We've had a little confusion on the forum as to what is appropriate to post and what isn't and posts have been deleted which we would like to avoid so here is a little breakdown to help all the posters feel more at ease to post.
Rule #1
Always be respectful to your fellow posters, no bashing or baiting into arguments, try to remain civil even in a heated debate. Avoid calling other posters out and take all personal disagreements to private message and off the open board.
Rule #2
No Bashing Jeff or Jordan, this includes implying that either of them did something inappropriate.
Rule #3
Appropriate Content, in other words try to always keep this in mind while posting "Would Jeff and Jordan feel comfortable reading what I am about to post?" For example a topic to avoid would be "Booger" or being overly critical about their marriage and how they raise their children. For example you can hope they live happily ever after, but do not post in a way that demands it from either of them or imply you think they should live their lives a certain way. This is their lives, we are here to observe not get involved.
Rule #4
Try to stay positive, you are of course allowed to post your concern over Jeff and Jordan but try not to dwell on it and overwhelm a thread with thoughts like "Oh no they are breaking up!" or "They don't want to live together". We don't know what goes on in their lives and we can only make observations and try to keep the vibe here a positive one.
Rule #5
Do not encourage fanatic behavior from others. Topics to avoid: Hacking personal accounts, use of the word "stalker" as if it's a good thing, promoting searches for Jeff and Jordans' personal contact information or encouraging others to physically follow them.
Rule #6
Try to limit all threads to Jeff and Jordan related topics, with the exception of the introduction thread, try to avoid conversations about other HG's unless it pertains to Jeff and Jordan.
Rule #7
Stay on Topic. A little deviation can lead to a good discussion, but most of the time it leads to confusion, so please try to stay on topic of the thread you are in. If you have new information you would like to post, scroll through the already exsiting topics and find the most appropriate place to post.
Rule #8
Do not discuss moderation or debate site rules on the open board. If you have a problem with the way your posts was modded or if you have a problem with the site or a moderator, please address all concerns in either a private message to a mod or through the contact page.
Rule #9
Do no initiate board wars with other sites. You are free to discuss info from other sites but please avoid bringing their negativity here to discuss.
Rule #10
No Spamming
Rule #11
Do not use posts to place judgment other fans or criticize other posters interest in a current topic. Words such as "Who cares" or "why are we even talking about this?" are to be avoided. If you don't care for a topic being discussed simply do not engage in discussion, don't make others feel bad that they are discussing something you feel they shouldn't. Its not your place to pass such judgment.
Rule #12
Do not take posts by other members personal. Do not immediately react as if something another member said was a shot against you or that you were specifically called out. Most of the times this is a result of a misunderstanding and can easily be cleared up if you address it privately with the person you feel slighted you. Posts online can often be misread, feelings can be misconstrued so please keep that in mind and don't always assume the worst. Send the person a PM and try to clear it up there and not on the open board where other people can get involved and make matters worse.
If you think another site member is breaking these rules feel free to flag their post or contact a mod.
If you have any further questions or need to report a rule breaker please feel free to contact me or one of the mods here either through the contact page or personally through their profile pages.