschroeder23 What is your fave summer/spring jam, right now?
@Savannahsmum1 im working on that haha
@jeffschroeder23 not a bad place to end up at ... eliminate me! eliminate me!
@kess11 right hahah it was beautiful there
@jeffschroeder23 hey jeff have u ever been here in canada???
@mattharrison30 just fishing....
@jeffschroeder23: Yes WV is really good, but do u at least think Duke can beat Baylor to make it to the final 4? Come on Jeff haha
@dutco i hope duke loses to bayler sorry duke fans.....
@jeffschroeder23 Was sad to see you and @BBJordanLloyd eliminated on TAR Have you both taken your prize trip to Vancouver yet?
@savagedpearl not yet
@jeffschroeder23 If you could only listen to one song from here on out, what would it be?
@_Stephhh_ good question most likely a bob marley song.......
@jeffschroeder23 I'm really going to miss you guys from the race, but will still watch ES...
@akitamocha thanks..... should be good? they worked really hard on that too over there
I'm blaming Twitter being so stupid for @jeffschroeder23 not seeing and/or not responding to my tweet lol
@Jojo1S relax still trying to catch up hahaha here ya go canada...
@jeffschroeder23 Put one of those new hawt headshot with the scruffy look
@akitamocha you guys find everything haha
@jeffschroeder23 Do you know when you're going to fit in your Vancouver trip? Try & go in July or Sept...it's gorgeous..
@GoShorty8 thanks, is there good fishing there?
@jeffschroeder23 1 year ago did you ever imagine your life changing like this? an amazing journey huh - no racing, now slow down & enjoy
@Jeep_ers no i never did, and yes i need some R&R with friends and family....
@jeffschroeder23 do you still talk to the bananaman?
@wallyimus haha yep he's awesome
alright guys, gotta get ready for Palm Sunday diner with my family! have a good Sunday everybody! thanks 4 the support and keep on truckin!