Jeff Schroeder From CBS Amazing Race and Big Brother Came To Gloucester To Film Around The World For Free
We hosted him at our house last night along with the crew, director and my boys The Rabbit and Benny Goodman.
But first we had a whole lot of fun in Gloucester.
When I first realized he was coming this way my first thought was to have him go lobstering on one of our boats but then midway through the afternoon the perfect idea for some good tv.
Any of our loyal readership knows about the triple pincher clawed lobster that we got at our dock last Saturday. it was the first one I had seen like that but we sold it off at the end of the night never really knowing where it was going or if it would be eaten the next day (which I have no problem with BTW). But some of our readers, the newspaper people and television people that came down to cover the story about the triple pincher clawed lobster all asked if we would let it go because it was a “special” lobster. We don’t take special measures to release these lobsters normally as the afternoons here are all about getting the lobsters in and out of the building as quickly as possible and of course to sell them to people that will pay the bill for said lobsters.
So when in the very same week one of lobstermen Mike Tupper aboard The Freemantle Doctor brought in an albino lobster one of only two I’ve ever seen in my entire life handling millions and millions of pounds of lobsters down here since I was a kid Mike asked if we could keep the lobster in the tank so he could show his father in law.
OK now here is where the idea came to me- We have Jeff make the decision since the name of the show is Around The World For Free- He could eat the special albino lobster and all the lobster he could eat or he would have to walk the Greasy Pole and earn the right to release the incredibly rare albino lobster back to the sea. I presented the two options in two envelopes One said EAT THE LOBSTER- The Other envelope said FREE THE LOBSTER.
Mark Ring, skipper of lobster boat The Stanley Thomas took us out to the Greasy Pole and Jeff made his decision.
Here is Jeff on the Greasy Pole taking some advice from my boy the Rabbit

Here he is on the pole.

Jeff Schroeder and Joey Ciaramitaro at The Crows Nest Gloucester MA
More to come from our adventures in Gloucester including video, pictures at Passports, The Crows, Nest and of course the fate of the albino lobster.