Jeff's Tweetfest December 4, 2011

@jeffschroeder23 My Patriots won ugly. Have to be sick over bears loss today.
@ms40nrthend Disgusted!!
@jeffschroeder23 Jeff, when do you leave to meet Alex?
@maxnsam Leave Tuesday
@jeffschroeder23 Will Jordan be going, as well?
@knouase no Jordan won't be joining me but will be in Chicago with me when I get back!
@jeffschroeder23 Bet ur Ma is proud of you, I am!! Will be a life changing experience and thanks for taking us along! We apprech! Godspeed!
@queenmama7777 Gonna be great, really looking forward to it!
@jeffschroeder23 so excited for U. I've been following MIA from the start and it's wonderful. How long r u gone for
@MelissaB71 11 days i'll be gone so i'll be home for Christmas
@jeffschroeder23 sorry bout the bears, you think its time they look at McNabb?
@Briont7 I don't think McNabb is the answer, Heine definitely needs to step it up or the Bears are in Barney Rubble Trouble!
@jeffschroeder23 Tell Supan Happy Birthday! LOL
@queenmama7777 its supan's birthday? gotta tell him 4 sure! what's his @ name?
@jeffschroeder23 good luck man I'll be watching for pic.
@zishmo gonna be some Awesome pic's for sure, i'll post them all for everyone!!
@jeffschroeder23 @missionstv @alexboylan Congrats! Best of luck, Jay-eff! haha! You deserve all your success & more. #MIAtv
@JstStarr thanks much appreciated!!
@jeffschroeder23 IT Hurts! We lost,,,,
@TnaSwan It hurts bad!!!
@jeffschroeder23 was it a surprise that Alex asked u 2 join him ?
@lucindagay09 Yes it was, he always looks out for me so when the opportunity came up of course i said yes!
@jeffschroeder23 it will be a life changing event forsure, I love what MIA is doing, we r actually going to sponsor a little boy in Uganda
@MelissaB71 Thats awesome! @missionstv is doing a fantastic job, even opening my eyes, really looking forward to getting hands on!
@jeffschroeder23 are you joining #MIAtv for one episode or for the rest of the show?! Exciting news! Congrats Jeff
@glorytorres just 1 or 2 episodes not the rest of the season!
@jeffschroeder23 ah Jeff, Jordan is so supportive of you, she is a keeper for sure. Safe trip!
@arencain yes she is & thank you
@jeffschroeder23 Have a blast!! Chat with you when you get back!! (I won a phone call lol)
@srtravers really haha yes will be doing that when i get back when jordan is in chicago i believe
@jeffschroeder23 YEP!! BUT Theres always NEXT WEEK! P.S After 2 yrs I finally got a JEFF TWEET!!
@TnaSwan it was the McMahon jersey that caught my eye lol
@jeffschroeder23 @lucindagay09 Is It a one time thing or a regular co-host?
@SilvyF1 one time thing, this is Alex's gig
@jeffschroeder23 What country are you going to?
@HopeOR going to Ethiopia and Zambia
@lucindagay09 @jeffschroeder23 have u and jordan looked into any places in LA yet?
@jejofan1 no but if you know anybody that wants to rent to us in the Hermosa/Manhattan Beach area give me a heads up!
@jeffschroeder23 I know you're a huge bears fan, but what about the Blackhawks?!?
@swimsteph217 all Chicago teams!
@Supanbkk Happy Birthday my man! Coming 2 Thailand 4 a brief period in Feb. w/
Jordan then gonna be in Cambodia, would love to get together
@jeffschroeder23 U said that Alex is always looking out 4 u,plz know there are sooo many good peeps who will ALWAYS have urs & Jor's backs!
@singingmary good people, always appreciated!
@jeffschroeder23 are you going to miss chicago?i know you love it!
@nj393 Of course but the beach sounds kinda nice too!!
@jeffschroeder23 When does @BBJordanLloyd start getting her shots for the trip to Cambodia? How do you think she'll do with those???
@maggiemae802 soon! im sure she'll be fine
@jeffschroeder23 Are you guys still planning on moving after the first of the year!
@varneys04 probably around March
@jeffschroeder23 I tweeted u many times asking if we could have cutler back but forget it it's Tebow time in Denver!!!!!
@janisburns924 Really miss Cutler in Chicago, will take Tebow though haha
@jeffschroeder23 Panthers won today. Been a long time since we won 2 in a row.LOL! Did you get to meet Cam when you were on sidelines here?
@positivepeg No i didn't meet any players but i was right next to them, he's a big guy!
@jeffschroeder23 Hope you got room on your couch for this guy after you move!
@cowboyschroeder What's up!!! Ya, of course anytime you want!!!
@jeffschroeder23 Are you and Jordan doing any apperances anywhere for New Years!
@varneys04 No but if you know somebody that wants us let me know haha we have no plans yet
@jeffschroeder23 Does it ever weird you out that the fans know soooo much about you? lol
@HopeOR kinda haha