Having already won the show's 11th season, it seemed that Jordan Lloyd didn't have much left to prove upon entering the Big Brother house for its 13th cycle. Teaming up early with fellow former contestant and current boyfriend Jeff Schroeder, the 25-year-old was part of the veteran alliance which slowly dwindled as weeks passed. Despite holding out as one of the final two returning players in the game, her time came to an end during Thursday night's live eviction show and she was sent home, taking fourth place in the competition.
Here's what Jordan told Digital Spy about her second time in the competition.
You really seemed to have come to terms with leaving the house. Did having won the competition previously sort of lighten the blow of losing this close to the end?
"Yeah, I mean I am disappointed because I did want to make it to the Top 3 to prove I could do it again. But it wouldn't have felt right if Rachel had left before me because I feel that I would have been benefiting from Rachel's work that she had done to keep us there. Plus, Rachel was closer to Porsche and I wasn't."
Rachel mentioned wanting to remain friends outside the house. Can you see that happening or was your friendship more opportunistic because of your alliance?
"No, we will be friends outside the house."
Why do you think you struggled so much to win competitions?
"In the beginning, I didn't really need to win. I was safer. But when I needed to win, like with the questions, I would get so close and then lose. It just wasn't in the cards for me this year."
How difficult was it to continue to keep your head and heart in the game after Jeff left?
"It was hard, but once he left, it was like, 'OK, I've done this before. I don't need to give up, I just need to pick my head up and do what I did last time'. And it helped that I had Rachel there with me."
What do you plan to do after the game is completely over? You mentioned on the show wanting to try a different job.
"I'm going back to the salon and I've got to go to school. The salon works with my school schedule, they are really good to me."
Do you have any regrets in the game? Is there anything you wish you would have done differently?
"Nope, no regrets."
The veteran alliance started out so strong. Where do you think it went wrong and do you think there was a chance that all vets could have actually made it to the end?
"It went wrong whenever Dani tried to backdoor Jeff, then it went downhill from there. But, if the vets did stick together we would have wiped the entire house and it would be all vets in the end, for sure."
You mentioned in your exit interview that you think Rachel is the best player. Who else's skills did you admire in the competition?
"Rachel, Brendon, Jeff and Dani were all the best competitors on the show and I think that is why Brendon, Dani and Jeff got evicted because they were so good and nobody thought they could beat them. Rachel sort of snuck by."
What was your favorite memory from this season of Big Brother?
"When David Hasselhoff came, because I won that!"
Now that you've played twice, would you ever play again? Why or why not?
"No, I am done and am retiring from Big Brother. It was a great experience to come back and I'm glad I did it, but I think I am done. It was a lot harder mentally this time around."