To "hang" with my college buddies.... sorry professors haha
alight guys off to the burbs to hand with my college buddies, thanks for the tweets.. keep it real!!!
@jeffschroeder23 Can you believe it will be almost a year scince you and Jordan meet and fell in love on Big Brother. Love it!
@lillyhearts crazy right? time fly's and a lot can happen in a year??
@antmuggz word up bro, what are you doing on here?? haha see you at the gym cuz /via
@jeffschroeder23 >> ur thinkin of Jerry, it's me Ant
@antmuggz hahaha i always mix you guys up i called him Anthony the other day at the gym haha how you been? your mom said your doing good
@jeffschroeder23 are you and jordan doing an apperance in NYC or just for fun trip?
@twinky411cd hey twinky, not gonna make it to NYC but gonna see jordan the weekend of the 20th down in NC
@jeffschroeder23 I love your chemistry with Adrian on TAR elimination videos! Love JJ AD combo! They are great couple!
@IsBallygood he's a great guy!!!
@jeffschroeder23 Thanks Jeff for tweeting! Do you recommend any new movies that are out?? (I like all genres!)
@sweetcupcake52 im slacking on my movies lately!! i usually on top of my movies but not have been lately lookin forward to iron man 2
@jeffschroeder23 You and Jordan are so sweet !!! Will you ever move to the same state ?
@debbiesdaisy one day???
@jeffschroeder23 going to be in chic. may21 going to nonna's wish you and jordan could be there wanted to drink it up with you two.
@varneys04 gonna be in NC but tell the guys i sent you haha
@jeffschroeder23 Jeff you tweet so happy, I am glad you are!!!
@arencain thank you
@jeffschroeder23 Any plans with your mom tomorrow??
@PattiPB of course, going to brunch with the family
@jeffschroeder23 Hopefully I will be seeing you and @MingleMixx next Sunday!
@ldel1111 would love to meet you
@jeffschroeder23 Just joined twitter today and looked up you & Jordan.
@mkongkasuwan welcome to twitterland haha its a bit crazy lol
@jeffschroeder23 Hey Jeff! Are you and Jordan going to get together for your birthday? Love all the pics recently....
@ndd123 she'll be here for my birthday in june
@jeffschroeder23 what do you think about the Eagles trading DM to the Redskins?
@Trish9299 good move for the skins
@jeffschroeder23 Any particular reason why you always skip over my questions?
@LadyWildcat78 sorry sorry just randomly pick what was the question?
@jeffschroeder23 Did you see Avatar before you ran the race? that saying "let's dance" was said in that movie too...made me think of you!
@MoeAnn221 ya i saw it!! i know i caught that too haha
@jeffschroeder23 How about a Bruins and Hawks matchup in Stanley Cup finals - would love ot see that
@goaliemom34 hawks are tough!!! one game at a time though....
@jeffschroeder23 No worries...just teasing..all is gr8...hope u & Jordan make a trip 2 ny or even the jersey shore..wud luv 2 hang again
@lovemy4boysrtsj will let you know 4 sure when we do!! will blow it up like vegas haha
@jeffschroeder23 where do you stay when u visit Jordan? hotel or her place with her family? :-)
@winniemay1980 with jordan and her family there the best!!!
@jeffschroeder23 I have the coolest surprise 4 you ....
@BradBurns32as looking forward to it
@jeffschroeder23 is Jordan still working at the same place as she did b4 bb11? That girl is a workaholic!! Love u both!!xoxo
@HeartRealityTv yep, and she really does work tooooooo much!!!!
@jeffschroeder23 Hey, do you like Jordans new baby, Maggie? She looks like a sweetheart. Well, both of them do!
@deemj61 yes haha very cute she loves that dog
alright lets do a little tweeting......... /via @jeffschroeder23 <<< whatup CuZ
@antmuggz word up bro, what are you doing on here?? haha see you at the gym cuz
Hear hear!! RT: @jeffschroeder23 OK, Jeff ,Can we in Toronto look forward to see You and Jordan in our gorgeous city? /via @IsBallygood
@Jojo1S might go fishing up in there in june?
@jeffschroeder23 your jeans are doing great at the debbie gibson auction, its awesome you do so much for charity, @bbjordanlloyd is proud.
@dloon20 thanks its my pleasure! and jordan better be proud of me hahahha
@jeffschroeder23 Hey! My cousin is about to move to Chicago. He's looking at living in a suburb called Napersville? Is this a good place
@lms0123 my bro lives there! great great place!! voted #1 place to live in the US a few years back! really nice
@jeffschroeder23 how about "you shut your mouth, penguins are tough sons of bitches" LOL
@MyLadyKat haha they are!!!
@jeffschroeder23 Jordan won all of that money and still has a job where she has to work weekends?? What happened??
@twt11 she put it in the bank, now its back to work as normal
@jeffschroeder23 What are the chances of a Hawks vs Sharks playoff?? I"d have to root against you tho.
@kaysis1 look like its gonna happen!!
@jeffschroeder23 i know you dig the reggae, http://hiphopgame.ihiphop.com/index2.php3?page=tracks1 <--check the Damian Marley and Nas tunes
@JCavi8 thanks i'll check it out! did you send me the tweet about marley and nas? think it was you? awesome thanks!!
@Jeffschroeder23 Good times seeing you on AR and BB. Hope this summers Bb is as good as last year!
@Trish9299 thanks looking forward to BB 12
@jeffschroeder23 you just made my Mother's Day weekend by getting my lst response from you! Thanks Jeff!!!!!
@disawyer happy mothers day
@jeffschroeder23 Love you in the Elimination Station videos. We felt your pain. : ) So glad you at least got to spend time with Jordan.
@IheartHollydays its a real pain in the ass to live on the ocean in mexico in a huge house haha was a great time and experience!!!
@jeffschroeder23 Ok so now I am getting a complex...u never tweet back..but not going 2 say ttyn
@lovemy4boysrtsj heeeeeeeyyyy i remember you!!! how's everything?? sorry i kinda just write randomly im not really looking at faces
@lovemy4boysrtsj ttyn haha i don't know why that makes me laugh haha
@jeffschroeder23........safe trip to Gators see you there ....
@BradBurns32as your going cool!! can't wait see you there brad!!
@jeffschroeder23 is jordan still planning the family cruise?
@JCavi8 might just go down to the beach when i go see her the weekend after next with her mom
@jeffschroeder23 just cured my hangover!!!! Life is good! Thanks jeff!
@Speedy0103 keep it real speedy
@jeffschroeder23 You need to come to Arkansas again, SOON!! And, bring Jordan!
@ElvisCilla would love to!! made some good friends down there!!
@jeffschroeder23 Glad you get to see jordan nextweekend hope you have a blast with casey
@rkosxdestiny thank you thank you
@jeffschroeder23 Are you coming to Charlotte for Speed Street. You would love it.
@knouase jordan told me about it? she loves it!! maybe??
@jeffschroeder23 Jeff @speedy103 is respons. for my Avatar too! She craze!
@IsBallygood nice!! haha jordan's ass looks great in that pic right haha i love it
@jeffschroeder23 would you ever get a penguin tattoo with one of your one liners underneath it?
@Jess_BBLove hahah what do you suggest??
@jeffschroeder23 Hopefully coming to Chicago soon. Love Gino's East and Garrett's Popcorn!! Other suggestions??
@elenamiller1 Portillo's!!! must stop, my favorite!!!
@jeffschroeder23 I wish you and Jordan the best w/ your relationship !! You guys are perfect for each other ! On my way to a baseball game
@MelissaB71 thanks and have fun
@jeffschroeder23 Do you know anyone who wants to buy2 tickets to TARcon??? lol just kidding...I'm still going...seems like a fun event
@mish24nj tell everybody i said hi all good people seriously you'll have fun!!
@jeffschroeder23 so cool you and Jordon are still together! Through Big Brother, The Amazing Race… kudos!
@XRatedFuck thanks bro, getting through the amazing race and still being together was amazing in itself haha
@jeffschroeder23 sup man, have you showed jordan how to block sociopath tweeters, like tommyatl100 he is bad news, look at his tweets bout u
@BeanpotBennie can't make everybody happy all the time??? that's life
@jeffschroeder23 Are you happy that after Sunday you can start talking about TAR? I know we are.
@HopeOR yes , i hate not being able to talk about it
@jeffschroeder23 Are you going to be at any of the hawk playoff games? You should get them to put you on the big screen like Vince Vaughn!
@mr_ruth just went to the last home game, but sat last row in the stadium haha wish i had vince v's seats!!!!! one day??
@jeffschroeder23 Congrats on your jeans being up to $1800! Totally awesome & a great thing to do for charity!!!
@disawyer thank you kinda weird im not gonna lie but yes for a great cause
@jeffschroeder23 Thanks for the word of wisdom, my fav "you can do anything and have anything in life if you just believe and do it"
@knouase that's it!! live by those words and you can do anything!! im a believer!!!!
I should be swimming and yet here I sit by pool anxiously awaiting a tweet from @jeffschroeder23 that will probably never come.
@Speedy0103 you are a crazy one here haha got your tweet and are those my jeans hahaha your crazy!! in a good way haha
@jeffschroeder23 Bears VS Panthers OCT 10th in Charlotte BE THERE!
@_Livengood or be square!!! planning on it already bring my brother down too
@jeffschroeder23 What's your normal order at Portillo's? Have your taken Jordan there yet?
@Mom2AvaMadison of course!!!!!!!!!!!! my favorite!! big beef extra hot, small fries and ice tea!! wow im going today!!! haha
@jeffschroeder23 @CordMcCoy is on Twitter. I hope youand Jordan are still rooting for the cowboys too!
@MoeAnn221 love the cowboys! great guys! and thanks for letting me know, gotta follow him!
@jeffschroeder23 so far your jeans are leading in top bids. apparently getting into your pants is worth $1800 so far! haha
@Sarahnator83 haha i got about 15 pairs laying around thinking of gettin rid of haha j/k its for a great cause glad i can help
@jeffschroeder23 We are all looking forward to the finale of Amazing Race.
@kaysis1 me too!! great teams left
@jeffschroeder23 I miss Jordan, hope she'd made it to TARcon but I understand. Hope she's able to take her class this summer.
@Cybagem we wish we could have gone, and she is all signed up for class this summer!!
@jeffschroeder23 FYI...today is Jordan Pious' 23rd birthday and I'm hoping he and Dan are the million dollar winners tomorrow!
@RealityTVWill gotta call and wish him happy birthday!!! great guy!!
@jeffschroeder23 Nashville : ) You will LOVE it here!
@IheartHollydays great city spent the night there once had a blast, good people!!!
@jeffschroeder23 Did you see you have the highest bid on your jeans.
@knouase crazy right?????? kinda weird who am i???? its all for a good cause so im glad i can help???
@jeffschroeder23 Loved it when you told Jordan on race "We should never reproduce" after you read clue wrong. Miss your little sayings.
@dijeca my buddies girlfriend said that to me yesterday haha
@jeffschroeder23 you and Jordan are such genuine people! Wishing you the best in your future together! Thanks for tweeting us fans!
@Setaga thank you soooo much!!! good vibes back at ya
@jeffschroeder23 still crossing my fingers for a Jeff AND Jordan meet and greet! Can you make that happen? : )
@IheartHollydays depends what city you live in??? small world im sure will see each other one day you never know??
@jeffschroeder23 will Jordan be doing the @realitywanted interview with you on Wednesday?
@AVpat55 if she gets off of work in time she will otherwise its just gonna be representing haha
@jeffschroeder23 Are you gonna being see Jordan soon??
@PattiPB next weekend, casey this weekend jordan next weekend
@jeffschroeder23 will you be at the reailty event Oct 9th in VA? I know 90 others will be!
@MandeeMe i doubt it but will see???
@jeffschroeder23 did you see @jakepavelka1 dance in his underpants on dwts? Would u ever do that??
@HeartRealityTv didn't see that? but im not the best dancer even though i like to say lets dance haha
@jeffschroeder23 That girl works hard! Is she still going to school this summer?
@deemj61 soooooooo hard seriously!!!! and yes she all signed up for school!!!
@jeffschroeder23 are you gonna have a garden to water this summer...lol
@ckrowlett haha don't think so but if im in your neighborhood i'll come water yours haha
@jeffschroeder23 You need your own show, You are so funny , ♥ you and Jordan
@TammyEvans64 thanks haha maybe one day????
@jeffschroeder23 Hey Jeff, hope youre having a good Sat.
@deemj61 you too!!! going to visit some college friends tonight so should be a good one!!!
@jeffschroeder23 Will you be on TV again somewhere sometime soon?
@ActuallyAmber hopefully???
@jeffschroeder23 Can't wait until next Sunday!!
@RachelLyn_H you coming to the Gator bar to see me and Casey? looking forward to it!!
@jeffschroeder23 Looking forward to meeting you @Gators.Are you ready for some autographs?
@GrayceeJewel im ready looking forward to the trip myself!!
@jeffschroeder23 are you and Jordan still dating?
@ckrowlett yep
not gonna make it to NYC this weekend, jordan couldn't get off work and didn't wanna do the trip without her. we wish we were there!!!
@jeffschroeder23 of the final 3 on TAR, who are you rooting for?
@iGlennB all 3 are great! wish i made it to the final 3 so there all winners
@jeffschroeder23 Hi Jeff, big fan here. How about a happy tweet back to me. Have a great weekend!
@Pat_43 have a great weekend yourself thanks
tweet away @jeffschroeder23 HI from New Orleans
@pattihogan gotta get out there one day always wanted to go, love spicy food and seafood and NO has both!!
@jeffschroeder23 Yayayay! Tweetfest! How the hell are ya, Jeffro?
@Jess_BBLove all's good!!!
@jeffschroeder23 hope the hawks make it to the the finals so the pens can destroy them and most importantly hossa! Haha
@kreiffer hawks are tough, bring the pain!!!
@jeffschroeder23 I was hoping you'd be in NY this weekend...are you guys going? hope to see you there
@mish24nj not gonna make it to NYC this weekend jordan couldn't get off work and i didn't wanna go without her
alright lets do a little tweeting........