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Big Brother 14 lands companion web series starring Jeff and Jordan

‘Big Brother 14′ lands companion web series starring Jeff and Jordan

Just in case you want some confirmation that Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd are not on “Big Brother 14,” here it is — CBS is using their names instead to promote a brand-new web series that will be all about their travels across America. The show’s name is pretty hilarious in itself — “Jeff & Jordan Do America” — and the show premieres on Wednesday, July 18.

So long as you live in the United States and can see the preview video below, you’ll get a pretty good idea what the show is about. The season 11 and 13 alums are traveling around the country via Route 66 to see just what sort of craziness is out there. Knowing these two, it is bound to contain plenty of comedy.

This show is coming two years after Jeff hosted a version of “Around the World For Free” — a show that was later hosted by notorious “Survivor” villain Parvati Shallow. They have also appeared on “The Amazing Race” together.

If you want an opportunity to chat with “Jordeff” (as Julie Chen playfully called them from time to time) on Thursday, you can do so at 2:00 p.m. Eastern time on Thursday by heading on over to this link. It is there that a link to the chat will be posted a little bit later in the day.

Let’s hope that these two continue to compliment each other they way they have on “Big Brother”, especially since this is the time of the year when we could all really use a good laugh. And really is there anything funnier the Technotronics?

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